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GitHub - the Non-Technical Setup Process

We use GitHub to store and version our software.

If you want to download a copy of the code, to write documentation or to search

through, but don't want to write any code yourself - then this is the right guide
for you.

.. _GitHubClient:

GitHub Client

Install one of these desktop applications on your computer:

| `GitHub for Mac <>

| `GitHub for Windows <>

Connecting to the Database


Add your GitHub details to

AkvoMail can also be used with any Mail Client that supports IMAP - e.g. Apple
Mail, Outlook, Thunderbird & Smartphone Mail Clients.

To setup with your Mail Client you need to add a new Account using the following

Username: Full Email Address e.g.

Password: Same as Webmail - please change your password in Webmail BEFORE setting
up a mail client.

Incoming Mail Server (IMAP):

Port: 993
SSL: Yes

Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):

Port: 465
SSL: Yes

The Outgoing Mail Server DOES require authentication and it should use the same
settings as the Incoming Server.

.. Information on who to contact to have the email address setup.

.. Instructions on how to connect to the webmail site and login there.

.. Instructions on how to connect a mail client such a iMail or Thunderbird to the

mail server.

Out Of Office (OOO)

The OOO Settings can be set within the :ref:`Webmail` service.

Login to the Webmail and click on the Preferences/Voorkeuren tab and then select E-
mail/Mail from the left hand sidebar.

Scroll down and click the box that says Autom. antwoord verzenden/Send auto-reply

Complete your Out of Office message in the box and select the dates that you would
like the message to be delivered from and to.


You can add a signature to your account either in the Webmail or via the Mail
CLient that you are using. These settings vary per client, if you need help with
this, check with the Software Support role for your platform mentioned here

Signatures should be a standard and easy to read format, but can be customised to
suit your style.

They should contain your name, email address, telephone number, but may also
contain twitter account, skype, mail address and website location.

Signatures should NOT contain images or HTML code.

This is a sample signature:

First Last - Example Consultant | +31 (0) 1 23 45 67 89 | @first_last

.. Some additional functionality such as Out of Office and Signatures should also
be detailed here.

.. These additional Features may be created a sub-pages to this one rather than
being included within this page to enable the addition of more pages easily.

.. _Zimbra:

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