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J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 1 8 L. Budakova et al. 1 2 L. Budakova et al. J. Sep. Sci.

2008, 31, 1 8
Lucie Budakova1 Original Paper Table 1. Therapeutic drug concentration range of AEDs
(mg/L) [6, 7]
2 Experimental
Hana Brozmanova1
Milan Grundmann1 2.1 Chemicals and standards
Jan Fischer2 Simultaneous determination of antiepileptic drugs Drug Therapeutic drug concentra-
tion range (mg/L) Water for HPLC and TEA (analytical grade) was obtained
Department of Clinical
and their two active metabolites by HPLC from Fluka (Buchs, Switzerland). ACN and methanol for
PEMA Not available
Pharmacology, University PD 5 15 HPLC (gradient grade) were purchased from Merck
Hospital and Medico-Social An HPLC procedure for the determination of lamotrigine (LAM) simultaneously PB 15 35 (Darmstadt, Germany), diethyl ether, phosphoric acid,
Faculty, University of Ostrava, with other antiepileptic drugs, primidone (PD), phenobarbital (PB), phenytoin LAM 3 14 and sodium dihydrogenphosphate, all of analytical
Ostrava, Czech Republic (DPH), carbamazepine (CMZ), and two active metabolites 2-phenyl-2-ethyl-malon- DPH 10 20 grade, were purchased from Lachema (Brno, Czech
Department of Analytical amide (PEMA) and 10,11-dihydro-10,11-epoxycarbamazepine (EPO) was developed CMZ 49
Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical CMZ + EPO a12 Republic).
and validated. The method involves an ordinary RP system and a liquid liquid LAM was kindly provided by GlaxoSmithKline (Prague,
Technology, University of
Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech
extraction. The mobile phase consisting of water/ACN/methanol/triethylamine in Czech Republic). Other reference materials as PB, DPH,
Republic the ratio 72 : 23 : 5 : 0.1 with pH 7.0 was selected as the best one after the assays test- CMZ, PD, EPO, PEMA, and 5-ethyl-5-p-tolylbarbituric acid
ing both pH and triethylamine contents. UV detection was carried out at a wave- (used as internal standard (IS)) were obtained from Fluka
length of 220 nm and the whole analysis took 15 min. The method was linear in the (Buchs). All substances are stable from 208C to 1008C.
range of 0.5 25 mg/L for PEMA and LAM; 1.25 25 mg/L for PD and CMZ; 0.625 ure control and toxicity. The effect of 10,11-dihydro-
12.5 mg/L for EPO; 1.5 60 mg/L for PB; and 1.25 50 mg/L for DPH, respectively. 10,11-epoxycarbamazepine (EPO) as the active metabo-
Within-day CV% and between-day CV% were within 10%. The developed HPLC lite of CMZ is well documented by many authors [8 17]; 2.2 Preparation of stock solutions and standard
method can be used for routine therapeutic drug monitoring both in children and pointed out, that in most of the cases the sum of solutions
adults. CMZ + EPO plasma level better correlates with therapeu-
tic and toxic effects than plasma level of the parent drug The stock solutions of all analyzed compounds (parent
Keywords: Antiepileptics / HPLC / Lamotrigine / measured alone. Effective metabolites of PD, PB, and drugs and metabolites) were prepared in methanol at the
Received: June 11, 2007; revised: August 24, 2007; accepted: August 24, 2007 mainly 2-phenyl-2-ethyl-malonamide (PEMA) have not following concentration levels: 1 g/L of PB and DPH and
DOI 10.1002/jssc.200700253 been studied so extensively [18 20]. In a group of 0.5 g/L of CMZ, PD, LAM, EPO, and PEMA, respectively.
patients on long-term combination therapy interrela- The concentration of methanol stock solution of IS 5-
tions of PD with other co-medicated drugs were observed. ethyl-5-p-tolylbarbituric acid was 10 mg/mL and it was
While the share of PD and PB is highly influenced by diluted for ten times to prepare the working solution.
