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Saadet Otman, PT, PhD, Nezire Kose, PT, PhD, Yavuz Yakut, PT, PhD.


Objective: To determine the effectiveness of average before treatment, was 23.45 after 6 weeks,
3-dimensional therapy in the treatment of adolescent 19.25 after 6 months and 17.85 after one year (p<0.01).
idiopathic scoliosis. The vital capacities, which were on average 2795 ml
before treatment, reached 2956 ml after 6 weeks, 3125 ml
Methods: We carried out this study with 50 patients after 6 months and 3215 ml after one year (p<0.01).
whose average age was 14.15 1.69 years at the Physical Similarly, according to the results of evaluations after 6
Therapy and Rehabilitation School, Hacettepe University, weeks, 6 months and one year, we observed an increase
Ankara, Turkey, from 1999 to 2004. We treated them as in muscle strength and recovery of the postural defects in
outpatients, 5 days a week, in a 4-hour program for the
first 6 weeks. After that, they continued with the same all patients (p<0.01).
program at home. We evaluated the Cobb angle, vital
capacity and muscle strength of the patients before Conclusion: Schroths technique positively influenced
treatment, and after 6 weeks, 6 months and one year, and the Cobb angle, vital capacity, strength and postural
compared all the results. defects in outpatient adolescents.

Results: The average Cobb angle, which was 26.10 on Saudi Med J 2005; Vol. 26 (9): 1429-1435

coliosis, the most common deformity of the aesthetic appearance and future quality of life.
S immature spine, is not simply an abnormal
lateral curvature of the vertebral column. A
Appropriate early treatment will prevent or stop
progression of the deformity and, in some instances,
rotational deformity of variable magnitude is nearly partially correct the existing deformity.4 Various
always present, and distortion in the sagittal plane treatments have been proposed for idiopathic
may occur. If left untreated, this 3-dimensional scoliosis, including surgery, traction, bracing,
growth-related deformity may sentence the younger casting, electrical stimulation, physical exercise, and
patient to an adult life of pain, disability, low simple observation since the time of
self-esteem, cardiorespiratory complications, and Hippocrates.3,6-12 Nonoperative treatment, which is
even premature death.1-6 The general goal of mainly synonymous with conservative treatment, is
treatment is to allow patients with scoliosis to attain usually indicated for curves between 18 and 45.3,10
osseous maturity with as straight and as stable a It is recommended that close monitoring of scoliotic
spine as possible, to avoid cardiopulmonary and children at 4-6-month intervals for curvatures up to
neurological problems, and to improve the patients 20 must be carried out. Growing adolescent curves

From the School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.

Received 11th April 2005. Accepted for publication in final form 19th June 2005.

Address correspondence and reprint request to: Dr. Saadet Otman, Professor, School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Hacettepe University,
Samanpazari 06100, Ankara, Turkey. Tel. +90 (312) 3051507. Fax. + 90 (312) 3243847 / 3111131. E-mail: sotman@hacettepe.edu.tr/

