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The District of Columbia Public Library

FY 2017 Operating Budget:

Year-to-Date Report
as of September 30, 2017 (Fiscal Month 12 - Not Closed; Unaudited)
Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Document #9B.1
Board of Library Trustees Meeting
FY 2017 Budget
September 30, 2017 marked the conclusion of FY 2017. DC Public Library (DCPL) Local
obligations are at $55.7M or 98.7 % of the total Local budget of $58.4M. Gross obligations are
at $56.4M or 98.1 % of the total Gross Budget of $61.3M. The Local budget is supported by
tax and non-tax revenue that is not earmarked and is allocated, by Agency, during the annual
budget process. The Gross sometimes referred to as the Operating Budget is the total
budget that includes resources from all funding sources (except Capital): Local, Federal,
Special Purpose (or Other or O-Type), Private and Intra-District and encompasses the
Districts day-to-day activities.
Both the Local and Gross budgets are made up of two major categories: Personal Services
(PS) and Non-Personal Services.
Personal Services (PS) includes personnel-related budget and expenditures (i.e. salaries,
benefits, overtime). The Librarys FY 2017 PS expenditures-to-date are at 99.6% (or $42.2M)
of the Local and 99.5% (or $42.6M) of the Gross budgets, respectively, as compared to
100.5% ($41.8M) of the Local and 100.5% ($42.1M) of Gross budgets, at the same time last
Non-Personal Services includes other than personnelrelated items, such as supplies, rent,
contracts and equipment. DCPLs NPS Local obligations are at 96.1% ($13.5M) of the Local
budget and 94.6% ($15.7M) of the Gross budget. FY 2017 NPS obligations are slightly behind
the FY 2016 Local obligations of 96.2% ($13.3M) and Gross obligations 96.0% ($14.4M), as of
the same time last fiscal year.

FY 2017 Budget
FY 2017 Adjustments Fiscal Month 12 (September) has not yet closed, which means all
reviews and adjustments have not been finalized. The attached reports reflect adjustments for
non-lapsing funding for Books and Electronic Materials and the Books from Birth program. Other
reclassifications are anticipated and will be reflected in the Committees subsequent report(s)
and included in the final, audited Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the District,
due to Congress, no later than February 1st following the end of fiscal year.

FY 2017 Budget Status
(Local Budget as of September 30, 2017 FM12 - Not Closed)
Cost Categories Budget Obligations Variance ($) % Oblig
Personnel Service
11 Regular Pay- Cont Full Time 31,530,077 31,615,707 (85,630) 100.3%
12 Regular Pay- Other 1,590,761 1,503,768 86,993 94.5%
13 Additional Gross Pay 805,000 618,211 186,789 76.8%
14 Fringe- Benefits- Curr Personnel 8,162,831 8,101,876 60,955 99.3%
15 Overtime 315,000 376,712 (61,712) 119.6%
Total Personnel Service (PS) 42,403,669 42,216,273 187,395 99.6%

Non-Personnel Service
20 Supplies and Materials 436,395 416,208 20,187 95.4%
30 Energy and Utilities 0 0 0 0.0%
31 Telephone, Telegraph, Telegram & Etc 125,000 32,303 92,697 25.8%
32 Rentals - Land & Structure 0 0 0 0.0%
33 Janitorial Services 0 0 0 0.0%
34 Security Services 0 0 0 0.0%
35 Occupancy 0 0 0 0.0%
40 Other Services and Charges 8,304,012 7,936,927 367,084 95.6%
41 Contractual Services & Other 56,988 56,988 0 100.0%
50 Subsidies and Transfers 0 0 0 0.0%
70 Equipment & Equipment Rental 5,111,619 5,044,952 66,667 98.7%
Total Non-Personnel Service (NPS) 14,034,014 13,487,378 546,635 96.1%

Grand Total: PS + NPS 56,437,682 55,703,652 734,031 98.7%

FY 2017 Budget Status
(Gross Budget as of September 30, 2017 FM12 - Not Closed)
Cost Categories Budget Obligations Variance ($) % Oblig
Personnel Service
11 Regular Pay- Cont Full Time 31,530,077 31,615,707 (85,630) 100.3%
12 Regular Pay- Other 1,864,050 1,779,597 84,454 95.5%
13 Additional Gross Pay 807,000 619,501 187,499 76.8%
14 Fringe- Benefits- Curr Personnel 8,229,677 8,157,211 72,466 99.1%
15 Overtime 335,431 393,957 (58,526) 117.4%
Total Personnel Service (PS) 42,766,235 42,565,972 200,263 99.5%

Non-Personnel Service
20 Supplies and Materials 448,920 423,528 25,393 94.3%
30 Energy and Utilities 0 0 0 0.0%
31 Telephone, Telegraph, Telegram & Etc 225,688 132,303 93,385 58.6%
32 Rentals - Land & Structure 0 0 0.0%
33 Janitorial Services 0 0 0 0.0%
34 Security Services 0 0 0 0.0%
35 Occupancy 0 0 0 0.0%
40 Other Services and Charges 9,426,244 8,980,364 445,880 95.3%
41 Contractual Services & Other 56,988 56,988 0 100.0%
50 Subsidies and Transfers 0 0 0 0.0%
70 Equipment & Equipment Rental 6,488,784 6,147,604 341,180 94.7%
Total Non-Personnel Service (NPS) 16,646,624 15,740,787 905,837 94.6%

Grand Total: PS + NPS 59,412,859 58,306,760 1,106,099 98.1%

FY 2017 Budget Status FY 2017
as of 9/30/17 (FM12 Unadjusted)
% Year Elapsed: 100.00%

Total 9/30/17 Total 9/30/16 Total 9/30/15

PS NPS (FY17) (FY16) (FY15)
Total Local Budget: 42,403,670 15,965,912 58,369,582 55,403,121 56,792,114
Total Local Expenditures: 42,216,273 13,329,968 55,546,241 55,074,028 56,205,562
% Expended: 99.6% 83.5% 95.2% 99.4% 99.0%
Table 1 Table 2 Last PPE: 9/30/2017 w/ accrual
Total Available Local NPS Balances Total Available Local PS Balances
9/30/15 (FY15) 9/30/16 (FY16) 9/30/17 (FY17) 9/30/15 (FY15) 9/30/16 (FY16) 9/30/17 (FY17)
Amount 539,875 523,723 2,478,534 Amount 46,677 (194,629) 187,396
% 3.4% 3.8% 15.5% % 0.1% -0.5% 0.4%
3.4% Adj w/o Books & BFB

100% 100%
Expenditures 60%
60% Expenditures
50% Oblig but not Exp
40% Available
40% Available
30% 20%
10% 0%
0% 9/30/15 9/30/16 9/30/17
9/30/15 (FY15) 9/30/16 (FY16) 9/30/17 (FY17) -20% (FY15) (FY16) (FY17)

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