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The American Take-Over and the Policy
of "Benevolent Assimilation"
Cuban revolution - Americans sided with the rebels
strained Spanish-American relation
sinking of the warship Maine
triggered the war
Commodore Dewey - sail from Hongkong to Manila
Spanish fleet was destroyed and that event signalled
the rise of America as a colonial power.
Americans arranged the return of General Aguinaldo
resume the fight against the Spanish ground forces.
"Benevolent Assimilation"
Aguinaldo government & independence was declared
- June 12, Cavite el Viejo
convoked the revolutionary congressbasilica of
Barasoain, Malolos (September 15)
Malolos Constitution Philippine Republic inaugurated.

Aguinaldo as president.

Treaty of Paris Philippines ceded to the United

States 20M. US dollars.
President William McKinley issued the so-called
"Benevolent Assimilation" proclamation
first official indication of American policy in the
Planner and Architect
American architect
visit the Philippines to
give advice
urban problems of the
city of Manila & Baguio
gave his
architectural signature
to the newly
Burnham's Architectural Design
believed that the the big cities
where most of them would
have to work and to live.
The urban design principles
American "City Beautiful"
superimposed a system of
diagonals and rotundas over
the basic rectangular grid
street patterns of American
"City Beautiful" planning
concentrated on public
buildings as focal points of
wide and grandiose avenues
Burnham's Architectural Design
The city showcase of the ruling class
sense of pride and achievement.
architectural thought and planning
focused on monumental architecture
little concern for the planning of the vernacular or
ordinary buildings
the emphasis was on architecture as "work" and not
on architecture as "labour"
Burnham's Recommendations and
Design for Manila
Manila on October 13, 1904
stayed for about six weeks

began with what was already there

historical value of some portions of the walls of

fortified medieval town.
should not be preserved - moat surrounding lntramuros
for sanitary reasons.
should be drained and filled
planted with trees and grass
turned into a pleasant and useful circular park
Burnham's Recommendations and
Design for Manila
admired the Spanish-Filipino house
The dull red tile added to the charm.

The well-shaded narrow streets in the older

sections of the town as "picturesque

impressed by the old Spanish churches and
government buildings
He suggested that they could serve as
examples for future structures
Burnham's Recommendations and
Design for Manila
"imperial" manner of "City Beautiful."
Diagonals as broad thoroughfares are superimposed over
partially existing street patterns of a rectangular grid iron
superimposed diagonal arteries, radiating from the
government center in various directions
Practical = center of governmental activity readily
accessible from all sides
Sentimental = every section of the capital city should look with
deference toward the symbol of the nation's power."
Burnham's Recommendations and
Design for Manila
Next to the diagonal arteries
feature are the parks and open spaces for sports and other
recreational activities.
The Luneta was to be preserved unchanged "without planting of
any sort on its westward side so as to give an unobstructed
view of the sea."
Later planners putting up the Quirino grandstand between the
Sunday strollers and the Manila Bay sunset.
Burnham recommended many parks throughout and outside
the city and the planting of If the plan had had a chance to
be fully executed, Manila would have become the most
beautiful city in the East. -Lachica
Burnham's Recommendations and
Design for Manila
necessity for the modern city
breathing places for the people
playfields of moderate sizes in the heart of the

large sylvan stretches located in the outskirts

development and maintenance of the waterfronts

Pasig River
Ocean bay for recreational purposes
Burnham's Recommendations and
Design for Manila
amenities were especially necessary for Manila with its
periods of intense heat
recommended fountains throughout the city.
psychological relief from the long summer heat
Burnham's Recommendations and
Design for Manila
laid out Dewey Boulevard (now Roxas Boulevard).
"The bay front, from the present Luneta southward should
have a continuous parkway extending all the way to
This Boulevard two hundred and fifty feet in width with
roadways, bridle path, rich plantations and broad
so well shaded with palms. bamboo, and mangoes as to
furnish protection from the elements at all times.

