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Unity after Washingtons inauguration, evident in first session of congress: judiciary act of 1789,

tariff on imported goods for revenue, and bill of rights

Unity fade away, national government divided into factions lead by Hamilton (though government
should be lead by wealthy, citizens are too turbulent) and Jefferson (wants government to be lead
by citizens and laborers)

European conflict (French Revolution) caused the factions to deepen, some (Jefferson) wanted to
get involved and support, some (Hamilton) did not. Out of these differences, people coalesced.
DRs sided with Jefferson (agriculture), Federalists sided with Hamilton (industrial, realism).
Adams became president and things got worse.

Adams won presidency, almost guaranteeing DR victory. He made everything worse with the
Alien and Sedition Acts. After Washington leaves theres a solidification of the factions. After War
of 1812 there was a lot of patriotism, solidifying of the country (american dream/ideal- farmers,
moving out west, constant frontier). People now focused properly on American West.

Document 1
Manufacturing is necessary
Should everyone devote themselves to land/farming? Or should we make half of them
work in industry?
Leave workshops and workers in Europe instead of bring them + their manners here, talks
about people only producing raw materials (no factories) but the whole reason we create
slavery is for agricultural labor
We wont need refined goods - idealistic version
Theres an assumption that land is unlimited
Connects that americans are people of virtue, the act of working ones own land makes a
better person
Dependence of people working in factories, but farmers will be independent (not
necessarily true, they didnt have that level of advantage)

Document 2
Any free white person can be citizen if
Resided for 2 years in US
Person of good characters
Supports constitution w/ oath
Their child can be citizen if
Living in US
Under 21 years of age
Children of citizens can be citizens if they are born beyond limits of US
Citizenship cannot extend to father that have not resided in US
Document 3
Manufacturing augments Produce and Revenue of Society
Division of Labor
Division of labor is vital in an economy, when separated they can improve better
than if they were blended
Diversity in skill and economy (economy is not just tied to just one thing like
agriculture), economic nationalism (not needing other countries, able to withstand),
prosperity for farmers (no surplus), trade imbalance, and gross domestic product,
being independent as a country by producing our own finished product, foreign
markets are unreliable, to secure a market and produce a domestic economy we
must promote manufacturing establishments, supply and demand (more
complicated than Jefferson)
Greater skill from focusing on just one thing
Saving time by not moving from one thing to the other
Machinery can be created better because people will focus on only one
thing and how to improve that thing to facilitate their one job instead of a
variety of things which would perplexe them
Separating labor can augment production and revenue of US
Contributes most to industrious effort, stocks, and general product of industry
More ample field for enterprise
Stimulate the human mind by multiplying the objects of enterprise
provokes more exertion
New energy to the general stock of effort
Enterprise needs to be expanded
Creating a steady demand for the surplus produce of soil
One of most important, allows manufacturers to augment revenue of US and has
direct relation to prosperity of agriculture
Domestic trumps foreign because its more reliable
Nations should supply themselves
External demand for surplus of agricultural nations is precarious because of a
difference of season, years, degrees of necessities, etc
Replace the foreign demand for surplus with extensive domestic market
Do that by promoting manufacturing establishments
Will create a flourishing state of agriculture
Creates demand for prior unknown
This is also good for farmers
Farmers tend to overproduce, what do you when you have a surplus? If it goes
straight into the market it drives prices down and farmers will not make money.
There needs to be a way to consume this stuff. By having people and factories to
consume it to take care of our own surplus without foreign aid.
Document 4
Main body of citizens and landed interest is true to republicanism
Banks and public funds are made for corruption, throwing us back into British model
Liberty is not calm and predictable, he is doing things in the short term not long term,
concerned about corruption

Document 5
Hard labor is difficult, but we need it
Land is nothing without labor
Anyone who has property without working for it has committed fraud
There will always be unequal distribution of power
East and rest from labor is sought after
Hence people that have achieved such look down at those who are in labor and farmers
(class warfare)
Danger are the judicial and executive officers because their salaries are from the hard
work of others (tax money?) and they are only interested in distress of the nation, these
men are prone to corruption because they dont work as much for their labor, echoing
Jeffersons fears
They should be eradicated from the legislative body, should be run by working man
A free government fails because it favors the desires of a jew and cannot level with fellow
Majority of people who dont do labor are opposed to a free government, dont match to
the true ideal of Americans, not true Americans

Alien and Sedition Acts

- Infringes first amendment
- Are they an abuse of the federal government?

