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Efcacy of ankle foot orthoses types on walking in children with

cerebral palsy: A systematic review
Atefeh Aboutorabi a,b, Mokhtar Arazpour a,b,*, Monireh Ahmadi Bani b, Hassan Saeedi c,
John S. Head d
Pediatric Neurorehabilitation Research Center, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Orthotics and Prosthetics, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Department of Orthotics and Prosthetics, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Institute for Health & Social Care Research (IHSCR), Faculty of Health & Social Care, University of Salford, Salford, UK


Article history: Background: Ankle foot orthoses (AFOs) are orthotic devices that can be used to normalize the walking
Received 31 January 2017 pattern of children with cerebral palsy (CP). One of the aims of orthotic management is to produce a more
Accepted 27 May 2017 normal gait pattern by positioning joints in the proper position to reduce pathological reex or spasticity.
Objective: To conduct a systematic review of the literature and establish the effect of treatment with
Keywords: various types of AFOs on gait patterns of children with CP.
Ankle foot orthoses Methods: PubMed, Scopus, ISI Web of knowledge, Cochrane Library, EMBASE and Google Scholar were
searched for articles published between 2007 and 2015 of studies of children with CP wearing the
following AFOs: hinged (HAFO), solid (SAFO), oor reaction (FRO), posterior leaf spring (PLS) and
Children with cerebral palsy dynamic (DAFO). Studies that combined treatment options were excluded. Outcomes investigated were
CP a change in gait pattern and subsequent walking ability. The PEDro scale used to assess the
methodological quality of relevant studies.
Results: We included 17 studies investigating a total of 1139 children with CP. The PEDro score was poor
for most studies (3/10). Only 4 studies, of 209 children in total, were randomized controlled trials, for a
good PEDro score (5, 7, 9/10) and an appropriate level of evidence. One study used a case-based series
and the remainder a cross-sectional design. In general, the use of AFOs improved speed and stride length.
The HAFO was effective for improving gait parameters and decreasing energy expenditure with
hemiplegic CP as compared with the barefoot condition. It also improved stride length, speed of walking,
single limb support and gait symmetry with hemiplegic CP. The plastic SAFO and FRO were effective in
reducing energy expenditure with diplegic CP. With diplegic CP, the HAFO and SAFO improved gross
motor function.
Conclusion: For children with CP, use of specic types of AFOs improved gait parameters, including ankle
and knee range of motion, walking speed and stride length. AFOs reduced energy expenditure in children
with spastic CP. However, further studies with good PEDro scores are required for more conclusive
evidence regarding the effectiveness of AFOs in children with CP.
C 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction society [1]. Orthotic management is a signicant and useful

treatment option for a number of conditions that affect gait and
Efcient and effective walking is an important treatment goal posture and usually forms part of an overall rehabilitation program
for children with cerebral palsy (CP) because mobility is associated established for patients with CP. To improve gait parameters and
with functional independence and participation of the child in normalize movement patterns with spastic CP, a variety of orthotic
devices are used [2]. In children with CP, the aim of orthotic
management in the form of ankle foot orthoses (AFOs) is to
* Corresponding author. Department of Orthotics and Prosthetics, University of
produce a more normal gait pattern by positioning peripheral
Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Science, Kodakyar st., Daneshjo Blvd., Evin,
Tehran, 1985713834, Iran. Fax: +98 21 22 18 00 49. joints in a way that reduces pathological reex patterns or by
E-mail address: (M. Arazpour). blocking pathological movement of the joints [2]. A wide variety of
1877-0657/ C 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Aboutorabi A, et al. Efcacy of ankle foot orthoses types on walking in children with cerebral palsy: A
systematic review. Ann Phys Rehabil Med (2017),
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REHAB-1091; No. of Pages 10

