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Fractional exact solutions and solitons in gravity

Fractional Exact Solutions

and Solitons in Gravity

(survey )

Dumitru Baleanu and Sergiu I. Vacaru *

Department of Mathematics and Computer sciences

Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey

* Science Department
University Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi, Romania

Conference ”New Trends in Nanotechnology

and Nonlinear Dynamical Systems”,
July 25-27, 2010; Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey;

c Dumitru Baleanu & Sergiu I. Vacaru, July 26, 2010
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Fractional exact solutions and solitons in gravity


I. Preliminaries: Caputo Fractional Derivatives

II. Fractional Differential Geometry

III. General Solutions in Fractional Gravity

a. Separation of Fractional Einstein eqs
for distinguished connections
b. Integration of fractional Einstein eqs

IV. Fractional Solitonic Hierarchies

V. Conclusions and Perspectives

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Fractional exact solutions and solitons in gravity

I. Preliminaries: Caputo fractional derivats

New direction: Fractional Differential Geometry and applications in modern physics

1. D. Baleanu and S. Vacaru, Fractional Curve Flows and Solitonic Hierarchies in Grav-
ity and Geometric Mechanics, arXiv: 1007.2866
2. D. Baleanu and S. Vacaru, Constant Curvature Coefficients and Exact Solutions in Frac-
tional Gravity and Geometric Mechanics, arXiv: 1007.2864
3. D. Baleanu and S. Vacaru, Fedosov Quantization of Fractional Lagrange Spaces, arXiv:
4. D. Baleanu and S. Vacaru, Fractional Almost Kahler-Lagrange Geometry, arXiv: 1006.5535
5. S. Vacaru, Fractional Dynamics from Einstein Gravity, General Solutions, and Black Holes,
arXiv: 1004.0628
6. S. Vacaru, Fractional Nonholonomic Ricci Flows, arXiv: 1004.0625

The fractional left, respectively, right Caputo derivatives:

Zx µ ¶s
α 1 0 s−α−1 ∂
1 x ∂ x f (x) := (x − x ) f (x0 )dx0 ;
Γ(s − α) ∂x0

Z2 x µ ¶s
α 1 0 s−α−1 ∂
x ∂ 2 x f (x) := (x − x) − 0 f (x0 )dx0 .
Γ(s − α) ∂x

The priority with respect to other types of fractional

derivatives, for instance, Riemann–Liouville, is that acting
on constants with Caputo derivatives we get ZERO.
α α
j α
Fractional absolute differential: d := (dx ) 0∂ j ,
α j 1−α
where dx = j
(dxj )α (x )
Γ(2−α) if 1xi = 0.
The concept of fractional tangent bundle T M, for
α ∈ (0, 1), associated to a manifold M of necessary
smooth class and integer dim M = n.1
1 For simplicity, we may write both the integer and fractional local coordinates in the form uβ = (xj , y a ). We underlined the symbol T in

order to emphasize that we shall associate the approach to a fractional Caputo derivative.

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Fractional exact solutions and solitons in gravity

Fractional (co) frame bases on T M.
α β0 β
A fractional frame basis eβ = e β (u )∂ β 0 is connected
with a fractional µ
local coordinate basis ¶
α α α α α
∂ β0 = ∂ j0 = 1x
j0 ∂ j 0 , ∂ b0 = 1y
b0 ∂ b0 ,

for j 0 = 1, 2, ..., n and b0 = n + 1, n + 2, ..., n + n.

α β α
The fractional co–bases are related via e = eββ0 β
(u )du ,
α 0 ³ 0 0
duβ = (dxi )α, (dy a )α .
The fractional absolute differential d is written in the form
j 1−α
j α
α α
j j α (x )
d := (dx ) 0∂ j , for dx = (dx ) , 1xi = 0.
Γ(2 − α)
The differentials dxj = (dxj )α=1 are used as local
coordinate co-bases/–frames or the ”integer” calculus.
For 0 < α < 1, we have dx = (dx)1−α(dx)α. The
”fractional” symbol (dxj )α can be used instead of
”integer” dxi for elaborating a co–vector/differential form
calculus. The exterior fractional differential is
α α α
j α−1 j
d= Γ(2 − α)(x ) dx 0∂ j .

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Fractional exact solutions and solitons in gravity

Fractional nonlinear connections

A nonlinear connection (N–connection) N for a fractional
space V is a nonholonomic distribution (Whitney sum)
α α α α
T V = hV⊕v V.
α α
Locally, N = Nia(u)(dxi)α ⊗ ∂ a.
N–adapted frames, linearly depending on αNia,
· ¸
α α α
eβ = αej = ∂ j − αNja∂ a, αeb = ∂ b ,
α β
e = [ αej = (dxj )α, αeb = (dy b)α + αNkb(dxk )α],
nonholonomy coefficients are Wib = ∂ b αNia,
Wija = αΩaji = αei αNja − α
ej αNia for
γ α
[ αeα, αeβ ] = α
eα αeβ − αeβ αeα = α
Wαβ eγ ,
N–connection curvature Ωaji.

