Shark Tank Showdown

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Shark Tank Showdown:

Antebellum Reform Movements

The Goal: Develop a Shark Tank style presentation that will convince the sharks to invest in your
proposal for social reform.

The Details: Once you have been assigned your Antebellum Reform, work with your group members to
create an engaging and persuasive 3-5 minute pitch (from the perspective of an antebellum reformer)
meant to convince an investor to support your reform goals.

The Procedure:

Research the PROBLEM, as it existed in the Antebellum Era.

Research the SOLUTION, as it was proposed in the Antebellum Era.
Research the REFORMER the person who suggested the solution(s) above.
Develop an engaging presentation. It must include ALL of the following:
o A Pitch who are you and what are you asking for?
o A Visual something for us to look at
o A Tangible something for the audience to keep
o Persuasion and creativity!
o Professionalism

*The procedures above will be a GROUP test grade. All presentations will be on TUESDAY October 28th.

Write a brief (3-5 page) report on your social reform. Include who, what, when, where, why, how and
significance. This must be typed, double spaced, and use 12 pt. Times New Roman Font. Include a cover
page and make sure it looks professional. It must include a works cited page (MLA format). This will be
graded individually --- yes, that means each of you must write your own report. Your written report
will be due on FRIDAY October 31st.

The Grade: A rubric is included on the back of this sheet. This assignment will count as a test grade. ONE
group will automatically receive a 110. This grade will be awarded to the one group who goes above and
beyond they are the most prepared, the most persuasive, the most accurate and the most informative.
As a class, we will vote for the one group who should receive this award - Mrs. Lombardo has the final say.
Only one group will receive above a 100.
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Point-of-view, Point-of-view, Point-of-view, Point-of-view,

arguments, and arguments, and arguments, and arguments, and
Role solutions proposed solutions proposed solutions proposed solutions proposed
were consistently in were often in were sometimes in were rarely in
character. character. character. character.

Almost all historical

All historical Most of the historical
information was Very little of the
information was information was
Historical accurate. historical information
accurate. accurate, but
Presentation may was accurate and no
Accuracy Presentation was presentation was not
not have included detail or persuasion
thorough, persuasive detailed or
necessary detail or was included.
and detailed. persuasive.

Students included Students included all Students included Students included

Required Elements more information information that was most information less information than
than was required. required. that was required. was required

Students seem
Students are Students are
pretty prepared but Students do not
completely prepared somewhat prepared,
Preparedness and have obviously
might have needed a
but it is clear that
seem at all prepared
couple more to present.
rehearsed. rehearsal was lacking.

Usually listens to,

Almost always listens Often listens to, Rarely listens to,
shares with, and
to, shares with, and shares with, and shares with, and
Collaboration with supports the efforts
supports the efforts supports the efforts supports the efforts
of others in the
Peers of others in the group. of others in the group of others in the
group. Does not
Tries to keep people but sometimes is not group. Often is not a
cause \"waves\" in
working well together. a good team member. good team member.
the group.

Presentation is less
Presentation is 3-5 Presentation is 2 Presentation is 1
Time-Limit minutes long. minutes long. minute long.
than a minutes OR
more than 5 minutes.
Shark Tank Showdown:
For my Sharks
The Goal: Study each of the Antebellum reform movements and, as you listen to the shark tank
presentations, decide which reform you would like to invest in.

The Details: Rather than work as a group to develop a presentation, you will work at your own pace to
research the required reform movements, giving you the background needed to effectively evaluate the
shark tank presentations

The Procedure:

Part 1: For EACH reform movement:

Research the PROBLEM, as it existed in the Antebellum Era.
Research the SOLUTION, as it was proposed in the Antebellum Era.
Research the REFORMER the person who suggested the solution(s)
You may choose to record and submit the above information in any
manner you like a chart, a Presi, a PowerPoint, a concept map, notes, etc. If you have a a
unique, just run it by Mrs. Lombardo first Part 1 of this assignment is due Tuesday October

Part 2: Evaluate the shark tank presentations on Tuesday October 28th. Using the criteria provided to
you by Mrs. Lombardo, decide on the ONE reform movement in which you would invest your money. As
the groups present, you should be prepared to ask them questions and critique their answers.

Part 3: Choose the reform that most interests you and write a brief (3-5 page) persuasive report
about it. Include who, what, when, where, why, how and significance as you convince the ultimate shark
(Mrs. Lombardo) to invest in your chosen reform movement. This must be typed, double spaced, and
use 12 pt. Times New Roman Font. Include a cover page and make sure it looks professional. It must
include a works cited page (MLA format). Your written report will be due on FRIDAY October 31st.

The Grade: A rubric is included on the back of this sheet. This assignment will count as a test grade.
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Point-of-view, Point-of-view, Point-of-view, Point-of-view,

arguments, and arguments, and arguments, and arguments, and
Role solutions proposed solutions proposed solutions proposed solutions proposed
(during presentations) were consistently in were often in were sometimes in were rarely in
character. character. character. character.

Almost all historical

All historical Most of the historical Very little of the
information was
Historical information was information was historical information
accurate. Work may
accurate. Work was accurate, but work was accurate and no
Accuracy not have included
thorough, persuasive was not detailed or detail or persuasion
necessary detail or
and detailed. persuasive. was included.

Students included Students included all Students included Students included

Required Elements more information information that was most information less information than
than was required. required. that was required. was required

Students seem
Students are Students are
pretty prepared but
completely prepared somewhat prepared, Students do not
Preparedness to evaluate shark
might have needed
but it is clear that seem at all prepared.
to complete more
tank presentations. research was lacking.
detailed research.

Usually listens to,

Almost always listens Often listens to, Rarely listens to,
Collaboration with to, shares with, and shares with, and shares with, and shares with, and
supports the efforts
Peers supports the efforts
of others in the
supports the efforts supports the efforts
of others in the group. of others in the group of others in the
(while evaluating shark group. Does not
Tries to keep people but sometimes is not group. Often is not a
tank presentations) working well together. cause \"waves\" in a good team member. good team member.
the group.

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