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An Army Supplement Book for

Uncharted empires

A Kings of WAr
Army supplement BooK
Uncharted empires

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The League of Rhordia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
New Special Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Trident Realm of Neritica . . . . . . . . . 38
A Call to Arms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The Empire of Dust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
The Brotherhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Night-stalker Armies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Salamander Armies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Ratkin Armies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
The Herd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 The Varangur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Kings of War Game Design Special Thanks
Alessio Cavatore The Kings of War Rules Committee would like to
thank the large community of Mantic gamers whose
Uncharted Empires Army Lists invaluable help made this book possible. We would
and Additional Rules Development like to extend our special thanks to the following
Chris Morris, Daniel King, Matt Gilbert, play testers for all their hard work:
Nick Williams, Sami Mahmoud
Adam Langsdorf, Adam Storey,
Background Material Alex Logan, Amy Stamper, Andrew Bettney,
Matt Gilbert Bartjan van Kolck, Ben Kochskamper, Ben Rantall,
Beth Hill, Bill Foreman, Boothy, Carl Newbould,
Additional Background Material Carlos Blasco Ruiperez, Cory Winger, Dan Dourney,
Chris Morris, Daniel King, Sami Mahmoud David Baker, David Overholt, Ed Hamacek,
Erica Sensenbach, Fyrax, Gavin Gossett, Godhead,
Editing Gordon OReilly, Graeme Baldwin, Heather Kniss,
Greg D Smith, Matt Gilbert Iain Skinner, James Atkinson, James Carpenter,
Jason Moorman, Javier Tormo Sanz, Jeff Beaver,
Jeremy Gosset, Jez Gurney, John Dowbakin,
Kings of War Rules Committee,
Jonathan Faulkes, Johnathan Slivkoff, Jon Carter,
The Mantic Community Jonny Watson, Joseph Page, Kara Brown, Karl
Miniatures Booth, Keith Ambrose, Kevin White,
Fireforge Games, Mantic Games, lord_blackfang, Marcus Reid, Matt Blight,
Matt Kolb, Michael C Carter, Nicholas Carpenter,
Warlord Games
njaegara, Panda Fries, Pete Jones, Peter Cooper,
Art Peter Williams, Philip Scicluna,
Alan Lathwell, Heath Foley, Juan Diego Ruben Martnez Hernande, Rob Allen, Russell
Dianderas, Luigi Terzi, Michael Rechlin, Grima, Sam Rounsevell, Scott Harris, Sebastian
Phil Moss, Roberto Cirillo, Shen Fei Chan, Bales, Seth Deaton, Sharad Vora, Simon Chatterly,
Steve Deppe, Sue Foreman, Toin van Kolck,
Yann Hoarau
Tom Alexander, Trevor Younghusband, Tyler Brown,
Graphic Design Vincenzo Idone Cassone.
Dylan Owen, Kev Brett
Mantic, Dungeon Saga, Kings of War, and all associated characters,
Photography names, places and things are TM and Mantic Entertainment Ltd
Ben Sandum 2015. All rights in the design, text, graphics, and other material in
this publication and its selection or arrangement is copyright of
Mantic Entertainment Ltd., or has been granted for use by other
third parties. This includes images, text, graphics, corporate logos
and emblems. Reproduction is prohibited. Colours and contents
may vary from those shown. Photography not to scale.

