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Westminster Choir College of Rider University

Evaluation of Darla Lowes Business Plan for Creativity Connects

Alexander Garcia


Professor Dellinger

8 May 2017
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Darla Lowe has created a viable institutional plan for an organization named Creativity

Connects. The organization strives for the betterment and empowerment of the arts to unify

young students throughout the world. This is a formal evaluation of the entire business plan for

Creativity Connects that utilizes various sources including, the Management and the Arts

textbook, class notes, articles, and a book written by Mike McKeever about composing a hefty

business plan. The evaluation will be used to further enhance the qualities of the organization

laid out in the business plan.

When observing the first two pages, I am greeted with a simple but enthusiastic cover

page and table of contents outlining the entire business plan. Following the table of contents, the

vision and mission are displayed with realistic photographs empowering the views of the entire

organization. The vision of Creativity Connects calls for the importance of unity among students

around the world. The vision as a whole fits within the boundaries of a maximum of three

sentences but exceeds the amount of depth within just two (Dellinger). In the class notes, it is

stated that the vision must have a Purpose/Reason to have the deepest passion while Sounding

solely immediate, being passion verb focused, and having a maximum of three sentences.

Throughout the entire vision of Creativity Connects, Lowe constantly refers uses empowering

words such as harmonious, universal, collective, and various other meaningful catch words that

grab the potential partner and customers attention. However, some words throughout the vision

statement including, imbued and artificial, seem to draw attention away from the initial vision of

the organization. By merely removing the two words from the vision would overall help the

paragraph flow steadily into the true inspiration behind the organization and finally into the

mission. Creativity Connects establishes a clear outline of what, why, and how the organization
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will carry out their programs. the mission is the purpose the organization exists (e.g., to bring

high-quality new plays about contemporary issues facing the world we live in) (Byrnes, 154).

The book clearly states that the mission should be created around the boundaries of revealing the

purpose of the organization. By following the guidelines provided, Creativity Connects has

established a set mission that utilizes the three key components of the entire program.

Additionally, the short explanation for each goal flows steadily into one another which provides

a strong foundation for the rest of the goals set aside by the organization. Although the typical

maximum for a mission statement is three sentences, Creativity Connects mission statement is

constructed with four sentences. keys flow into the goals and want to avoid mission creep by

having the mission and goals VERY CLEAR & strategically plan (Dellinger). While all the

information is portrayed in the mission, condensing it to three sentences or even removing words

could lead to ideas being repeated less and evolve into a more straight-forward statement. One of

the main components of a business plan is the persuasive information of the goals set out by the

organization. The goals outlined for Creativity Connects exemplifies the idea of goals that are

easily attainable and measurable. Exactly what do you want your business to accomplish for

you? Freedom from 9 to 5? Moneyand if so, how muchMaking the world or your little part

of it a better placeso be specific (McKeever, 16). As Mckeever has stated, the goals

throughout the business plan have to accomplish what the organization is wanting to fulfill while

maintaining specificity. The very first goal explained by Creativity Connects dives right in and

establishes the estimated time, what type of program, and how many students the program is

willing to handle. Also, the objectives of each goal sufficiently identify the overall layout to carry

out the plan. By using the concept of a SMART goal, Creativity Connects was able to establish
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effective goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, reportable, and time manageable

(Dellinger). The vision, mission, and goals of the organization provided by Creativity Connects

sets out a strong beginning to the start of a business plan.

Following the vision, mission, and goals of the organization is the Articles of

Incorporation and Bylaws. The Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of an organization have to

follow a specific outline provided by the state the organization resides in (Dellinger). The articles

provided by Creativity Connects overall outlines the name, location, and duties that will be

carried out as it goes through the process of becoming a 501(c)(3) organization. There is a

section in the articles that requires a description of the purpose of the organization which was

roughly provided by Creativity Connects. Ideally, when asked to explain the purposes of the

organization it should include a brief description followed by the goals to ensure that the full idea

is portrayed in the governing documents. Having a set purpose along with goals will surely drive

the organization towards a successful future. Next, the Bylaws for the organization should help

govern the operation to ensure a successful plan (Byrnes, 45). Creativity Connects overall

confines with the outlines set out by the governing state for the bylaws of the organization. From

setting explaining the role of the board of directors, officers of the board, committees, as well as

officers and staff, the bylaws continually apply to the organization's key purpose. On the other

hand, there is an instance in which the fiscal year listed in the bylaws is conflicting with the

fiscal year listed on the front of the business plan. Ideally, the fiscal year listed on the cover of

the business plan, October 1, 2018, to September 31, 2020, should be in line the fiscal year listed

in the governing documents. Providing different fiscal years could cause controversy between the

governing state later on if the business plan for Creativity Connects were to go forth into the real
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world. Overall, the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the organization follow the

guidelines but fixing and adding minor issues would further empower the legal bindings behind

the organization.

