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OWS Philippines
( L19 B237 Neopolitan 4 Brittany Subd, Brgy Pasong Putik, Quezon City )

OJT Narrative
[ February 1 - 3 2017 ]
Abrio, Kyra Cheyenne Nicholle D. Abrio
Agting, Criselyn T.
Candila, Gianelle Alyssa G.
Olindo, Kristine Mae C.
Valeros, Henrietta P.
1. Acknowledgement3

1. Daily Reports4
2.1 Abrio4
2.2 Agting..6
2.3 Candila7
2.4 Olindo11
2.5 Valeros12
2. Pictures15

3. Daily Time Record..17

4. Performance Appraisal18

5. Endorsement Letter.23

Since we have quite a number of people to thank, I shall get right into the
First and foremost, we would like to thank Mrs. Marilou M. Bosshammer
to giving us the opportunity to experience what it would be like to be working
for her company.
Mrs. Gemma Grace Palanca, Ms. Jessa Manaog and Ms. Nemia Abelido,
for the great orientation and their patience in guiding up through all three days
of our stay. Teaching us the basic fundamentals of office works as well as for
looking out for us and making sure we were always understanding our tasks.
Mr. Jerome Manaog, Mr. Dennis Dancel and Mr Isagani Torrazo for
picking us up and driving us home to ensure our safety during the busy
afternoon rush.
Mrs. Myrna Mizan and Mrs. Lolita Manaog for the food and assistance
they provided for us. Our stomachs were always stuffed to the brim and
satisfied as we worked.
Mr Jojit Piamonti for the jokes he cracked all throughout the entirety of
our stay. It helped us enjoy our time even more.
Last but not the least, shoutout to Simba, our furry bundle of joy. Even
though you were always leaping onto the table, distracting us and making a
mess out of things. Also leaving us with some scratches but still, you were
always so adorable and helped us relax a lot.
We would once again like to thank all the stuff of OWS for warming
welcoming us and letting us enjoy such a great experience. We shall keep the
lessons you have taught us till our hairs turn gray.

Daily Reports

On the very first day of our training, it rained. The rain was such a pain. Also, since I was not
familiar with the way to the office, we had to head to my grandmas hours and catch a ride to the
office. Which resulted in us being a little late. But all is well, no one was particularly annoyed by it.
And so, our training starts. The very first thing we went through was the orientation. Nothing major
really, just a brief background on the company history, mottos, practices and values. We had quite a
long chat about what we wanted to learn about and such and decided that we would focus more or
less on bookkeeping. After that, the very first task we were given was to arrange some check
vouchers in ascending order before filing them in. That was a fun one and we completed it in a flash
since there was five of us. Then came in the books of recording. After which, reception work was
taught to us, how to properly answer a call, transfer calls, fill in order invoices and checking the

Time passed in a flash and soon it was already lunchtime, we all gathered in the meeting
room(which was our temporary office throughout the duration of us stay), with the food served in
the middle. I think our ulam that day was sinigang. I remember eating to my fill that day. After
lunch, I helped clear away the table and then my grandma along with the operations manager walk
in to have a chat with us. We go through the companys information as well as some life lessons.
Such as If you find a wall blocking your path, go right, if you still cant, go left. If not, back off.
But if you really want something, go through the wall. meaning that if you really want to achieve
something then there will always be a way. During this period, I was also given the task of filling up
a check to be issued to someone. I made quite a number of mistakes but thankfully wasnt scolded.
I realized that checks that such a simple task. Especially not company ones. We had quite a long
chat that day, continuing till it was already time for merienda before we were sent home for the day.
Problem Encountered:
The rain, muddy roads, my uniform getting dirty. Also being late. Not being that talkative / Not
having much to say / Getting tongue-tied so I could not reply much during our little chats. Being too
nervous and not focusing on the task at hand which resulted in the making of mistakes.
For the rain, we should have checked the weather forecast beforehand, its a good thing all of us
always have umbrellas in our bags so we didnt really have a problem. My biggest concern was the
muddy route, my socks ended up getting dirty, much to my dismay so I should have thought of
bring an extra pair. For being late, after finding out how to get to the office from the bayan we were
never late again. Another problem I could have avoided if only I were more outspoken. I never
really been one to speak my mind so maybe thats why. I have to work on that. For the last problem,
I think I should work on my concentration skills. Ive been easily distracted nowadays. My
discipline could be more on too, so I would only focus on one thing when needed.