Mantic Games, 193 Hempshill Lane, Bulwell, Nottingham, NG6 8PF, UK

Uncharted empires

Uncharted empires

Behind the massive walls of Therennia of black ink made from the blood of
Adar, deep down in the twilight gloom hydras, scratches its way endlessly over
of the city streets there is a door. It is a a fantastically detailed map of the entire
nondescript, unremarkable wooden door, world. Since time forgotten, the quill has
passed daily by the feet of thousands as faithfully recorded the ever changing shape
they go about their daily lives. The door of the world; the rise and fall of empires,
has no key, no handle that can be seen by the kingdoms and borders that shift and
those who do not know its secret their merge and come and go. The fate of entire
eyes slide past as they walk on, unseeing. civilisations and the decisive events and
battles that have dominated history have all
Yet behind this unexceptional door, been steadily and dispassionately recorded
protected by spells woven by Valandor by this unerring cartographer.
himself almost one thousand years ago,
is a vast room, lit by glittering mirrors As an observer you can ask the map to
that cunningly re-cast soft light from the redraw itself to show the world as it was
heavens far above. Tiered wooden shelves at any time. It is possible to watch the fate
surround the central chamber, heavy of nations unfold as they have struggled
with the dusty books and grimoires of the to survive to the present day. The destiny
learned elven races. In studies and lecture of the noble races and their influence
rooms off the main hall, students and on the surface of the world is clear but
teachers absorb the knowledge recorded by perhaps more intriguing is to study the
their ancestors while scholars continue to minor players or those that fall between
chronicle the history of the world and the the cracks of history. The authority of the
secrets it contains. noble races and the impact of the major
forces of darkness are common knowledge.
At the centre of the central hall is an But to study the map is to understand the
immense table made of a single piece of subtle influence that the so called minor
polished hardwood, carved with astonishing peoples have had on the shaping of the
skill by the hands of ancient elven artisans. world and the ripples of their interactions
On the table lies a massive animal hide, down the ages and into the future. You
taken from YRoon Thunderfoot, the long can also see the places you never knew
dead king of the mammoths. As fascinating existed. The world is much bigger than
as they may be, the table and the enormous many people believe.
piece of leather draped across it are not
what will capture the imagination however. ***
A giant quill, filled with a limitless supply
Uncharted Empires is a supplement for
Kings of War and introduces 9 new armies
to the game. From the depths of the oceans,
to the peaks of The Three Kings, Uncharted
Empires gives players all the background
and army list entries they need to help
write the history of Mantica for these
minor players.

And as you carve your new empires and

explore the areas as yet uncharted by many,
deep in Therennia Adar, on a vast living
map, everything you do will be recorded.

Uncharted empires

neW speCiAl rules

Some of the units in this supplement This unit may be deployed anywhere on the
require some additional special rules. table outside your opponents deployment
These may be used by different units in zone and not within 3 of an objective
more than one army. Those presented on counter or loot counter.
this page are general special rules and
may be re-used later in future armies and
supplements. Some armies or units will Rallying! (n)
have unique special rules that only apply to Often, soldiers feel more confident of victory or
them and those will be detailed specifically find extra resolve in the presence of religious
where applicable. talismans, large hordes of their fellow warriors
or their favoured champions.

Advanced Deployment Friendly, non-allied units within 6 of this

Mystical portals, ancient stone markers or unit have +n to their Waver and Rout Nerve
sacred totems. These artefacts may denote a values. This is cumulative, with a maximum
territory, serve as a warning to those who would total of +2 if multiple units with Rallying!
trespass or may simply spell doom for anyone are in range.
unfortunate enough to stumble upon one.
For example, if a unit with an Nerve stat of
Units with this rule must be deployed 13/15 is within 6 of a unit with Rallying!
immediately after players have chosen (1), its Nerve stat is 14/16. If it moves out of
sides, but before any other units are the 6 range, its Nerve stat is 13/15 again.
deployed. If both players have one or more
units with this rule then the player who Only the Rout value of Fearless units is
chose the table side sets theirs up first. affected by Rallying!