Soon after, the executive summary and governance for Creativity Connects follows the

vision, mission, and goals. The executive summary of any business plan is basically a quick

overview/summary of the entire business plan. The summary includes what the organizations

purpose is, how it will benefit the community, the staff involved, marketing, and other dominant

factors that dictate the organization from any other (Dellinger). The executive summary of

Creativity Connects actively follows the guide given throughout the semester. The summary is

well structured and effectively goes through the processes that needs to be executed by Creativity

Connects. Although the summary gives an overview of the governing officials and staff, it does

not clearly state whether or not the organization functions from a top-down or bottom-up

perspective. Mechanistic Approach is Centralized, Top - Down Approach, has a set of rules,

Order, and Engineered / Fine-Tuned, while an Organic Approach is Decentralized, Bottom - Up

Approach, Wants to know what people feel, Freedom to give input/feedback, and 20th Century

Approach (Dellinger). While it may be implied, having a set simple explanation whether the

organization functions from a mechanistic or organic approach would provide helpful

information to the perspective audience reviewing the executive summary. In order to grab the

audience's full attention in the real world, the business plan has to focus on the initiatives it will

take to market their product/program. Referring to how the organization will market their

programs is one of the few things lacking in the executive summary for Creativity Connects.

Arts organizations lacking a strong social media presence and a website with a blog and video
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clips featuring its work runs the risk of dropping even further out of the public eye (Byrnes,

425). Even though the major marketing strategies are needed to be outlined in the marketing

narrative it is imperative to mention a few of the marketing initiatives in the executive summary.

Creativity Connects mentions how many students they are hoping to enroll in the program but

the main method of recruiting the children is not mentioned enough in the summary. Providing a

few marketing strategies without going too in depth, such as a website, outreach programs, and

advertisements around the community would overall reinforce the initiative they are willing to

take to bring in their students in the summary. Your job is to tell your readers who you are, what

you want to do, how much money you need, and how much money you expect to make, all on

one page (McKeever, 159). Providing to the readers what the organization wants to complete is

essential to a successful business plan. Creativity Connects dives into how the students will

interact with others around the world. However, it seizes to reinforce how the program will

reflect and improve the violence in Baltimore as stated in the summary. Including the drive

behind providing the program in Baltimore will further reassure how it will make a difference in

the community as well as overseas. A brief description of how the arts program will improve the

community without making the summary longer than a page is essential to the overall summary

of the business plan. The executive summary as a whole provides the necessary information

needed for the organization but could use a few adjustments.

The marketing narrative shortly follows the executive summary with various key

components of how to successfully market for the organization. The branding for an

organization, such as Creativity Connects, is an important component for marketing the

organization. A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one
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sellers product as distinct from those of other sellers (Byrnes, 436). In the branding statement

for Creativity Connects it clearly states what the program is willing to achieve in the future,

much like their vision statement. However, the meaning behind the logo established by

Creativity Connects is quickly mentioned at the end of the branding statement. Going more into

depth on how the logo was created, the reason behind the logo, and how it represents the

organization would prove helpful to the motive behind Creativity Connects instead of leaving it

at the end as an afterthought. The initial branding for the organization at the moment seems a

little lackluster and would be greatly improved if there were a slogan in addition to the logo for

the company. Referencing to the logo, and possible slogan, for the organization throughout the

business plan would enhance the existing branding and improve the overall brand image for the

community to realize (Byrnes, 436). Marketing the programs of an arts organization efficiently is

necessary for getting the organization out of confined doors to the general public. Reputable

sources and information are required for a marketing analysis since the organization has to

determine how it will fit into the residing state and community. Constant information regarding

the percentage of family households, average income, and percentage of college degrees is

present throughout the marketing analysis for Creativity Connects. As stated below, the

information given in the marketing plan has to pertain to the local economy and community.