1 Introduction as the simultaneous determination of the other concom- enzyme inductor drugs such as DPH and CMZ, PEMA usu- Standard solutions for all drugs and metabolites were
itantly administered AEDs and their primary metabolites ally represents one third of the sum (PD + PB + PEMA) prepared at seven concentration levels from the stock sol-
Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of antiepileptic in a single run, is of a great relevance. utions by diluting with methanol. Concentration ranges
and its share is relatively stable and unchanged in spite
drugs (AEDs) is necessary to optimize the patient's clini- LAM (3,5-diamino-6-(2,3-dichlorophenyl)-1,2,4-triazine) were as follows (0.5 25 mg/L for PEMA and LAM; 1.25
of various co-medication [21].
cal outcome by managing their medication regimen is a broad spectrum AED of the third generation used in 25 mg/L for PD and CMZ; 0.625 12.5 mg/L for EPO; 3
LAM was measured in biological fluids by the GC
with the assistance of measured drug concentration. The the general treatment of the epilepsy in monotherapy or 60 mg/L for PB; and 2.5 50 mg/L in the case of DPH). All
method [22 26] and by the immunoanalytical methods
concept based on the assumption that drug concentra- in combinations with other AEDs [2]. When introduced stock solutions, standard solutions and working solu-
[27]. HPLC procedures were used for LAM analyses in bio-
tion correlates better with clinical effects than the dose. to clinical praxis, the TDM of LAM was not considered tions of IS were kept at 208C.
logical fluids and brain tissue with increasing frequency
TDM is more important for drugs with a narrow thera- necessary and the target therapeutic range was not [28 34]. Various HPLC techniques for simultaneously
peutic range, where a correlation has been established defined. Nowadays, it is well known that the estimation determining the plasma concentrations of other AEDs as
between drug concentration and its therapeutic and of drug level enables controlling the compliance and 2.3 Equipment and chromatographic conditions
CMZ, DPH, PB, and VPA have been also reported [35 42].
toxic effects [1]. serves as a useful tool in co-medicated patients, especially Some HPLC methods even permit simultaneous deter- The chromatographic equipment consisting of isocratic
Primidone (PD), phenobarbital (PB), phenytoin (DPH), in the cases when enzyme-inducing drugs such as CMZ, mination of LAM, other AEDs and their principal metabo- pump P 1500, autosampler AS 1000, and variable wave-
and carbamazepine (CMZ) are AEDs of the first and sec- DPH, or PB are withdrawn, or added. Co-medication with lites in one run [37, 43 47]. Some problems connected length detector UV 1000 (all Spectra Physic, San Jose,
ond generation, which have been widely used. Lamotri- valproic acid (VPA) may influence the elimination of LAM with different chemical properties of AEDs can occur. USA) was used. The glass column (36150 mm) with sta-
gine (LAM) is a newer AED, which was recently intro- due to the inhibition of hepatic glucuronic enzymes and Although most of them are weak acids, LAM represents tionary phase Separon SGX C18, 5 lm (Tessek, Prag,
duced in therapeutic practice. Its determination as well significant increase in serum concentrations was the base. Czech Republic) was used. The analyses were performed
observed [3 5]. HPLC method for the determination of LAM with other at laboratory temperature. The injected volume was
Correspondence: Lucie Budakova, Department of Clinical Phar- Different studies reported a wide range of serum con- AEDs (PD, PB, CMZ, DPH) and two active metabolites, 20 lL and the UV signal was registered at 220 nm.
