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Biskach District Technology Training Plan 1

District Technology Training Plan:

Caroline County Public Schools

Samantha Lorraine Biskach

University of Maryland-University College

June 28, 2016

Biskach District Technology Training Plan 2

Caroline County Public School (CCPS) District

Caroline County Public Schools is one of nine counties located on Marylands

Eastern Shore. Bordering the state of Delaware and two other Maryland counties, a total of
10 school buildings inhabit the lush farmlands of this landlocked county (Caroline County
Public School, 2016). Though Caroline County is one of the most rural in Maryland, a total
of five elementary schools, two middle schools, two high schools, and one Career and
Technology Center prepare young learners for life beyond the twelfth grade. With regards
to the elementary schools, each building prepares students from pre-kindergarten to 5th
grade. Each of the two middle schools prepares students from 6th to 8th grade. Finally, two
high schools prepare students from 9th to 12th grade and the Caroline Career and
Technology Center holds trade-based studies for students in the high school level. Each
school has a varied amount of educators, however, each building has access to at least one
principal and one assistant principal. Additionally, each school has a media
specialist/librarian and teacher coach.

When analyzing the 2015 Maryland Report Card for Caroline County Public Schools,
student demographics reveal the logistics of the educational system in Caroline County.
According to the Maryland Report Card, there are 5592 students enrolled within CCPS. Out
of the 5592, Caroline County schools has 3861 or 69% of Caucasian students, 846 or 15%
African-American students, 633 or 11% Hispanic students, 367 or .06% of students are
classified as having two or more races, there are 48 Asian students, and 16 Native
American students (2015 Maryland Report Card, 2015). When divided by school grade
levels, 59.7% of elementary students are considered FARMS (Free and Reduced Meals
Students), while 55.9% middle school students, and 52.8% high school students are also
classified as FARMS (2015 Maryland Report Card, 2015). Finally, with regards to additional
Special Services provided to CCPS students, 26% of elementary students are identified as a
504 recipients, LEP, and/or Special Education classified (2015 Maryland Report Card,
2015). 19.8% of middle school students are identified as a 504 recipients, LEP, and/or
Special Education classified (2015 Maryland Report Card, 2015). 18.3% of high school
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 3

students are identified as a 504 recipients, LEP, and/or Special Education classified (2015
Maryland Report Card, 2015). Caroline County is not considered a Title I school district.

With regards to technology available within CCPS, approximately 1200 iPads are
dispersed throughout the ten schools. However, most iPads are housed at the elementary
level. Each of the ten schools have access to at least two mobile lab carts of 30 MacBook
Pro computers and at least one computer lab of 20 desktop Mac computers are located
within each school. With recent technology-based initiatives, each teacher has access to
their own personal MacBook Pro laptop and are given educator access to Google Apps for
Education, along with other various county-wide implemented software.

Challenges with CCPS technology

Currently, Caroline County Public schools has been in a state of transition with
regards to state mandated curriculum, objectives, standards, initiatives, and the use of
technology within the classroom setting. One specific initiative at the forefront of CCPS
instructional practices includes FAME (Formative Assessment for Maryland Educators).
FAME is an instructional best-practice initiative developed by the Maryland Department of
Education that informs educators on how to effectively incorporate Formative Assessment
practices within instruction. There are two cohorts of FAME within the county, with a total
of 30 teachers participating in researching methods of Formative Assessment instruction.
According to FAME (2016), Formative Assessment is a process utilized by educators and
students during instruction. This instruction allows for instant feedback to adjust ongoing
teaching and learning to improve students achievement of intended instructional
outcomes (FAME, 2016). For many teachers, finding the time to create FAME based
lessons has been a challenge, but through the use of technology, the Formative Assessment
process will become more effective and part of the norm of teaching in CCPS.

With the recent changes and initiatives within CCPS, the school districts current
technology plan is in the works to being adapted to fit 21st century standards. Often,
technology experts in the county collaborate on the creation of an up-to-date plan that will
support students and teachers in an effort to create technology-rich lesson plans.
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 4

According to the CCPS Technology Plan (2011), the vision of the county is to make
learning more active, interesting, permanent, and meaningful for students; however,
current challenges within the countys use of educational technology does interfere with
this gallant vision (Technology Plan, 2011, p. 6).

One challenge in technology implementation for CCPS is the expired technology plan
provided. Created to last through the 2010-2011 school year, many teachers are unaware
that a plan exists since it is located only through the CCPS email system and through the
CCPS website. Without an updated plan, educators are ignorant to the procedures of using
instructional technology for teaching purposes. Additionally, without access to a
technology plan, it is difficult to strategize for future goals of digital tool implantation.
Another challenge with regards to using technology in the county includes the limited
supply. Currently, the amount of technology offered in the county does not equate to the
amount of students. Regularly, educators are unable to access the technology for lessons
due to the unavailability. Action must be taken at the school level in order to adequately
disperse digital tools to all classrooms when needed. A final challenge of technology usage
in the school district includes the unfortunate circumstance that teachers are not literate to
the hardware and software available to them. Though staff are given access to MacBook Pro
technology, Google Apps for Education (GAFE), and other digitally based tools, sufficient
professional development on these topics has not been administered.

Technology needs in CCPS

When consulting on the technology needs for Caroline County educators, all staff
believe training on digital tools available is necessary. Though diverse tools are provided in
CCPS, understanding how to use the technology to support learning goals of students is of
limited supply. Many staff members have different levels of expertise when using
technology, but all still need differentiated instruction on how to blend their lessons with
instructional technology. When speaking with CCPS staff members and distributing a
Google Forms survey, the following responses were received reflecting Technology-Use in
the Classroom Setting:
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 5

Figure 1 Google Form Survey Question 1

Figure 2 Google Form Survey Question 2

Figure 3 Google Form Survey Question 3

Biskach District Technology Training Plan 6

Figure 4 Google Form Survey Question 4

Direct Link to Survey:


When analyzing the data of the survey, it is revealed that all participants who
answered the multiple choice questions value the use of technology in the classroom. Also,
out of the 30 individuals that took the survey, 100% feel that if provided adequate
professional development (PD) on certain digital tools as Google Apps for Education
(GAFE), specific hardware, and iReady technology, they would use these technologies more
within their classrooms. Out of the 30 individuals that participated in the survey, only 20%
believe they knew all the technology tools they have access to within CCPS. Due to this data
and informal collaboration with CCPS educators, it is crucial that technology training
workshops and sessions must be developed and administered to the staff of Caroline
County Public Schools regarding the following needs:

Create a differentiated and accommodating technology training experience for all

educators within CCPS
Inform educators on what technology is available to them within the county, as well
as teaching how to use the technology comfortably and adequately
Instruct educators on how to use technology to support FAME and Formative
Assessment instructional practices
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 7