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Fractional exact solutions and solitons in gravity

Fractional metrics
α α
A metric structure g = { gαβ } on V is a symmetric
second rank tensor g = α
gγβ (u)(duγ )α ⊗ (duβ )α.
For N–adapted constructions, g = [ αgkj , αgcb] , when
g = αgkj (x, y) αek ⊗ αej + αgcb(x, y) αec ⊗ αeb
0 0 0 0
= ηk0j 0 αek ⊗ αej + ηc0b0 αec ⊗ αeb ,
where matrices ηk0j 0 = diag[±1, ±1, ..., ±1] and
ηa0b0 = diag[±1, ±1, ..., ±1], for the signature of a
”prime” spacetime V, are obtained by frame transforms
ηk0j 0 = ekk0 ej j 0 αgkj and ηa0b0 = eaa0 ebb0 αgab.
α α
A d–connection D on V is a linear connection preserving
under parallel transports the Whitney sum. We can
associate a differential 1–form αΓτβ = αΓτβγ αeγ ,
α γ
¡ α i α a α i α a¢
Γ τβ = Ljk , Lbk , Cjc, Cbc .
The absolute fractional differential d := αeβ αeβ splits
α α
d= d +
1x x 1y yd,
α α
i α α j α
1 x dx := (dx ) 1x∂ i = e ej
α α
d := (dy a)α
1y y 1x ∂a = α b α
e eb.

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Fractional exact solutions and solitons in gravity

Fractional Torsion and Curvature

torsion and curvature of a fractional d–connection
D = { αΓτβγ } are respectively the fractional 2–forms,
α τ
T + D αeτ = α
d αeτ + αΓτβ ∧ αeβ and
R τ
β + D αΓτβ = α
d αΓτβ − αΓγβ ∧ αΓτγ
= Rτβγδ αeγ ∧ αeδ .
The fractional Ricci tensor Ric = { αRαβ + α
Rταβτ },
α α
Rij + Rkijk , α
Ria + − αRkika,
α α b α
Rai + R aib, Rab + αRcabc
The scalar curvature of fractional d–connection D,
sR + αgτ β αRτ β = αR + αS,
R = αg ij αRij , αS = αg ab αRab.
The fractional Einstein tensor Ens = { αEαβ },
α α 1α
Eαβ := Rαβ − gαβ αsR.

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Fractional exact solutions and solitons in gravity

III. General Solutions in Fractional Gravity

a. Separation of fractional Einstein eqs

For the Einstein d–tensor following the same principle of
constructing the matter source αΥβδ as in general
relativity but for fractional metrics and d–connections,
E βδ = αΥβδ
α bc bi = 0, αΩa = 0
Levi–Civita α∇ : Laj = α
ea( αNjc), αCjb ji
For instance, splitting 2 + 2 for ”prime” dimension, when
uβ = (xj , y 3 = v, y 4), for i, j, ... = 1, 2. and the metric
ansatz has one Killing symmetry, not y 4. Source
Υα β = diag[ αΥγ ; αΥ1 = α
Υ2 = α
Υ2(xk , v);
Υ3 = αΥ4 = αΥ4(xk )]
’non–Killing’ solutions:
α α
gi(xk ) αdxi ⊗ αdxi +
g =
α 2 j
ω (x , v, y 4) αha(xk , v) αea⊗ αea,
α 3
e = αdy 3 + αwi(xk , v) αdxi,
α 4
e = αdy 4 + αni(xk , v) αdxi,
for any ω for which
α α
ek ω = ∂ k ω + wk ω + nk ∂ y4 αω = 0.
α α α α ∗ α

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Fractional exact solutions and solitons in gravity

α • α •
α b11 α b22 1 α •• g1 g2
R= R
= − α α × [ g2 −
2 g1 g2 2 α g1
³ 0 ´2
α • 2
( g2 ) α 0 α 0
g1 g2 g1
α 00 α
− α + g1 − α
− α
] = − Υ4,
2 g2 2 g2 2 g1
α b3 b44 = − 1
R3 = α R α α
[ α ∗∗
2 h3 h4
( αh∗4 )2 α ∗ α ∗
h3 h4 α
− α − α
] = − Υ2,
2 h4 2 h3
" #
α 2
αb wk α ∗∗ ( αh∗4 ) α ∗ α ∗
h3 h4
R3k = α h4 − α −
2 h4 2 h4 2 αh3
 α  α
α α ∗
α ∗
h4  1xi ∂ xi h3 ∂k h4  α
k ∂ x k h4
+ α α
+ α − α
= 0,
4 h4 h3 h4 2 h4
µα ¶ α ∗
αb h4 α ∗∗ h4 α ∗ 3 α ∗ nk
R4k = α n + α h − h = 0,
2 h3 k h3 3 2 4 2 α h3
α α
α •
partial derivs: a = ∂ 1a = 1x
1 ∂ x1 αa, newline
α α α α
α 0 α α ∗
a = ∂ 2a = 1x
2 ∂ x2 a, a = ∂va = 1v ∂ v αa.
Fractional Levi–Civita connection ∇ constraints
wi∗ = α
ei ln | αh4|, αek αwi = α
e i α wk ,
α α
α ∗
ni = 0, ∂ i nk = ∂ k αni.