Schroths 3-dimensional exercise therapy ... Otman et al

greater than 40-45 often require surgical correction segments that have deviated laterally. This is
and spinal fusion.3,6-8,13 Exercise therapy aims to completed by active de-rotation of the 3 trunk
retard the increase in curvature, increase neuromotor segments rotated against each other. This is
control and stability of the spine, reduce achieved by appropriate starting positions for
biomechanically the postural collapse, prevent and exercises as well as by rotational breathing.14
treat secondary functional impairment (restrictive Publications showing the results of studies using
pulmonary disorder and reduced cardiopulmonary Schroths technique have increased in the last 10
performance due to reduced mobility of the ribs), years.6,9,14,16 However, those showing the effects of
reduce pain, and improve appearance.9,1 There are Schroths technique in outpatients are rather
different specific exercise techniques for scoliosis, limited.9 Therefore, this study was carried out to
one of which is Schroths 3-dimensional exercise determine the effects of Schroths 3-dimensional
therapy. It is based on sensorimotor and kinesthetic exercise therapy in outpatients with adolescent
principles. The treatment program consists of idiopathic scoliosis (AIS).
correction of scoliotic posture and breathing pattern
with the help of proprioceptive and exteroceptive
stimulation and mirror control.1,3,6,7,14,15 Using Methods. Sixty-eight patients with right
sensorimotor feedback mechanisms, the patients thoracic AIS participated in our study at the
learn an individual correction routine and corrected Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation School,
breathing pattern. Using only active trunk muscle Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, from 1999 to
force, they learn to raise themselves as far as 2004. However, 18 patients who were not compliant
possible from a position of solely passive support by dropped out of the study. Thus, 50 patients (12
the spinal ligaments, which is thought to promote boys, 38 girls) were included in the study. All
curve progression, and then to maintain the patients were volunteers. Patients with tumors in
corrected posture in daily living activities. The any part of the body, any disorder in systems such
correction is supported by "rotational breathing", as cardiovascular, renal, or pulmonary system, and
which is integrated in the corrective routine. By those undergoing spinal surgery or with indications
selective contraction of the convex area of the trunk, for spinal surgery were excluded. None where
inspired air is directed to concave areas of the wearing a brace. Patient ages ranged from 11-17
thorax, and the ribs are mobilized in these regions.14 years, with a mean of 14.15 1.69 years. The
According to Schroth, postural disorder is first distribution of patients according to the apex of
corrected by skeletal correction: pelvis backwards, scoliosis is shown in Table 1. The average Cobb
trunk forwards, creating the opposite shape. The angle of the curvatures was 26.10 4.69 (between
same principle is followed when correcting the 20 and 35) (Table 1). Before the treatment
scoliotic static in the frontal plane with lateral program, the entire spinal column of each patient
displacement of individual body sections. The from occiput to sacrum was x-rayed in the
pelvis, which is unilaterally protruding, is taken in anterior-posterior direction in the standing position
towards the line of gravity. This results to designate the shape and apex of scoliosis, and the
automatically in a more erect trunk. Only this Cobb angle of curvature of the patients was
change in posture makes it possible to use rotational calculated. In addition, posture analysis,17 vital
breathing effectively. When the trunk and spine capacity evaluation,18 and muscle tests17 of the body
have reached their optimal length, the trunk
sections, which are rotated against each other, are
able to move without mutual interference.14
Table 1 - The physical characteristics of patients, and distribution of
Katharina Schroth divided the trunk into 3 blocks, patients according to apex of scoliosis.
which can be shifted against each other. She
recognized that the pelvic and the shoulder girdles
Characteristics Mean + SD (Range) Apex of n (%)
are rotated in the same direction and that the middle n=50 scoliosis
block, the rib cage, is oriented in the opposite
direction in the sagittal plane as well as in the
frontal plane. The more these blocks shift against Age (year) 14.15 1.69 (11-17) T5 2 (10)
each other, namely, the more they deviate from a Weight (kg) 42.85 5.78 (30.5-53) T6 3 (15)
vertical line; the more they rotate also in the Height (cm) 162.66 66 (150-197.5) T7 5 (25)
transverse plane (about the vertical body axis). The Cobb angle (degree) 26.10 4.69 (20-35) T8 4 (20)
body becomes less and upright and "crumbles," as T9 3 (15)
all parts of the body that deviate from the vertical T10 2 (10)
line are drawn downwards by gravity. For this T11 1 (5)
reason, active extension is a prerequisite of
successful exercising. The elongation is connected T - thoracic vertebrae
to active curve correction and realignment of trunk

