FVLC Re Barry Neufeld

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Fraser Valley Labour Council is a chartered body of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and represents a
number of affiliated unions within the Fraser Valley. Unions and the labour movement strive to create
safe spaces and to reduce or eliminate barriers inhibiting inclusiveness for workers, families and
community members at work and in life. Every person adult and child deserves to feel safe, respected
and included. This is not a fad, propaganda or radical cultural nihilism, it is the law as outlined in the
Human Rights code where all individuals should have an opportunity equal with other individuals to
make for themselves the lives that they are able and wish to have and to have their needs
accommodated, consistent with their duties and obligations as members of society, without being
hindered or prevented from doing so by discriminatory practices based on all the prohibited grounds of
discrimination including sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.

The SOGI guideline is a tool being implemented to equip teachers and school districts with the necessary
awareness and education to create safe and inclusive environments and protect themselves and school
districts from discriminatory practices and human rights code violations. Absolutely no harm is caused to
students, parents or teachers by respecting legislation for the purpose of creating a more inclusive
environment, school, society. Harm is caused when one is made to feel unsafe, unable to participate or
unwelcome in any environment. The comments made by trustee Barry Neufeld did just this in addition
to putting the board at risk to human rights code violations and law suits and being in direct
contravention of many union and CLC policies and stances regarding sexual orientation and gender
identity. Comments like these have the potential effect of denying students a learning opportunity to
ensure success something this board prides itself on. Mr. Neufeld's comments have caused significant
harm and I truly hope no student, parent, teacher or community member has been made to feel less
safe or less included. The apology issued does not address accountability, responsibility, the seriousness
of harm caused or the reparation of that harm. I urge the chair and entire board to take steps to repair
the harm that has been caused.

Everyone is protected under the Charter or Rights and Freedoms to freedom of thought, belief, opinion
and expression but when an opinion causes harm or exclusion based on a prohibited grounds of
discrimination and interferes with the fundamental right and freedom to equal opportunity, which is a
pillar in the education system, it becomes discriminatory in nature, causes harm and infringes on ones
rights under the human rights code. It is further egregious when an elected person in a position of
authority with influence and power in the school system undermines the basic principle of equal
opportunity in education.
Social and legislated change is and always has been a requirement to move this community, province
and country forward to being truly respectful and inclusive. The changes absolutely are necessary and
there is still a lot of work to be done. It has changed and evolved many times throughout history and
never without resistance but in the current political landscape if one finds themselves in an elected
position in a system they no longer believe in or support with values that conflict with their own they
should remove themselves from that position immediately as they are no longer able to act in the best
interests of those elected to represent.

It is for these reasons that we no longer have confidence and trust in Mr. Neufeld to equally and
respectfully uphold the best interests of the entire school district and its stakeholders. Mr. Neufeld has
served many years on the board of education and we thank him for his service. We are formally
withdrawing any labour support to Mr. Neufeld and are requesting he resign from his position as school
board trustee. Failing resignation the board and ministry should remove Mr. Neufeld from his position.

We further recommend that the board, district and ministry take efforts to understand the full weight of
these actions, potential liability as well as harm caused and take steps to repair the harm and educate
boards and staff through anti-oppression and anti-discrimination training.


Danielle (DJ) Pohl

President, Fraser Valley Labour Council

cc: Barry Neufeld

cc: Paul McManus, Board of Education Chairperson

cc: Chilliwack Board of Education members

cc: Honorable, Rob Fleming, Minister of Education

cc: Laurie Throness, Chilliwack-Hope MLA

cc: John Martin, Chilliwack MLA

cc: Mark Strahl, Chilliwack MP

cc: FVLC affiliated unions

cc: Canadian Labour Congress

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