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Benjamin Duarte

Professor Liptrap

Sports Practicum

November 3, 2017

CSMG Patrick Fisher

Event: Atlantic Regional Pickleball Tournament 2017

Event Location: Connecticut Armory Hartford, Ct October 26, 2017 October 29, 2017


1) Event Summary Observations & Overview

My observations of the event were through new eyes. Before attending this

event my understanding of the game was a combination of tennis and table tennis made

for old people in retirement homes. But once watching and learning the game. I became

a fan of Pickleball. If I were to start from the beginning, I would pick another location.

For the time frame, CSMG had to set this whole event, the location ended up working

for the situation.

I would have chosen a location, that could serve vendors, and any food services.

This would add space for people to watch games. Also allowing the games to be spaced

out for netting or some type of divider around each court. I noticed while supervising

that majority of the time, player would be in mid volley, and a ball would enter the

court. Either taking a point away from the opposing team or saving a team from a point.

With the addition of dividers for the courts, you may lose courts but you gain a time in

play when players are not searching or chasing ball around the facility. The

communication between USAPA and CSMG supervisors, workers, and volunteers. As

part of the combined team, the communication was unformed on the first day but

through each day the communication became better and better. Early communication

needs to communicated before the event happens, for comfortability and for

understanding of what needs to be done between groups playing and courts available.

Once those problems were understood and attempted to be fix things became smooth. I

think the rush of getting everything started and staying on time, took the focus off

something rather than others. Even being patience would have to be put into account.
2) What was your role on day 1?

My role for day one was to measure out the courts and mark the location of each

corner. I worked along with Gregory Eng, Christopher Anderson, Jessica Rotondo and Ryan

Meagher to set up the courts. My responsibilities were to measure the length and width of the

court, also measure the measurement need to make the court USAPA accurate. Gregs job was

to tap the lines of the court. Chriss job was to mark the lines with chalk. Just realized that it

would be easier to use drawing chalk to draw the lines along the tape measure for a more

accurate measurement, chalk could be easier removed and used to identify which lines are

which. Jessicas job was to mark the points of each court. From the corn to corner, kitchen line

and net should be. Ryan worked alongside me with the measuring of the courts requirements.

3) What was my role on Day 2?

My role on day was working alongside Benjamin Guisto, as Site Director and Event

Supervisor. While working with Benjamin, him and I would discuss where the referees and other

Event Supervisors would be placed. For Volunteers, would we place them in positions such as

scorecard runner and line judge. With those volunteers, referees and supervisors. I would roam

around making sure everyone had a drink, was staying at their courts. If referees need to be

moved I would check with Ben to make sure that courts that were not being used were not

going to be used in a matter of time. We would move the referees to keep games moving. Only

difficulty, was not knowing which courts was going to be used before they were all set. Also

having groups be assigned and sent to courts which were not available until all the round where

finished. And some had more than 7 rounds, even medal rounds.
4) What was your role on Day 3?

My role was the same as Day 2, but with some additional responsibility. Not only was I

supervising the court supervisors and referees. I was also running scorecards, placing groups on

courts that were open. Also had to fill in for Court Supervisor, and referees. The next day

difficulties were replacing referees during lunch break. Because referees need lunch or a break,

we were unlucky to have a section for refs to be on call. We had to hold off courts or fill in

ourselves. But scheduling was tough because the games would end at different times. Which

made it difficult to find a replacement or a substitute.

5) What was your role on Day 4?

My role on day 4 was a lot easier than day 3 because things became smoother. And with

time and learning the ins and outs of an operation, things become smoother. Again, I was in

responsible for supervising the court supervisors and referees, running scorecards, placing

groups on courts that were open. Also had to fill in for Court Supervisor, and referees. But the

biggest difficulty I had that day was confusion was being handed courts to be used and that

were in use. But it was after all the aftermath, was an old sheet that wasnt need to be

scheduled on courts. But after all that, everything went back to somewhat normal. And the day

went on.

6) What you thought went well?

a. Communication

b. Teamwork

c. Volunteer Help

d. Scheduling Day 2 4
7) What you though did not go well?

a. Lunch schedule

b. Having replacement refs

c. Understanding on Day 1

d. Court Assignment

e. Court Configure arrangement

f. Vendor Placement

g. Spectator Sitting

h. Food Vendor

i. Player and Fans placement

j. Court Assignment

8) What did you learn from the experience?

a. Communication

b. Coordinator

c. Scheduling

9) Suggestions for improvements.

a. Bigger venue

b. USAPA discount, if people sign up and agree to ref they get a discount on tournament

fees. This way you will have a replacement ref, or refs on standby in case of emergency.

And if they dont show up for assigned amount of games. Or show up at all to referee,

charge them the whole fee for the tournament

c. More Staff, more people from the USAPA to help in any situations happen during the

10) Based on what YOU contributed to this event? What type of grade do you think you earned and


I would say A or B+ because there were situations I couldnt handle without help from

others. It was the encouragements from people that I worked with for this practicum.

The experiences Id learned from my work, and internship help me be able to find the

smooth side of every rock. Also, were one of the twenty kids that worked all 4 days.

Along with driving the shuttle.

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