Erickson Global Lesson Plans

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Global Classroom Module

Natalie Erickson
EDTC 645
Global Classroom Module
July 16th, 2017
Professor Derby, UMUC
Global Classroom Module

Name of the Lesson: United States and Canada Comparison Project

Grade Level: Sophomores and juniors
Subject: High School Algebra 2
Prepared by: Natalie Erickson

Overview & Purpose

Globalization in schools will allow students to get the basic education that can set them
up for the job of their dreams while also teaching them the topics of today that allows
them to be good citizens and solve global issues. That is what my goal is for this project.
The best way for students to communicate globally is through technology. Education is
meant to prepare these children for their world, the use of technology becomes the norm
in our classrooms and schools (Canuel, R). This project merges mathematical skills with
world statistics to education student beyond our country. Climate change, poverty and
conflict are some of the pressing global problems that young people have inherited. To
shape a better common future, students must be empowered to think and act as global
citizens (Walraven,K. 2013). I would like this project to enlighten our students on world
statistics while also connecting them to another student from another country. Students
will take prior knowledge of creating a regression model and demonstrate how they
determine it is the best model for the data and then share their findings with their partner
from Canada. Together the pair will create a presentation to share their work and findings
with their classmates.

Education Standards Addressed

Content Standards

Common Core Standards that will be used but are considered prior knowledge.
Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including dot plots,
histograms, and box plots.

Giving quantitative measures of center (median and/or mean) and variability
(interquartile range and/or mean absolute deviation), as well as describing any
overall pattern and any striking deviations from the overall pattern with
reference to the context in which the data were gathered.

New Common Core Standards

Write a function that describes a relationship between two quantities.
Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph,
by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases.
Global Classroom Module

Compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way
(algebraically, graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbal descriptions)

ISTE Standards

Empowered Learner:
1b: Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways
that support the learning process.

Digital Citizen:
2b: Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using
technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.

Knowledge Construction:
3a: Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information
and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
3b: Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of
information, media, data or other resources.
3c: Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and
methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections
or conclusions.

Computational Thinker:
5b: Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze
them, and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem solving and

Creative Communicator:
6a: Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired
objectives of their creation or communication.
6c: Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or
using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.
6d: Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium
for their intended audiences.

Global Collaborator:
7a: Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of
backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual
understanding and learning.

Materials Needed: Pencil, Paper, calculator, and iPad (each student has their own
iPad so no reservations needed)

Other Resources: Internet, Procedures Handout, and Rubrics

Global Classroom Module


Goal: Teacher will facilitate global communication among his/her students and a
Canadian classroom.

Objective: Teacher will be able to provide students will the technology necessary
to communicate with their Canadian partner.

Objective: Teacher will be able to connect with a Canadian math classroom and
provide students with students to complete their assignments with.

Goal: Teacher will provide students with the math content necessary to complete
the project.

Objective: Teacher will teach students about data collection and comparison to be
able for students to interpret what the data means to their assignment.

Objective: Teacher will teach students how to model with data, verify the model
fits the data and be able to make predictions using their model.


Goal: Students will use technology to communicate with students from another
country to learn about another culture and how it relates to their own.

Objective: Students will be able to explore new technology tools to communicate

with their partner from Canada.

Objective: Students will be able to communicate and collaborate with a student

from Canada to complete the model their findings and compare to the same
statistics of Canada.

Goal: Students will perform research to gain insight on comparable data.

Objective: Through research and collaboration, students and their partner will be
able to model their comparative data and make predictions using their model

Objective: Student and their partner will present their statistical and comparative
findings to the class.
Global Classroom Module

Prior to this project, students were taught how to create a regression model given
different sets of data. Students mastered the skill of creating a line and curve of best fit
and demonstrated this knowledge through their work. They were taught how to verify
their model worked with the data by analyzing the fit to the scatter plot, the correlation
coefficient, and the residual graph. After creating the model, students were taught how to
make predictions using the model and information given. The following project asks the
students to demonstrate the same set of skills while digging deeper in their ability to
explain their work through global collaboration.

