Determination of The Length and Position of An Object Which Cannot Be Seen

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X-ray Physics Physical structure of matter

Determination of the length and position of an object which cannot be seen 5.4.20-00

What you can learn about

 X-ray radiation
 Characteristic radiation
 Law of absorption
 Mass absorption coefficient
 Stereographic projection

The length and the spatial position of
a metal pin which cannot be seen are
to be determined from radiograms of
two different planes which are at
right angles to each other.

What you need:

X-ray basic unit. 35 kV 09058.99 1
Plug-in module with Cu-X-ray tube 09058.50 1
Film holder 09058.08 1
Implant model for X-ray photography 09058.07 1
Vernier caliper 03010.00 1
Polaroid film, (912) cm, 20 sheets 09058.20 1
Polaroid film holder chassis 09058.21 1
X-ray-film, (912) cm, 10 sheets 06696.03 1
X-ray-film developer for 4.5 l 06696.20 1
X-ray-film fixing for 4.5 l 06696.30 1
Tray (PP), (1824) cm, white 47481.00 3

Complete Equipment Set, Manual on CD-ROM included

Determination of the length and position
of an object which cannot be seen P2542000 Projection fotos of the implant model in the xz-plane (left) and in the
yz-plane (right).

1. The length of a metal pin which
cannot be seen is to be deter-
mined from radiograms of two
different planes which are at right
angles to each other.
2. The true length of the pin is to
be determined by taking the
magnification which results from
the divergence of the X-rays into
3. The spatial position of the pin is to
be determined.

PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG D - 37070 Gttingen Laboratory Experiments Physics 255
Determination of the length and position of an object LEP
which cannot be seen -00

Related topics Tasks

X-ray radiation, Bremsstrahlung, characteristic radiation, law of 1. The length of a metal pin which cannot be seen is to be
absorption, mass absorption coefficient, stereographic projec- determined from radiograms of two different planes which
tion. are at right angles to each other.
2. The true length of the pin is to be determined by taking the
Principle magnification which results from the divergence of the X-rays
The length and the spatial position of a metal pin which cannot into account.
be seen are to be determined from radiograms of two different 3. The spatial position of the pin is to be determined.
planes which are at right angles to each other.

Equipment Set-up and procedure

X-ray basic unit. 35 kV 09058.99 1 The experiment is set up as shown in Fig. 1.
Plug-in module with Cu-X-ray tube 09058.50 1 Fit an X-ray or Polaroid film centrally on the film holder. To do
Film holder 09058.08 1 this, set the bottom edge of the film on the pair of bushings of
Implant model for X-ray photography 09058.07 1 the film holder, and then hold the film against the frame bars
Vernier caliper 03010.00 1 with the magnetic strip.
Polaroid film, (9 x 12) cm, 20 sheets 09058.20 1 Position the film holder in the experimenting area of the X-ray
Polaroid film holder chassis 09058.21 1 unit so that its front magnetic foil lies plane against the inner, flu-
or orescent screen side, and the middle of the film holder corre-
X-ray-film, (9 x12) cm, 10 sheets 06696.03 1 sponds approximately with the radiation axis. Place the implant
X-ray-film developer for 4.5 l 06696.20 1 model directly in front of the film. The distance between the front
X-ray-film fixing for 4.5 l 06696.30 1 edge of the wooden block and the X-ray outlet cylinder is then
Tray (PP), (18 x 24) cm, white 47481.00 3 approx. 28 cm. Do not use a radiation-limiting diaphragm.


Phywe series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen 25420-00 1
LEP Determination of the length and position of an object
-00 which cannot be seen

Expose the object for approx. 1 minute at an accelerating volt- The two ends of the pin which is lying askew in this system are
age of UA = 35 kV and an anode current of approx. IA = 0.5 mA. given by the coordinates P1(x1,y1,z1) and P2(x2,y2,z2).
To do this, set the X-ray tube operating data and the exposure We have for l:
time, confirm them with Enter to activate the high voltage, and
then immediately press the Start button to start the timer. l  21x2  x1 2 2  1y2  y1 2 2  1z2  z1 2 2 (1)
Turn the object through 90 and make a second exposure.

Theory and evaluation

The diagram in Fig. 2 shows the spatial position of a metal pin of  2lx2  l2y  l2z (2)
length l in a right-angled coordinate system.
To determine the angular position of the pin in relation to the
positive axes of the coordinate system, we must consider, for
each axis, a line starting at one end of the pin and running par-
Fig. 2: The metal pin lying askew in space allel to the axis to the extrapolated position of the other end of
the pin. The directional cosines of these three lines give the fol-
lowing relationships:

cosa = lx / l; cosb = ly / l; cosg = lz / l

The metal pin is irradiated with a divergent bundle of X-rays. As

the pin is at different distances from the film along its length, it
will be correspondingly pictured at different magnifications. A
reference object which centrally holds a circular metal plate of
diameter d = 30.0 mm is used to determine the average magni-
fication factor V. When the diameter of the circular metal plate
as shown on the film is d*, then the magnification factor is V =
d*/d. The true length lcorr of the obliquely positioned metal pin is
therefore lcorr = l/V.

Fig. 3: Schematic representation of the projection of the metal pin in a xz-plane (left) and in a yz-plane (right)

Reference Reference
object object

2 25420-00 Phywe series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen
Determination of the length and position of an object LEP
which cannot be seen -00

Figs. 4a and 4b show the central projection of the metal pin in From these:
two planes at right angles to each other. For the evaluation of the l = 65.07 mm and lcorr = 60.06 mm  60.1 mm (as made, the
results (see Fig.3), we recommend that you carefully trace the metal pin had a length of l = 60.0 mm).
images of the metal pin and the reference object onto transpar-
ent paper, so that you can measure the apropriate distances The angles of orientation are accordingly:
using the vernier calipers. cos a = lx / l = 0.54 S a = 53.2
The following results were obtained on evaluating a trial experi- cos b = ly / l = 0.40 S b = 63.3
ment: cos g = lz / l = 0.74 S g = 38.6
lx = 36.0 mm, ly = 27.0 mm, lz = 47.0 mm and V =
32.5 mm/30.0 mm = 1.083

Fig. 4: Projection fotos of the implant model in the xz-plane (left) and in the yz-plane (right)

Phywe series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen 25420-00 3
LEP Determination of the length and position of an object
-00 which cannot be seen

4 25420-00 Phywe series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen

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