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Schroths 3-dimensional exercise therapy ... Otman et al

muscles, and muscles surrounding the scapula (back all patients were examined once every 2 months for
extensors, anterior trunk flexors, lateral trunk the remaining 6 months. One year later, the study
flexors, musculus serratus anterior, musculus was terminated. All evaluations, which were
trapezius, musculus rhomboideus major and minor) performed before treatment, were repeated after 6
were carried out. In assessing muscular strength, Dr. weeks, 6 months and one year, and the results were
Lovetts manual muscular strength tests were compared.
applied (scores range from 0-5).17 To evaluate the Statistical analysis. The results obtained before
vital capacities of the patients, they were asked to treatment, and 6 weeks, 6 months and one year after
blow up a balloon with a maximum expiration treatment were compared using Friedman statistical
immediately after a maximum inspiration. The analysis. While the muscle test results of the
circumference of the balloon was then measured in subjects were being compared, statistical analysis
centimeters, and the vital capacity was calculated in was not performed separately for each of muscle
milliliters according to the scale described by test results; only the average muscle strength of
Hansen.18 The patients started Schroths muscles located on the right and left side, and
3-dimensional exercise treatment program the day muscle strength of the back extensor and anterior
after the evaluation. Schroths exercises are begun trunk flexor muscles were analyzed. The postural
in an asymmetric position to maximize the defects of the subjects were compared by applying
magnitude of correction, in an attempt to achieve Friedman statistical analysis to the total number of
the maximum possible trunk symmetry. These postural defects seen. A p-value of 0.05 was chosen.
exercises include de-rotation, de-flexion and The software package SPSS 11.00 was used for
stretching exercises for providing vertebral the statistical analysis.
regularity, torsional respiration exercises and
exercises for strengthening the abdominal, back, leg
and foot muscles. One of the specific exercises Results. Based on the results obtained after 6
described by Schroth is called muscle cylinder. weeks, 6 months and one year, a decrease in the
These exercises are asymmetric and strengthen the Cobb angle, an increase in muscle strength and vital
muscle in the "weak spot" below the hump of the capacity and an improvement of postural defects in
ribs on the convex side. During the exercise the all subjects were achieved and these results are
correction pads, which are filled with 250 mg of statistically significant (p<0.01), (Table 2), (Figures
1-3). The Cobb angle, on average was 26.10 before
sand, rice, and so forth, (dimensions of 13 x 17 cm),
treatment, decreased to 17.85 after one year and
are used to encourage the spine to de-rotate. These vital capacities increased from a mean of 2795 ml to
pads provide localized sustained pressure during 3215 ml. Similarly, while the average number of
floor exercises for mobilization of rib prominences postural defects per person was 5 before treatment,
or other torso and lumbar asymmetries. Manual this number was one after one year. Table 3 shows
correction is used for some exercises. Passive the distributions of postural defects seen in the
transverse forces are applied, as needed (depending
on curvature pattern, flexibility and magnitude), subjects before and after treatment. When we
using a vertical frame with adjustable belts.3,18 In the examined increases in muscle strengths, we
course of the exercise, ordinary household objects, observed a statistically significant increase in all
such as tables and chairs, can be used as well as muscles, but this increase was greater in the convex
wall bars and a horizontal bar. Mirrors enable the side muscles.
patients to monitor their progress and achieve
maximum correction. Tactile stimuli, for example, Discussion. Scoliosis is a 3-dimensional
in the concave region of the thorax to indicate the deformity in which the spine deviates from its
desired direction of breathing, provide the normal sagittal and coronal positions in the upright
exteroceptive stimulation necessary to achieve the human posture and becomes fixed in this
required correction.1,3,6,14,18 In our study, this program unbalanced posture. The mechanical imbalance
was run for one year as an outpatient rehabilitation inherent in scoliosis, irrespective of its cause, results
program, as we do not have inpatient facilities. For in asymmetric loading, which constitutes a vicious
the first 6 weeks, the patients implemented this cycle with an inevitable tendency to worsen with
program under our supervision for 4 hours a day, 5 time.19 Scoliosis treatment by postural-balancing
days a week. At the same time, this program was physiotherapy has a long tradition in Europe. Spain,
taught to their families. Later they carried out the France, Italy, and Germany employ physiotherapy
same program at home. During this period, they in specialized centers. In Eastern Europe, especially
combined their daily living activities with these in Russia, boarding schools offer an environment
exercises. For the program to be implemented where scoliosis patients learn exercise-based
correctly, all patients were invited to our outpatient treatment strategies in a therapeutic group setting.3
clinic once every 2 weeks during the first 6 months, In Germany, Schroths program and exercises are
and program compliance was checked. After that, commonly performed. Internationally, side shift

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Schroths 3-dimensional exercise therapy ... Otman et al

Table 2 - Comparison of Cobb angle, vital capacity, muscle strength and number of the postural defects of patients after treatment.