Prior to this project, students demonstrated understanding of how to model given data.
They used their calculators and the online application Desmos to create their scatter plot
and then inserted in their calculated model. They explained why they chose that specific
model and used the residual graph and correlation coefficient to support their response.
With these responses students successfully made predictions using their calculated
model. These are the detailed skills that they will perform for the following project.

Website Links
Both teachers will use the Google Hangouts Application, during student presentations.

This site will help the students get started with finding data on the United States. Not all
data will be found here but it can also provide them will some ideas on what to research.
This is the graphing site that students will be expected to use for their project. They will
be expected to provide a created scatter plot along with their inserted model.
Students have used Desmos before but if they need a refresher on how to create a scatter
plot this link takes them to the Desmos help page, which explains the step on creating a
scatter plot.
Students have previously seen this video, during the regression unit, but if they need to
refresh themselves on regression and residuals with the graphing calculator this video
explains it.
Global Classroom Module
This is the Google Document that I have created alongside the collaborating Canadian
teacher. This document provides the students with their partner from Canada and vise
versa. (Both teachers will fill out, this document as our students choose their topic of

There are a number of ways I plan to check for student understanding. As students are
researching and collecting data I plan to facilitate and walk around. I plan to be there to
ask them probing questions and suggest things if needed, but I will not provide them with
any answers. I want them to be able to work it out and/or find their mistakes. Students
also must make predictions however I will provide the questions. This allows me to
informally check in on the students and review their work so I can formulate good
questions. If I notice students have mistakes I will be sure to have them answer a question
that allows them to see their mistake.

Students will be given the opportunity to check their work as they move forward in the
project. This assignment asks them to choose the best model for their data by using the
correlation coefficient and the residual graph. These two identifiers will show the student
just how fit their line/curve is. If they feel it doesnt fit well then students have the
opportunity to make corrections. Students will also be able to verify their work through
the answers to the prediction questions. These answers need to make sense. For example,
if the population is growing and their prediction for year 2020 is smaller than the initial
number, they know something went wrong in their calculations. Students will also have
the opportunity to have their work peer reviewed by their Canadian partner. Students are
asked to do a comparison between the two countries and if a piece of information isnt
fitting they will be able to check their work.

Teacher will,
Make contact with Canadian high school
o I will make contact with the teacher who I formed a relationship with for the case study
project, Mr. Lefsrud, who is a teacher for the Calgary Board of Education. I would ask
for his help to connect me with a math teacher who teaches a similar course as I do and
together we could make the timeline match for this unit. I would be willing to rearrange
my other units so this project can be possible.
Introduce project to students
Facilitate project
Connect with Canadian classroom for presentations
o I will work with the teacher from the Canada school to make sure the timing of our
presentations works. If there were a conflict, then I would seek permission to have the
Global Classroom Module

students of that class, be excused from other classes to give/view the presentations. I
would treat this request as an in-school field trip.
Assess students on presentations and reflections

Students will be,

Researching data
Creating/demonstrating the best model representing data
Making predictions using their model
Collaborating with a peer (from Canada)
Designing a presentation demonstrating their model and comparison to their
Canadian peers model
Writing a summary essay

Global Network: Canada

Step-by-Step Procedure
These two lessons formulate a 10-day project. The 10-day period is the complete module
for this assignment. Students will be given the opportunity to work at their own pace as
long as the project is completing in the given time frame. The two lesson plans below
describe the two major pieces of this project.

Lesson 1: (Time period of about 5 days)

1. Students will watch the following video as an introduction to the project.

This video was chosen to get the students thinking of statistics. It will get them
motivated to do research on the United States and give them some ideas on what
to research. I will also use this video to transition into data on our neighbors in

2. Discuss the video; use the following questions as a guide

a. How did this video make you feel?
b. Were you surprised by any of the facts in the video?
c. Do you feel all countries students are similar?
d. Do you personally know any other students from a different country?

These questions will allow the students to discuss the video. I am curious how this
video made them feel and what they took away from it. These questions will also
lead us into talking about the project and future collaboration with Canada.

3. Give the students the procedures handout and go through it with them. This
worksheet provides the student the details of the project. Answer any questions
students may initially have.
Global Classroom Module

Going through the detail directions with the students will allow them to get their
questions answered and gives me a chance to make the directions clear.