Instruct educators on how to create a collaborative and motivated learning climate

using specific software and hardware available in the county
Instruct educators on how to use Google Apps for Education and Social Media to
support learning goals
Instruct educators on how to use Gamification and study tools to create a
collaborative and motivated classroom
Instruct educators on how to use instructional technology not as a babysitting tool,
but more of an instructional practice in small-group and large-group instruction
Instruct educators on how to create lessons and units that may be used within their
classrooms using instructional technology
Though CCPS is not a 1:1 school district, educators need to be instructed on how to
use the technology available to the most effective degree
Instruct educators on how use digital tools to track and organize student data that
will inform instructional practices

Audience for CCPS technology-training

For the Caroline County Public Schools technology-training plan to benefit the entire
school district, all educational staff will be invited to participate. With an extensive variety
of teachers, including gender, race, and a wide range of years served within the county, all
staff will be given the opportunity to attend training that will enhance their use of county
provided technology within their schools. According to the 2015 Maryland Report Card,
there are 284 teachers, educators, and administration employed through CCPS (2015
Maryland Report Card, 2015). Due to the majority of teachers considered to be Highly-
Qualified, this audience of staff must be sufficiently trained on best-practices of using
technology within the classroom to truly be considered teachers of 21st century instruction.
According to the data, approximately 97.9% of CCPS educators hold a current Maryland
Teacher Certificate, with only 3 individuals considered Conditional Teachers as the
following data shows (2015 Maryland Report Card, 2015):
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 8

Figure 5 CCPS State Certified Teachers (2015 Maryland Report Card, 2015)

When analyzing data further from the Maryland Report Card, only 4.4% of classes
taught through the school system are not taught by Highly-Qualified teachers (2015
Maryland Report Card, 2015). The following graph reveals 55 of the 1256 classrooms
within CCPS are taught by teachers not considered Highly-Qualified; however, these
educators are only found within the elementary level (2015 Maryland Report Card, 2015).
Though this miniscule percentage does not play a major impact in the success of Caroline
County students, inviting these teachers to become more tech-savvy will enhance their
skillset with regards to classroom instruction.
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 9

Figure 6 Classes Not Taught By Highly Qualified Teachers (2015 Maryland Report Card, 2015)

As for specific professionals within each building and school of CCPS, all institutions
have at least one individual considered the technology expert. All schools have access to at
least one media specialist, but this individual may also become the technology expert and
instructional technologist at the school building when needed by staff. Specifically in the
elementary and high school level, each of the seven buildings also employs a computer
teacher who may assist the media specialist in expertise regarding technology
implementation in the classroom. All of these individuals who are considered experts will
also be invited to participate in the technology-training. Many may be asked to lead
workshops to help establish more assistance to participants.

In recent efforts in the evolution of CCPS molding into a technology-friendly

learning climate, within the last school year the district has employed one county-wide
instructional technologist. This persons role in the county is to support the individual
schools as desired. This individual will provide support to the school-based technology
experts or to specific teachers requesting assistance for digital instruction. Since research
has shown that the mass of educators within the district would benefit from training in
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 10

instructional technology initiatives, participants of all technology skill levels in the county
will be encouraged to attend all Caroline County technology-training workshops.

Goals and standards of the technology plan

The overall technology plan goal for providing CCPS educators is to enhance their
expertise of digital tools in order to further the learning goals of all students. Each content
area teacher is required to follow state mandated standards for classroom instruction. For
example, the Mathematics, English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science subject areas
align their classroom lessons with the Common Core State Standards. Within each subject
area, specific standards and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) requirements insist that
educators provide students with opportunities to use digital tools for learning purposes. As
a sample standard for English Language Arts (ELA), the Common Core State Standards
dictate that all ELA students must be able to Use technology, including the Internet, to
produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others;
demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of three pages in
a single sitting (Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2016). Since standards like these
are required by law, educators must be well trained in how to imbed such use of
technology within their lessons.

With technology initiatives as Google Apps for Education, iReady, data collection
software, specific hardware and software, and through professional collaboration with
colleagues, the following International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
standards for teachers will be the driving force of the Caroline County technology-training
workshops (ISTE, 2016):

Goal One: Participants in the Caroline County technology-training workshops will be able to
learn how to inspire students and motivate learning through the use of collaborative,
multimedia tools. Participant knowledge of the use of these tools will promote student
thinking, planning, and creative processes within the classroom setting.

The following ISTE standard supports this goal:

Biskach District Technology Training Plan 11

ISTE Standard 1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity:

Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology
to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in
both face-to-face and virtual environments.

Goal Two: Participants in the Caroline County technology-training workshops will be able to
use digital tools to design differentiated learning experiences and provide students with
formative assessments that result with student progression of learning data.

The following ISTE standard supports this goal:

ISTE Standard 2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments
incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in
context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the Standards

Goal Three: Participants in the Caroline County technology-training workshops will be able
to learn how to collaborate with students and other school community members to support
student success and teach students how to use modern tools used in society.

The following ISTE standard supports this goal:

ISTE Standard 3. Model digital age work and learning

Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative
professional in a global and digital society

Goal Four: Participants in the Caroline County technology-training workshops will be able to
enhance their professional skills in digital tools through colleague collaboration on existing
and emerging instructional technologies. Likewise, participants will gain knowledge on
technology that will promote digital expertise and technology leadership in their schools.
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 12

The following ISTE standard supports this goal:

ISTE Standard 5. Engage in professional growth and leadership

Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and
exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and
demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.

With abiding to the Common Core State Standard and ISTE Standards for Teachers,
all educators within CCPS will obtain knowledge that will promote student engagement,
learning, and create success for scholars of the county. All activities completed within the
Caroline County technology-training workshops will allow for collaboration with teachers
and educators from all schools in the district and will assist in creating technology-rich
classrooms. In order to support the technology-training goals and objectives, many of the
workshops and sessions provided in the technology-training will allow participants to
work cooperatively according to grade level teams and/or content areas. By allowing
collaboration with fellow teachers and educators that share educational interests, goals
will be accomplished and technology implementation immediately become evident in the
classroom setting.

Content sessions for the technology plan

In order for Caroline County educators to adequately obtain experiences with using
the technology available, the following sessions will be provided. Sessions will be
categorized by a participants level of expertise or grade levels.