2 A. Aboutorabi et al. / Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine xxx (2017) xxxxxx

AFOs are used in clinical practice; they are characterized by their studies was obtained; the studies are checked more than once
design and their constituent materials, enabling different levels of against the inclusion criteria, and then assessed for methodological
stiffness and ankle control. The most frequently prescribed are the quality. Study designs included RCTs, prospective and retrospec-
solid AFO (SAFO), dynamic AFO (DAFO), oor reaction orthosis tive studies that included within- and/or between-group compa-
(FRO), posterior leaf spring (PLS) or hinged AFO (HAFO) with a risons or cross-sectional studies. Titles and/or abstracts of studies
plantarexion limitation facility. were retrieved, then the full text of studies that met the criteria
AFOs are designed to improve the efciency of gait of children were independently assessed by 2 review team members.
with CP [3] and provide a positive effect on gait kinetics and
kinematics [4,5] as well as decrease the energy expenditure of 2.5. Assessing risk of bias in included studies
walking [68] and enhance the attainment of functional skills
[6]. These positive effects on gait include increased active ankle The quality of studies was assessed by using the Physiotherapy
range of motion (ROM) [9,10] and maximum knee extension [11], Evidence Database (PEDro) scale [15], with the level of evidence for
stride length and walking speed [9,12]. However, a previous each selected study assessed according to the criteria suggested by
literature review [13] reported that the quality of the studies was Law and Philp [16], which limited the impact of bias in this process.
too low to accurately determine the efcacy of AFOs on gait of High scores represented high quality, and this process was
children with CP. conducted independently by 2 reviewers.
The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the
recent literature to determine the effect of different AFO types on 2.6. Data collection and synthesis
the gait parameters of children with CP. We aimed to determine
whether AFOs have a positive effect on the gait parameters of Collated data included general information such as author
children with CP and whether these results are supported by high- name(s), date of publication, subject demographics, study design,
quality studies. intervention characteristics, outcome measures and key results.
Key outcomes were described in accordance with the International
2. Methodology Classication of Functioning, Children and Youth version (ICF-CY)
[17]. The review ndings were synthesized qualitatively by
2.1. Eligibility criteria methodological (study design, outcomes) and clinical (participant
and intervention characteristics) heterogeneity. The individual P-
Articles were selected by using the Preferred Reporting Items values for accepted signicance levels in studies are shown in
for Systematic reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) method Table 2.
[14]. Inclusion criteria were studies that evaluated the effect of
any type of AFO on the gait of children with CP. Exclusion criteria 3. Results
were studies that did not examine AFOs as a therapeutic
intervention or examined other types of treatment such as foot 3.1. Study selection
orthoses, robotic-assisted training botulinum toxin, functional
electrical stimulation or surgery in conjunction with AFOs. Only We initially identied 62 studies and excluded 25 on the basis
outcome measures related to gait and functional ability were of their title and keywords. A further screening to evaluate the
considered in this review. relevance of the abstract and the aim of each study excluded
23 further studies. In total, 17 studies met our inclusion criteria
2.2. Information sources (Fig. 1).
Four studies involved RCTs or controlled clinical trials and had
We searched for articles published from 2007 to 2015 in the level II evidence [1821]. The remainder had a cross-sectional
databases PubMed, Scopus, ISI Web of Knowledge, Cochrane design with within- and/or between-group comparisons. The
Library, EMBASE and Google Scholar and also for PEDro scoring details and level of evidence of included studies are
nding randomized controlled trial (RCT) study designs. The in Table 1.
review strategy involved checking the title and abstracts of articles
for the inclusion criteria. Abstract-only reports were not consid- 3.2. Study characteristics
ered because of limited information to determine the specic
quality of the studies. 3.2.1. Characteristics of participants
A total of 1139 participants were examined in the selected
2.3. Search strategy studies: 893 with spastic diplegia, 128 spastic hemiplegia, 7 spastic
triplegia, 59 quadriplegia, and 9 a mixed type. One child had
The search strategy was based on the population intervention athetoid CP and 4 children had dyskinesia. The studies included
comparison outcome (PICO) method with selected keywords 38 healthy controls. The mean sample size was 66 (range 10378)
joined by the words OR, AND and NOT. The keywords, from with mean age 7.58 years (range 118) (Table 2).
the MeSH database in MEDLINE were ankle foot orthoses, AFO, gait,
children, CP, cerebral palsy and walking. For the keyword orthoses, 3.2.2. Types of interventions
a truncation of the root orth (e.g., orthosis, orthoses, orthotic Because of the different terms used to describe the same type of
devices) was also used. The date of the last search was January 29, AFOs and other descriptors, summarizing results was difcult.
2016. Therefore, we used the following terminology dened by Alexan-
der and Xing to dene the AFO types [22]; solid AFO (SAFO) refers
2.4. Study selection to solid polyethylene AFO (PAFO) or metallic AFO [5], rigid AFO
[4,10], xed AFO [23], or solid AFO [7,12,19,24,25]. Hinged AFO
Studies with the following in the title or abstract were eligible: (HAFO) refers to hinged AFO [8,12,19,20,24,26] or articulated AFO
(1) participants were children with CP, (2) the intervention [5,10]. Posterior leaf spring AFO (PLS) refers to posterior leaf spring
included AFOs, (3) the outcome measures included gait param- and spring-type AFO [7,9,24]. Dynamic AFO (DAFO) refers to DAFO
eters, and (4) statistical analyses were reported. The full text of all [21]. Floor reaction AFO (FRO) refers to FRO [11,27] or ground

Please cite this article in press as: Aboutorabi A, et al. Efcacy of ankle foot orthoses types on walking in children with cerebral palsy: A
systematic review. Ann Phys Rehabil Med (2017),
G Model
REHAB-1091; No. of Pages 10

A. Aboutorabi et al. / Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine xxx (2017) xxxxxx 3

Records idened by datbase

searching (PubMed, Scopus, ISI Records idened by other
Web of Knowledge) means
(n = 58) (n =16)

Records aer duplicates

Records excluded
(n =25)
(n = 62)

Full-text arcles
Title and abstract excluded (n = 23)
screened (n= 37) Because of
- Intervenon (n=9)
- Populaon (n=2)
-Study design (n=8)
Full-text arcles assessed -not relevant outcome
for eligibility (n=14) measures (n=4)

Added studies aer hand

searching (n= 3)

Studies included in
qualitave synthesis
(n =17)

Fig. 1. Flow of study selection.