Document 6
Some powers of the states are delegated to the central government but also reserve
themselves (get to have self government)
Claims its a voluntary compact, not a form of government
Each party has equal to judge for itself
Powers not delegated to US by constitution are reserved to states
Congress acts include to create, define, or punish crimes other than ones entailed in the
constitution is void, it is reserved to the states
Immigrants are protected under laws of state
President cannot remove someone from US without impartial jury, witnesses, public trial
and defense
Necessary and Proper Clause is taken too far, arguing for the supremacy of the state
Committee of conference and correspondence (legislatives of different colonies
communicating) are appointed to communicate the resolutions to the Legislature of
several states and it considers union as prosperity
These acts are all void
Affirmation of states rights, every state needs to make a decision ( almost encouraging
Commonwealth of the country, whats good for Virginia is good for everyone else
Limitation of constitution

Document 7
Marshall argues for the primacy of the federal government, part of the judicial review
Challenges notion that Jefferson asserts in Virginia and Kentucky Resolution, that the
commonwealth is best served with states having a high degree of power for self
government, Marshall says Constitution was created to preserve the happiness in good
government for the people in that time and in future generations, anything that challenges
the constitution is antithetical, legislature has the power to fix a law
Why are we taking away power from congress and legislature when they are doing things
that they think is right?
Judicial review replaces the Kentucky resolutions
Government of the US is for check and balances
Act of the legislature that is unconstitutional is void
Legislative act is not law if the constitution is unchangeable
The written constitutions, if alterable, are absurd attempts to limit a power that in its nature
is illimitable
If two laws conflict each other, then the courts should refer to the Constitution which not
an ordinary act of legislature

Document 8
Washington is kid, gets a hatchet, chops down cherry tree, tells truth to father when he
He wants to establish golden reign of liberty
Hates war but would do it if he had no choice
Exchanges pleasure of farm for dangers of camp
Useful citizen is the high character he aims to be
Agriculture was his favorite, but engaging nation in glorious toils and filling seaports with
food for the poor and distant nations was his ambition
Roused men for making canals/cuts between rivers through the US
Men will rarely do what is good for the commonwealth
Congress has no power to do anything, whether that's to exert our self-defense powers,
chastise insulting foreigners, and scourge the men who stir up factions.
We need a nation that can have power to command the full energies of US
Hence a convention formed, Washington was president, and the Constitution was
Conclusion of Documents
US was a very fragile republic
Political divisions and economic weaknesses plagued the new nation
European powers doubted the survival of US