The next day, we were early. Since we already knew the way to the office. Early enough to even
grab some fries from the Jollibe nearby. We were allowed to do whatever we liked till it was time to
start work. Which we spent playing with the office cat, Simba. The first thing we were taught that
day was the Quickbook, which was a known accounting software. We mainly focused on encoding
invoices in, but the office also used it to track inventory and other such things. I was the one in
charge of typing in the orders. I really enjoyed using it, it was easy and made things more
organized. Next, we were taught how to calculate the initiatives of orders based on what the
costumers ordered. We would write the computations and then attach them to the original copies
before being sent off to Ms Jessa to double check. Next was the check vouches which I was
assigned to arranged. I enjoyed doing that. The others were given their own individual task was I
was arranging the vouchers, Kristine and Criselyn with the SSS forms and Henri and Gia with the
Lunch came soon after and we were served chicken curry this time round since they found our
Henri was not allowed to eat pork. I really enjoy this meal just as I had enjoyed the meal yesterday.
After clearing out the table again, we resumed with our former tasks. Soon after, we were once
again served merienda which was turon with ice cream today along with shaved melon juice. That
juice was really yummy. We had another chat with the boss, Mrs Gemma, Ms Jessa and Ms Nemi
before we were all sent home as it was getting late.
Problem Encountered:
The problem I encountered today was getting a bit confused with the calculations of the incentives.
Another was Simba who enjoyed sitting on the table we worked on and distracting us.
For the calculations part, I think using a calculator helps a lot. Also get someone to double check it,
just to be sure. With Simba though, we cant really do anything if the cat wants to sit in the middle
of the table and nap there so we just let him be.

We were early again on our last day and again passed by Jollibee to grab some snacks before
heading to the office. We started by finishing all the works we had not the day before. Since Gia
was the one recording yesterday, it was decided that we would exchange work. So I was then doing
the recording for the company money disbursement while she did something else for Ms Nemi. All
I did was recording and summarizing as well as some incentives but that was all.
Lunch came faster than I expected and we had fish. After we were served desserts since it was our
last day. All those sweets, gosh. Good thing I didnt get a toothache. Soon after, it was time to
officially leave the office. We were given a farewell gift. What nice people! I wish the office I work
in next time in the future is as homely as this one was.
Problem Encountered:
Horrible handwriting and mistakes while I was recording. Since the spaces were kind of small, it
sometimes confused me and I just happen to write in the wrong column.
Good thing correction tapes and fluids were invented. So I was able to smoothly finish the job.
A. Report

On the first day of our on the job training we didnt expected to be rainy that day and since we
didnt know how to get on our workplace we stopped by at Kyras Lolas house and when we
arrived at the workplace were late. We introduced ourselves then they also introduced themselves
to us, the staffs in the company welcomed us and their pet cat Simba . They oriented us, told us
some backgrounds about the company what they do, what are they selling, how the company starts
what are the things that they do in the company and etc. The first thing we did is arranging check
vouchers. We filed them in ascending order based on the check voucher number found on the upper
right corner of the paper. As we arranged them Gia and Kristine is assigned to punched and placed
them in the filing folder. Maam Nemi taught us that bookkeeping, which includes the filing we did,
is the life of the company.
Later on Maam Jessa taught me how to answer phone calls on the reception desk but she said its
not that often that costumers calls them because customers just emails them for inquiries she also
taught me how to use the inventory and how to read invoices shes working on a pc. Luckily I
understand how it works.
Lunch came and weve met the boss, Mrs. Marilou Bosshammer and other employees and staffs
and all of us ate with them . I got surprise when they said that its their company practices that they
always do that, to eat in one table. I just observed while were eating and i just really felt
comfortable all of a sudden when I saw how close their relationship are with each other . I really
enjoyed having a conversation with all of them while were eating our lunch there is fun
seriously.After we ate were taught how to fill up checks, and how they should not be easily ripped
from the check booklet because it has a check number to be used for recording.After this Mrs.
Bosshammer and Maam Gemma asked us about what we want to do in the future, and they shared
some life experiences which left a mark in my mind. I got some values that I want to bring with me
as I move forward with my life that in business it should always be a win win situation for me but
also with the costumer and also theres this one in everything there will always be a way .You may
look on your left if you think thats not the way the go to your right and if you think this is not also
the way then back off and if you really think that you need to reach something or to accomplish
then you may always go through the wall move forward.

