Tymel Plummer Philosophy Paper

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Tymel Plummer

May 4th, 2016

Critical Analysis Paper

Prof. Martino

I do not approach god in a personal way through any specific faith tradition, growing up I

was raised by my grandmother in a Baptist church. I was always told that god is watching you

every move, and if you do wrong you will go to hell which I was very much afraid of. It was

almost like I was scared into religion. I felt like I always had to do right, and never could do no

wrong because of the fear of going to hell. I still feel this way until this day, but not as much as I

did as a child. I view god now as more as a higher spiritual power, whom I live my life through

to make the correct decisions. I do believe that there is a god, or possibly a higher power I just do

no see him as the figure that some other people see him as. I am not a non believer nor atheists or

any shape form or fashion, I am just more of a spiritual believer.

St Thomas Aquinass has five arguments in which he explains the existence of god in

five ways. The first is the argument that he tries to manifest is motion. This is in which Aquinas

explains how everything in the world is in motion, and what ever is in motion in put into motion

but something already in motion. Aquinas says for whatever is in motion is put in motion by

another, for nothing can be in motion except it is in potentiality to that towards which it is in

motion (Chafee pg.381). The basic logic behind the first argument is the understanding that

everything is continually moving, changing, and evolving (Chafee 381). This is just one of the

first five proofs or arguments that Aquinas tried to prove for god existences.

The second way that Aquinas tried to prove god existences was from the nature of the

efficient cause. Aquinas goes on to state in the world of sense we find there is an order of
efficient causes (Chafee 381). Aquinas also goes on to state that it is impossible to go on for

infinity due to the efficient cause following in order. (Chafee 381). Aquinas goes on to talk

about these causes first, intermediate, and ultimate cause. If you take away the main cause, but

without a cause it can go on for infinity because of no ultimate cause. The first and second

argument both interact with one another making a statement that both are in order of a source of

change. There must be a first cause in order for a source of change, or thus having infinite

regress. This cause is what Aquinas is making when makes this argument for in the second way

of proving that god exists.

The third way that Aquinas tried to proof that god exists was through possibility and

necessity, and runs thus. He says we find in nature things that are possible to be and not to be

since they are found to generated, and to corrupt and consequently, they are possible to be and

not to be (Chafee 382). This means that at one time there was nothing there in its existence but

its only something had to exist in for that something to exist. There is necessary existence of

something in order for something to exist, thus Aquinas is stating that this speaks of god


The fourth way that Aquinas tried to prove the existence of god was of his argument from

the different degrees of perfection found in finite things. He states that humans commonly judge

some things to be more perfect than other things (Chafee 383). What Aquinas is trying to say is

that in order for something to be perfect there must be something out that there that is already

perfect. You can not merely call something imperfect with out already having a standard set in

place as to what is already perfect. Therefor there must be a most perfect being and Aquinas says

this would be god.

Aquinass fifth proof of god existing is known as the argument of design, in which he

starts it off with observations of the universe in orderly and purposeful way. The fifth way is

taken from the governance of the world, in which we see things which lack intelligence. This

would be things such as natural bodies, act for an end, and this is evident form their always, or

nearly always, in the same way so as to obtain the best result (Chafee 383). For instance,

whatever lacks intelligence it can not move toward an unless, unless it happens to be directed by

some who has knowledge and intelligence. What Aquinas is saying is that intelligence exists and

natural things are directed to end by god.

One Objection made was by a philosopher by the name of Bertrand Russell who believes

that universe is very poorly designed. He gives his explanation In his book Why I Am Not a

Christian that he feels that universe Is poorly designed due to astonishing with all the things that

go on it. He goes on to say with all the defects that that are in this world, the should be the best

that omnipotence and omniscience have been able to produce in millions of years (Chafee

pg.385). This meaning with all the years god had to perfect this world we have things such as

Fascist and the Ku Klux Klan why couldnt we have better things if this world was built by such

an intelligent designer.