Fears of Federalists
Louisiana purchase
- Unpredictable
- How does this help us relate to france? What does this do to trade? How is this going to
play out?
- Anxiety
Threat to orderly government
- Aristocracy of Merit: Whats the point of working hard and going up to a certain station,
and people strip me down? want a government that helps me maintain my station
- Concerned about order/stability. Another revolution? Can we see the virtue of the
American citizen and the stability of the republic?
- Uncertainty, loss of property, economic fractions?????
- Violence? MOBS - bread riots, whiskey rebellion, shays rebellion) + France violence. Can
we look at the French revolution and trust that everything will be ok?
- People are apathetic, farming is not going to make them virtuous, need social order!!! Be
respected for a level that you work for...aristocracy of merit
- Kentucky resolutions = successions, marshall says its not to the states, its to the
legislature to handle laws, no need for states rights (ironic with hartford convention,
became what they were afraid of)
- Concerns about dependence, virtuous farming is not realistic, dependence cannot be
avoided with just farms, believe in ownership (with jeffersonian) but that that comes
through stable order society, not jeffersons unrealistic vision
- Impact of emergence of slums (results of immigration and industrialization)
- Government should take action to shape society? Noble farmer ideal is mythicalCan
man be truly virtuous?
- Agricultural self sufficiency is predicated on foreign trade (if men want other than coarse
fabric, they need foreign trade)
- Jeffersonian ideal is too late, industrialization is taking over
- Child labor: How do we raise virtuous citizens if they work in factory...low wages is
another issue as well. Jeffersons solution is getting more farmland???
- DRs and Federalists throw shade at each other, turns into political tribe
- If you have deism where is the sense of order? A society with religions that are not
tied to a centralized church authority, or deists that argue that god has taken his
hands off - religious views are distorting the idea of virtuous citizen
- Men long for what they cant have - federalists look at DRs as hypocritical and breaking
apart the social system thats best for everyone. What are the Drs trying to accomplish
when they cant get past their hypocrisy? They believe that virtue is gained through order
and stability not independence.
Jeffersonian approach to politics
Dangerously naive
Federalists saw the american society as a stable on the surface but torn by internal
A population that proves its capacity for revolutionary violence would not be peaceful in
the future
Industrialization and urban growth is already leading to a proletariat (poverty)
The poor are more inclined to mob action, federalists feared poverty because it could lead
to mob violence
Federalists thought that the combination of poor and popular democracy can easily lead to
demagoguery and anarchy
Federalists feared that the Jeffersonians were careless and not properly aware of the
danger of revolutionary accomplishments
Federalists expected violence and disintegration in the opening of 19th century
Power of people if left uncontrolled is mobbish
It is a government without discipline
There are two types of democrats
Those who see liberty as right of self government
Those who see it as the right to rebel against governors
A choice HAS to be made in the early years of republic
Federalists had a sense of precariousness of the American social order
Federalists of old republic saw familiar social habits dying
Decline of deferential behavior
Few people had pedigree of gentility
Fewer were willing to recognize pedigrees
There have always been american egalitarians that refused to defer to social
Unchurched men and women with John Winthrop
Egalitarian current of the Revolutionary era turned exceptions to the rule into
harbingers of a trend
In the beginning of 19th century men across US claimed they were less
respected than before
Men approached with bland countenances rather than broad smiles/bow
took the solemness as a personal affront
Men that claimed that America possess the social ingredients for a mobocracy
may be a rhetorical statement, but it was not completely arbitrary, people who
would not just defer to anyone seemed unpredictable and capable of mobbishness
Republic was born in turbulence - federalists always remembered that the nation was
created by rebellion and secession
US was daily insulted at home and across the globe by men w
ho acted as if the republic
was merely a temporary expedient, they refused to regard the new government as
permanently established, the new nation was insulted by men who seemed to cherish
democracy as a guarantee of their right of rebellion (whiskey rebellion, riotous
demonstrations accomplished little, but not unimportant, federalists worried because they
were evidence that Americans had a capacity for violence demonstrated in the
Opposition to lawful authority is frequently considered as a generous effort of patriotic
Secession was the response of a group of New England Federalists to the prediction of
Jeffersons re-election in 1804
Federalists could not assume that the new world would escape disastrous cycle of
european history, that the pastoral landscape of the old republic would not be replaced by
the congested landscape
They feared that the capacity of the american people for mobbishness was increasing
Husbandmen was a mythical image, not a description of sociological reality
Shepherd and yeoman are models of those living in a world where economic
pressures are absent
Self sufficient yeoman on family sizes farm doesnt need wealth but stability
Only in world like this free of economic tension can the omission of class structure
seem believable
Mythical since it ignores economic fact, that americans can live independent of
international market
American workshops cannot remain in europe
Federalists believed that the nations destiny lay with the machine
With the machine would come further changes in the quality of American social
life, changes in manners and spirit
The social structure of US was ill suited to the development of an industrial society
Available land, prosperous commerce, demand for handcrafted items meant men
were not content being day laborers
How to industrialize without workers?
Increase the efficiency of machinery
New hands encouraged to emigrate to america
More extensive use of source of labor
Universal suffrage (which the democrats leaned towards) worked to strengthen the
power of the rich because the employer or landowner could command the votes of
those who were economically dependent on him
Federalist feared: would america be transformed when her working population became a
salaries one? Would there be an American proletariat?
Solution: people need to erect barriers against their intemperance and giddiness
Federalists feared that the americans lack the vigilance needed to keep popular
government stable
Religious obligation reinforced moral obligation, which makes popular government more
orderly and stable
Federalists saw jeffersonians as dangerous because they broke down the barrier of
habitual morality
Religious liberty was feared by federalists because it could be construed to
encourage the growth of deism or noninstitutional evangelicalism, in which case
churches and national establishment would be threatened