4. Students will begin by choosing the topic that they would like to research. They
will be able to use their iPads during class to do this.

I feel that giving the students the option of choice will allow them to have fun and
be interested in what they need to research. This is their opportunity for

5. Students will begin researching their topic on their own country, while
collaborating with their partner in Canada on their research.

I will stress that it is important to communicate with their Canadian partner

sooner than later so they can form a relationship. Students will also feel more
supported throughout the process if they can collaborate.

6. Students, one US and one Canadian, will work together to create a model of their
research, compare the results, and begin work on their presentation information.

This is where students have the ability to choose the platform they want to use for
their presentation I feel that once again, it is important for them to have a choice.
I am always surprised by what students know and can do with technology.

7. Explain that the students have five days of class, and out of class if they choose,
before presentations begin.

I feel it is important for students to know their time frame so they can plan
accordingly and work as efficiently as they can.

Lesson 2: (Time period of about 5 days)

1. Students will present their findings and predictions to the class. This will be a live
stream to include both parties of each group. The teacher will use Google
Hangouts to live stream the Canadian classroom. Each presentation needs to be
between 15-20 minutes long.

A presentation was chosen as the final display of information so the students

could live stream and present together. Google Hangouts was chosen because it
isnt an application that you need to already have, a Google account is all that is
needed. A Google account is also easy enough to create if that is necessary. The
time frame was chosen to give the students parameters to work within. I have
personally found this is helpful also as guidance.

2. Students in the audience will need to take notes to ask questions of the presenting
group. This will keep all members engaged.
Global Classroom Module

Questions will have students of the audience thinking as well as the presenter. I
hope student provide good questions that further the knowledge of the viewers. I
also ask the audience to take notes so they can complete the reflection essay,
which is another portion of their grade.

3. Each individual student will be asked to write a short reflection essay on what
they learned from either their presentation or someone elses.

The goal of this assignment goes beyond the math. As stated, I want students to
not only form new relationships but also learn about another country, Canada.
These reflection essays will provide me with the students take-away and I can
also use them as feedback to better this project.

Formative Evaluation
Students will be formally evaluated on their work through their presentation. Rubric
attached. This is where the students math will be checked and graded in addition to the
students ability to explain the process of their mathematical calculations. Students will
also be expected to formulate a comparative statement on their data and the data found
from Canada.

Summative Evaluation
Students will be evaluated on the ideas behind this entire project through their reflective
essay. Students have demonstrated they understand the math, through previous lessons,
however the main point asked of students is to be able to compare and learn something
from another country. This essay, whether it is on their own project or someone elses,
goes beyond the math to a more relevant connection to the students.

Differentiated Instruction
Teacher: The teacher will differentiate instruction through the prediction questions given
to each student. This will reflect the depth each student is capable of, which the teacher
will decide.

Students: Students have the opportunity to choose the research they would like to work
with. This allows students to decide for themselves what they feel they can handle in
research and modeling. Students also have the opportunity to work at their pace. They
are given a deadline but not each day they are working. This allows them to spend their
time how they see fit and seek the help needed within that timeframe.
Global Classroom Module


Students will use technology to create, compare, and collaborate. The math of this
project is just the foundation. Students will be exploring data and calculations to make
predictions and compare this information with Canadian data. Students will form a new
relationship with their Canadian peer and utilize technology to connect and demonstrate
their information. The class will gain a lot of new information on their own country as
well as Canada.
Global Classroom Module


United States and Canada Comparison Project

Description: Students will use prior knowledge of data and modeling to research data on
the United States. Students will use their model to make predictions. Collaborating with a
student from Canada, students will be able to analyze and compare their results with the
results from Canada.


1. Decide on a statistic you would like to research. Below are some examples. If you
would like to choose a different stat please run it by your teacher.

Population, birth rate, mortality rate, average household income, average SAT
scores, average number of children, etc.

2. The following site may be useful in your research.

Be sure to have at least 5 data points on your research.

3. Create a model for your data. The plot, regression model, forrelation coefficient,
and residual graph need to be included in your project. Use for your graphs. After finding the model, input your
model into the plot.