Problems encountered: Confusion in some work

Solution: Asking assistance to someone who knows the work.

On the second day of our ojt we got earlier to the office, and we are welcomed by the adorable
Simba we had some time to pet him since we arrived earlier at the office.We are so much busier
than our first day. We learned how to use the quickbook and how to use it. All you have to do is to
enter some information and save it.We were also taught how to read invoices and how to compute
the incentives. We write our computations on a paper we would staple them, compile them together
with the other invoices and give it to Maam Jessa for her to check it. I also filled up an SSS forms
of employees.
After it we had our break during lunch, and we ate with satisfaction and gratitude with how the food

taste and how they treat us .
Valeros and I next job is filing a check vouchers with the finalized computations we did earlier in
the invoices. We committed some mistakes but Maam Nemi taught us how to correct those errors
that weve made.

Problem encountered: Making some mistakes on paper works

Solution: Asking the one who is in charge of this job and how we could correct these errors and we
always says apologies for the mistakes and focusing and remembering the mistakes so next time I
shouldnt do the mistake again

This was the last day, and all I can say is we would really miss our OJT experience in OWS. The
past two days is really enjoyable even if we had so much job to do ,to be honest I didnt realized
that its our last day. The moment we spent on OWS will always be memorable for us ,all of us
agreed that its one of the most memorable experience we had in our senior year .How I wish we
could stay for a longer period of time on our OJTSince this was the last day of our OJT we kicked
of early trying to finish the tasks we didnt complete the day before. We are determined to finish it it
is the only thing that we can show our gratitude to them by helping them. As we finished our jobs
by lunch, we sat and quietly waited for the food to be served.A normal lunch for us like the other
days were having some conversation with the boss and the employees and after that a dessert was
served. Mrs. Bosshammer told us that its Maam Gemmas treat since its our last day Im so
surprised once again even if we always have desserts and merienda in the afternoon it was different
since its our last day. Afterwards Maam Nemi, Maam Gemma and Mrs. Bosshammer were left
with us. They talked to us what we learned on our ojt experience with OWS and they also gave us
wall clocks as souvenirs. I thanked them for their kindness to us and of courseI thanked Mrs.
Bosshammer for accepting our OJT request and her kindness to us .