Your marketing plan will cover areas ranging all the way from determining how your business

fits into the national and local economies to deciding what color your logo should

be (McKeever, 140). The statistics provided by Creativity Connects swiftly progress into each

other. There is an instance in which the percentage of family households in Maryland is revealed

but there is not enough information that backs up the statistic and how it pertains to the
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organization. While it may be implied, as Creativity Connects is family oriented, it would have

been helpful to provide why the percentage of family households is beneficial to the

organization. The universal marketing plan for Creative Connects is thoroughly well thought out

and contributes to the success of the programs provided. Although, the programs created by

Creativity Connects are vaguely mentioned when it comes to the marketing of the product in the

community. Product(s) and What Makes it Special. As in who is the target audience, is there a

rental space, member ships, classes, tuition, artist services, and royalties (Dellinger). The

products being marketed by the organization should make an appearance in the marketing plan in

one way or another as stated in the class notes. Describing how the marketing provided will

contribute and promote the programs would provide useful information for the reader of the

business plan at the time. Perhaps providing a larger description of how the classes would be

promoted through local school and transportation ads would bring forth more detail behind the

marketing initiative. Adding the additional suggestions to the marketing narrative will further

skyrocket the organization in today's society.

After the marketing narrative, the fundraising narrative for Creativity Connects is laid out

for the entire organization. The beginning of the fundraising narrative lays out why the

prospected individuals, corporations, and foundations should fund the initiative behind Creativity

Connects. The introduction provides a clear statement as to how the fundraising will help further

benefit the organization. Fundraising, Development/Advancement is the art of raising money

through multiple sources/channels, engaging individuals in the act of charity and aligning with a

cause greater than themselves. In doing this effectively, we are helping advance the mission of

the institution and facilitate the realization of vision (Dellinger). The concept of having a donor
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sponsor a child abroad will surely provide adequate fundraising opportunities for the

organization and representation of various individual students. Creating a special bond between

the donor and student will enable a strong relationship between Creativity Connects and the

community. If the donor program is promoted and receives positive reviews, then that will

attract several more prospected donors which will support the students of Creativity Connects.

As described in the fundraising narrative, the donors will be able to participate in dinners and

lectures provided by the board members. Instead of only creating several events throughout the

year it might be beneficial to also hold a large gala for donors, parents, board members, and

foundation officers at the end of the year. Arts organizations usually try to hold at least one

event a year as a fund-raiser (Byrnes, 489). Holding at least one large event or several, as stated

by in the textbook, would establish a large fundraising opportunity for the organization. In

addition, providing a gala with performances from students as well as showcasing art by students

for participants who are active donators of the organization would initially become a thank you

for the support of Creativity Connects. Creativity Connects lists a numerous amount of

foundation prospects that would initially benefit the program throughout its running years. Some

of the prospects include the Clinton Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and

individuals such as George and Betsy Sherman. While these fundraising prospects are adequate

for boosting the programs given by Creativity Connects there is also another useful initiative that

could be taken in order to raise more for the organization. Meanwhile, we should note that the

NEAs budget is about 0.2 percent of the total amount spent on the nonprofit arts in the United

States. The rapidly growing crowdfunding platform Kickstarter expects to direct more funding to

the arts in its third year of operation than the NEA does (Boaz). Even though the NEA is
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beneficial to some arts organizations, it would be wise for Creativity Connects to also participate

in establishing a Kickstarter to get itself off of the ground in the beginning. Utilizing the online

website would not only boost fundraising but it would also provide a great source of marketing.

The prospects provided will most likely support the organization as a whole but having the extra

benefits of Kickstarter would also bring forth many opportunities for everyone a part of

Creativity Connects. Fundraising is important for any arts organization and will, in the end,

provide for the organization in numerous ways.

Following the fundraising narrative, the business plan is greeted with an overview of the

operations plan for Creativity Connects. The operations plan for the organization should layout

the base of operations, flow chart, and board prospects. This initially should dictate how the

programs will be running and how each sector of management will cooperate other levels of

management. In order for the organization to function efficiently each sector and level of the

organization should have a way of providing input (Byrnes, 151). The information discussed in

the operations plan clearly outlines how the each staff member will have the opportunity to give

input on various tasks carried out by the board and executive managers. This definitely emulates

an organization that puts the priority of the community and staff above all while still maintaining

executive decisions. The operational flow chart for the organization is well-detailed for each

position, but there could contain more managerial positions and staff positions to evenly flesh

out the duties of each sector. Workflow contains how strategies, goals, and objectives become

working projects. It is more departmentally, across functional areas and determines how these are

carried out in integrated systems. How do they work together as integrated parts? Who sets

operations? How do departments work together? Who administers changes and

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how (Dellinger). The explanations are given for each sector of the organization efficiently

provides the roles of each individual running the processes. While the sectors are detailed they

seem to be lacking a few positions that could provide unique attributes to the organization.