same shaded drives be provided along the Pasig River

up to Fort McKinley (now Fort Bonifacio)
Burnham's Recommendations and
Design for Manila
Burnham's Recommendations and
Design for Manila
indicated the building sites for
important government buildings
other public and semi-public buildings
Plans for Baguio and Their
Americans were convinced that they needed
health resort
Summer capital in the mountains

large portions of all surrounding hills

public property and maintained as informal

the tops of hills

public reservations
green may be carefully preserved
Plans for Baguio and Their
opposed dense settlement
strict laws to enforce this policy
proposed a few monumental public buildings
be placed on hilltops to give them the required dignity
Plans for Baguio and Their
This should not be the general practice. The placing
of formal architectural silhouettes upon the summits
of the surrounding hills would make a hard sky-line
and go far toward destroying the charm of this
beautiful landscape. On the other hand, to place
buildings on the sloping hillsides where they would
be seen against a solid background of green
foliage is to give the in the best possible setting
without mutilating their surroundings.
Plans for Baguio and Their
The conclusion of Burnham's report on Baguio reveals
him to be a realistic and down-to-earth planner
Burnham ptan was officially adopted
William E. Parsons implementation
Parsons kept the principal northwest to southeast axis
which connected the municipal to the government center. A
significant change was the establishment of a large park
in the center of the "meadow. Burnham Park
shifted the market from the southwest to the southeast
corner of the "meadow" where it still is today.
established the site for Pines Hotel
Historical Evaluation of the Burnham
"Burnham formulated a master plan for the
capitol government buildings in Manila and
grouped around a square or plaza
American neo-baroque principle of
solids and connecting axes
part of an axis and not of a square
Open spaces "breathing spaces
legislative, postal and other governmental
William E. Parsons
Architect and Planner
Burnham was eventually able
to persuade young William
E. Parsons to accept the job
to implement his plan.
graduate of Yale, Columbia
French Ecole des Beaux Arts.

"quiet creativity" and "practical

William E. Parsons
Architect and Planner
Burnham suggested that costly structures "with granite,
marble or other building stones in the manner of public
buildings in Europe America"
not Philippines which had a tropical climate.
simply built of reinforced concrete

possible earthquake proof

depended for their effect upon beautiful proportion

Parsons also followed Burnham's advice to learn from the

better Spanish and Philippine examples
William E. Parsons
Architect and Planner
"Regionalism" in architecture.
made use of broad plain surfaces of
solid pastel colors
topped by tile roofs
deep archways
shaded porches
covered loggias keep the heat away
from the interior of buildings.
William E. Parsons
Architect and Planner
Philippine Normal
- on Taft Avenue was one of
the first buildings designed
by Parsons
Glazed tile - wall
long tile roof was
interrupted by three
"California" gables
- marked the entrances of
the three-story building.
reinforced concrete
William E. Parsons
Architect and Planner
Philippine General
Hospital (PGH)
Taft Avenue
three-story building was
designed along the lines of
a sprawling pavilion type
main entrance featured a
high portico with triangular
pediment and double
pilasters on either side
deep porches carried on
semicircular arches.
William E. Parsons
Architect and Planner
Army and Navy Club (ANC)
Luneta Park near the seashore
two-storied middle portion
simple entrance portico
flanked by protruding three-story
wings on either side
lower story - undecorated
second story - open loggia
carried on pairs of columns.
loggia was later closed with
windows which did not improve
the appearance.
destroyed during World War II
but was soon rebuilt.
William E. Parsons
Architect and Planner
Manila Hotel
Parsons' finest work
Doric columns and arches
were once again bared
the lobby restored to its
original splendor.
restored by the nation's
most prominent architect,
Leandro V. Locsin
Implementation of the Burnham
4 regional parks envisioned did not fully materialize
9 playfields proposed are now the sites of schools,
government offices commercial establishments streets
and residences
Pasig River was not developed as an effective artery
of transportation
The proposed shaded drives along the Pasig River
leading to Fort McKinley (now Fort Bonifacio) and
beyond were also not realized.
Early Filipino Architects
Filipino, employed in
1901 by Governor Taft
architectural advisors