Need a refresher on Desmos?? Use the following link

Need a refresher on residuals?? Re-watch the video previously provided

4. Then, using your model, make three predictions for the future. You will need to
see me for the prediction questions. These will vary depending on the topic of
research being completed.

5. Based on your data, connect with the Canadian student who researched the same
information but on their own country, Canada. This student is completing the
same information as you are with his or her own data from Canada. This will be
Global Classroom Module

your partner for the remainder of the project. Here is the class Google Doc for
partner assignments.

6. Collaborate with your partner to create a comparative presentation. You will be

presenting together to both the United States and Canada classes. Your
presentation must include the following,

a. Research found
b. Image of scatter plot
c. Model that fits your data
d. Image of scatter plot with inserted model
e. Image of your residual plot
f. Correlation Coefficient stated
g. Prediction questions answered
h. Partner collaboration (what application did you use? How often did you
i. Presentation appeal (correct spelling, correct math performed, visually

7. Write a one-page summary of your experience with this project. This may be your
own experience or something you learned from viewing another presentation.
This is not to be started until after the presentations.

Due Date for Summary: one week after presentations end.

8. Be sure to check your final presentation and paper with the rubrics.

Any questions? Feel free to ask me anytime, in or out of class!

Good Luck!
Mrs. Erickson
Global Classroom Module

Grading Rubrics

Be sure to check your final presentation and essays with the following rubrics to ensure
their completeness and thoroughness.

Presentation and Research Rubric

Student Name: _______________ Partner Name: _______________

Topic Researched: _______________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Preparedness Student is completely Student seems pretty The student is Student does not seem
prepared and has prepared but might somewhat prepared, at all prepared to
obviously rehearsed. have needed a couple but it is clear that present.
more rehearsals. rehearsal was lacking.

Content/ Math Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

demonstrates the demonstrates the demonstrates the demonstrates the
student a full student shows a good student shows a good student does not seem
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of parts to understand the
mathematics/ mathematics/ of the mathematics/ mathematics/modeling
modeling. modeling. modeling. very well.

Content/ Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

Comparison demonstrates the demonstrates the demonstrates the demonstrates the
student a full student shows a good student shows a good student does not seem
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of parts to understand the topic
topic of comparison of topic of comparison of the topic of of comparison of
countries. of countries. comparison of countries very well.

Comprehension Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to Student is unable to

accurately answer accurately answer accurately answer a accurately answer
almost all prediction most prediction few prediction prediction questions
questions and questions questions and questions and and questions posed by
posed by classmates questions posed by questions posed by classmates about the
about the topic. classmates about the classmates about the topic.
topic. topic.

Display Presentation is clear, Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is not,

accurate, nicely mostly, clear, somewhat, clear, clear, accurate, nicely
written/demonstrated accurate, nicely accurate, nicely written/demonstrated
and contains no errors written/demonstrated written/demonstrated and contains many
and contains a couple and contains some errors
errors errors
Global Classroom Module

Reflection Essay

Student Name: _______________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem to
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of parts understand the topic
topic. topic. of the topic. very well.

Vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses several (5 or

appropriate for the appropriate for the appropriate for the more) words or
audience. Extends audience. Includes 1-2 audience. Does not phrases that are not
audience vocabulary words that might be include any understood by the
by defining words that new to most of the vocabulary that might audience.
might be new to most audience, but does not be new to the
of the audience. define them. audience.

Uses Complete Always (99-100% of Mostly (80-98%) Sometimes (70-80%) Rarely writes in
Sentences time) writes in writes in complete writes in complete complete sentences.
complete sentences. sentences. sentences.
Global Classroom Module

Pre-Planning Template

Designer: Natalie Erickson

Summary: Student will research US statistics then model their research through
mathematics. Students will then contact a Canadian student who has done the same from
their country. Together they will share their data and compare, again modeling with
mathematics. Students will be asked predictive questions and will answer based on their
model. Then student pairs will present their findings to the class; live stream with the
other class in Canada.

Goal: Students will use technology to communicate with students from another country
to learn about another culture and how it relates to their own.
Edit: (in red) to explain the goal of this communication

Objective: Students will be able to explore new technology tools to communicate

with their partner from Canada.