Problems encountered: Finishing long paper works

Solution: Asking some help with my classmates so that we could finish it

1st Day
With the help of Kyra and her grand-aunt, we did our OJT at the office of OWS. OWS stands for
Our Workshop Sales. In German, OWS is an abbreviation for Oder Was Sonst meaning Or
What Else?. The company started by Klaus Bosshammer with his loving wife, Marilou
OWS aims to become the premier supplier of the highest quality German products used by the
automotive industry, focusing on additives, technical spray can products and lubricants. They have
4 branches that can be found in the Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia. Singapore is the
companys headquarters for Asia. When they first came into the market, they introduced their
additives to a new market under their Vitamins for your Car trademark.
Our first day was kinda tough. That was the journey we took all the way to OWS. This day was a bit
of rainy and the streets are wet, which is really bad because Im wearing our white dress school
uniform. Its a rule that we need to follow. Kyra told us we need to go first to her grand-aunt which
is located nearby the office. So, we rode a jeepney, took long walks and we also climbed the
footbridge. After that, we finally reached our destination. We all looked exhausted. Mrs. Marilou
warmly welcomed us at her house and she also made our breakfast. There I had the chance to
freshen myself up. After we finished eating, she called someone from the office to get us there. Mrs.
Marilou told us she will meet us there at the OWS office later.
Before we begin our OJT, we started first with the orientation. We introduced each other, then the
staffs showed us around the office. Ms. Gemma, Ms. Nemia, and Ms. Jessa assisted us to do our
first office work. We also met Simba, their adobrable cat, which in my opinion, has a future on
modeling. The camera really loves him. Moving on, we did more on bookkeeping. Ms. Nemia is
the accountant and also the bookkeeper there, so she gave us some of the things she does. Our first
assignment was arranging the sales invoices in ascending order. I mostly did the hole punching,
while my friends did the ordering. We were also told to write down for missing numbers. After that,
we did the recording part, while Kyra and I wrote the a book record of summary of sales from a
After Ms. Jessa finished teaching Criselyn, KM and I were up next. Ms. Jessa is the Receptionist
there. She taught us how to encode, things about sales invoice, delivery and collection recipient and
finally on how to answer phone calls. Also, she told us there are specific codes to transfer calls.
Like when someone calls from the receptionist and the costumer wants to talk to Mrs. Gemma, Ms.
Jessa will just type a specific code to transfer that call to Mr. Gemmas telephone. When were
finished, KM and I went back to the conference room and I continued the writing the summary
sales. Then, Mrs. Marilou came and sat down beside us. She told us tons of life lessons and also
told us the history of the company OWS. She told us a powerful quote from his husband If you
cant move forward, go to our left. If you cant go left, go to your right. If you cant go your right,
go backwards. If you cant go backwards, then go through the wall. Which means there is always a
way. I can listen to her all day. After that, Ms. Nemia came and told to Mrs. Marilou that there was a
problem with the check. There, we had the opportunity to learn about it and how to write on a
check. Kyra wrote down the payee and the amount. I was so amazed with the check and the
We were surprised. They served us for lunch which we werent expecting. This something Ive
never seen before. The whole staff and my friend, ate together on the conference table. they all
looked like a family, gathered around the table, eating their meals and having conversations just like
theyre very close friends. Our meal was Sinigang which is my favorite but Riri is not allowed to
eat those, so Mrs. Marilou decided that fish or chicken for tomorrows meal. After that we ate
desserts and then we helped clean the table. Then, me and my friends wandered around the
building, we went to Simbas room, down their storage room, on to their mini garden and out to the
front of their garage. Next, we went inside, up the second, then third, until we reached the highest
floor. The third and fourth floor are empty spaces, which my friends play around and I took some
photos. After that, we went back to the conference room and continued our work.
For our merienda. We ate small cake from red ribbon. Mine was vanilla cake. KM got the chocolate.
Kyra took the banana cake. Cris and Riri took the Ensaymada which they really loved.
While we are continuing our work. Mrs. Marilou showed up and gave us life lessons and told us a
lot interesting topics as well as, cool stories. It did consume our time, but she told us that tomorrow
is where we get to do our work.
2nd Day
Two days to go. Ms. Gemma is the second head of the office. Their usual costumers mostly call her
directly instead of the receptionist. The first thing we did was enconding on a QuickBook.
Quickbook is a software which we were taught of encoding the stocks inventory. If the computation
is different from the computer compare to the hard copy, we must try another way to find the
mistake. To get the vat, we must divide it to 1.12. On the other hand, when we are trying to include
the vat, we need to multiply it to .12. There Simba joined us while Kyra did the encoding. After
that, we did the incentives, which we multiply the quantity to the price per can. There we multiply it
to the .10, followed by subtracting both answers and finally we get the total.
Some of us also did the checking. We were also told to put our initials so they can identify who
made the mistake. Next, Ms. Jessa taught us how to write a voucher. We wrote the payee, which we
have a bond paper that contains all the descriptions. Then, we wrote the amount in numbers
followed by the words below them. After that, we did the recording. Mine was the inventory of
year 2015. While, some of us did sorting various receipts on Jan. 1-17 separated from Jan. 18-31.
And others did the arranging of sales invoices and did the hole punching.
Then we ate our lunch there. We were served with chicken curry which Criselyns favorite food.
After we finished eating, Mrs. Marilou shared us interesting stories, some were funny and others
were scary.

After we helped cleaning the table, we continued our work. Then, we were served mirienda. We ate
turon and ice cream. The turon is crunchy with a langka and banana inside. The ice cream is Ube
flavor. Then for our drinks, they served us melon juice with its shaved strings.
Our time was up but we havent finished our assignments, so we will continue it tomorrow. We
were again drove to Savemore and head on our way home.
3rd Day
Today is the last day which is really the most heartbreaking truth. I will miss this, mostly when I am
able to adjust the works. This day we commuted. After we took a long walk and a short run from
Jollibee nearby. We continued our work from yesterday while we enjoyed eating fries and sundaes.
Ms. Gemma saw us doing it at an early time which I guess impressed her.
I continued writing down the book records of inventory 2015. Finally, after I finished that, Ms.
Nemia gave me another assignment which is the Journal book for BIR. It was the easiest of all the
work we did. That book is where the OWS products are listed with its prices. Ms. Nemia said that
the BIR will need the book in terms of the products prices along with their names. After that, she
taught me on how to encode the Summary of Sales for the month of January. I think I also used the
Quickbook software. It was kinda hard at first but I went smooth afterwards. Ms. Jessa wrote the
hard copy of the sales invoices so Ms. Nemia told me to approach Ms. Jessa if I have questions.
When I finally finished the encoding, we ate our snacks.

