The Statement of Sponsorship

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Sponsors Commitment

Name of Sponsor : _____________________________________________________

Mailing Address : ______________________________ City___________________,
Country _____________________, Zip Code ________________
Phone No./ Mobile : ______________________________________________________
Fax No. :______________________________________________________
E-mail : ______________________________________________________

I _________________________________ (sponsors name), hereby certify that I am able,

willing, and do promise to provide ____________________________ (applicants name), who
is my ____________________________ (son, daughter, relative, student, etc.) with sufficient
funds to meet his/her expenses during his/her duration of study at Telkom University.
Attached are a letter and recent statement (no older than six months) from my bank
indicating the funds on hands and/or a salary letter from my employer to prove that the
promised financial resources available. Documentation should indicate the specific amount
and type of resources available. This letter of sponsorship is mandatory for all applicants
including Telkom University scholarships recipients (if he/she does not meet the academic
requirement as stated in the scholarships term and condition).

________________, ________________________ (PLACE, DD/MM/YEAR)

Full Name & Signature of Sponsor

Applicants Understanding of Commitment

I ____________________________ (applicants name) understand that if at any time

___________________________ (sponsors name) is no longer able to provide said support,
I am responsible for the entire expenses during my duration of study at Telkom University. I
also understand that failure to pay my expenses may result in my dismissal and immediate
return to my home country.

________________, ________________________ (PLACE, DD/MM/YEAR)

Full Name & Signature of Applicant

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