Instead of pouring most of the production preparations and program coordinations on the artistic

director and separate team it would be useful to add the position of an assistant artistic director.

Creating an additional position under the artistic director would provide additional help as well

as input for performance production and art activities for students. In addition to having a

successful business plan, the organization must have reputable and intellectual leaders as stated

below. Someone must be selected to run the turnaround. This person must have a single unified

vision for the organization, have the courage to make difficult decisions in the face of

controversy, possess strong negotiating skills, respect all parties including artists, work

incredibly hard, and have an obsessive focus on solving the problem (Kaiser, 1). From a glance,

the board prospects for Creativity Connects have exceeded the qualifications to operate a

prestigious arts organization. Each board member has made contributions to the community

after/while receiving their degrees in business or the arts. Including additional information for

each board as to how they would directly benefit Creativity Connects would ensure that they are

suitable for the positions chosen for them. Ensuring that each board member has a beneficial

vision for the organization and how they contribute to each other would benefit the organization.

As the business plan comes to an end, the final page concludes with the financial

narrative for Creativity Connects. The financial plan outlines a brief summary of how the earned

income, unearned income, and expenses will take part in the operations of Creativity Connects

(Dellinger). The organization will benefit from a 60 percent earned income and 40 percent
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unearned income. Having a steady balance between the two will provide an array of income for

the entire organization. Within the financial plan, Creativity Connects also provides a set aside

for expenses essential to the organization which coincides concretely with the budget in mind.

Having expenses laid out for the organization beforehand will be beneficial in the end as it

creates a foundation to have enough room for surprise expenses. The biggest lines are the

ones which can yield the greatest results from small percentage changes. Typically, the biggest

income lines for arts organizations are state or private funding and sales/box office

income (Kaiser). As stated above, the income for the organization is generated from private

funding and box office sales. The income of Creativity Connects will mainly come from donors,

grants, performances, and tuition as reviewed in the financial plan. Having the income outlined

in the financial plan supports the core values of the organization. It could be helpful for the

business plan to provide information on how the income will be split between the students in

Baltimore and overseas. This overall is one aspect that is not completely clear in the financial

plan and would be a useful key component to mention for the organization. Having an idea of

how to split the income between the two sectors would further solidify the intentions of

operating overseas. Having the role of a business manager/finance manager prominent in the

financial plan is critical as they provide input for the budget and finances under the board

(Byrnes, 401). Creativity Connects successfully mentions the importance of having a finance

manager and treasurer in the final sentences of the financial plan. Establishing a budget

committee in addition to the finance manager and treasurer will further ensure that the financial

plan and budget is feasible. Also, mentioning how often the budget committee will meet reveals

how important maintaining the budget is for the organization. Having the necessary finances laid
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out for Creativity Connects, and any arts organization, in general, is important to finally persuade

the prospective audience in supporting the organization.

To conclude, the business plan for Creativity Connects actively follows the logistics of a

strategic business plan. Minor adjustments to the vision, mission, and goals of Creativity

Connects will benefit the organization in the long-run. The vision, mission, and goals ultimately

tie into the executive summary and the rest of the business plan, therefore, by adjusting the minor

implications suggested, the business plan as a whole will be even more complete than in its

current state. One final suggestion for the business plan of Creativity Connects would be to add

more pictures throughout within the various paragraphs of each section to further support how

exciting and meaningful the message behind the organization is to the community. Creativity

Connects established by Darla Lowe is a viable organization that should successfully appeal to

the target audience they are going for. Providing a unique learning approach to children not only

in the United states but throughout the entire world will definitely contribute to the community in

various ways.
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Works Cited

Boaz, David. "The New York Times Company." The New York Times. The New York Times,

n.d. Web. 06 May 2017. <https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2012/05/01/how-to-


Byrnes, William J. Management and the Arts. Oxford: Focal, 2015. Print.

Dellinger, Todd. Intro to Arts Administration. Westminster Choir College of Rider University.

Cullen 15. Spring 2017. Class Notes.

Kaiser, Michael M. The Art of the Turnaround Creating and Maintaining Healthy Arts

Organizations. Hanover: Brandeis UP, 2009. Print.

McKeever, Mike P. How to Write a Business Plan. Berkeley, CA: Nolo, 2017. Web. 6 May 2017.

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