For our snacks we ate Rocky road ice cream, Double Dutch ice cream and Black Forest cake from
Red Ribbon cake. In my opinion, both Rocky Road ice cream and the Black Forest cake are very
delicious to eat together.
After we finished our snacks, Ms. Marilou, Ms. Gemma, Ms. Jessa and Ms. Nemia gave us a
souvenir bag of OWS and with an OWS wall clock. Mrs. Marilou said that with the wall clock can
help us be punctual on time. Ms. Gemma asked us if we learned a lot and we indeed said yes.
Crislyn thanked them for the delicious foods they served us. There we hoped that we could apply
this experiences some day. It so sad that we werent be able to took pictures with them, but the
memories will last forever. There we said our finally goodbyes to the staffs and also to Simba. Mr.
Isagani drove us to SM Fairview because we like to hangout the mall. And the funny thing is, me
and my friend were at Fairview Terraces, and as we ride the escalator we saw Ms. Gemma on the
opposite side and Criselyn went calling Ms. Gemma so she could notice us. Then afterwards, we
got all tired and went on our way home.
Problems encountered
Day 1
The problems I encountered at Day 1 was the journey we took all the way to OWS. It was really
tough to avoid stains on your white dress uniform. The first day was the scariest day of the three
days in our OJT. With the rain and dirt are really tough problems. Its difficult to wash a white
uniform. Our white socks got some stains on it, so we took pictures of us on that moment so we
could have a proof of it.
Day 2
The problems I encountered at Day 2 was copying the items from the paper onto the book records
of Inventory 2015. I got most mistakes on numbers. And it is really terrifying when I made the
wrong copy.
Day 3
The problems I encountered at Day 3 was the encoding of the Summary Sales for the month of
January. I type a wrong input of the payee and their dates so I have to redo everything again. But the
good thing is that I manage to copy paste some parts so it wouldnt take up much of my time.
Day 1
I think the solution here was more of preparation against the rain like bringing an umbrella, raincoat
and a pair of boots. But at least I didnt forget to bring my umbrella with me and tissue to wipe
some dirt behind my legs.
Day 2
I think the solution here was to take time practicing on copying letters and numbers. A correction
tape or eraser are some of the things you need by your side in case of any mistakes.
Day 3

