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Lyle Torrant Center

Amanda Monroe

My clinical experience this week included a trip to the Lyle Torrant center, a school for children

with special medical and developmental needs. I was able to observe and participate in the care of three

children in a Severely Multiply Impaired classroom. Due to inclement weather, the other three children

in the class could not attend. I met their teacher and LPN and gained a lot of knowledge and respect for

the work that they do to maximize the potential of each student.

The classroom I observed was for children around the ages of 10-13 with multiple diagnoses.

Cerebral palsy, mitochondrial disease, and different types of visual impairments were the most

prevalent. All of the children had different physical limitations due to their conditions varying from total

dependence on caregivers, to being able to walk the hallways with assistance. I was able to help the LPN

with tube feedings, and she showed me the different types of formula to be administered. The only

medication she administered while I was there was Risperdal which is an antipsychotic (U.S. National

Library of Medicine, 2017), but the nurse said it was given to help with muscle spasms. Some of the

clinical assessments I made while in the classroom were varying degrees of physical and cognitive

impairments. Only one child in the class was verbal, but the other two seemed as if they could

communicate with eye movements and facial expression. The music director came to the room in the

morning and it was amazing to see how excited they were to play with the instruments and they were

able to interact with her without having to speak.

Providing the children with a sense of normalcy and inclusion with their age group was an

important theme within the classroom. Although many of the toys and activities seemed as though they
were meant for a much younger age group, all of the caregivers talked to the children appropriately for

their age level. The teacher of the class said they regularly take trips to the mall and even watch shows

like Arrow and Heartland during their lunch hour. The connection between home and school was strong

for the students as well. A journal of all daily activities and progress is sent home to keep parents

updated, and the class has its own Facebook page. The teacher said she has seen much more support

from parents when she encourages them to be involved with the classroom.

Lyle Torrant is a phenomenal resource in our community that meets the national healthcare goals for

children with neurological disorders. Goals such as access to a medical home, community based services,

early developmental screening, and transition to adulthood are maintained there. (Health

Resources and Services Administration, 2017)

The center provides trained nursing and educational staff to help meet the childrens developmental and

psychosocial needs, and help each student gain independence and meet their full potential. (Jackson

County ISD, 2017) I am glad I was able to interact with the students and staff and I will use the

experiences I gained from them in my future nursing career.

Works Cited
Health Resources and Services Administration. (2017, February 1). Children with Special Care Needs.
Retrieved from Maternal and Child Health:
Jackson County ISD. (2017, February 1). Mission and Belief Statement. Retrieved from Torrant/Kit Young:

U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2017, February 1). Risperdone. Retrieved from Medline Plus:
Wonderful write up Amanda!!! Im always so happy to see students assess the scope of practice

at the center such as you have in your work. Its comprehensive of the many, many care services

provided by the school. Goal met Id like to comment on the technology aspect of your paper and its

use at the center, because you taught me something I didnt know yet Yeah you!!!

I see the paper journaling with parents as a hindrance to their communication processes

myself. (This is just a personal opinion because I like technology) But just thinkif the parents could

IM or text something that the teachers could respond to right there and then. I always think it would

serve a positive purpose to build an even closer therapeutic relationship with the family members.

Youve shown me this by reflecting on their work through Facebook (which would not be my ideal

way of information transferbut its a start). My assessment is that more confidential,

comprehensive types of communication systems cost big dollars. The school very rightly so

appropriates money into things that directly affect the children like the wall distraction toys, or safety

equipment for the classrooms. So big ticket purchases when older systems are working dont get the

high priority.

Hopefully, because Lyle is a part of Jackson Public school system and with the push for iPads

and such in the classroom for every student, it will filter to the center in the form of enhanced

communication processes for the parents and teachers. This is my assessment and hope for them as a

nurse. Its the relationship between provider and family that determines the success of their

interventions. The entire center can be envisioned in one giant care plan in my mind regarding this

topic your paper gives me evidence of this

Fantastic work this week at the center and Thank-You so much for taking such EXCELLENT care

of the children. I am so proud to have such awesome students represent our nursing program in the

community!! Kudos to you my friend !!

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