Session 1: Becoming comfortable with the technology available to CCPS staff

With this session, participants will be divided into two groups:

Beginner/Intermediate and Advanced with regards to using technology offered by CCPS.
The audience will be a combination of teachers and administration in an effort to make
sure all CCPS staff is knowledgeable on the technology available in all schools. The
professional development will break down each tools provided by the school district and
how to adequately use them with regards to the classroom and professional setting.
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 13

Technology Beginner/ Intermediate Advanced

Microsoft Office - Participants will log into their - Participants will be able to create at
personal MacBook Pro and given least one document within each
basic tutorials on all the Microsoft Microsoft Office 2010 application
Applications Office 2010 tools available on their (Word Doc, Excel Spreadsheet, Power
computer. Point).
- Participants will create at least one
document from any of the Microsoft
Office 2010 Applications that can be
used in their classrooms.
MacBook Pro - Participants will gain basic - Participants will review the basic
knowledge on how to turn on and applications available within the
and Mac
log into the technology. technology.
- Participants will learn how to - Participants will be instructed on how
connect to wifi and use each search to fix hardware, configuring, and
engine (Chrome, FireFox, Safari). troubleshooting issues with the
- Teachers will be shown each
applications within the laptop and - Participants will be given instructed
given basic instruction on how to on how to complete Cloud-based
use each application for the backups within the technology.
classroom setting.

iPad - Participants will gain basic - Participants will review the basic
knowledge on how to turn on and applications available within the
log into the technology. technology.
- Participants will learn how to - Participants will be instructed on how
connect to wifi and use each search to fix hardware, configuring, and
engine (Chrome, FireFox, Safari). troubleshooting issues with the
- Participants will be shown each
applications within the laptop and - Participants will be taken through
given basic instruction on how to apps available on the iPad that may
use each application for the further the learning goals within their
classroom setting. content areas. Participants will also
learn how to search for new apps that
- Participants will be shown the may later downloaded to all CCPS iPads.
available apps on each iPad and
given brief instruction on which - Participants will select an app and
apps can be used with each subject become a rookie-expert on how to use
area (Language Arts, Math, Science, this app in the classroom setting.
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 14

Social Studies) -Participants will work collaboratively

to create their own mini-presentation
- Participants will be shown how to
on the apps and present their
clear the history of the iPad and
understanding of the apps to the rest of
the basics of turning the iPad in the the session participants.
off setting.
Epson - Participants will be shown how to - Participants will review the basic
hook up the whiteboard in their applications available within the
classroom, as well as how to turn technology.
Projector and on and use the Interactive
- Participants will be instructed on how
Whiteboards available in their
Whiteboards to fix hardware, configuring, and
classrooms or schools.
(Document troubleshooting issues with the
- Participants will be shown how to technology.
Camera) use the tools accompanying the
- Participants will work collaboratively
Epson Interactive Whiteboards
to create a lesson plan that incorporates
(whiteboard pens, document
the Epson Interactive Whiteboard and
camera, etc.)
its tools. Participants will present their
lesson to the rest of the session

Session 2: Data collection software and digital organization of data

With recent initiatives for providing tools to track data of student performance, staff
of CCPS will be given tutorials on how to use current available software. Sessions will be
divided by those with No Previous Experience using the technology and those who have
Intermediate/ Advanced Experience. The audience of the professional development will
include a combination of teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators in an effort to
make sure all CCPS staff is knowledgeable on using data collection tools and software.

Technology No Previous Experience Intermediate/ Advanced Experience

Power School - Teachers will be given - Participants will be given a quick

basic understanding of how overview of the technology.
Student Information
to log into the software by
System -Participants will be instructed on how
using their username and
to use other applications within the
technology outside of only entering
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 15

- Participants will learn how grades (creating attendance sheets, ) in

to create assignments and an effort to customize this information
add grades to the software. system to fit the needs of a given
Moby Max -Participants will be given a - Participants will become a student
basic understanding of how within the software and have a chance
Gamification and
to use Moby Max software to play and learn just as their
Accelerated Personal to gain student data. classroom students would.
Learning Software - Participants will create - Participants will work collaboratively
classroom lists within the in an effort to create mini-lessons using
software in order to use for Moby Max for re-teaching purposes on
small group and classroom topics.
individualized stations
iReady Student -Participants will be given a - Participants will create a diagnostic
basic understanding of how test for their specific content area
Diagnostic Testing
to use iReady software to (English Language Arts or
Software and Digital gain student data. Mathematics).
Interventions - Participants will use their - Participants will be able to take their
Lessons current class list to create own diagnostic test in order to view
classroom platforms within what students will interact with when
iReady for students. they take the test.
- Participants will be given- Participants will review and analyze
tutorials on all applications
their own data from the diagnostic they
available within iReady to took. Then, participants will interact
further the learning goals of
with the virtual lessons given by the
students. iReady software in an effort to
experience what the students will
-Participants will be learn complete when given the software in
how to read and analyze the the classroom setting.
student data given in the
iReady software. - Participants will learn how to create
their own lesson plans incorporating
the use of the iReady software.
Participants may choose to create small
group or independent instruction
lessons incorporating the tools in
Performance Matters - Teachers will be given - Using data of past students,
basic understanding of how participants will work collaboratively
to log into the software by to identify the needs of the students
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 16

using their username and according to the data given from PARCC
password. scores, benchmark testing scores,
diagnostic test scores, mid-year
- Participants will learn how
assessments, and end-of-year
to navigate throughout the assessments.
Performance Matters
software - Participants will create individual
lesson plans on how they would re-
- Participants will be able to teach a specific subject area according
locate their own classroom to the scores earned by students.
data (PARCC scores,
diagnostic testing scores,
iReady and Moby Max
scores) and analyze the
needs of students according
to their scores.
- Participants will learn how
to identify the re-teaching
needs of students according
to data provided in
Performance Matters

Session 3: The Google (GAFE) Initiative at CCPS and social media

Within CCPS, each educator has been given access to Google Apps for Education
(GAFE). Within this session, all users of GAFE, including teachers and administrators, will
learn the basics of the applications offered through Google. Additionally, participants of the
professional development will be able to take away skills learned immediately to the
classroom setting. Participants will be separated by levels of expertise: Beginner,
Intermediate, and Advanced; however, with tutorials on Google Hangouts, Intermediate
and Advanced participants will be combined.

