5mmariadelacruz Outline1

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Maria Delacruz

2, October 2017

Rhetorical Analysis Outline

I wrote this paper to inform to my teacher and other students of my experience at the
hospital. Explained what the job site requires and tells the audience everything that you do.
Informative text for future students wanting to work in the medical field. Helps tog side
them in making a decision of where to work. Also helps to ease some of their worries about the

Body paragraphs
What gave rise to context?
How worried I was when I first started the program, not knowing what to expect about
anything. I felt unsure if I belonged in the class and was doubting if I would do good. Want to
help incoming students avoid these types of problems

What constraints did you face?

Not being able to talk about the patients in detail. Talking about a medical field, so speaking in a
medical language. *go back to paper and explain med term*

Who was meant to read or use this writing?

New students starting the health care class. Health care teacher

What did you want them to do with it?

Follow the advice and not worry to much because the class is really fun and rewarding. Make
sure the students knew that working in the job site is possible.

Learned what it takes to work in the medical field. Learned to (at least tried to) write in a
way in which both writer and teachers would understand
Maria Delacruz
Final Essay
During my senior year of high school, I went through the regional occupational program
(ROP) for Health Careers. I was placed at the oncology unit at Sutter Roseville Medical Center,
where I worked alongside nurse assistants. One of the most rewarding things about working at
the hospital was when the patients would get discharged and they needed to get wheeled out. It
was always cute to see how happy they would get to be going home and I liked being apart of
that small yet happy experience. When we first got to the hospital, we would always check with
the CNAs to see if they finished their Q4s and if they hadnt we would go take those vitals for
them. After that we would make sure all the patients were set up for lunch and help them eat if
they needed it. Once the patients were done with their lunch we would do the I&Os and take the
lunch trays out of the room. We would also assist the CNAs in changing briefs, putting tele
monitors on and any little thing that the nurses or CNAs needed help with. I improved at taking a
full set of vital signs faster while continuously being accurate. I also got to watch and assist with
removing foleys, and IVs from a dead patient, a nurse give a patient an enema, and use the blad-
der scanner.
The challenge that I faced when I first started at my job site was not being so shy. I had to
learn to get out of my comfort zone so that I could talk to all the people in the hospital. I became
a lot more outgoing the longer I was at the job site and I really pushed myself to always try new
things and watch and learn as much as I could. This whole year, the job site and having to go to
class took up a lot of time so I had to learn to manage my time to make sure I had enough time to
get my assignments for my other classes done and still have time to study as well. I also worked
a lot at the start of the school year but I quickly realized that I wouldnt have time to get all my
school work done if I worked as much as I was, so I cut down on my working hours a significant
amount. Learning how to manage my time this school year really helped me because I know next
school year in college is going to be even more overwhelming than this year and I now have a
vague idea of how busy my days will get.
This experience has definitely confirmed that I want to be in the medical field. When I
first started this school year, I wanted to be an OB GYN surgeon but after going through the 8
months at the job site my goal has definitely changed. I still want to work with women and ba-
bies but as a registered nurse instead of a surgeon. Ill accomplish this goal by going through the
nursing program either at Sac State or at another school and get my BSN in nursing. After I get
my BSN I want to return to school after a few years on the field and get my Masters degree.
The most valuable part of this experience for me was meeting and connecting with new people. I
met so many amazing people not only within our class but at my job site as well. This experience
has also helped me grow personally. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me realize
that the medical field is exactly where I want to be. It has also made me grateful for a lot of the
small things that I take for granted. In the oncology unit you see a lot of death and it does affect
you at least a little bit. It made me a little bit more tough. The thing that I'm taking away most
from this whole experience is my new found love to be at the hospital. I love the patient interac-
tions that I was able to have and I loved the feeling of being able to help someone and have even
a small impact in their life.
I do feel more prepared to move ahead with a career in a medical field because I feel as if
I have a little insight into what it's really like and how the work environment is different from
other fields. The thing that has helped to prepare me the most was definitely working hands on in
my job site. I got a first hand experience in seeing what is required of you in a specific job and I
got to apply everything that we learned in class. I am definitely more confident than when I first
started. The hospital has helped me to try new things and Im no longer scared to ask questions
when I dont know something. The first few weeks at the job site were scary. I didnt know any
of the staff and I felt like a burden because they were constantly having to teach us how to do
things. After a few weeks however, I started to feel like I was more helpful because I was able to
go do what was asked of me without having to ask someone to teach me how to do it.

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