Objective: Students will be able to communicate and collaborate with a student

from Canada to complete the model their findings and compare to the same
statistics of Canada.

Goal: Students will perform research to gain insight on comparable data.

Objective: Through research and collaboration, students and their partner will be
able to model their comparative data and make predictions using their model

Objective: Student and their partner will present their statistical and comparative
findings to the class.

Background concerning the school and the group you are working with:
Good Counsel High School
Algebra 2 Class (10th & 11th graders)
Average Class Size: 25
Average Accommodations: 30% of class
Student Technology: iPad and TI-83 calculator

Timeframe: Over a two-week period representing the statistics unit.

Subject And Grade level: Algebra 2 10th & 11th grade

Proposed Topic and Rationale: This assignment will not only bring together students
from different cultures but will also provide them with information researched on the
other country. Students will also learn the tools they can work with to collaborate and
present their information to other classmates.

Global Network You Plan to Use: Canada

Global Classroom Module

Key Challenges: 1. Contact with a cooperating Canadian school

2. Timing of the live streaming lesson

Edit: in my full write up I included what I would do to mitigate these challenges.

Prior Knowledge: Students will expand on their knowledge of the use of statistical
analysis and modeling with statistics (taught prior to this project). Students will be
assessed on their final presentation and collaboration efforts with their Canadian partner.

Standards and Key Concepts

Content Standards:

Common Core Standards that will be used but are considered prior knowledge.
Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including dot plots,
histograms, and box plots.

Giving quantitative measures of center (median and/or mean) and variability
(interquartile range and/or mean absolute deviation), as well as describing any
overall pattern and any striking deviations from the overall pattern with
reference to the context in which the data were gathered.

New Common Core Standards

Write a function that describes a relationship between two quantities.
Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph,
by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases.

Compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way
(algebraically, graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbal descriptions)

National Education Technology Standard for Students NETS (S): Relevant Student
Performance standards 2016

Empowered Learner:
1b: Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways
that support the learning process.

Digital Citizen:
2b: Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using
technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.
Global Classroom Module

Knowledge Construction:
3a: Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information
and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
3b: Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of
information, media, data or other resources.
3c: Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and
methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections
or conclusions.

Computational Thinker:
5b: Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze
them, and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem solving and

Creative Communicator:
6a: Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired
objectives of their creation or communication.
6c: Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or
using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.
6d: Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium
for their intended audiences.

Global Collaborator:
7a: Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of
backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual
understanding and learning.

Pre-Lesson Steps: 1. Reach out to Canadian schools/districts who teach statistics in

their math class. 2. Present the project idea. 3. Work together to create a timeline
4. Decide on the technology tool(s) to be used for this project

Technology Use: Students will use technology to communicate with their Canadian
partner. Tools and platforms will be suggested for them to use for communication and for
modeling the mathematics.
Video Communication Examples: Skype, Face Time, Google Hangouts, Go to
Meetings, etc.
Communication Examples: Google Hangouts, Google Docs, Email, etc.
Mathematical Modeling Tools: Desmos, graphing calculator

Essential Question(s):
1. What are some similarities and differences between the two countries, US and
Canadian, data? Edit: Clarified the two countries were US and Canada.
2. According to your research, what predictions can you make?
3. How can you best model the data?
4. What are other forms of modeling that could be used with your data?
Global Classroom Module

Differentiation of Instruction: Instruction can be differentiated by the topic that the

students research and the form of modeling they are expected to do. The follow up
questions at the end of the assignment can also be differentiated.

Starting Activity For Module: My idea for the hook would be to connect/compare my
US students to other countries students. I feel that showing the video we saw in class,
Two Million Minutes, students will get a different perspective and be curious about other
countries. After the video I plan to discuss some of the key features and themes we saw in
the video to get the students on the topic of globalization. Then I plan to introduce the
assignment and hope the students would be motivated to engage with students from

Lesson Plans:

Lesson 1: (Time period of about 5 days)

1. Students will watch an introductory video and will discuss the video as a class.
2. I will explain the project to the students.
3. Students will choose the topic that they would like to research. This choice will
indicate the Canadian student they will work with.
4. Students will begin researching their topic on their own country, while
collaborating with their partner on their research.
5. Students will work together to create a model of their research, compare the
results, and begin work on their presentation information. Students will be given
prediction questions to answer and include in their presentation.