James notions about passional natures was that it is to be used to decide which

perspective makes the most sense in the concrete reality of our lives (Chafee Pg.310). James

also makes a notion that scientific reason can not determine the truth nor falsity of religious

experience so we must rely on our passional natures. We must also trust in our religious

experiences because if we wait for sufficient evidence we will just be frozen in time. This

would make it hard for us to make any decision regarding religious beliefs.
In the American Magazine article Morneau describes James overall project of the

varieties of religious experience as a classical piece. He described the piece as very in-depth in

knowledge with many wonderful phases, and insights. I think this lends itself to a philosophical

approach to go due to the passages being used from individuals whom had religious experiences.

Along with how James tried to analyze human spirit attempts to engage in the mystery of divine

transcendence (American Magazine 2014). This is why I believe it lends itself to a

philosophical approach to god.

The second insight that James talks about in his The Varieties of Religious Experience

is our feelings affect our character. This is one of the perfect examples of advanced philosophys

aim to examine the human experience of belief in God. This is a good insight because it is based

off of feelings or thoughts, this typically happens especially when we happen to survey religion.

We have this notion of religion, and we when we talk or think about it we tend to think and have

some sort of feeling. This is why I believe this happens to be one best examples when

philosophically trying to aim human experience of belief in god.

Another insight that I believe fits this criteria of a good insight would be insight number

seven, which is the notion that we must make god our business. This insight mean that we open

up our human spirit to god through scriptures, and or through our dreams. Some would even talk

with god through community services through daily services. With opening up the human spirit

with these things would bring the human spirit closer to god. James say he is concerned about

our deepest destiny (American Magazine 2014). This reason being because he feels that if god

is not close to the human spirt then the ball game is over.

The last notion in which I believe makes philosophys aim to examine the human

experience of belief in God is, insight number nine. This is the notion that we must choose the
keynote of our own lives. People tend to look for a sense of hope, or possibility from god when

looking into the future. In a sense people look to god as hope when struggling, look for a sense

of possibility within god. With this people will be ready to risk and take a chance not knowing

what possibility is waiting for them. Another notion of this is that some people wont even take

the chance, and will have blind resignation. Thus giving us the notion that we must chose our

keynote to our own lives.

Nietzsches assertion about the death of god was that he felt that since god was dead we

needed a new moral code to live by. He said we can no longer see ourselves as the children of

god, and need his forgiveness to cleanse us of original sin (Chafee 532). His philosophical

project was that he wanted to incarnate a will to power, and strive it to grow, spread, and seize to

become predominant. The implications of the death of god were no longer can humans depend

on a supernatural being to provide purpose to their lives and a moral code to live by according to

Nietzsche (Chafee 532).

From looking at the information from the Facttank report it shows that millennials are

becoming less religious than older Americans born before them. Aquinass philosophy that there

is a high power out there, and that there is a perfect reasoning for everything sheds light to the

spirituality that these millennials are doing compare to their older American counterparts. You

could also make a notion that a lot of younger Americans gravitate towards the Nietzsches

approach of god is dead. Millennials have a should do it ourselves mentality(FactTank, 2016),

and that we should make our own rules, and have empowerment of ourselves.

The three philosophical positons from Aquinas, James, and Nietzsches played no

part in my personal approach to god. I still feel as if Im more spiritual than anything, when it

comes to my relationship with god. I believe that I have the beliefs of Aquinas and some of
Nietzsches in which they talked about in there readings. For instance, with Aquinas I feel as if

there is a reason for everything, and there is a high power that it making that happen. From

Nietzsches I do feel as if we should have some sort of empowerment of ourselves. I do not

believe that religion is a slave mentality as he states, but I do believe religion is blown a bit


Works Citied

Morneau, Robert F. "Varieties of Insight." America Magazine. America Media, 3 Feb. 2014. Web.
3 May 2016.

Masci, David. "Q&A: Why Millennials Are Less Religious than Older Americans." Pew Research
Center RSS. N.p., 08 Jan. 2016. Web. 04 May 2016.

Chaffee, John. The Philosopher's Way: A Text with Readings: Thinking Critically about Profound
Ideas. Boston: Pearson Education, 2013. 381-85. Print.

Chaffee, John. The Philosopher's Way: A Text with Readings: Thinking Critically about Profound
Ideas. Boston: Pearson Education, 2013. 532. Print.

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