Fears of Jeffersonian Republicans

Reliance on Europe would contaminate US government system and economy
Jefferson promises immensity of land
Doesnt consider natives, slave labor to develop land
Not enough people
People in order to migrate need resources
How will we achieve this virtuous state?
Industrial dependency
Worried that we will follow European economy
Idea of industrialization will hurt people and mislead them by Federalist
government, creates dependence
Revolution of 1800
Its returning back to the state of 1776
Think hes going back to liberty
Didnt the success of liberty lead to turmoil? Articles of Confederation?
Thinks federalists are distorting vision?
Land speculation - his idea of western expansion promotes land speculation
Assuming that we will never be corrupt and that well always have access to land
is idealistic and ignores the claims of others
The idea that international trading system will never be fraught with tensions????
Whole idea is to undo everything federalists had done
Extinguish national debt, reducing government expends especially on military,
repealing federalist battery of direct and excise taxes

Irony of reducing size of military, pushes back against barbary pirates, reason why
we struggle with War of 1812
Embargo, emerging war - Jeffersonians and Jefferson struggle to respond to these
Foreign policy
Jefferson feels Hamiltonian system will age the country that will make it more corrupt, so
we need to go back to our youthful ideal
However we have already gotten into a complex economic system which Jefferson
Jeffersonians take advantages of entrepreneurship and innovation (which they
wanted to happen quickly) - immediately they have conflict between Hamiltonian
manufacturer/innovation spirit with ideal of farmer
All predicated on an expansive trade policy
Puts US at a disadvantage of supplying raw materials
Jefferson thinks Federalists are promoting unnatural decay
As long as we have enough land for people, we dont need to worry about
Benjamin Franklin
There are 2 types of decay
High population density brought biological pressures due to limited
land can cause biological pressures
Completely inevitable
Jefferson puts this off with the Louisiana Purchase, but that was
only a temporary solution
Corruption from the government being taken advantage of, and
becoming tyrannical and oppressive
Completely avoidable
America is NOT an exception to this rule, this idea of constant land is illogical,
idealistic, and illusion
Thomas Malthus
Extreme inequality, widespread poverty, extensive landless dependency was
everything Americans considered antithetical, were also biologically inevitable
Jefferson chastised Malthus for failing to recognize how irrelevant his population
theory was to America
Claims it was inapplicable
Matter of speculation
All societies are to advance rapidly towards a state of overpopulation
There is no escape for this
Perpetual youth is impossible
Its unreasonable to think that America was always have little poverty and
misery forever
His arguments disheartened Americans
The necessary social bias for republicanism were dangerously short term
Extreme inequality, widespread poverty, and extensive land dependency
were everything that the Americans feared were antithetical, and Malthus
was saying these things were biologically inevitable
Thomas Jefferson supported this essay written by Malthus
However chastised Malthus by saying that his population theory did not
apply to America and was unfit for America
He also argued that America was a better exception to the European rule
of balanced economies
Mississippi Crisis 1801-1803
Culminated the Louisiana Purchase for the United States
Which secured control over Mississippi River, paved the way for economic
prosperity, and laid necessary basis for westward expansion
The Mississippi River provided free navigation, and without it westward expansion
would be stalled
Many trans-Appalachians depended on this
Allowed for settlers to secure an expanding foreign commerce
The Republican party attracted political support from those in entrepreneurship
Not just agrarian-mind ideologues
There are three essential conditions to create and sustain a republican political economy
A federal government free from corruption
Unobstructed access to open land
International commercial order
Needing adequate foreign markets
Afraid of federalists financial system
Jeffersonians sought to secure land, commercial systems (expansion), and avoid a
corrupt administration
Thought Hamilton and Federalists threatened to make American society old and corrupt
Feared how federalists policies didnt serve their immediate needs
Although Jefferson wanted independence and and isolation, this was contradicted by the
fact that American republicanism demanded both international commercial order as well
as the absence of any competing presence in the entire North American continent
This could only happen if the US was willing to give up the relentless westward
expansion and free trade
This would abandon the pillars of Jeffersons view of a republican political

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