Technology Beginner Intermediate Advanced

Google Classroom - Participants will be - Participants will - Participants will

learn how to log into learn how to use the work collaboratively
their Google applications with another session
Classroom Platform. available in Google attendee to use
Google Classroom as
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 17

- Participants will Classroom a student would

learn how to create a
- Participants will - Participants will
Google Classroom
begin creating create and post an
for each class or
assignments in assignment,
period they teach
Google Classroom announcement, or
according to their
and become hands- questions within all
grade level
on with the Google Classrooms
technology created.
- Participant will
share their
assignment with a
partner and vice-
- Participants will
assignments made
by colleagues
Google Docs, Google - Participants will log - Participants will Participants will
into the Google Drive create a Microsoft create a Google Doc
Forms, Google
application and Word document into assignment much
Sheets, Google Drive navigate through the a Google Doc and like they would for
basics of using this create a Google Doc their students. This
application into a Microsoft Google Doc will
Word document include a question
- Participants will
prompt and
access Google Docs, Participants will
paragraph length
Google Forms, and create a Google Doc, response.
Google Sheets online Google Sheet, and
Google Form - Participants will
Participants will through share this document
create a Google Doc,
collaboration with with another
Sheet, or Form
another session attendee through the
attendee Google Drive
- Google Doc: - Participants will
participants will edit the shared
save and share the Google Doc using the
Google Doc using the comments option.
Google Drive
- Google Form:
participants will
send the link to the
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 18

Google Form at least

two other session
members and obtain
- Google Sheets:
participants will use
the Google Sheet
created to use filters
to sort data
Google Sites -Participants will log - Participants will -Participants will
into their Google work collaboratively create their own
Sites and browse to create a Google classroom website
throughout the Site giving the using Google Sites
gallery of given sites history of Caroline
County Public
- Participants will Schools. Participants
navigate throughout
may research
the Google Site
information to create
options and create a
at least a home page
Google Site on a and two additional
topic of their choice
Google Slides -Participants will - Participants will - Participants will
learn the basics of work collaboratively download a Power
creating a Google to create a Google Point into Google
Slide Slide on topics Slides they have
discussed in the created in for their
- Participants will
district training from classroom or
begin to create a
the previous professional
Google Slide using purposes.
sessions in the
images, word art, district technology
and other options - Participants will
training professional
available in the create additional
software slides for this Power
Point presentation
turned Google Slide
by imbedding
images and YouTube
Google Hangouts - Participants will Participants with -Participants will
learn how to log into Intermediate work collaboratively
and use Google experience with be with another similar
Hangouts within the grouped with content area to
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 19

classroom setting Advanced Google create a classroom

Hangouts users assignment that
could imbed the use
of Google Hangouts
Google Plus and - Participants will - Participants will - Participants will
create both a Google learn how to identify specific
Plus account and incorporate the use professional
Twitter account. of social media in the hashtags and
classroom. networks according
- Participants will be to education,
given basic technology, or their
understanding of specific content area.
how to safely use the
social media - Participants will
technology for the post in professional
professional learning areas and be able to
share a topic they
- Participants will follow to the rest of
navigate throughout
the session
the social media participants.
platforms and
become comfortable
with using.

Session 4: Web 2.0 Software for a collaborative, research-friendly, and

multimedia classroom

In an effort to give students satisfactory experiences with using technology, teachers

will be able to interact with specific Web 2.0 tools that could immediately be used within
their classroom setting. Participants will be separated by levels of expertise: Beginner,
Intermediate, and Advanced and a combination of educators and administration will be
present in each session.

Technology Beginner Intermediate Advanced

Website/ - Participants will - Participants will - Participants will

create accounts in work collaboratively create a classroom
the Weebly and Wiki to create either a website or
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 20

builders: Weebly and Sites software. Weebly or Wiki Site project/assignment

on a classroom website that can be
Wiki Sites - Similar to the related topic used immediately in
Google Sites tutorials
their classroom
given, participants setting
will navigate
throughout each
software and begin
to use the tools to
create a website on a
topic of their choice
Study - Participants will - Participants will - Participants will
create accounts in work collaboratively create a Kahoot and
both Kahoot and to create a Kahoot or Quizlet on specific
Kahoot and Quizlet Quizlet Quizlet on topics topics within their
discussed in the classroom setting
- Participants will and content area
CCPS technology
browse throughout training sessions.
samples of Kahoot
and Quizlet study - Participants will be
tools and participate able to send the
in the examples quizzes or study
created tools created to
another partner
group in an effort to
interact with the
technology students
will be using
Multimedia - Participants will - Participants will - Participants will
create accounts in all work collaboratively create a Welcome
multimedia to create a Back to School
Software: Glogster, presentation multimedia presentation using
platforms presentation using either Glogster,
Prezi, Pecha Kucha
either Glogster, Prezi, Pecha Kucha
- Participants will
20x20, PowToons Prezi, Pecha Kucha 20x20 or PowToons
navigate throughout 20x20 or PowToons
galleries of sample - Participants will
multimedia - Participants will create this
presentations conduct a personal presentation with
interview with a their audience in
partner and create a mind and prepare to
multimedia share with the rest
presentation to of the session
introduce their attendees
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 21

Livebinders - Participants will - Participants begin - Participants will
create a Livebinder to create their own create a Livebinder
account and browse Livebinder using the that can be used in
throughout the websites and links of their classrooms to
gallery of topics discussed in support student
Livebinders created previous sessions of research
the CCPS technology assignments.
- Participants will
training sessions.
find a Livebinder This will be a digital
already created in organizational tool
the gallery that can
to keep track of what
be used in their
was learner
classroom setting
workshops attended
over the past few
Electronic Databases Participate in Basic Participate in Participants will
searches using Advanced searches review the Advanced
various electronic using various searching options in
databases electronic databases the electronic
Participants will be
given tutorials in the
Boolean search
method strategy
Educator Share Out Those who have Those who have Those who have
limited experience intermediate advanced experience
using a specific tool experience using a using a specific tool
may share specific tool may may share

Session 5: Becoming a rookie-expert on a digital tool, attendee created

presentations, and content lesson plan development.

Participants will become rookie-experts on specific topics discussed during the

Caroline County Public Schools technology-training sessions. Separated by grade levels,
(elementary, middle, and high school), as well as by grade-level teams (ex: 6th grade team,
3rd grade team), participants will select a few digital tools discovered within a previous
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 22

technology training session or a digital tool found on their own that could be used in the
classroom setting . Next, participants will create a Project Based Learning (PBL) lesson plan
incorporating that tool for all team level content areas (Mathematics, Language Arts, Social
Studies, and Science). Finally, groups will present the logistics of their collaboratively
developed lessons that use the digital tools to the overall session group. After the
presentation has been completed, each group will upload their lessons to a newly created
Professional Learning Network in the form of a technology-training Google Classroom for
all educators to utilize as needed.