reaction AFO [5,18]. The term Orteams [9] and carbon ber spring 73.42  3.8 steps/min [18], but another study found no signicant
AFO (CFO) [9] were not included in these terminologies. difference in cadence with FRO in diplegic CP [27].
Stride length was improved from 0.69  0.21 m with barefoot
3.2.3. Type of outcomes walking to 0.790.85 m with DAFO [21]. However, cadence was
A summary of the results based on the outcomes described in decreased signicantly with DAFO (P = 0.001) [21].
terms of the ICF-CY recommendations as well as authors results
are presented in Table 2. 3.3.2. Kinematics analysis
Normal knee and hip ROM in healthy children are 61.6  5.6 deg
3.3. Body function and structure and 50.9  6.2 deg, respectively, but Jagadamma et al. [4] reported
knee ROM increased to 48.9  14.4 deg and hip ROM to 45.7  6.2 deg
3.3.1. Temporal-spatial gait characteristics (P = 0.04) with SAFO in children with CP [4]. Hayek et al. found
Step length increased with SAFO as compared with barefoot reduced knee exion at initial contact by 8.5 deg (P = 0.032) with
walking (P = 0.01) [4], from a mean of 0.82  0.3 m with barefoot to SAFO versus barefoot in hemiplegic CP, with no difference in diplegic
0.98  0.2 m with SAFO, whereas in healthy children, stride length CP [10]. Peak knee extension in midstance improved (from 20 deg to
was 1.40  0.2 m [4]. With diplegic spastic CP, stride length was 10 deg exion) with SAFO (P = 0.014) [23]. For ankle ROM, with
signicantly longer with SAFO, about 13%, 17.4% and 18%, as hemiplegic CP, S/HAFO increased dorsiexion 9.413.4 deg at initial
compared with barefoot [10,12,28], and with hemiplegic CP, stride contact (P < 0.001) and signicantly increased dorsiexion 9.9 deg at
length was increased 11.7% [10]. Cadence increased from swing [10].
117.7  27 to 122.3  14.7 step/min as compared with barefoot. AFO signicantly decreased maximum plantarexion during
Jagadamma et al. suggested improved cadence with SAFO [4], but swing and mean plantarexion during stance in hemiplegic CP
Rogozinski et al. reported no change with S/HAFO [10]. [8,26]. Passive ankle dorsiexion angle was improved with HAFO
With hemiplegic CP, stride length was increased signicantly to in diplegic CP [20]. Knee exion at initial contact was decreased
0.830.9 m with HAFO versus barefoot (0.730.76 m) [8,26]. In from 16.58 + 9.33 to 8.48 + 6.65 deg exion as compared with
another study of diplegic CP, stride length increased 13% with barefoot (P = 0.02) [8].
HAFO (P < 0.005) [12]. Children with hemiplegic and diplegic CP Just one study assessed the effect of PLS on kinematics with CP.
did not differ in cadence with HAFO versus barefoot [8,10,26]. Use As compared with barefoot, PLS decreased maximal knee exion in
of HAFO for hemiplegic CP increased single support time and swing and knee hyperextension in stance and signicantly
improved symmetry of gait [8,10,26]. increased hip ROM during the stance phase of gait in hemiplegic
In hemiplegic and diplegic spastic CP, stride length was CP [9]. CFO had positive effects during loading response, terminal
increased with PLS (P < 0.05) [9,28] and FRO (approximately 3% stance and maximal hip extension in stance in hemiplegic CP [9].
and 16%, P = 0.001) [18,27] versus no AFO. In dipegic CP, cadence FRO was effective in restricting sagittal plane ankle motion
increased signicantly with FRO versus barefoot, from 62.5  4.3 to during the stance phase of gait in diplegic CP (P < 0.001) [27]. Peak

Please cite this article in press as: Aboutorabi A, et al. Efcacy of ankle foot orthoses types on walking in children with cerebral palsy: A
systematic review. Ann Phys Rehabil Med (2017),
G Model
REHAB-1091; No. of Pages 10

4 A. Aboutorabi et al. / Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine xxx (2017) xxxxxx

knee extension in midstance was improved meaningfully with FRO

in diplegic CP [11,18,27]. It was improved in midstance from

29  14 to 18  14 deg exion [27]. Lucareli et al. [11] reported no
signicant changes in hip and pelvis kinematics with FRO in diplegic
Point of

Yes DAFO improved dorsiexion in swing as compared with
barefoot (917 deg difference vs barefoot; P  0.01). Dorsiexion
was increased signicantly in stance with DAFO (13 deg difference

vs barefoot; P = 0.003) [21]. Knee extension in stance did not differ


between DAFO and barefoot conditions (P = 0.006), but hip







extension in stance was improved with DAFO versus barefoot
(24 deg difference; P  0.002) [21].


3.3.3. Kinetic analysis


Peak hip and knee extension/exion moments and also peak


ankle plantar/dorsiexion moments were signicantly higher with
SAFO versus barefoot [4]. SAFO/PLS reduced peak ankle power

during the stance phase of gait (1.400.89 W/kg between barefoot

> 85%

and AFO) [7] and HAFO decreased power to 1.61 + 1.17 W/kg
versus barefoot (1.96 + 1.25 W/kg) [8]. PLS [7] and also FRO [27]
signicantly improved sagittal knee moment in spastic CP. Van

Gestel et al. reported signicantly increased hip moment and


power with CFO in hemiplegic CP [9]. Push-off power was





signicantly reduced with DAFO versus barefoot (0.40.6 W/kg

difference; P  0.03) [21].

3.4. Activity outcomes



3.4.1. Energy expenditure

The effect of AFO on energy expenditure during gait was

measured by the energy expenditure index (EEI) [5,6], the rate of


expired gas for oxygen consumption [7] and an open-circuit


calorimeter [8].


EEI values were lower with plastic SAFO than metallic AFO
(0.25 vs 0.38 beats/m) [5]. Solid PAFO could be more benecial in
at baseline

terms of energy consumption in diplegic CP (P < 0.05) [5]. Howev-


er, in other studies, energy expenditure remained unchanged with




SAFO in diplegic CP [7,12]. Vanwala et al. reported an increase in

energy expenditure with SAFO versus barefoot in diplegic CP
(P < 0.05) [6].