I think the solution here was to take time practicing on copying letters and numbers. Familiarization
with the software and the computer is all you need to avoid mistakes. Also, familiarize with some
shortcut keys and some math computation in case theres a problem with matching the computation
from the computer and the handwritten computation.
A. Report
Not too long ago, our school decided that it is time for us grade 10 students to have our on-
the-job training or ojt. It is a good experience to have before we step on to senior high school. I,
together with my friends had our ojt at the office of OWS Germany.
We were an hour late on the first day of our ojt. The reason why is because we stopped by at
the business owners house first thing in the morning. We had a long conversation with her. She was
a kindhearted woman with lots of stories to tell. She told us her life experiences and gave us life
values which we will probably be needing in the future. Our first day is consist mostly of
orientations and chat with our critique instructorabout our future, our goals, and so on. The first
task that was given to us by our critique instructor was related to bookkeeping. We were instructed
to file the check vouchers of the company. It was such a simple task, but we were very careful, we
wanted to file the CVs neatly. Also, we didnt want to make a mistake in the first task that we were
given. Next, we learned the job of being a receptionist. We were taught the proper way of receiving
calls, and the basic job of a receptionist. Our first day wasnt tiring or stressful at all. It was very
chill and relaxed. All in all, our first day consisted of long chats and orientations, and a little bit of
On our second day, we did many sorts of things. We started our day with finishing the
leftover work from yesterday. Then, we updated the inventory of the products through the computer.
It wasnt so hard because we were working together. We finished the task quickly, too. Today we
were given the chance to issue sales invoice and make check vouchers for the company. We were
instructed to try filling out SSS forms, too. Aside from these, we spent the rest of the day recording
the expenses of the company and organizing receipts. We ad no idea that companies still keep
receipts from months ago, maybe for recording purposes. We didnt get to finish organizing receipt
On our third and last day, the tasks were light. Definitely because it was our last day, and we
had to work less hours. If we were given heavier tasks, then we wouldnt be able to finish it. The
day went by so fast. We did the same things that we did the other day. We finished organizing the
receipts today, along with all the leftover work from yesterday. After that, we were asked to do more
recording, which we eagerly followed because we still have a lot of time to spare before our ojt
ends. Our last day at the office ended with a conversation with our critique instructor and with the
other staff at the office. We talked about what we learned during the three days of our ojt, and they
wished us success in the path that we re going to take in the near future.
During the three days of our OJT, we learned many things. We got a gist of how the actual
world works. For a short while, we were given a chance to participate in a world outside of school.
And I think that having to experience that with my friends made it more special and memorable. As
we walked out of the doors of the office, we took with us the values that our critique instructors
imparted with us.
B. Problems Encountered
The problem I had encountered during our OJT was getting confused with all of the
papers and information laid before me. I made a few mistakes while I was recording the
companys expenses. Another problem is that we were lacking in communication skills. We
werent able to communicate with them at first probably because we were so shy.
C. Solution
Our critique instructors always told us that there is always a way or there is always a
solution, so I analyzed the mistake I made to see if I can make a way to fix it myself. If I
cant, of if Im unsure, I would go and ask our critique instructor to inform her that I made a
mistake. Then, I would ask if there is a way I can solve it, and Id ask for her help.
Our communication with our critique instructors improved on the second day of our
ojt because we had gotten a little comfortable with them. We also thought that being shy
wont do us any good.
1st day

We never expected that it is going to be rainy on our very first day. Because we didnt know our
way to our workplace, we were late. The majority of our first day is spent on orientation and being
welcomed by the staff present at the time: Maam Gemma who is the operations officer and Maam
Nemi who is the accountant and bookkeeper. We got to know the other members of the company
which are more or less ten people. One notable thing, though, is that the office cat named Simba
was among those who welcomed us. We played a bit with him before we got called and oriented by
Maam Gemma about the company and the business world.

The OWS (Oder Was Sonst, meaning Or What Else?) company is founded by Klaus and Marilou
Bosshammer back in 1995. The German company manufactures products used by the automotive
industry, and has branches in Germany (Production Facility), Singapore (Asian Sales Headquarters),
Malaysia and Philippines. The Philippine office is a lot smaller compared to the other offices, but
for me, it is a good thing as the staff in this office treat each other as family, thus the lack of
competition among the employees.

We learned that the competition in big offices is fierce, and a lot busier and chaotic.

The first thing we did is one of the basics: arranging check vouchers. We filed them in descending
order based on the check voucher number found on the upper right corner of the paper. As we
arranged them, Ms. Candila and Ms. Olindo punched and placed them in the filing folder. We were
taught by Maam Nemi that bookkeeping, which includes the filing we did, is the life of the

Next, we filled up recording books. The one I filled up is labeled Journal 2016, where the
information to be recorded was to be copied from some papers. I was perplexed at first,
overwhelmed by the thought that I may make major mistakes, but once I found my pace, I only
managed to commit some spelling mistakes which can be immediately corrected. Later on, I
switched works with Ms. Olindo and she continued it, while I proceeded to Maam Jessa together
with Ms. Abrio to learn how to use the inventory (found in the PC) and how to read invoices.

Honestly, I was confused with the way the inventory works as well as the invoice at first, but I
gradually understood it the more it was explained.

Lunch came, and the two office cooks come inside our office and laid a table cover on our table. We
helped in placing the plates and viands even though I was still puzzled by what is happening. I was
pleasantly surprised to see the boss, Mrs. Marilou Bosshammer and the other employees enter the
room, and all of us ate with them. That is one of the company practices and as I silently observed, I
perceived that they really have a harmonious relationship. Amidst eating, they involved us in their
conversation which I truthfully enjoyed.