Instructional strategies for technology workshops

In order to properly instruct participants within the Caroline County Public Schools
technology-training sessions, a variety of instructional strategies will be used. Each
workshop will incorporate a motivating, bringing audiences in contact with tools and
approaches they may immediately take into the classroom environment. The following list
will explain the training strategies used within the length of the technology-training plan:

Think-Pair-Share and Collaboration: Throughout the training sessions offered, staff

will be able to collaborate on topics discussed. Often, staff will be given prompts and
questions regarding technology and instruction to think about with regards to their
experience. Then, staff will later pair up with colleagues to create answers. Finally,
pairs or groups of participants will share their reflections of questions or content
posed. In all workshops, participants will work cooperatively to learn and solidify
their understanding of digital tools discussed.
Lectures through the Explicit Instruction Model: When learning about technology,
participants will be given opportunities to observe the digital tools being used.
Using the explicit instruction model for learning, participants will be free to take
notes on content discussed. The instructional technologist or session leader will
model how to use the tools. Then, with support from the session leader, participants
will interact with the technology to create mockups and samples with the tool
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 23

Hands-on Play and Learning: Participants will be given tools they may or may not
be familiar with. Before a formal training of the tool has begun, as well as after the
tool has been broken down, staff will be able to play and learn through trial and
error. Due to the challenge that many participants are afraid to use the technology
because they feel they may break it, giving time to just play with the technologies
will promote comfort and engagement.
Edcamp-like discussions: In an effort to demolish passive professional development
experiences, participants will have a chance to pose questions relating to technology
and create conversations about those topics. Participants will become the session
leaders and teach other workshop participants on diverse experiences with the
technologies used.
Screencasts and YouTube Videos: Participants will be given direction to videos and
tutorial related to the subjects discussed within the technology-training workshops.
Staff may use these videos to learn and assist with using technology in their
Participant Share-Out: As participants learn about specific technologies, they will be
able to become rookie-experts on the subjects discussed. During independent
durations of sessions, participants will be able to create samples or research more
on technology subjects. They will then be able to share their experiences and
findings with the rest of the session participants.
CCPS Professional Learning Network: As the technology-training workshops
progress, staff will be given access to a CCPS Tech Google Classroom where they will
share what they learn with the rest of the Caroline County session participants. Also,
a link to a website filled with documents, videos, and tips regarding the CCPS
technology-training workshops will be posted on the Google Classroom site. Staff
must use their CCPS issued username and password to gain access to the Google
Classroom network. Staff members may use the following class code to join the
classroom: 1ah1j8k. Individuals may use the GAFE technology in order to
collaborate digitally on topics relating to technology implementation. Not only will
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 24

this forum organize topics discussed during training, participants will also interact
with the technology they are learning about and may add to their classrooms. All
staff members will be free to post topics and discussion questions in an effort to
keep the district collaborating on technology-related topics. The following image
displays the home screen of the CCPS Tech Google Classroom:

Figure 7 CCPS Tech Google Classroom Homepage

Sample technology-training workshop

Within Caroline County Public Schools, all teachers and educational staff are paid for
190 days of service. Out of the 190 days, ten are considered professional development days
in which staff attend in-service meetings. During a total of five out of the ten professional
development days currently built into the school year, staff will participate in the following
sample technology training workshops. Each day will consist of instructional technology
content, which will immediately be used throughout school year. With the help of various
technology experts in the county, including media specialists, computer teachers, and other
tech-savvy Caroline County professionals, each workshop will be split into sessions of
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 25

beginner, intermediate, and advanced learners of technology. The fifth and final workshop
will be divided into grade levels: elementary, middle, and high school for a collaborative
activity. The following charts display the sample workshops for advanced learners of the
subjects discussed:

Technology Workshop Lesson Plan : Day 1

Workshop Title: Subjects Discussed in the Workshop:

Becoming comfortable -Microsoft Office 2010 Applications
with the technology - MacBook Pro and Mac Desktop Computers
available to CCPS staff
- iPads
- Epson Interactive Projectors, Whiteboards, and Document

Prerequisite Knowledge
Participants must have access to the technology and understand the rules and
procedures for using within CCPS
Participants must have basic understanding of the technologies available to them in
CCPS and those discussed in the workshop
This workshop will include a synopsis of how to use all Microsoft Office 2010 applications
to fit the needs of young learners. Participants will be given tutorials on the subject matter
of Microsoft Office 2010 and create Microsoft samples including documents, spreadsheets,
and Power Points that can immediately be used in the classroom. Additionally, participants
will continue to enhance their knowledge of specific CCPS hardware. After reviewing basic
applications of the hardware, participants will learn how to fix, troubleshoot and configure
errors that may arise with using the technology. Participants will also learn how to
perform Cloud-based back-ups and will be given instruction on iPad apps that will support
learning. Participants will also use the Epson Interactive Whiteboard technology to create
interactive lessons for classroom topics.

Objectives of the session:

Participants will be able to list all the technology available to them within CCPS
Participants will be able to interact with Microsoft Office 2010 applications and
create documents that will be able to apply to classroom instruction
Participants will be able to learn trouble-shooting procedures for specific hardware
available in the school setting
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 26

Participants will be able to complete cloud-based backups on computers to save

Participants will be able to review iPad apps offered by CCPS and learn how to
download new, education related apps to support student learning
Participants will be able to develop a mini-lesson or activity using Epson
Interactive Whiteboard technologies
Participants will be able to share-out what they have learned with the rest of
session participants in an effort to create a collaborative and cooperative learning
Instructional Strategies of the Workshop:
Participants in the workshop will be given a brief lecture review of the topics discussed.
Since this workshop is developed for advanced learners of the technology, much
instructional strategy will include the Explicit Instruction model, as well as Hands-on Play
and Learning.

MacBook Pro Laptop: Each educator within CCPS is issued their own personal
MacBook Pro laptop as long as they work for the county. These issued digital tools will
be necessary to complete workshop activities. Software for tools as Microsoft Office
and Epson Interactive Whiteboard software has already been installed in each

Epson Interactive Whiteboard technologies: Each workshop room will have access to
at least one interactive whiteboard. All MacBooks have already been installed with the
Epson Interactive Whiteboard software for creating presentations.

iPad: Each workshop room will be supplied with at least 30 iPads already purchased
through CCPS
End-of-Session Evaluation
Once the workshop has been complete, all participants will be given access to the following
reflection survey:

Participants will be asked a short series of questions in order for the session leader to
understand the effectiveness of the professional development. After reviewing the data
from the survey completed, the session leaders and technology leaders of the CCPS
technology-training workshops will collaborate on future plans of technology use and
professional development in the county. Technology leaders in each school will discuss
results at staff meetings during the first month of the following school year. All staff will
use the data from the technology-training workshops to collaborate on the specific
instructional adjustments that must be made within the school year.
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 27

All session content will be available within the newly developed CCPS Tech Google

Technology Workshop Lesson Plan : Day 2

Workshop Title: Subjects Discussed in the Workshop:

Data collection - Power School Student Information System

software and digital - Moby Max gamification and accelerated personal learning
organization of data
- iReady Student Diagnostic Testing Software and Digital
Interventions Lessons
- Performance Matters Data Organization