Parameter (N=50) Pre-treatment After 6 weeks After 6 months After 1 year Friedman Test
(Mean + SD) (Mean + SD) (Mean + SD) (Mean + SD) df p

Cobb angle (degree) 26.10 4.69 23.45 5.09 19.25 3.86 17.85 358 59.714 3 0.00*
Vital capacity (ml) 2795 402.95 2956 428.83 3125 416.03 3215 428.02 59.223 3 0.00*
Muscle strength
Anterior trunk flexors 3.63 0.54 4.35 0.42 4.93 0.18 5.00 0.00 56.483 3 0.00*
Back extensors 3.10 0.58 3.53 0.41 4.43 0.35 4.93 0.00 52.462 3 0.00*
Total muscle strength
Right 3.26 0.52 3.92 0.41 4.77 0.12 4.91 0.00 59.455 3 0.00*
Left 4.02 0.28 4.60 0.20 4.91 0.07 4.98 00 58.701 3 0.00*
Number of postural defects 4.55 1.73 2.15 1.35 1.65 1.27 1.10 0.97 51.787 3 0.00*

* - p<0.01

Figure 1 - Patients Cobb degrees. Figure 2 - Patients vital capacities.

a b c

Figure 3 - X-ray of a 14-year-old girl with thoracic curvature. (a) Cobb degree, before treatment (b) Cobb degree, 6 months later and (c) Cobb
degree one year later.

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Table 3 - The distribution of postural defects of patients.

Postural defects Pre-treatment After 6 weeks After 6 months After 1 year

(N=50) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)

Lateral balance of trunk 10 (50) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Pes planus 9 (45) 9 (45) 9 (45) 9 (45)
Tibial torsion 8 (40) 8 (40) 8 (40) 8 (40)
Genu varum 2 (10) 2 (10) 2 (10) 2 (10)
Lateral pelvic tilt 7 (35) 5 (25) 3 (25) 0 (0)
Unequal shoulder height 16 (80) 9 (45) 7 (45) 0 (0)
Rolling shoulder 9 (45) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Scapular abduction 15 (75) 9 (45) 7 (45) 3 (15)
Anterior tilt of head 14 (70) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

