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Ex no.

6: Selection of design parameters for specific role and payload

Aim: To study about the selection of design parameters of UAV for specific role and payload.

The design requirements are the specifics to which the design, as ordered by the customer
must adhere to. They requirements are often stated at the beginning of the aircraft design and are
used as a guideline in each phase of the project. The requirements begin with the national and/or
international requirements eg) regarding safety. These requirements are expanded with the
specific wishes of the customer, eg) technical requirements as the capability of reaching a certain
speed, range, payload, and so forth and/or economic requirements, eg) regarding costs,
maintenance characteristics, and so forth.
The requirements are.
Purpose of an aircraft.
Amount of payload.
Speed of aircraft.
Normal cruise altitude.
Range of an aircraft.
Take off distance at max weight.
Landing distance with 50% of fuel weight.
Cost of an aircraft.
Purpose of an aircraft
This will help to choose the category of an aircraft. Such categories include combat aircraft, or
commercial aircraft. They also further classified based on their objectives such as long range or
short range, takeoff or landing distances, max speed etc. the process of categorizing is useful in
identifying an aircraft.

Amount of payload
Aircraft payloads are cargo or ordnance. The first one is considered non expendable payload
because they are expected to be transported for the complete duration of the flight plan. Military
ordnance is expendable payload since at some point in the flight plan it permanently leaves the
aircraft. This includes bombs, missiles, and ammunitions.

Cruise of aircraft
Cruise is the level portion of aircraft travel where flight is most fuel efficient. It occurs between
ascent and descent phases and is usually the majority of a journey. Technically, cruising consists
of heading (direction of flight) changes only at a constant airspeed and altitude. It ends as the
aircraft approaches the destination where the descent phase of flight commences in preparation
for landing.

Its the distance the aircraft fly without refueling. In a flight plan, range refers to the distance
traveled during the cruise phase.

Endurance is the maximum length of time that an aircraft can spend in cruising flight. Endurance
is sometimes erroneously equated with range. The two concepts are distinctly different: range is
a measure of distance flown while endurance is a measure of time spent in the air. For example, a
typical sailplane exhibits high endurance characteristics but poor range characteristics.

Takeoff distance
The takeoff distance depends upon the takeoff speed. The takeoff speed required varies with air
density, aircraft gross weight, and aircraft configuration (flap and/or slat position, as applicable).
Air density is affected by factors such as field elevation and air temperature. This relationship
between temperature, altitude, and air density can be expressed as a density altitude, or the
altitude in the International Standard Atmosphere at which the air density would be equal to the
actual air density.

Cost of an aircraft
The number of production aircraft will distribute the cost design and research. The decision on
the total number of aircraft to be produced is therefore an important factor in establishing a
purchase price.


Thus the study about the selection of design parameters of UAV for specific role and payload has
been done.

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