Year 4 Pemahaman Bahasa Inggeris

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SULIT 2 013


[20 marks]

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1. My grandfather ______________a soldier when he was young.

A is
B are
C was
D were

2. He bought _____________ apple and __________ watermelon.

A a, a
B a, an
C an, a
D an, an

3. The pupils are ___________ fund-raising fair.

A has
B have
C having
D had

013 AR 1 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

SULIT 3 013

4. The woman walked ___________ the building.

A at
B next
C into
D against

5. Encik Alis house was _________ into yesterday.

A break
B broke
C breaking
D broken

Choose the most suitable proverb.

6. If we know how to spend wisely and save money in our daily lives, we are able to prepare ourselves
for the rainy day.

A a penny saved is a penny earned

B a book holds a house of gold
C he who hesitates is lost
D alls well that ends well

013 AR 1 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

SULIT 4 013

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk setiap tempat kosong.

Today is Sunday. Hana wants to prepare _____________ (7) omelette for her family. First, she cracks

a few eggs into a bowl. Next, she adds ______________ (8) salt into the bowl. After beating the eggs,

Hana fries them with some cooking oil in a pan. Then, she puts the omelette on a plate. Her family eats

it ___________________ (9) chilli sauce and it is delicious. Hana is happy because her family really

enjoyed it.

7. A a

B an

C the

D -

8. A a lot

B some

C much

D many

9. A with

B along

C against

D towards

013 AR 1 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

SULIT 5 013

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.

Pilih perkataan yang berlawanan maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

10. Have you _______________ the pen you lost last week?

A found C bought

B donated D borrowed

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

11. A Swee Lan lives in Petaling Jaya.

B Swee Lan lives in petaling jaya.
C swee Lan lives in Petaling Jaya.
D Swee lan lives in Petaling Jaya.

013 AR 1 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

SULIT 6 013

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Lihat gambar dan pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

Zahid gets an ____12________ every month and he knows how to save his money well. He only
spends his money on necessary things such as books and stationeries. He ____13_____ his money on
food _____14______ he always brings his lunchbox. Every day after school, he will save some of his
money _______15_________ his money box.

12. A account

B salary

C fee1

D allowance

013 AR 1 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

SULIT 7 013

13. A save

B saves

C saved

D safe

14. A because

B and

C so

D or

15. A in

B on

C under

D onto

013 AR 1 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

SULIT 8 013

Read the dialogue below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca dialog di bawah dan jawab soalan soalan yang berikutnya.

Juliza : Hi,Brian.You look worried. Did something bad happen?

Brian : Hi, Juliza. Yes, I am a bit worried. My grandmothers house was broken into last night.

Juliza : Really? How is your grandmother then?

Brian : My grandmother is fine. Perhaps she is a little traumatized with what had happen.

Juliza : Well, my grandmother went grocery shopping with her maid. When she came back home, she
found her house in a sorry condition. All things were scattered on the floor.

Juliza : Were there any things that had gone missing?

Brian : Yes, there are a few times. My grandmothers jewelleries, some cash, and also my uncles
laptop had been stolen. My grandmother is so sad right now and she feels very unsafe.

Juliza : I can understand her feeling. It must be horrifying. However, you and your family should be
thankful that the burglar did not break into your grandmothers house when she was in.

Brian : Yes, we feel the same way. I cannot imagine if anything bad happened to my grandmother. I
hope this event would not happen again.

Juliza : Yes, we should pray for the best.

013 AR 1 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

SULIT 9 013

16. Whose house was broken into?

A Julizas

B Brians grandmother

C Brians

D The maids

17. The word horrifying means ____________.

A frightening
B comforting

C exciting

D soothing

18. Where did Brians grandmother go with her maid?

A frightening
B comforting

C exciting

D soothing

19. What item were missing?

A Jewelleries, some cash, and a laptop
B Grocery items, jewelleries, and cash
C House, grocery items and a laptop.
D Necklace,cash and grocery items.

013 AR 1 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

SULIT 10 013

20. What do you think will happen to Brians grandmother if the event happened when she was in
the house?
A She would have a conversation with the burglar.
B The burglar would harm her.
C The burglar would ask her to go out.
D She would call the police.

013 AR 1 2016 Hak Cipta MGB MUKAH

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