One study reported meaningfully decreased energy expendi-

Level and methodological quality of the evidence for studies in the systematic review.



ture with than without HAFO in hemiplegic CP (8.81 + 1.68 vs




9.50 + 1.83 mL/kg/min) [8]. Brehm et al. reported signicantly

improved cost of walking with PLS versus barefoot in quadriplegia
allocation of

This criterion is cited but not used to compute the total PEDro score.

( 8%) but unchanged in hemiplegia and diplegia [7].


Just one study assessed the effect of FRO on energy expenditure

in children with CP [5]. Diplegic children showed decreased EEI






with FRO versus barefoot (0.40 vs 0.52 beats/m) (P = 0.035) [5].


3.4.2. Walking speed

The effect of AFOs on walking speed was analyzed in 10 studies

(a healthy childs walking speed is 1.4 m/s) [4]. Speed of walking

improved signicantly by about 34% with SAFO versus barefoot

walking [7], with the greatest improvements in diplegic CP

Level of

(P > 0.01) [10]. However, Vanwala et al. evaluated the effect of a




DAFO on walking speed in diplegic CP, reporting decreased speed



with SAFO versus barefoot (0.148  0.18 vs 0.22  0.16 m/s)

(P < 0.5) [6].
Rogozinski et al., 2009 [27]
Jagadamma et al., 2014 [4]

Schweizer et al., 2014 [26]

Van Gestel et al., 2008 [9]

Dalvand et al., 2013 [19]

Lucareli et al., 2007 [11]

Bennett et al., 2012 [12]

In hemiplegic CP, gait velocity increased signicantly with

Vanwala et al., 2014 [6]
El-Kafy et al., 2014 [18]

Caliskan et al., 2013 [5]

Balaban et al., 2007 [8]

Hayek et al., 2007 [10]

Butler et al., 2007 [23]
Wren et al., 2015 [21]

Brehm et al., 2008 [7]

Zhao et al., 2013 [20]
Ries et al., 2015 [28]

HAFO [8,26], but Bennet et al. showed walking speed not affected
by AFO [12]. In diplegic CP, gait velocity was meaningfully
improved, from 0.631.06 m/s with barefoot walking to 0.74
Author, year

1.03 m/s with HAFO [8,10,12].

Walking speed improved signicantly by 9% with PLS in
Table 1

hemiplegic CP [7,9]. Two studies showed increased walking speed


with FRO in diplegic CP (from 0.44.5  3.23 to 0.83  0.19 m/s,

Please cite this article in press as: Aboutorabi A, et al. Efcacy of ankle foot orthoses types on walking in children with cerebral palsy: A
systematic review. Ann Phys Rehabil Med (2017),
REHAB-1091; No. of Pages 10
G Model
Table 2
systematic review. Ann Phys Rehabil Med (2017),
Please cite this article in press as: Aboutorabi A, et al. Efcacy of ankle foot orthoses types on walking in children with cerebral palsy: A

Participants, methods, outcomes, results and conclusions.

Author Study design Sample Participant Intervention(s) vs Procedure Outcome measures (ICF) Results and conclusions
size characteristics control condition

Ries, et al., 2015 [28] Cross-sectional 378 Children with diplegic CP, Barefoot Differences between GDI Only step length exhibited clinically
mean age 9.8  3.8 years Solid AFO walking with AFOs and Step length (body function meaningful improvements for the average
Hinged AFO walking barefoot were and structure) AFO users. Changes in step length and speed
PLS recorded Gait speed (activity) (with an average speed increase of 34% and
Data were collected using step length increased by 18%) and GDI were all
a Vicon 3-D motion statistically signicant (P < 0.001)
capture system Conclusion: AFO for children with CP results in
consistent gait improvements in step length
Wren et al., 2015 [21] Cross-over RCT 10 6 girls and 4 boys with Dynamic AFO (DAFO) Children wore DAFO and Kinetics kinematics Children demonstrated better stride length
cerebral palsy (412 Adjustable dynamic- ADR-AFO, each for Temporal-spatial analysis (1112 cm), hip extension (2848), and swing