EscueLa de Artes y Oficios

maestro de obras
Early Filipino Architects
one of the first to be employed
by the Division.
As a government pensionado he
had been sent to study
architecture at the Drexel
Institute in Philadelphia,
He was the first Filipino
architect with an academic title
from an American institute of
Early Filipino Architects
1st registered architect

entered public service with

Carlos Barretto
graduate from Cornell
Mapua Institute of Technology

De La Salle University

Philippine General Hospital

Nurses Home
Early Filipino Architects
Architect and Painter
Legislative Building or
the Old Congress
Beaux Arts tradition
massing of the building, siting and handling of the approach, and
above all the exterior detailing - Beaux Arts

-damaged at the end of World War II by the shelling of American

troops advancing to liberate Manila.
-later faithfully rebuilt with financial aid from the United States
Legislative Building
Arellano's masterpiece
formal open court.
Plaza Lawton (now Liwasang
Bonifacio) in front of the building
visual breathing spaces
splendid and tall Ionic colonnade
plan of the first two floors
consists =rectangle with two
semicircles added at either end
portion are lighted and
ventilated by a rectangular court
principal facade was in the
form of a segmented arch
with mosaic ornamentations
between grilled openings
a great rectangular window
of translucent glass,
corresponding in size and
shape to the theater
grill work at the entrances
featured Art Deco birds of

exterior of the stage loft a

vertical prism with decorated
visually very prominent.
Filipino motifs for decoration
by employing stylized forms
of Philippine plants.
staircases of marble while
marveling at two mural
paintings, entitled "The
Dance" and "History of

no viewing boxes on the

bas-relief figures
emblematic of music,
tragedy, comedy and
Lamps on the sidewalks were
in the shape of bamboo stalks.

1 ,670 people
846 in the orchestra
116 in the lodge
700 in the balcony

Arellano used the same flat arch in his design he

had envisioned for the main entrance facade of
the Metropolitan Theater.
Art Deco motifs, which included pieces of
sculpture on the bases of the pillars and at the
apse of the arches . were employed .
Arellano's Designs for U.P. and Other


-Antonio Toledo
Quiz 02 American Period
1. What planning principle did Burnham use to design
the City of Manila and Baguio?
2. One of the first building designed by Parson, which
wall ornamentation are Glazed tile the roof was
interrupted by three "California" gables?
3. Considered as one of the finest work of Parson which
later on renovated by the prominent architect Leandro
4. In Burnham Proposal of Manila Master Plan,
thoroughfares were radiating from the government
center in various directions. What are the 2 primary
reasons of Burnham?
6. Arellanos Masterpiece, it is designed with splendid
and tall Ionic colonnade and planned first two floors with
rectangle with two semicircles added at either end and
middle portion are lighted and ventilated by a
rectangular court. What is the name of this building?
7. Who was the first Filipino architect with academic title
from an American Institute?
8. What architectural style that the Metropolitan Theater
in Manila was influenced?
9.Why Burnham wanted to eliminate moat that
surrounding Intramuros?
10. What is the First School offered the course Master
1. What planning principle did Burnham use to design the
City of Manila and Baguio? City Beautiful Movement
2. One of the first building designed by Parson, which wall
ornamentation are Glazed tile the roof was interrupted
by three "California" gables? Philippine Normal College
3. Considered as one of the finest work of Parson which later
on renovated by the prominent architect Leandro Locsin?
Manila Hotel
4. In Burnham Proposal of Manila Master Plan, thoroughfares
were radiating from the government center in various
directions. What are the 2 primary reasons of Burnham?
Practical = center of governmental activity, readily
accessible from all sides
Sentimental = every section of the capital city should look
with deference toward the symbol of the nation's power
6. Arellanos Masterpiece, it is designed with splendid and
tall Ionic colonnade and planned first two floors with
rectangle with two semicircles added at either end and
middle portion are lighted and ventilated by a rectangular
court. What is the name of this building?
Manila Post Office Building
7. Who was the first Filipino architect with academic title
from an American Institute? Carlos Barretto
8. What architectural style that the Metropolitan Theater in
Manila was influenced? Art Deco
9. Why Burnham wanted to eliminate moat that surrounding
Intramuros. For sanitary reason
10. What is the First School offered the course Master
Builder? Escuela Practica y Professional de Artes y Oficios
de Manila
The Second Generation of Filipino
Architects (Post-War Period)

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