Prerequisite Knowledge
Participants must have access to the technology and understand the rules and
procedures for using within CCPS
Participants must have basic understanding of the technologies available to them in
CCPS and those discussed in the workshop
This workshop will include an overview of how to use data tracking software regarding
student performance. Due to recent initiatives in curriculum regarding teacher evaluations
and SLO (Student Learning Objectives), students progression of learning must be tracked
and analyzed to ensure classroom objectives are met. This session will include teachers
who have had experience with the technology before, but will still be taught how to
navigate and use the recent programs of the county. Power School is the county-wide used
software to insert student grades and feedback to parents on classroom assignments.
Moby Max and iReady software are both digital tools used for intervention, re-teaching,
and diagnostic assessments within the classroom. Performance Matters is the CCPS
software collects and organizes data of student learning progression from iReady, Moby
Max, and other state mandated testing.
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 28

Objectives of the session:

Participants will be able to become aware of the digital tools available regarding
student data tracking and analysis
Participants will be instructed on how to use other applications within Power
School other than adding grades and feedback of student performance
Participants will be able to interact with the Moby Max software in an effort to gain
the hands-on experience much like students would using this gamification and
differentiated learning software
Participants will be able to take their own diagnostic test in iReady software and
analyze their own data
Participants will be able to create a re-teaching lesson regarding the data extracted
from the iReady diagnostic software
Participants will be able to review their past students scores in Performance
Matters and work collaboratively to create a re-teaching lesson plan and activity
using the data organized in the software
Instructional Strategies of the Workshop:
Participants in the workshop will be given a brief lecture review of the topics discussed.
Since this workshop is developed for advanced learners of the technology, much
instructional strategy will include the Explicit Instruction model, as well as Hands-on Play
and Learning. Students will also be able to use the Think-Pair-Share and Collaboration
instructional strategies to create re-teaching opportunities according to data analyzed
from software reviewed in the workshop.

MacBook Pro Laptop: Each educator within CCPS is issued their own personal
MacBook Pro laptop as long as they work for the county. These issued digital tools will
be necessary to complete workshop activities. Software for tools as Performance
Matters, iReady and Moby Max will be available through the internet. Power School
software has already been downloaded in each MacBook Pro.

Headphones: Headphones will be used for interactions with both Moby Max and
iReady software programs. All participants may bring their own headphones to use,
but they will also be supplied using the materials already purchased by the county.
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 29

End-of-Session Evaluation
Once the workshop has been complete, all participants will be given access to the following
reflection survey:

Participants will be asked a short series of questions in order for the session leader to
understand the effectiveness of the professional development. After reviewing the data
from the survey completed, the session leaders and technology leaders of the CCPS
technology-training workshops will collaborate on future plans of technology use and
professional development in the county. Technology leaders in each school will discuss
results at staff meetings during the first month of the following school year. All staff will
use the data from the technology-training workshops to collaborate on the specific
instructional adjustments that must be made within the school year.
All session content will be available within the newly developed CCPS Tech Google

Technology Workshop Lesson Plan : Day 3

Workshop Title: Subjects Discussed in the Workshop:

The Google Initiative - Google Classroom

(GAFE) at CCPS and - Google Docs, Google Forms, Google Sheets, and Google Drive

Social Media - Google Sites

- Google Slides
-Google Hangouts
- Google Plus and Twitter

Prerequisite Knowledge
Participants must have access to the technology and understand the rules and
procedures for using within CCPS
Participants must have basic understanding of the technologies available to them in
CCPS, including Google Apps for Education, as well as Social Media tools discussed in
the workshop
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 30

This workshop will incorporate the newest technology initiative offered through Caroline
County Public Schools; Google Apps for Education (GAFE). Since many teachers are
unfamiliar with all the applications available within Google, this workshop will break down
the digital tools that may be used within the classroom setting. Participants will create a
Google Classroom for their current classrooms. Instruction on how to use tools as Google
Docs, Google Forms, Google Sheets, Google Drive, Google Sites, Google Slides, Google
Hangouts, and Social Media will be discussed.

Objectives of the session:

Participants will be able to become aware of the applications available in GAFE
Participants will be able to create their own Google Classroom that can be used in
their current classrooms
Participants will be able to work collaboratively to create Google Classroom
assignments, announcements, and questions and share these with a partner for
Participants will be able to create a Google Document, Google Sheet, and Google
Participants will learn how to share and edit a Google Document, Google Sheet, and
Google Form though the Google Drive technology
Participants will be able to create their own classroom Google Site
Participants will be able to download a Power Point presentation they have already
made into Google Slides
Participants will be able to create new slides in the Google Slide technology by
imbedding videos and images
Participants will be able to identify, follow, and interact in specific professional
hastags/networks in Twitter and Google Plus
Instructional Strategies of the Workshop:
Participants in the workshop will be given a brief lecture review of the topics discussed.
Since this workshop is developed for experiences learners of the technology, much
instructional strategy will include the Explicit Instruction model, as well as Hands-on Play
and Learning. Students will also be able to use the Google Classroom CCPS Professional
Learning Network to post their thoughts of the topics discussed in the session.

MacBook Pro Laptop: Each educator within CCPS is issued their own personal
MacBook Pro laptop as long as they work for the county. These issued digital tools will
be necessary to complete workshop activities. Software for tools as GAFE and Twitter
will be available through the internet.
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 31

End-of-Session Evaluation
Once the workshop has been complete, all participants will be given access to the following
reflection survey:

Participants will be asked a short series of questions in order for the session leader to
understand the effectiveness of the professional development. After reviewing the data
from the survey completed, the session leaders and technology leaders of the CCPS
technology-training workshops will collaborate on future plans of technology use and
professional development in the county. Technology leaders in each school will discuss
results at staff meetings during the first month of the following school year. All staff will
use the data from the technology-training workshops to collaborate on the specific
instructional adjustments that must be made within the school year.
All session content will be available within the newly developed CCPS Tech Google

Technology Workshop Lesson Plan : Day 4

Workshop Title: Subjects Discussed in the Workshop:

Web 2.0 Software for a -Website Builders: Weebly and Wiki Sites
collaborative, - Study Tools/ Gamification: Kahoot and Quizlet

research-friendly, and - Multimedia Presentation Software: Glogster, Prezi, Pecha Kucha,

Pow Toons
multimedia classroom
- Livebinders
- Electronic Databases
- Educator Share-Out

Prerequisite Knowledge
Participants must have access to the technology and understand the rules and
procedures for using within CCPS
Participants must have a general understanding of the internet-based technologies
discussed in the workshop and know how to navigate throughout different search
engines (Chrome, Firefox, and Safari)
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 32

In order to create lessons and a classroom climate that is technology-rich, participants of
this workshop will be instructed on what Web 2.0 tools are and which internet based
software could be applied within the classroom setting. Separated by levels of expertise,
subjects discussed will include website builders, gamification tools, multimedia
presentation software, research organizational tools, and electronic databases used by the
school district of Caroline County. Additionally, participants will be able to search out
digital tools they find interesting and have a chance to share-out their experiences within
the classroom setting.