A. Aboutorabi et al. / Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine xxx (2017) xxxxxx
years) response AFO (ADR-AFO) 4 weeks, in randomized (body function and phase dorsiexion (98178) in both AFOs vs
5 diplegic order. Gait analysis using a structure) barefoot condition. Push-off power (0.3 W/kg)
5 hemiplegic Vicon 612 motion capture Gait speed (activity) and knee extension (58) were better with ADR-
system with 4 in-oor AFO than DAFO
triaxial force plates Conclusion: ADR-AFOs produce better knee
extension and push-off power; DAFOs
produce more normal ankle motion. Both
DAFOs provide improvements over barefoot
El-Kafy et al., 2014 [18] RCT 57 31 boys and 26 girls with Group A without orthoses Children underwent Kinematics Statistically signicant differences among the
spastic diplegic CP just traditional neuro- treatment for 2 hr daily, Temporal-spatial analysis 3 groups post-treatment in gait speed,
Mean age 68 years developmental physical for 12 weeks (body function and cadences, and stride length (P-values 0.03,
therapy Gait parameters were structure) 0.011, and 0.001 respectively). Signicant
Group B with the evaluated pre- and post- Gait speed (activity) post-treatment differences for bilateral hip
TheraTogs treatment by using a 3-D and knee exion angles
Group C with the motion analysis system Conclusion: solid ground reaction AFO
TheraTogs and solid combined with the TheraTogs strapping
ground reaction AFO system improved gait more than conventional
Jagadamma et al., 2014 [4] Cross-sectional within 19 5 girls and 3 boys mean Barefoot Children underwent gait Kinetics Stride length (P = 0.01) and walking speed
and between group age 515 years Non-tuned rigid AFO- analysis at a self- Kinematics (P = 0.04) were signicantly greater with non-
Hemiplegia (n = 4) footwear combination determined speed with Temporal-spatial (body tuned AFO-FC vs barefoot, lower peak knee
Diplegia (n = 4) (AFO-FC) 3 conditions function and structure) extension with tuned AFO-FC vs non-tuned
11 healthy children 5 and Tuned rigid AFO-FC Vicon 3-D motion analysis Walking speed (activity) AFO-FC (P = 0.04). No differences in hip and
15 years old system pelvis kinematics in any of the comparisons.
Peak knee extension moments were
signicantly lower (P = 0.001) and peak ankle
plantar exion moments were signicantly
higher (P = 0.01) vs non-tuned AFO-FC
Conclusions: potential benets of using rigid
Vanwala et al., 2014 [6] Cross-sectional study 21 5 girls and 16 boys with Solid AFO vs barefoot Participant walked for EEI Mean EEI with barefoot was 158.8  2.37 and
within group mean age 6.85 years 10 m with AFO rst and Walking speed (activity) with AFO was 370.4  3.93. Speed with barefoot
Diplegic (n = 13) then barefooted and vice was 0.22  0.16 m/s and with AFO was
Hemiplegic (n = 1) versa. 10-min rest was 0.148  0.18 m/s. Signicant difference in gait
Triplegia (n = 6) given between 2 10-m speed and EEI between the groups. P < 0.05
Quadri (n = 1) walk tests (i.e., with and Conclusion: increase in EEI and decrease in gait
MAS < 3 with GMFCS level without AFO) speed in children with spastic CP with dynamic
1, 2, 3 AFO


REHAB-1091; No. of Pages 10

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Table 2 (Continued )
systematic review. Ann Phys Rehabil Med (2017),
Please cite this article in press as: Aboutorabi A, et al. Efcacy of ankle foot orthoses types on walking in children with cerebral palsy: A

Author Study design Sample Participant Intervention(s) vs Procedure Outcome measures (ICF) Results and conclusions
size characteristics control condition

Schweizer et al., 2014 [26] Cross-sectional within 40 23 hemiplegic CP (9 girls Hinged AFO vs barefoot Patients walked barefoot Gait speed (activity) Walking speed, step length, and time to foot
and between group and 14 boys) with mean and hinged AFO at a self- Kinematics off were signicantly increased in the hinged
age 12.4 years (range 8 selected speed on a 10-m Temporal-spatial (body AFO condition on the hemiplegic side vs the
18) level ground walkway in function and structure) same side in the barefoot condition. The
17 healthy control group same day cadence was signicantly decreased.
(8 girl/9 boy). Mean age Gait analyzed by a VICON Statistically signicant differences pelvic tilt
12.8 years (range 818) motion analysis system range of motion (barefoot: 7.58 (6.19.08),
orthosis: 6.68 (5.18.1) P = 0.040)
Conclusion: hinged AFO, restoring the rst
ankle rocker, had no clinically relevant effects
on trunk kinematics
Dalvand et al., 2013 [19] Clinical trial pre-/post- 30 30 children with spastic Hinged AFO Each group was randomly GMFM (activity) Signicant difference when comparing hinged

A. Aboutorabi et al. / Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine xxx (2017) xxxxxx
design diplegia, aged 48 years Solid AFO assigned to one of the AFO with solid AFO (P < 0.05) and controls
Severity of CP was based Barefoot therapy methods. (P < 0.01) in improved gross motor function,
on GMFCS Control group just Participants were but no signicant difference between solid
occupational therapy instructed to wear AFOs AFO and controls (P = 0.631)
regularly for 3 months, Conclusion: gross motor function was
6 hr daily. Abilities of gross improved in all groups; however, hinged AFO
motor function were appears to improve the gross motor function
assessed using GMFM-88 better than solid AFO and than control groups
Zhao et al., 2013 [20] RCT 112 Children with spastic Hinged AFO Passive ankle dorsiexion Passive ankle range of Signicant baseline post intervention
diplegia level I and II of the During day vs night angle and 66-item GMFM motion (body function and improvements in passive ankle dorsiexion
GMFCS (70 boys and were recorded by hinged structure) angle and the 66-item GMFM in both groups
42 girls); mean age AFO during the day and GMFM (activity) (P < 0.05). On the basis of the score changes,
2  6.93 years (range 14) the night. Assessments no signicant difference between the 2 groups
were performed at with respect to passive ankle dorsiexion
baseline and at the end of angle. However, the improvements in the 66-
the 8 weeks training item GMFM were signicantly better in the
day AFO-wearing group (P < 0.01)
Conclusion: daytime use of AFOs was more
effective in improving GMFM scores than day-
night use
Caliskan et al., 2013 [5] Cross-sectional within 48 Mean age was 7.4 years Solid AFO (polyethylene Energy expenditures EEI, MAS index, SMC and Walking efciency was more signicant in
and between group (range 413) AFO; PAFO) determined based on heart GMFCS (activity) patients with solid PAFO (P < 0.05). In children
35 bilateral spastic type, Articulated PAFO rate, yielded an EEI with with solid PAFO, EEI values were lower
9 with mixed type and Ground and without AFO during (0.25 beat/m) than value without AFO
4 dyskinesia type Reaction AFO walking (0.38 beat/m). Use of metallic AFO increased
Spasticity and severity Metallic AFO vs barefoot EEI vs the non-orthosis group. No signicant
evaluated by MAS and difference between groups in GMFCS and MAS
(GMFCS) (P < 0.05).
Voluntary motor control Conclusion: especially solid PAFO can be more
evaluated with selective benecial in terms of energy consumption in
motor control (SMC) CP
Bennett et al., 2012 [12] Cross-sectional study 21 5 girls and 16 boys with Hinged AFO Participants walked at Kinematics kinetics (body AFOs increased stride length by 13%
between groups spastic diplegia (mean age Solid AFO their self-selected speed function and structure) (P < 0.005) and tended to increase preferred
9.6  4.12 years) Barefoot and 3-D kinematic data Gait speed (activity) walking velocity. No change in the mechanical
10 children wore hinged were collected by work performed to walk or the normalized
AFO 8 camera Vicon motion center of mass vertical excursion
11 children wore solid AFO analysis system Conclusion: current AFOs can reduce the work
Mean GMFM was 93  7 to walk, but not for many children with CP
REHAB-1091; No. of Pages 10
G Model
Table 2 (Continued )
systematic review. Ann Phys Rehabil Med (2017),
Please cite this article in press as: Aboutorabi A, et al. Efcacy of ankle foot orthoses types on walking in children with cerebral palsy: A

