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Direct instruction

Teachers: Dylan Prentis Subject: Theatre Arts I/ Technical Theatre I


TH.CN.11.HS1b: Use basic theatre research methods to better understand the social and cultural
background of a theatrical work.
Objectives (Explicit):

The student will be able to propose how the social and cultural background of a playwrights life
influenced a theatrical work
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

100% of the class will be able to present ideas for how the world of play and playwright influence a production. This
will be assessed in the slideshow presentation and their ability to connect research to ideas presented in The Crucible.

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

Recall the aspects of theatre that are involved in creating a theatrical production
Relate how these aspects are influenced by the world in which the play was written
Organize research on the playwright and the time-period in which the play was written in
Analyze the research to decide how it influenced the play
Determine how your choices are found in the script
Construct a slideshow presentation showing research and its influence on the play
Key vocabulary: Materials/Technology Resources to be Used:

World of the play Script of The Crucible, Computers with slide show
software (ex. PowerPoint), Importance of Being
Earnest example

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)

After having read the play the night before I will begin class by show a Video Spark Notes about what happens in
The Crucible.

Link to video:

Teacher Will: Student Will:

Instructional Input

Lecture about the influence the world of the play has Listen, take notes and partake in discussions. Begin
on a theatrical work. Showing an example of a thinking about the influence the world of a play has
dramaturgical analysis of a play. on its themes

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation:

Have written out copies of lecture available if students need them.

Teacher Will: Student Will:


Circulate room side coaching groups on research Work in groups to complete research about Arthur
found and ideas on the WOTP Miller and the time-period in which The Crucible
was written
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation:

Teacher Will: Student Will:


Be available during lunches, prep, and after school for Work outside of class in their groups to complete

questions students have. their presentations

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

The lesson will end with a short journal on how researching the World of the Play could influence decisions made
while mounting a production of a play.

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