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*Condensation-the cooling of water in the atmosphere

*Precipitation-water droplets fall from the atmosphere in the form of rain

*Transpiration- the passage of water vapor from a plant to the atmosphere
*Evaporation- the process that occurs when water changes from a liquid to a vapor, caused by
*Run-off-rainfall that is not absorbed by soil and travels to the ocean
*Humidity- the amount of water vapor in the air
*100% relative humidity_ The air is totally saturated with water vapor, it can hold anymore
*Weather_ the temperature and other outside conditions (such as rain, cloudiness, etc.) at a

particular time and place

*Density_ is the amount of a mass in a given volume.

*Pressure_ is force pushing on the area of a surface
*Barometer_The instrument that measures pressure
*Dew point_ The temperature the air must be cooled to in order to reach saturation
*Wind_ air moving from high pressure to low pressure

*Doldrums__ low pressure area with very little wind on the equator
*Polar easterlies__ blow cold air away from the poles
*Horse latitudes_30 degrees N- 30 degrees S blow east to west along the equator- named for
sailors who relied on them, also called trade winds
*Prevailing westerlies_ blow west to east in the mid-latitudes
Cirrus- hair like appearance higher in the atmosphere
*Stratus -gray and layered cloud *When stratus clouds are at the surface of Earth they are called


*Cumulus -puffy with thick rounded tops

*Cumulonimbus-produce thunderstorms, hail, and tornados

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