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1. What is a team?

A team is a group of individuals, all working together for a common purpose. The
individuals comprising a team ideally should have common goals, common objectives
and more or less think on the same lines. Individuals who are not compatible with each
other can never form a team. They should have similar if not the same interests, thought
processes, attitude, perception and likings.

2. What is the difference between a team and a group?

A group is not necessarily a team. A group can have individuals with varied interests,
attitude as well as thought processes. It is not necessary that the group members would
have a common objective or a common goal to achieve.
A team must have individuals with a common objective to achieve. They should all work
together and strive towards the achievement of a common goal.

3. List the advantages of using teams

Advantage 1: Increases productivity

Organisations are continuously looking for efficiency or productivity gains as a source of
competitive advantage. Teams, especially those that are close to the point of delivery
can identify what needs to change to boost productivity better than any group of senior
managers could ever hope to. Let the team focus on productivity and the organisation

Advantage 2: Improves communication skills

For teams to succeed they need to be able to get their messages across, listen effectively
to other points of view and build on ideas. As a result of being on the team, people are
getting the opportunity to develop and improve their communication skills.

Advantage 3: Diversity of skills

Some people in organisations thrive in dealing with the big picture stuff. Others get their
kick from getting immersed in the detail. There will be others who thrive on idea
generation and others who love to take something from concept to finished article. This
diverse range of people skills and working together have the potential to deliver a much
better solution than any one individual could ever hope to do.

Advantage 4: Improved problem solving

Think about a time when you had a problem that you needed to solve. You probably get
so far and then end up getting stuck because of your own range of experience or
knowledge. When you have access to the wider range of skills and knowledge you
ultimately solve problems faster and better.

Advantage 5: Process improvement

Few business processes operate in isolation just within one area of the
organisation. They tend to cross functions and even geographical boundaries. A team
with insights of different parts of the process will clearly be better placed to make
successful process improvements.

Advantage 6: Smarter use of resources

When a team has focus on getting a specific result, chances are they will find creative
ways of using the resources at their disposal rather than focusing on the constraints.

4. List the characteristics of an effective team

1. Clear Goals

This is necessary so that all team members understand the purpose and vision of the
team. It is important to understand where the team is headed. People tend to support
what they help to create. Team members who were involved in establishing the goals
will work to achieve them.

2. Defined Roles

Its important for group members to understand their job function and for leaders to tap
into the skills and talents of group members. There are two kinds of roles necessary in
team meetings Task roles- people in these roles supply the energy and information to
get the job done. Maintenance roles people in these roles help to establish and maintain
interpersonal relationships among group members.

3. Open and Clear Communication

This is one of the most important characteristics for high functioning teams. Problems
that emerge in groups can often be traced back to communication problems. Effective
communication will keep a team informed and focused. Communication breakdowns
can often be attributed to poor listening skills. Its important to focus on hearing the
message before forming our own conclusions about the message. Distractions can
prevent us from giving out full attention to the speaker.

4. Effective Decision Making

Awareness of various decision making methods can help a team make efficient
decisions. Consensus is considered one of the best methods to use; however, team
members should select a method that works best for them by weighing the advantages
and disadvantages of each method. 5. Balanced Participation This can be defined as full
involvement. Team members contribute when appropriate, and members opinions are
valued and sought. It is important when leaders define what type of participation they
expect from members. Leaders help to create a climate of participation. Learning
members names and getting to know members between meetings helps to create an
inviting and comfortable atmosphere.

6. Valued Diversity

Team members are valued for their unique skills and talents. A diversity of thinking,
idea generating, problem solving and experiences help to create an effective team.

7. Managed Conflict

This is essential to a teams growth. Its important that issues arent ignored and avoided
in a group. When managed effectively the benefits include: -the team will have to find
ways to communicate differences and seek common goals. -the team will be forced to
look at all points of view. -improves creativity because the team will need to look
beyond current assumptions. -the quality of decisions will improve because through
disagreement the team will look for solutions that meet everyones objectives. 10
Characteristics of Successful Teams CLIP Notes Collaborative Leadership Involvement
Publication -team members are allowed to express emotions. -increased participation
from team members because if they feel comfortable disagreeing, they are more likely to

8. Positive Atmosphere

An effective team has an open climate where members are comfortable with each other
and arent afraid to take risks. Creativity is expressed and laughter is shared. Trust is a
key element is creating this atmosphere. What builds trust? Honesty, accessibility,
acceptance, and dependability. A credible leader walks the walk.

9. Cooperative Relationships

Team members want to work together for the good of the team and understand that
combining the skills of numerous people will produce something that could not be
created alone. The strength of each team member is being utilized. Feedback is given
and received constructively. Evaluations are utilized. Success is celebrated.

10. Participative Leadership

Leadership is shared among team members at various times.

5. List and define the types of work teams

Project team: A project team is pretty much what it sounds like a group of people
brought together to accomplish a particular project. (Sometimes project teams are
referred to as steering committees or task forces.) Typically, when the project ends, the
team ends.

Cross-functional team: A cross-functional team is made up of employees from different

departments or areas of the business.

Self-directed work team: Like a project team, a self-directed work team is just what it

sounds like a team that determines how it will get a job done and has the authority,
and often the budget, to carry out decisions.

ENGG. 520

Submitted to: Engr. Mary Jane C. Petilla September 14, 2017

Submitted by: Biala, Bryle James F.

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