Objectives of the session:

Participants will be able to become aware of the digital tools available regarding
student data tracking and analysis
Participants will be able to create their own classroom website or
project/assignment website that can be used for an upcoming lesson in the
Participants will be able to create gamification games and study tools using Kahoot
and Quizlet software that can be used within the specific content areas
Participants will be able to create a Welcome Back to School multimedia
presentation using Glogster, Prezi, Pecha Kucha, or Pow Toons and share their
creations with the workshop participants
Participants will be able to create a Livebinder of all websites discussed within this
workshop and post the link to the Livebinder within the CCPS Tech Google
Participants will be able to review advanced searching options in electronic
databases provided by CCPS: SIRS and EBSCO
Participants will be given tutorials on Boolean search method strategies for
electronic databases
Participants will be able to research the internet in an effort to find an additional
Web 2.0 tool to share-out with the workshop participants
Instructional Strategies of the Workshop:
For each tool discussed in the workshop, participants will be given a brief lecture review
on how to locate and use the tools. Developed for more advanced learners, participants
will use screencasts and YouTube videos to review additional applications and tricks each
Web 2.0 provides. Additionally, the strategy of participant share-out will provide
opportunities for learners to share their personal anecdotes using specific technologies. In
this format, each participant will become a teacher-leader on a technology.
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 33

MacBook Pro Laptop: Each educator within CCPS is issued their own personal
MacBook Pro laptop as long as they work for the county. These issued digital tools will
be necessary to complete workshop activities. All Web 2.0 tools discussed will
available through the internet, though some teachers may need to create accounts
within each tool if they have not done so previously.
End-of-Session Evaluation
Once the workshop has been complete, all participants will be given access to the following
reflection survey:

Participants will be asked a short series of questions in order for the session leader to
understand the effectiveness of the professional development. After reviewing the data
from the survey completed, the session leaders and technology leaders of the CCPS
technology-training workshops will collaborate on future plans of technology use and
professional development in the county. Technology leaders in each school will discuss
results at staff meetings during the first month of the following school year. All staff will
use the data from the technology-training workshops to collaborate on the specific
instructional adjustments that must be made within the school year.
All session content will be available within the newly developed CCPS Tech Google

Technology Workshop Lesson Plan : Day 5

Workshop Title: Subjects Discussed in the Workshop:

Becoming a rookie- - Reviewing the technologies discussed throughout the previous

four professional development workshops regarding technology
expert on a digital training
tool, attendee created - Selecting digital tools discussed in the CCPS technology-training
presentations, and workshops and presenting this knowledge through a summative
content lesson plan
development - Creating a cross-curricular lesson plan imbedding instructional
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 34

Prerequisite Knowledge
Participants must have access to the technology and understand the rules and
procedures for using within CCPS
Participants must have a solid understanding of the technologies available to them in
CCPS and those discussed in previous CCPS technology-training workshops
Participants must have in mind a unit or lesson that can be developed with cross-
curricular grade-level colleagues
For the final CCPS technology-training workshop, colleagues will be separated according to
grade-level teams. Grade-level teams may work with colleagues from another school as
long as all participants teach or interact with the same grade (ex: 6th grade teams, 3rd grade
teams, kindergarten teachers, 9th grade teachers, etc.). Administrators may choose to
collaborate with the any grade-level team from their schools. As the final summative
assessment for all technology-trainings in previous workshops, participants will work
collaboratively to select a few digital tools discussed and develop a cross-curricular
Project-Based-Learning (PBL) lesson plan. All content areas including Mathematics,
English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science, must be represented within the overall
technology-rich lesson plan. Once completed, grade-level teams will present their lesson
plans with the rest of the workshop participants. Finally, each lesson plan will be uploaded
to the CCPS Tech Google Classroom in an effort to share, adjust, and use lessons throughout
the county classrooms as needed.

Objectives of the session:

Participants will be able to work collaboratively to review and select digital tools
discussed in the professional development
Participants will be able to work with colleagues to develop a cross-curricular and
technology-rich Project-Based-Learning (PBL) lesson plan
Participants will be able to share-out their PBL lesson plan and review other lesson
plans created by colleagues through the use of the CCPS Tech Google Classroom

Instructional Strategies of the Workshop:

Participants in the workshop will be given a brief lecture review of all topics discussed
throughout all CCPS technology-training workshops attended throughout the school year.
This final workshop will allow for Think-Pair-Shares and Collaboration opportunities in
order to develop technology-rich lesson plans. Finally, Participant Share-Out and the
Google Classroom CCPS Professional Learning Network will be used to distribute the
knowledge gained to all staff members of Caroline County Public Schools.
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 35

MacBook Pro Laptop: Each educator within CCPS is issued their own personal
MacBook Pro laptop as long as they work for the county. These issued digital tools will
be necessary to complete workshop activities. Software for tools discussed in all
workshops are either already downloaded to each computer or available via internet.

Headphones: Headphones may be used for educators needing to try out digital tools
with sound.

Curriculum Documents: To prepare for cross-curricular PBL lesson plans, grade level
textbooks will be onsite, but educators will be given directions to bring any curriculum
related resources they may need before the day of the workshop.

End-of-Session Evaluation
Once the workshop has been complete, all participants will be given access to the following
reflection survey:

Participants will be asked a short series of questions in order for the session leader to
understand the effectiveness of the professional development. After reviewing the data
from the survey completed, the session leaders and technology leaders of the CCPS
technology-training workshops will collaborate on future plans of technology use and
professional development in the county. Technology leaders in each school will discuss
results at staff meetings during the first month of the following school year. All staff will
use the data from the technology-training workshops to collaborate on the specific
instructional adjustments that must be made within the school year.
All session content will be available within the newly developed CCPS Tech Google

Materials and resources for technology-training

All teachers, administrators, and school officials of Caroline County Public Schools
have access to Google Apps for Education (GAFE). After subscribing to the Google school-
based program, all participants of the technology-training workshops will use the GAFE
applications to keep organized and access resources developed during each session. The
first material developed for the training sessions includes the CCPS Professional Learning
Network through the use of a CCPS Tech Google Classroom mentioned previously in this
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 36

plan. This open forum will be used to share resources from the workshops, as well as
become a digital learning platform for educators to talk and chat about instructional
technology. In order to access, all participants must enter their CCPS given Google
username and password. Additionally, they must join the Google Classroom through the
following link and code:

Google Classroom Code: 1ah1j8k

An additional material created for the CCPS technology-training includes a Google

Sites website. This online tool will comprise of videos, tutorials, and resources relating to
training topics and technology assistance. Participants and users of the Google Site may use
this in the future when imbedding technology into their classroom lessons. As the site
becomes fully developed in the upcoming school years, educators may request additional
items be housed within the tech-help Google Site. Though only technology leaders and the
CCPS instructional technologist will have editing rights to the website, any school official
may request additional tech-related items to be posted. Contact information and a Google
Form will be available on the Google Site to make requests organized and user-friendly.
The following link includes the CCPS Google Site for Technology:

Field-test of training from a case-study group

As the county has been making many initiatives with technology, our adoption of
FAME (Formative Assessment for Maryland Educators) cohort groups and technology
leaders in each school will complete a field test of trainings. This combination of teachers,
administrators, and school-based technology leaders will be known as the Technology
Action Team (TAT) participants. Paid a stipend to complete sample workshops, twelve
individuals will be selected to gain an insider view of what the CCPS technology-training
sessions will entail. Since many FAME cohort members feel the use of technology in the
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 37

classroom is pivotal for creating Formative Assessment-based teaching, these individuals

are passionate about preparing the county for technology integration as a whole. During
the field-tests, the TAT individuals will take notes on the form displayed below regarding
their experiences in the field-test workshops:

Technology-Training Workshop Field-Test Observations

Name: Date:

Title of Field-Test Workshop:

1. From this workshop, what was the main content you could extract?

2. From this workshop, what did you like or what worked for you?

3. For this workshop, what did you not like or what would you change. Please be as
specific as possible.

4. On a scale from 1-5 (1=ineffective; 5= very effective), please circle how you would
score this workshop based on gaining training and understanding on instructional
technology? 1 2 3 4 5

5. What other questions or comments do you have regarding the workshop?

Biskach District Technology Training Plan 38


Members of the TAT committee will meet once a week for five weeks during
afterschool hours. Taking place at various schools in the district to accommodate the
diverse field-test group, TAT members will attend identical sessions the CCPS technology-
training workshops will later provide. During this trial run, TAT members will be able to
ask questions, make suggestions, take notes, and give constructive feedback on what
should stay the same and what should be altered to fit the differentiated needs of the
Caroline County Public Schools employees. Once the field-test training has concluded, the
TAT members, instructional technologist, and other necessary school officials will debrief
on changes that must be made before the CCPS technology-training commences. Changes
will be made according to the needs and the CCPS technology-training will proceed on a
date solidified in the future.


Once each CCPS technology-training has concluded, each participant will be asked to
complete a Google Form survey using their personal MacBook Pro laptops. The data
submitted to the instructional technologist will be used to adapt to the needs and wants of
the workshop participants in future professional development. The following link has been
listed in the Sample technology-training workshop previously discussed in this plan:

In an additional effort to evaluate the effectiveness of the CCPS technology-training,

the instructional technologies will conduct informal walk-throughs and observations of
teachers using technology in the classroom. Later, both educators will meet to discuss the
positive aspects of the lesson, as well as what could have gone better when it came to using
the digital tools. Each school will also have the technology-leader, usually the media-
specialist, from each school conduct short and informal after-school chats about the use of
technology in the classroom. The dates of these technology-chats will be given ahead of
time in order for participants of the CCPS technology-training workshops to bring
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 39

classroom samples and anecdotes of using technologies discussed. In an effort to create

Caroline County Public Schools to a technology-friendly norm, all staff members are invited
to share their experiences and become teacher-leaders of technology-use as well.

Summative evaluation

At the conclusion of each workshop, participants are asked to complete a Google

Form survey to rate and reflect on their experiences. However, for the final summative
evaluation of technology integration, participants will share their experiences as a whole
from the entire school year. Taking place at the final professional development of the
school year, this hour-long discussion will become an Edcamp-like meeting. All staff
members will discuss their favorite tools, tools that did not work well, and where Caroline
County Public Schools should go in the future with technology. Additionally, at this final
meeting, the drafting of a new CCPS Technology Plan will launch. Though this document is
in the jurisdiction of the instructional technologist, all members will review the former plan
and suggest adjustments as needed. Finally, each participant in the workshops will
complete the following Summative Evaluation Form explaining what specific digital tools
they used during the school year and how they plan to use them in the future:

Summative Evaluation Form

CCPS Technology Training Workshops
Name: ____________________________________________
Please check of the Please comment on Please comment on What help or
digital tools you your positive your negative training would you
used in your experiences with experiences with like in order to
classroom this year: using the tools: using the tools: move forward with
using this

-Microsoft Office
-MacBook Pro and
Mac Desktop
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 40

-Epson Interactive

-Power School
-Moby Max
-Performance Matters

-GAFE applications
-Google Plus

Presentation builders
-Study Tools/
-Electronic Databases

lessons and units
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 41

Costs and overall budget

Since each CCPS technology-training workshop will be during already scheduled

professional development in-service days during the school year, there will be no cost in
the budget to pay teachers or staff members involved. All staff members are contractually
paid for 190 days of service in the district. The technology-training will take place during
five of the ten professional development days build into the school-year schedule. Each
training day will take place at various schools throughout the district, allotting for no
additional venue costs. Digital tools discussed in the workshops have already been
purchased through CCPS technology funds, so no additional cost is needed. The only costs
consist of the payment to workshop leaders and TAT committee members. Eight workshop
leaders will run the various workshops and twelve TAT members will complete the field
tests for the CCPS technology-training workshops. With regards to total costs, the following
chart will specify the overall budget:

Budget Item Calculations and Cost Total

8 leaders x$40.00 each

+ $8000.00
Workshop Leader Stipend
x25 hours of workshop
TAT (Technology Action
12 TAT members x$40.00 $480.00
Team Participants for the
Overall Total: $8480.00

Follow-up of technology integration

In an effort to keep all CCPS technology-training content applied in classroom,

continuous follow-ups on the school level will occur. Follow-ups will include the
instructional technologist meeting with teachers, as well as specific technology-leaders in
each school will provide additional support as needed. The CCPS Professional Learning
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 42

Network in the form of the CCPS Tech Google Classroom will be used for technology
announcements and for educators to post concerns and/or accomplishments made in
classrooms using instructional technology. As stated before in this plan, informal walk-
throughs, observations, and technology-chats will occur at schools in an effort to sustain
Caroline County Public Schools as a technology-rich learning climate. The instructional
technologist will also update the CCPS Google Site for Technology as needed for the staff of
the school district. Constant contact with the instructional technologist and technology
leaders in CCPS will be an available asset to technology integration.
Biskach District Technology Training Plan 43


Caroline County Public Schools. (2016). Motivating and challenging students to attain
educational excellence. Retrieved from

Common Core State Standards Initiative. (2016). Read the standards. Retrieved from

FAME. (2016). Formative assessment for Maryland educators. Retrieved from http://msde-

ISTE. (2016). Iste standards for teachers. Retrieved from

Technology Plan. (2011). Caroline county public schools. Retrieved from

2015 Maryland Report Card. (2015). Caroline county. Retrieved from

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