Author Study design Sample Participant Intervention(s) vs Procedure Outcome measures (ICF) Results and conclusions
size characteristics control condition

Rogozinski et al., 2009 [27] Case series 27 19 boys and 8 girls with a FRO vs barefoot Bilateral 3-D kinematic Kinematics and kinetics The mean sagittal plane dynamic range of
mean age 12.4  2.4 years and kinetic data collected (body function and motion of the ankle in stance was reduced
24 diplegic, 1 triplegic; by using a 12-camera structure) from 23  9 when walking barefoot to
2 quadriplegic motion measurement 10  3 with the orthosis (P < 0.001), and the
Functional level during walking both mean peak knee extension in midstance
determined by the GMFCS barefoot and with FRO improved from 29  14 of exion to 18  14 of
II, III exion (P = 0.013). The mean minimum sagittal
knee moment in midstance improved from an
internal knee extensor moment of 0.2  0.3 Nm/
kg to an internal knee exor moment of
20.1  0.3 Nm/kg (P = 0.072).
Conclusions: the best outcomes with FRO, as

A. Aboutorabi et al. / Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine xxx (2017) xxxxxx
determined by peak knee extension in
midstance, were with knee and hip exion
contracture of 10 degrees
Brehm et al., 2008 [7] Cross-sectional within 181 110 boys and 71 girls with Solid AFO + shoe A breath-by-breath gas- Oxygen consumption Speed improved signicantly by 8.2% with
group spastic cerebral palsy with PLS + shoe analysis system was used Speed and GGI (activity) solid AFO (P < 0.001) and 9.0% with PLS
mean age 9 years (range Barefoot for assessment of oxygen (P < 0.001). Cost of walking was 6% lower with
4.618.4) consumption AFO (P = 0.007) (a signicant decrease in cost
23 hemiplegia For the biomechanical of walking for PLS walking (8%), whereas for
103 diplegia analysis of gait, children solid AFO, walking remained unchanged). The
55 quadriplegia walked at a self-preferred GGI remained unchanged (P = 0.607). Changes
pace along a 10-m in minimum knee exion angle in stance
walkway. Data were phase and in terminal swing (P = 0.013 and
captured by using a VICON P = 0.022, respectively)
Conclusion: AFO signicantly decreased the
energy cost of walking of quadriplegic
children with CP, compared with barefoot
walking, but remained unchanged with
hemiplegic and diplegic CP
Van Gestel et al., 2008 [9] Cross-sectional study 36 Children (22 girls, 15 boys) PLS Children walked barefoot Kinematics and stride- Cadence signicantly decreased and step
within and between with hemiplegia, mean CFO (Dual Carbon Fibre and with 3 types of AFOs temporal, lower limb length and walking velocity signicantly
groups age 8.5  2.8 years (range Spring AFO) compared by objective moment (body function increased with orthoses (all P = 0.001). Knee
410) Orteams (orthoses with gait analysis, including 3- and structure) range of motion during shock absorption,
GMFCS Level I and II the dorsal part containing D kinematics and kinetics Gait speed swing kinematics, and most knee kinetics also
11 sleeves) GMFCS (activity) signicantly changed (P = 0.0010.004). About
Barefoot half of the hip kinematics showed a signicant
effect of orthoses and all hip moment and
power were signicantly increased (P = 0.001
0.006). Only the CFO could signicantly
improve ankle dorsiexion at loading
response vs the barefoot condition (P = 0.007)
Conclusion: although the PLS ensured the
highest correction at the ankle around initial
contact, the CFO created a signicantly higher
maximal hip exion moment in stance


REHAB-1091; No. of Pages 10

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Table 2 (Continued )
systematic review. Ann Phys Rehabil Med (2017),
Please cite this article in press as: Aboutorabi A, et al. Efcacy of ankle foot orthoses types on walking in children with cerebral palsy: A