macology, University Hospital of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 1790, centrations associated with a seizure control. Based on PEMA and EPO, extends previously used method [21]. As the mobile phase was used ternary mixtures of
708 52 Ostrava, Czech Republic preclinical data, the therapeutic serum concentration In this study, the conditions were tested for the simul- water/ACN/methanol in ratio 72 : 23 : 5 (by volume) with
range was originally stated to be 1 4 mg/L. However, taneous analysis of LAM and other AEDs (PD, PB, DPH, addition of TEA as a modificator in the concentrations
Fax: 420-59-698-4399
many patients require higher concentrations. The range and CMZ) and their two active metabolites PEMA and 10, 40, 100, and 300 lL TEA/100 mL. The pH of final
Abbreviations: AED, antiepileptic drug; CMZ, carbamazepine; of 3 14 mg/L was proposed by Morris et al. [6]. EPO by changing pH of mobile phase and by using differ- mobile phase was then adjusted by phosphoric acid in
DPH, phenytoin; EPO, 10,11-dihydro-10,11-epoxycarbamaze- Therapeutic serum concentration range of other AEDs ent triethylamine (TEA) concentrations in the mobile the range of 3.5 7.0 by 0.5 units. The mobile phase flow
pine; IS, internal standard; PEMA, 2-phenyl-2-ethyl-malonamide; has been precisely documented anywhere and is pre-
LAM, lamotrigine; PB, phenobarbital; PD, primidone;TCA, tri-
phase. The analysis with the optimal conditions was fur- rate was set at 1 mL/min. For the HPLC method optimiza-
chloroacetic acid; TDM, therapeutic drug monitoring; TEA, trie- sented in Table 1 [6, 7]. CMZ and PD metabolites were ther tested and validated for routine analysis according tion, retention factors of each AED and their resolution
thylamine; VPA, valproic acid studied according to their contribution to both the seiz- to ref. [48]. were calculated.
i 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim i 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 1 8 Liquid Chromatography 3 4 L. Budakova et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 1 8
For the optimization of separation, the mixture of IS other AEDs. Therefore, careful optimization of the
and AEDs was used as described as follows: 50 lL of both mobile phase composition is necessary. Four different
IS working solution and standard solutions (third con- concentrations of TEA in the mobile phase (10, 40, 100,
centration level in the calibration series) were put into and 300 lL/100 mL) were tested (Figs. 1A D). Graphs of
glass test tubes and evaporated to dryness at 808C. The Figs. 1A D demonstrate the dependences of the reten-
residue was dissolved in 20 lL methanol for HPLC and tion factors of all AEDs and IS on pH in the mobile phases
200 lL water for HPLC. with different concentrations of TEA. TEA may saturate
free silanol groups of the stationary phase. This leads to a
decrease in both the asymmetry of the peaks and the
2.4 Validation of method
sorption of basic compounds. In the mobile phases with
Both the 50 lL of IS working solution and standard solu- a low TEA concentration (10 and 40 lL/100 mL), the
tions in tested levels (all seven levels were used for the retention factor of LAM shows big differences caused
linearity testing and three concentration levels, respec- even by small changes of pH (Figs. 1A and B). In the
tively, for accuracy and precision testing) were evapo- mobile phases with higher TEA contents (100 and 300 lL/
rated to dryness at 808C in glass test tubes. Then 50 lL of 100 mL) the retention of LAM shows smaller changes.
drug-free serum from a nonmedicated volunteer and the These mobile phases are more convenient and can be
same volume of 1 mol/L NaH2PO4 were added. The mix- used for the quantitative measurements.
ture was extracted with 1 mL diethylether. The upper As shown in the Fig. 1, the migration order of LAM is
ether layer was, after centrifugation, transferred to a also highly affected by pH. The pH of the mobile phase is
small clean tube (Eppendorf) and evaporated to dryness. another parameter, which must be optimized precisely.
The residue was reconstituted in 20 lL methanol and For this purpose, the resolution of critical pairs of LAM
200 lL water for HPLC. peak and its nearest peak was calculated and plots of res-
The accuracy and precision of the method were eval- olution versus pH were constructed. The recommended
uated by analyzing drug-free serum with different con- value of this parameter considering more than 90% sep-
centrations of AEDs. The within-day reproducibility was aration of two peaks is 1.5 and higher. Figures 2A and B
determined using drug-free serum spiked with three con- show the dependence of the resolution for LAM and the
centrations of AEDs (1, 10, 25 mg/L for PEMA and LAM; nearest peak on the pH of the mobile phase with differ-
2.5, 10, 25 mg/L for PD and CMZ; 1.25, 5, 12.5 mg/L for ent TEA contents. Their well-done separation is the cru- Figure 2. Dependencies of resolution of LAM and the near-
est peak on the mobile phase pH for the selected different
EPO; 3, 24, 60 mg/L for PB; and 2.5, 20, 50 mg/L for DPH) cial point of the whole analysis.