We were taught how to fill up checks, and how they should not be easily ripped from the check
booklet because it bears a check number to be used for recording.

The rest of the afternoon we spent on doing the tasks we didnt finish in the morning. Before we
departed, Mrs. Bosshammer and Maam Gemma inquired us about what we want to do in the
future, and the boss shared some life experiences which left a mark in my mind.

In several minutes, I quickly picked up some values that I want to bring with me as I go on with
life. These include the integrity in making products, even if it means that you will lose customers
just because the dealers cannot bear with the costly yet premium merchandise. I also digested that in
business, you should have a win-win situation, where the client gains a benefit from the service you
provided and as well as the business itself earning enough profit from it. Also, in business, there
will always be a way. You may look on your left, your right, back off and if you really think that
you need to accomplish something, you may always go through the wall.

Problems encountered: Confusion in understanding and accomplishing some work

Solution: Asking assistance to the ones who know the answer to my questions and removing all of
the external forces that were making my mind disoriented

2nd day

We got earlier to the office, and we had some time to entertain ourselves by petting Simba. As soon
as he saw us, he paraded his beautiful form. We were more than delighted to see him frolicking
because of our presence.

We were busier on our second day. We learned how to use the quickbook, which Is easier to
understand than the inventory. All you have to do is to enter some information (which would
automatically appear if the information was already inputted beforehand) and save it.

On this day, we were taught how to read invoices and how to compute the incentives. We write our
computations on a paper which sandwiches the carbon and another paper beneath it. Afterwards, we
would staple them, compile them together with the other invoices and give it to Maam Jessa for
further calculations.

I was working on finishing the Journal 2016 recording book I havent completed whilst Ms. Olindo
and Ms. Agting filled up what looked like SSS forms. Ms. Candila was doing the Inventory
recording book as Ms. Abrio was arranging check vouchers.

We had our break during lunch, and we ate to our hearts contentment until we felt that we were
ready to work again.

Ms. Candila went on with her unfinished recording book, and Ms. Olindo started filling up the
recording book for Cash Reimbursements. Ms. Agting and I went on with our own job which is
filling check vouchers with the finalized computations we did earlier in the invoices. We committed
some mistakes but Maam Nemi patiently dismissed these and taught us how to correct our errors,
such as drawing a line on the mistake and rewriting it on the right side of the table.

Later on, Ms. Olindo joined me in arranging the receipts from buying groceries, food, etc. which
were transacted in the whole month of January but we didnt finish it due to the large number of

Problem encountered: Committing some mistakes on paperworks

Solution: Asking the one in authority of this job for apologies and ways to correct these errors;
being more focused on my work

3rd day

This was the last day, and we swore that we would really miss our OJT experience in OWS. The
past two days flew like a swift gust of the wind, and the moment we were down on the third day, we
could only wish that our OJT period was longer.

After this day, we would no longer wake up early in the morning just to be on time in work. We
would not fall in line in a jeepney terminal, and we would not cross the pedestrian while racing
against time before the stoplight turns green anymore. We would never have to use the long, high
staircase just to get in our workplace. We would not be greeted by purple-clad employees and an
adorable black and white cat seeking for our attention.

By the following week, we need to face the reality that we would go back to school and be
immersed in school matters which were the things a student is supposed to worry about. It is sad to
think about leaving OWS, but there are really things in life that are not supposed to stay.

As this was the last day of our OJT, we started early, trying to finish the tasks we didnt complete
the day before. I looked around my surroundings, and I saw the determined expression on the faces
of my classmates. They were clearly giving their best, and that made me want to do the same.

I finished arranging and filing the receipts for almost two hours, and once we finished our jobs by
lunch, we sat and quietly waited for the food to be served.

The normal lunch chit-chats of the employer and employees went on, and after that, dessert was
served. Afterwards, only Maam Nemi, Maam Gemma and Mrs. Bosshammer were left with us.
They gave us wall clocks as souvenirs, and they gave us a pep talk about deciding for our future.
Ms. Agting spoke on our behalf, thanking Mrs. Bosshammer for accepting our OJT request.

This OJT experience surely left a permanent mark on my mind, and I learned lessons that I may use
for my future.

Problem encountered: Taking jobs that are time-consuming

Solution: Having a system that would make me fast and efficient





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