Author Study design Sample Participant Intervention(s) vs Procedure Outcome measures (ICF) Results and conclusions
size characteristics control condition

Balaban et al., 2007 [8] Cross-sectional study 11 Children with hemiplegic Hinged AFO vs barefoot Children walked at a self- Kinetics Oxygen consumption was signicantly
within groups CP (7 boys, 4 girls) with selected speed along a 10- reduced during AFO walking (P < 0.05)
Kinematics (body function
the mean age m walkway with and and structure) energy(walking was 8.81 + 1.68 mL/kg/min with AFO
7.18 + 1.16 years without AFO. Walking and was 9.50 + 1.83 mL/kg/min without).
consumption (activity)
energy expenditure Walking speed was increased (P < 0.01) with
measurements involved a AFO. Knee exion at initial contact was
breath method with an decreased (P = 0.02). Ankle dorsiexion during
open-circuit indirect midstance also increased signicantly vs the
calorimeter barefoot condition. The angle position at
Vicon motion analysis midswing changed from
system was used for gait 73.61 + 6.23 plantarexion to
analysis 8.27 + 4.96 dorsiexion with AFO (P < 0.01).

A. Aboutorabi et al. / Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine xxx (2017) xxxxxx
Peak ankle power generation in stance phase
was signicantly decreased with hinged AFO
walking (1.61 + 1.17 W/kg) compared to
barefoot (1.96 + m1.25 W/kg)
Conclusion: the hinged AFO is useful in
reducing the energy expenditure of gait in
children with hemiplegic spastic CP
Butler et al., 2007 [23] Cross-sectional study 21 Children aged 412 years Fixed AFO vs barefoot The children walked at Kinematics Children who tuned showed exion of no
within groups 12 diplegia their self-selected speed Kinetics (body function more than 20-degree in the rst third of stance
7 hemiplegia on ORLAU gait Laboratory and structure) combined with movement toward extension
1 quadriplegia system in the second third of stance to a minimum of
1 athetoid 10-degree exion or less (P = 0.0143)
Conclusion: children likely to benet from
AFO tuning
Hayek et al., 2007 [10] Cross-sectional 56 Children (32 boys and Rigid AFO Children walked along a Kinetics kinematics In the hemiplegic group, stride length was
24 girls), mean age Articulated AFO 12-m walkway at self- temporal-spatial (body 11.7% (P = 0.001) longer and cadence was
8.9 years (range 417) Barefoot selected velocity, rst function and structure) reduced by 9.7% with AFO. Walking speed was
38 diplegic barefoot and then with not affected. In the diplegic group, stride
18 hemiplegic AFO length with AFOs was 17.4% longer compared
GMFCS analysis 3-D gait analyses by a to barefoot (P = 0.001) and walking velocity
VICON motion analysis improved by 17.8% (P = 0.001); cadence was
system unchanged. AFOs increased ankle dorsiexion
Kinetic data were at initial contact in both groups. In the
collected by using 4 AMTI hemiplegic group, knee exion at initial
force plates contact was reduced by 8.5 degree (P = 0.032),
with no effect in the diplegic group. The
proportion of patients that reached symmetry
at initial double support increased from 5.6%
to 16.7% with AFO
Conclusions: AFO improved spatio-temporal
gait parameters in children with spastic CP
Lucareli et al., 2007 [11] Cross-sectional 71 Diplegia children, mean Floor reaction AFO vs Children walked with and Ankle and knee and hip Maximum knee extension and ankle
age 12.2  3.9 years barefoot without AFO and motion kinematics (body function dorsiexion were signicantly improved in
Group I with limited analysis laboratory and structure) groups II and III with vs without a brace, with
extension recorded gait kinematics no change in group I (ankle kinematics:
Group II with moderate 9.5  6.5 [P > 0.05], knee kinematics
limited extension 6.1  9.4 [P > 0.05]) The maximum hip
Group III, crouch extension was not signicant in all 3 groups
(P > 0.05)
Conclusion: when indicated to improve the
extension of the knees and ankle in the stance of
children with CP, FRO was effective

AFO: ankle foot orthosis; EEI: Energy Expenditure Index; FRO: oor reaction AFO; GDI: Gait Deviation Index; GGI: Gillette Gait Index; GMFCS: Gross Motor Function Classication System; GMFM: Gross Motor Function Measure; ICF:
International Classication of Functioning; MAS: Modied Ashworth Scale; PLS: posterior leaf spring AFO; RCT: randomized controlled trial.
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P < 0.001) [18,27]. However, Wren et al. showed increased walking were changed internally from extension to exion moments by
speed with DAFO (from 0.72  0.34 to 0.780.84 m/s) [21]. FRO, which also was the most effective in providing integrity to the
ankle plantarexionknee extension couple [31]. This is a critical
3.4.3. Functional skills biomechanical concept in understanding the inter-relations
Total gross motor function scores differed before and after SAFO among the foot, ankle and knee levels. A stable foot in the line
in diplegic CP [19]. Changes in the Gillette Gait Index (GGI) were of progression, when acted on by a competent calf muscle (gastro
not statistically signicant, with a decit of 10% shown by use of soleus), controls the progression of the tibia over the plantargrade
SAFO [7]. HAFO in diplegic CP improved the 66-item Gross Motor foot during the stance phase of gait [30]. However, knee exion
Function Measure (P < 0.05) [20]. Both HAFO and SAFO signi- contractures of > 15 deg should be considered a contraindication
cantly improved gross motor function versus barefoot walking in to prescription of FRO or should be addressed (surgically) before
diplegic CP [19], with a meaningful difference between S/HAFO and the use of FRO [27].
barefoot walking in the Gait Deviation Index in diplegic CP
[24]. Changes in GGI were not statistically signicant, with an 4.4. Effect of PLS on walking parameters
improvement of 5% with PLS versus barefoot [7].
PLS was effective in improving knee exor moments and
4. Discussion walking speed in hemiplegic CP. A spring-like AFO can enhance
push-off and may potentially reduce energy cost. The orthotic
Our review suggests some positive effects of AFOs on spatial- improved knee and ankle ROM in hemiplegic CP and signicantly
temporal and kinematic parameters (such as improvement in gait decreased the energy cost of walking in quadriplegia, but only in
speed, stride length, single support time and symmetry), gait single studies.
kinetics, energy expenditure and functional skills in children with
spastic CP. 4.5. Effect of DAFO on walking parameters