Edit: was made in the final procedures to explain the partner pairs consist of one US
student and one Canadian student. More details were also added.

Lesson 2: (Time period of about 5 days)

4. Students will present their findings and predictions to the class. This will be a live
stream to include both parties of each group.
5. Students in the audience will need to take notes to ask questions of the presenting
group. This will keep all members engaged.
6. Each individual student will be asked to write a short reflection essay on what
they learned from the presentations.

Summative Assessment: Briefly describe the final assessment of the Global Classroom
Module and ensure that it relates to the outcomes/essential questions. Include the rubric
or grading criteria.

Students will present their findings and model to the classroom. This presentation will be
a live-streaming presentation with the partner from Canada. Both parties will be expected
to present. Students will be graded on the following criteria,
Global Classroom Module

Presentation and Research Rubric

Student Name: _______________ Partner Name: _______________

Topic Researched: _______________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Preparedness Student is completely Student seems pretty The student is Student does not seem
prepared and has prepared but might somewhat prepared, at all prepared to
obviously rehearsed. have needed a couple but it is clear that present.
more rehearsals. rehearsal was lacking.

Content/ Math Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

demonstrates the demonstrates the demonstrates the demonstrates the
student a full student shows a good student shows a good student does not seem
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of parts to understand the
mathematics/ mathematics/ of the mathematics/ mathematics/modeling
modeling. modeling. modeling. very well.

Content/ Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

Comparison demonstrates the demonstrates the demonstrates the demonstrates the
student a full student shows a good student shows a good student does not seem
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of parts to understand the topic
topic of comparison of topic of comparison of the topic of of comparison of
countries. of countries. comparison of countries very well.

Comprehension Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to Student is unable to

accurately answer accurately answer accurately answer a accurately answer
almost all prediction most prediction few prediction prediction questions
questions and questions questions and questions and and questions posed by
posed by classmates questions posed by questions posed by classmates about the
about the topic. classmates about the classmates about the topic.
topic. topic.

Display Presentation is clear, Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is not,

accurate, nicely mostly, clear, somewhat, clear, clear, accurate, nicely
written/demonstrated accurate, nicely accurate, nicely written/demonstrated
and contains no errors written/demonstrated written/demonstrated and contains many
and contains a couple and contains some errors
errors errors

Edit: Content was listed twice, with intention. I added the specifications of the math and
the comparison on United States and Canada information. I would like to assess the
students ability to perform the math correctly and explain the similarities and differences
they find within their research.
Global Classroom Module

Reflection Essay

Student Name: _______________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem to
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of parts understand the topic
topic. topic. of the topic. very well.

Vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses several (5 or

appropriate for the appropriate for the appropriate for the more) words or
audience. Extends audience. Includes 1-2 audience. Does not phrases that are not
audience vocabulary words that might be include any understood by the
by defining words that new to most of the vocabulary that might audience.
might be new to most audience, but does not be new to the
of the audience. define them. audience.

Uses Complete Always (99-100% of Mostly (80-98%) Sometimes (70-80%) Rarely writes in
Sentences time) writes in writes in complete writes in complete complete sentences.
complete sentences. sentences. sentences.
Global Classroom Module


Business Insider. (2016, May 25). This animation puts the entire US population into

perspective [Video file]. Retrieved from

Common Core. (n.d.). Mathematics standards. Retrieved July 16, 2017, from Common

Core State Standards Initiative website:

Desmos. (n.d.). Explore math with desmos. Retrieved July 16, 2017, from

Desmos Team. (2017, May 28). Scatter plots. Retrieved July 16, 2017, from Desmos


ISTE. (n.d.). ISTE standards for students. Retrieved July 16, 2017, from ISTE website:

(Rau) Erickson, N. (2014, September 4). Scatter plots & residuals [Video file]. Retrieved


United States Census Bureau. (n.d.). Home page. Retrieved July 16, 2017, from

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