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Fractional exact solutions and solitons in gravity

Integration of Fractional Einstein eqs

Solutions with αh∗3,4 6= 0 and αΥ2,4 6= 0

For simplicity, consider αh∗3,4 6= 0, one–Killing ansatz
α α k
g = e ψ(x ) αdxi ⊗ αdxi
+h3(xk , v) αe3⊗ αe3 + h4(xk , v) αe4⊗ αe4,
α 3
e = αdv + αwi(xk , v) αdxi, α
e4 = αdy 4 + αni(xk , v) αdxi
when αψ̈ + αψ 00 = 2 αΥ4(xk ),
α ∗
h4 = 2 αh3 αh4 αΥ2(xi, v)/ αφ∗,
β αwi + ααi = 0,
α ∗∗
ni + αγ αn∗i = 0,
α ∗
h ³ ´∗
where αφ = ln | p |, αγ = ln | αh4|3/2/| αh3| ,
| αh3 αh4|
α α ∗
αi = h4 ∂ k αφ, αβ = αh∗4 αφ∗ .
α k
For αh∗4 6= 0; α
Υ2 6= 0, we have αφ∗ 6= 0. The
e ψ(x ) is
the fractional analog of the ”integer” exponential
function, the Mittag–Lefler function Eα[(x − 1x)α]. For
α 1 α
ψ(x) = Eα[(x − x) ], we have ∂ iEα = Eα.

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° rayslides.sty
Fractional exact solutions and solitons in gravity

The solution is
α α α ψ(xk ) | αφ∗(xi, v)|
g1 = g2 = e , h3 = ± αΥ
α α k
α (exp[2 φ(x , v)])∗
h4 = 0 h4 (x ) ± 2 1 v I v αΥ
wi = −∂ i αφ/ αφ∗,
α α
¡ i¢ α ¡ i¢ α
ni = 1 nk x + 2 nk x I [ h /( | α h |)3 ],
v 3 4
α k α
¡ i¢ α
¡ i¢
where 0 h4(x ), 1 nk x and 2 nk x are integration
functions, and 1v vI is the fractional integral on v.
Constrain the coefficients to exact solutions for the
Levi–Civita connection
¡ ¢ ∇; fix a nonholonomic
¡ i¢
α i α
distribution: 2 nk x = 0 and 1 nk x are any
¡ j¢
functions satisfying ∂ i 1 nk (xj) = ∂ k 1 ni x .
The constraints on φ(xk , v) are for N–connection,
wi = −∂ i αφ/ α ∗
∗ ∗
( wi[ φ]) + wi[ φ] ( h4[ φ]) + ∂ i αh4[ αφ] = 0,
α α α α α α
α α
α α α
∂ i wk [ φ] = ∂ k wi[ αφ],
Such conditions are always satisfied for αφ = αφ(v) or if
φ = const when αwi(xk , v) can be any functions.

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Fractional exact solutions and solitons in gravity

V. Fractional Solitonic Hierarchies

Our goal is to prove that the geometric data for any
fractional metric (in a model of fractional gravity or
geometric mechanics) naturally define a N–adapted
fractional bi–Hamiltonian flow hierarchy inducing
anholonomic fractional solitonic configurations.
Main Theorem: For any N–anholonomic fractional
manifold with metric structure, there is a hierarchy of
bi-Hamiltonian N–adapted fractional flows of curves
γ(τ, l) = hγ(τ, l) + vγ(τ, l) described by geometric
nonholonomic fractional map eqs. The 0 fractional flows
are convective (traveling wave) maps γτ = γl,
distinguished (hγ)τ = (hγ)hX and (vγ)τ = (vγ)vX .
∃ fractional +1 flows, non–stretching mKdV maps,
− (hγ)τ = αD2hX (hγ)hX + | αDhX (hγ)hX|2hg (hγ)hX ,
3 α
− (vγ)τ = DvX (vγ)vX + | DvX (vγ)vX|2vg (vγ)vX ,
α 2
and fractional +2,... flows as higher order analogs.
Finally, the fractional -1 flows are defined by the kernels of
recursion fractional operators inducing non–stretching
fractional maps αDhY (hγ)hX = 0and αDvY (vγ)vX = 0.

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Fractional exact solutions and solitons in gravity

VI. Conclusions and Perspectives

1. Various types of fractional differential and integral
calculus. Priority of Caputo fractional derivative: we can
elaborate a self–consistent differential geometry preserving
a number of analogies with spaces of integer dimension.
2. In a series of our recent works, we elaborated fractional
versions of geometric flow theory, gravity and geometric
mechanics which connects the fractional calculus to
various branches of modern mathematics and
mathematical physics.
3. In our approach, it is possible to integrate in almost
general form the fractional Einstein equations and develop
classical and quantum models, in geometric form, of
fractional interactions.
4. Our approach and methods have a number of
perspectives, for instance, in modern cosmology and
astrophysics and quantum field theory and possible
applications in Lagrange and Hamilton mechanics.

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° rayslides.sty

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