concentrations of TEA in the mobile phase. Symbols: (A) G
which were analyzed six times on the same day. The Based on the series of measurements in mobile phases 10 lL TEA/100 mL, f 40 lL TEA/100 mL; (B) g 100 lL TEA/
between-day reproducibility was determined by analyz- with different pH and concentration of TEA, the mobile 100 mL, 9 300 lL TEA/100 mL.
ing three independent samples in duplicate during six phase consisting of water/ACN/methanol mixture
different days. LOD was determined as the concentra- 72 : 23 : 5, with 100 lL TEA/100 mL and pH = 7 was
tions corresponding at an S/N of 3:1. Limit of quantifica- selected as an optimal for validation of method and for lyzed AEDs calculated by means of S/N parameter S/N = 3
tion (LLOQ) was verified on the basis of the measurement quantitative measurements. In this mobile phase all were in the range of 0.087 0.402 mg/L. LLOQs of AEDs
the lowest concentrations of each analyte with the AEDs are adequately separated and the analysis time is and metabolites for this purpose were given as the lowest
defined accuracy (testing for the systematic error) and acceptable. Figure 3 illustrates chromatogram of the analyzed concentrations and varied between 0.5 and
precision (less than 20%). drug-free serum spiked with 10 mg/L for PEMA; 20 mg/L 1.5 mg/L with CV% below 20% for all analytes (Table 2)
for PD and CMZ; 48 mg/L for PB; 10 mg/L for LAM; and met the criteria for the therapeutic ranges listed in
1.25 mg/L for EPO; and 40 mg/L for DPH. Table 1. Testing of accuracy of LLOQ did not detect the
2.5 Preparation of patient samples Figure 1. Dependencies of the retention factors of AEDs presence of systematic error.
and metabolites and IS on the mobile phase pH for the As shown in Table 3, the within-day and between-day
The IS working solution (50 lL) was mixed with 50 lL of 3.2 Validation protocol of method selected different concentrations of TEA in the mobile
patient serum and with 50 lL of 1 mol/L NaH2PO4. The CV% were below 10% at all concentration levels and var-
phase. Concentrations of TEA in the mobile phase: (A) 10 lL
mixture was extracted with 1 mL diethylether. After cen- Validation parameters such as selectivity, accuracy, pre- TEA/100 mL, (B) 40 lL TEA/100 mL, (C) 100 lL TEA/ ied between 1.6 and 10%. The accuracy, expressed by the
trifugation, the upper ether layer was transferred to a cision, linearity, and detection and quantification limits 100 mL, (D) 300 lL TEA/100 mL. Analytes: g PEMA, 0 LAM, bias, varied between 9.8% and +9.6%.
were tested. The series of calibration solutions were pre- + DPH, CMZ, IS, 6 EPO, f PD, h PB. The procedure of extraction of the analytes from
small Eppendorf tube and evaporated to dryness. The res-
idue was reconstituted in 20 lL methanol and 200 lL pared as described in Section 2 and separated under opti- plasma was described in the Section 2.4. Diethylether
water for HPLC. mal conditions described above. The concentrations of square method for all AEDs and metabolites. The y-sec- was selected because of its good extraction capacity and
AEDs responding to their concentrations in serum were tion of each AED was tested by means of QC Expert (Trilo- low boiling point, which affords rapid evaporation even
as follows: 0.5 25 mg/L for PEMA and LAM; 1.25 25 mg/ bit, Pardubice, Czech Republic) and data analysis shows, at room temperature. In contrast to the deproteinization
3 Results and discussion L for PD and CMZ; 0.625 12.5 mg/L for EPO; 1.5 60 mg/L that the y-section of each AED is statistically nonsignifi- agents like ACN, perchloric acid, or TCA, where the