exercises are in use in scoliosis intensive average angle of curvature measured by the Cobb
rehabilitation (SIR). The SIR employs an technique was 43.06 before treatment and 38.96
individualized exercise program combining after treatment. An improvement in the curve of 5
corrective behavioral patterns with or more was found in 43.9% of the patients, 53.3%
physiotherapeutic methods, following principles were unchanged, and in 2.8% the curve had
described by Lehnert-Schroth.3 Schroths technique, increased by 5 or more. Overall, the improvements
which is increasing in popularity worldwide, has in curvature were highly significant. Weiss stated
been in use in Turkey for the last 7 years. that these results show that even in severe scoliosis
Originally, Schroths technique is an intensive the magnitude of the curve can be reduced by a
course of inpatient physiotherapy (4-6 weeks - 6-8 specific rehabilitation program of physiotherapy.
hours per day). 1,3,6,7,14,15,20 At the end of inpatient Weiss et al 6 also evaluated the incidence of
treatment, recommended at-home follow-up progression in patients receiving inpatient
treatment includes 3-4 exercises for 30 minutes rehabilitation treatment in a prospective follow-up
daily to maintain the improved postural balance. study of 181 patients with idiopathic scoliosis.
Therapists throughout Germany receive training in Curvature patterns included thoracic (35%), thoracic
the Schroth clinic approaches so that local lumbar (7%), lumbar (28%), and double major
outpatient resources are available to patients after (27%). The average Cobb angle was 27 before the
discharge.3,6 study. The treatment was continued for 4-6 weeks,
In 1992, Weiss 14 published the results obtained and the average follow-up period was 33 months.
from 118 patients with AIS who had been treated The results of their study are consistent with the
with an intensive inpatient physiotherapy program possibility that a supervised program of exercise
with Schroths technique from 1984 to 1988: 48.3% based therapies can reduce the incidence of
had thoracic scoliosis, 37.3% had double curves, progression in children with idiopathic scoliosis.
12.9% had lumbar scoliosis, and 13% had Although this technique is an intensive course of
thoraco-lumbar scoliosis. The average follow-up inpatient physiotherapy, this approach includes
period was 31.5 months. The mean initial Cobb outpatient physiotherapy beginning at 15 according
angle was 31 and the mean final angle was 34.6. to Cobb. Specific exercises are performed on an
In 16.1% of patients, progression was evident; outpatient basis for patients with curvatures of
68.7% had stabilized and 15.2% showed an 1520. The SIR is recommended for curvatures of
improvement of more than 5. An increase of 5 in 2030, with or without bracing, depending on the
the most severe curvature was used to define prognosis. 6
progression.6 Compared with the natural history of Rigo et al,22 presented patients regularly treated
the disease, he stated that an increase in curvature in with Schroths 3-dimensional scoliosis treatment
patients with idiopathic scoliosis could be retarded program. They participated in an outpatient
by means of this specific exercise program.14 In program, twice a week, for 2 hours. Forty-three
another study by Weiss21 radiographs were obtained patients with 19.5 Cobb angles exercised for 19.5
under standard conditions in 107 patients with 8.5 months (minimum 3 months) and were
idiopathic scoliosis immediately before and evaluated retrospectively. A curvature increase of
immediately after a 4-6-week inpatient exercise more than 5 during the follow-up period was shown
program at the Katharina-Schroth Hospital. The in 11.6% of cases, while 44.2% of patients had

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Schroths 3-dimensional exercise therapy ... Otman et al

stabilized, and 44.2% showed improvements of before treatment, it was 3215 416.03 ml after one
more than 5. year of treatment. Although a significant increase in
In our study, we treated 50 patients with right the vital capacity of our subjects was determined in
thoracic scoliosis with Schroths 3-dimensional the first 6 months, a smaller increase was found
technique in our outpatient clinic. Schroths between 6 months and one year. This may be due to
technique was applied under our supervision for 4 the subjects reaching the normal vital capacity
hours a day, 5 days a week in the first 6 weeks, and according to their ages (normal vital capacity for 14
later the patients continued with the same program years old is 3050 ml, and for 15 years old 3300ml).18
at home. The follow-up period was one year. The Schroths technique is difficult for the patients to
average angle of curvature as measured by the Cobb perform. It involves a very intensive program. For
technique was 26.10 before treatment, 23.45 after this reason, we lightened the program, and applied it
6 weeks treatment, 19.25 after 6 months, and 4 hours a day as an outpatient program. Despite this,
17.85 after one year. These results were highly some patients were not compliant. Since the success
significant. After 6 weeks, in only one patient did of this technique depends on correct use, we
the Cobb angles not change; none of the patients got excluded them from the study, and examined the
worse and recovery [minimum 1 (4.35%), remaining patients frequently throughout one year.
maximum 5 (20%)] was observed in all the other At the end of study, we obtained significant results.
patients. After 6 months, an improvement in the In any case, this outpatient physiotherapy program
Cobb angles of all the patients was observed consisting of Schroths 3-dimensional exercises
[minimum 4 (12.50%), maximum 11 (39.29%)]. therapy was shown to influence positively
After one year, an improvement in all the patients parameters such as Cobb angle, vital capacity,
was seen [minimum 5 (25%), maximum 13 strength and postural defects in AIS patients.
(40%)]. These results indicate that this program, Clearly this program is useful in AIS patients if they
which included a 6-week supervised program of are compliant, and the number of publications on
exercise-based therapies and a 46-week the use of Schroths technique in outpatients, which
unsupervised program, can reduce the incidence of is quite small, should be increased.
progression in children with idiopathic scoliosis.
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