4.1. Effect of SAFO on walking variables DAFO and a spring-like AFO produced more normal ankle
kinematics and kinetics through late stance and also allowed for
SAFO increased stride length in CP, although we found more normal push-off power at pre-swing, which may improve the
inconsistent results for the effect of SAFO on cadence. It also energy efciency of gait [21]. DAFO can promote a more exed
improved walking speed the most as compared with PLS and HAFO posture (more dorsiexion and knee exion during stance), so with
in children with diplegic CP. SAFO reduced peak ankle power an equinus pattern or dropped foot, DAFO is efcient for children
during terminal stance, which implies improved gait pattern at the with a crouched gait pattern.
expense of a reduced power generation at push-off. In diplegic CP,
solid PAFO can be more benecial in energy consumption as 4.6. Clinical implications
compared with metallic AFO. SAFO can normalize ankle function
the most by simply restricting the ankle to a single neutral angle in The goal from any intervention must be determined by
diplegic CP. Findings show an improvement in knee exion angles, considering the requirements of the child and the parents, in
reecting a reduction in the required muscle force during stance conjunction with the input of a multi-professional team. Individual
phase [7]. Energy cost reduction was related to both a faster and factors (e.g., age, type of CP and level of Gross Motor Function
more efcient walking pattern with AFO. The improvements in Classication Scale) should be considered when selecting an AFO
efciency were reected by changes of stance and swing phase for children with CP. This study showed that stride length, walking
knee motion (i.e., children with improved knee exion angle speed, single limb support and gait symmetry were improved with
toward the typical normal range demonstrated a decreased energy HAFO in children with hemiplegic CP. HAFO can be effective in
cost of walking and vice versa [7]). spastic hemiplegic CP by naturalizing the gait pattern. HAFO,
specically with a conguration that enabled ankle dorsiexion,
4.2. Effect of HAFO on walking parameters enhanced coordination, facilitated a more normal weight shift in
all planes, and improved gait symmetry in hemiplegic CP [10]. In
Stride length, walking speed, single limb support and gait older children with spastic CP, the gait pattern shifted from a true
symmetry were improved with HAFO. HAFO had positive effects on equinus and jump gait to an apparent equinus and crouch gait.
ankle and knee ROM and ankle power in hemiplegic CP. It was also Therefore, because of the ankle normal position in apparent
effective in decreasing energy expenditure in hemiplegic CP. HAFO equinus and ankle dorsiexion in crouch gait, HAFO does not
allows for free ankle dorsiexion with blocked plantarexion prevent knee exion, so it cannot improve the standing and
preventing dynamic equine deformity of the ankle joint at initial walking functions in children with diplegic CP [19]. Some children
foot contact, thus producing physiological heel contact, and was with severe spasticity and diplegic CP are also likely to experience
effective in restoring the rst ankle rocker of gait [8]. Improve- clinical benet due to the decrease in energy expenditure
ments in gross motor function were also evident [19]. HAFO may associated with SAFO and FRO. FRO proved to be the most
provide free dorsiexion in the stance phase and limited effective in providing the integrity of the ankle plantarexion
plantarexion (usually 908) that normalizes ankle motion during knee extension couple in children with a crouched gait pattern
the stance phase of gait and facilities the performance of [31].
developing motor skills [29].
4.7. Limitations
4.3. Effect of FRO on walking parameters
From 17 studies in this review, just 4 had a pre-test/post-test
FRO increased stride length, cadence and speed of walking in with control group design and a randomization procedure
diplegic CP. FRO was effective in improving knee extension. The with adequate internal validity conrmed by an adequate or
ground reaction vector is directed anterior to the knee joint, above PEDro score (5,7,9/10) and level II evidence [18
providing an extensor moment at the knee and reducing demands 21]. Additionally, the accepted signicance values varied
on the quadriceps [30]. Sagittal plane knee moments in midstance among the studies (i.e., P < 0.05 or P < 0.01), which limited

Please cite this article in press as: Aboutorabi A, et al. Efcacy of ankle foot orthoses types on walking in children with cerebral palsy: A
systematic review. Ann Phys Rehabil Med (2017),
G Model
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10 A. Aboutorabi et al. / Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine xxx (2017) xxxxxx

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Please cite this article in press as: Aboutorabi A, et al. Efcacy of ankle foot orthoses types on walking in children with cerebral palsy: A
systematic review. Ann Phys Rehabil Med (2017),

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