for PB; and 1.25 50 mg/L for DPH, respectively. cant. Regression equations and correlation coefficients serum protein cannot be entirely removed, this kind of
3.1 Optimization of separation for each AED are summarized in Table 2. Good correla- extraction enables isolation of drugs with negligible
The plots of ratio of peak area of each drug and IS peak
Both the pH and concentration of TEA in the mobile area versus AED concentration were constructed and tion (r A0.99) between the peak area ratio and concentra- amounts of soluble proteins. To obtain the extraction
phase play an important role in the retention of LAM and regression straight lines were calculated using least tion over all the tested ranges was found. LODs of ana- yield values, the concentrations corresponding to the
i 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim i 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 1 8 Liquid Chromatography 5 6 L. Budakova et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 1 8
Table 2 Calibration parameters of the analytes Table 4. Recovery data for the L L extraction step and for the freeze-thaw cycles (n = 6)
Analyte Calibration parameters LOD LLOQ measurement, n = 6 L L extraction Freeze-thaw, two times Freeze-thaw, five times
Range Equation cali- r Added Found l SD CV% Accuracy Analyte Concentration Recovery R CV% Concentration Recovery Concentration Recovery
(mg/L) bration curve (mg/L) (mg/L) test added (mg/L) (%) found (mg/L) (%) found (mg/L) (%)
PEMA 0.5 25 y = 0.028x 0.9994 0.159 0.5 0.51 l 0.09 16.8 Passed PEMA 10 70.4 3.9 9.2 92 9.1 91
PD 1.25 25 y = 0.059x 0.9993 0.197 1.25 1.24 l 0.18 14.5 Passed PD 10 70.6 3.7 9.1 91 9.2 92
PB 1.5 60 y = 0.076x 0.9999 0.268 1.5 1.55 l 0.21 13.3 Passed PB 24 84.3 5.4 23.4 97.5 22.9 95.4
LAM 0.5 25 y = 0.129x 0.9962 0.087 0.5 0.53 l 0.07 13.6 Passed LAM 10 97.0 5.3 9.7 97 9.3 93
EPO 0.625 12.5 y = 0.244x 0.995 0.106 0.625 0.62 l 0.07 11.3 Passed EPO 5 66.3 8.3 4.7 94 4.6 92
DPH 1.25 50 y = 0.105x 0.9997 0.402 1.25 1.23 l 0.18 14.4 Passed IS 0.5 86.8 2.1
CMZ 1.25 25 y = 0.225x 0.9996 0.132 1.25 1.24 l 0.23 18.3 Passed DPH 20 75.6 3.8 18.7 93.5 19.1 95.5
CMZ 10 80.7 5.3 9.4 94 9.3 93
Table 3: Within-day and between-day accuracy and precision of the HPLC method for the determination of AEDs in drug-free
serum (n = 6) Table 5. Drugs potentially co-administered with the five anti-
epileptics drugs and two metabolites that were examined for
Concentration Within-day Between-day possible interference with this method. The drugs analyzed
added (mg/L) by the HPLC method not detected within 30 min from injec-
Found concentra- CV% Bias% Found concentra- CV% Bias% tion
tion l SD (mg/L) tion l SD (mg/L)
Effective substance
1 1.03 l 0.08 7.8 2.5 1.06 l 0.10 9.6 5.8 Acetylsalicyl acid
10 9.72 l 0.80 8.2 2.8 9.68 l 0.95 9.8 3.2 Baclofene
25 22.6 l 1.27 5.6 9.6 22.9 l 2.1 9.1 8.3 Chlorpromazine
PD Clonazepam
2.5 2.55 l 0.23 9.0 2 2.51 l 0.24 9.5 0.3 Dexamethasone
10 10.44 l 1.05 10.0 4.4 10.36 l 0.65 6.3 3.6 Digoxin
25 25.6 l 0.89 3.5 2.5 26.2 l 2.5 9.5 4.9 Diltiazem
PB Gabapentin
3 3.3 l 0.3 9.0 9.8 3.3 l 0.13 3.9 8.9 Haloperidol
24 24.68 l 1.92 7.8 2.9 24.98 l 0.41 1.6 4.1 Hydrochlorothiazide
60 65.5 l 6.17 9.4 9.1 56.6 l 3.9 6.9 5.8 Ibuprofen
LAM Imipramine
1 1.02 l 0.08 7.8 1.8 1.02 l 0.1 9.4 2 Indomethacin
10 9.67 l 0.36 3.8 3.3 10.52 l 0.65 6.2 5.2 Levomepromazine
25 24.3 l 2.2 9.1 3.0 25.6 l 2.4 9.5 2.3 Naproxen
EPO Omeprazol
1.25 1.24 l 0.05 4.1 0.7 1.28 l 0.09 6.9 2.7 Paracetamol
5 5.23 l 0.14 2.6 4.7 4.70 l 0.45 9.6 5.9 Pentoxifylin
12.5 12.5 l 0.27 2.2 0.3 12.7 l 0.8 6.0 1.3 Risperidone
Figure 3. Chromatogram of the drug-free serum spiked with VPA
10 mg/L for PEMA, 20 mg/L for PD and CMZ; 48 mg/L for Topiramate
2.5 2.42 l 0.20 8.4 3.2 2.55 l 0.19 7.4 2.2
PB; 10 mg/L for LAM; 1.25 mg/L for EPO; and 40 mg/L for
20 20.82 l 0.62 3.0 4.1 20.89 l 1.77 8.5 4.4
DPH. Chromatographic conditions: Separon SGX C 18,
50 54.0 l 3.48 6.5 8.0 54.9 l 5.5 10.0 10.0
5 lm (36150 mm); UV detection at 220 nm; mobile phase:
water/ACN/methanol/TEA 72 : 23 : 5 : 0.1 (by volume), pH 7.0; from the other no AED co-medicated drugs. Twelve fre-
flow rate 1 mL/min. quently prescribed drugs were tested and no interfer-
2.5 2.58 l 0.18 6.8 3.3 2.43 l 0.2 8.1 2.7
10 9.73 l 0.51 5.3 2.7 10.97 l 0.66 6.0 9.7 ences were found (Table 5).
25 23.8 l 0.52 2.2 4.7 26.1 l 2.1 8.2 4.3 This method was used in practice for the determina-
number of freeze-thaw steps. The found recoveries were tion AEDs and their metabolites in the routine TDM in
higher than 90% and are almost not dependent on the epileptic patients. About 3000 patient samples have been
middle point of calibration curve were analyzed (10 mg/L Because of the possible freezing of patient's serum number of freeze-thaw steps. Table 4 summarizes results so far analyzed by this method and about half of all sam-
for PEMA, PD, LAM, and CMZ, 5 mg/L for EPO, 24 mg/L for before its processing and analysis, the recovery of freeze- of these measurements. ples are infant samples. The results of analyses of ten
PB, 20 mg/L for DPH, and 0.5 mg/L for IS). Extraction thaw procedure was calculated. The serum sample When the drug-free serum originating from non- infant samples with different medication scheme (No. 1,
yield, expressed by the recovery R (%) was estimated on spiked at a middle concentration level (10 mg/L for treated volunteer was analyzed, no interfering peak PD + PB + LAM; No. 2, LAM + DPH; Nos. 3, 6, 7, 9, and 10,
the basis of six determinations and the recoveries varied PEMA, PD, LAM, and CMZ, 5 mg/L for EPO, 24 mg/L for PB, from serum could be seen on the chromatogram (Fig. 4). CMZ + LAM; No. 4, PD + PB + DPH; Nos. 5 and 8,
between 66.3 and 97% (Table 4). and 20 mg/L for DPH) was two or five times treated by the The method was tested for the possible interferences LAM + DPH) are presented in Table 6. Figure 5 shows the
i 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim i 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 1 8 Liquid Chromatography 7 8 L. Budakova et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 1 8
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4 Concluding remarks
with pH = 7 was selected as the universal mobile phase
The aim of this study was to develop and validate a new for both basic drugs and acid drugs, which were ana-
analytical HPLC method for the determination of LAM lyzed.
simultaneously with other AEDs PD, PB, DPH, and CMZ Preparation of patient samples is rapid, simple, accu-
and two of their active metabolites PEMA and EPO for rate, and reproducible. A low volume of a sample, only
routine TDM in patients. The therapeutic efficacy of 50 lL of blood serum which is needed for the whole anal-
AEDs depends on the achievement of well-defined ysis, is highly convenient namely for TDM in children.
plasma concentrations. A validated analytical method is The developed HPLC method allows simultaneous anal-
essential to yield results that satisfactorily allow the ysis of five AEDs with their two active metabolites and
monitoring of patients during therapy. On the other now is used for the routine TDM of epileptic patients.
i 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim i 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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