Uncharted empires

A CAll to Arms
The rusting cleaver chopped down The Brotherhood were hard pressed. The
and Charles wasnt quite fast enough walls of St Victor Dupont, the bastion
to avoid it completely. Spinning to his closest to the Abyss, rang with the shouts,
left he stumbled against a makeshift screams and terror of the battle that
wooden firestep and that was possibly had lasted all day. Too many brothers
what saved his life. The wicked looking had fallen already but the filthy vermin
weapon caught him a glancing blow to had paid dearly with each assault that
his pauldron, leaving a vicious looking was repulsed. Easing life back into his
gouge in the metal and his right arm tingling arm, Charles looked sadly down
numb. Years of ceaseless combat against at what was once Sir Girard, his skull
the agents of despair had honed Charles now crushed inside a crumpled sallet
combat instincts to near super-human that had offered no protection from a
levels. Without thinking, his left arm monstrous blow. Sir Girard had been an
had already buried his short sword up irascible man, dour and with few real
to the hilt into the stomach of the vile friends within the order, but he had been
brute which now slumped over him with a superior warrior and his passing left
foetid breath and dimming eyes. Hed a large hole in the outposts defences.
been twisting the blade as it punctured
A great shout went up and Charles
the massive ratkin warrior and now
looked up to see dozens of hideous ratmen
ripped it free. Always twist the blade. He
crawling through the crenels at the far end
remembered the instructions being drilled
of the eastern parapet. The last of the
into the Initiates during his training.
knights who had been defending the wall
Those that didnt heed the lesson risked
there were now being mercilessly hacked
a desperate struggle to free their sword
to pieces and more of the scum were
from sucking flesh. Those that didnt
scaling the walls to join in the massacre.
heed the lesson were likely now dead.
Charles sprinted through the north eastern
Charles grunted with effort and shoved tower, bellowing at his men to move aside.
the bulk of the ratkin brute off the Sir Philippe too had reacted to the danger
ledge with his good arm and down into and was rushing with his men to the
the courtyard below. It landed with a threat from the opposite direction. Charles
sickening slap onto the muddy ground. grabbed two knights on his way through
Ploughshares, those from the nearby without stopping to see who they were.
villages that had retreated behind the It didnt matter. All his men were highly
safety of the strongholds walls, ensured skilled and knew how to kill efficiently.
the beast was never going to rise again.
The Brotherhood counter-attack ran into
You could never be too careful.
a nauseating miasma of gas and flies.

Uncharted empires

Disorganised by their frenzied bloodletting earned it but there would be no time for
of the defenders, the ratkin Blight crumpled relaxation or respite. The Brotherhoods
as the two assaulting parties hammered dead would need to be buried, the ratkin
into them from each side, seemingly bodies burnt and replacements and new
unaffected by the mephitic cloud around recruits requested. Before dawn, the knights
them. This was no time for elegant sword of the Abyssal Hunt would track down
play or measured, tactical duelling. This and eliminate any ratkin survivors and
was butchers work and the blades of the news would need to be sent back to the
knights chopped and stabbed, piercing Chamber of another probing assault by
through fur matted with pus, smashing The Scourge. They were becoming more
bone, spattering gore across the ancient frequent with each passing year it seemed.
stonework. As the dark, noxious blood
A cry sounded from the western wall.
of the ratmen began to run though the
Frowning, he left his musings and strode
machicolations to pour onto the vermin
to where the sentry was pointing. Looking
swarming at the foot of the walls, the
out over the killing ground beneath
Villein bowmen on the south battlement
him, his eyes skimmed over the blood
picked off the last of the beasts climbing
soaked earth and up the treacherous
over the wall with unerring accuracy.
declivity beyond. At the top of the ridge
Bodkins designed to pierce the toughest
and silhouetted against the backdrop of
armour slammed into flesh with a sound
a darkening orange sky, thousands of
like blades hitting a butchers block, and
pairs of baleful red eyes gazed back
the corrupted bodies of The Blight were
malevolently from the vast ratkin horde
thrown back onto the milling throng below.
that stretched as far as the eye could see.

*** Charles Prideux, Exemplar Forsaker of

With the defeat of the Blight offensive, The Brotherhood, gripped the crumbling
the ratkin army had faltered and panic merlon, knuckles white. He closed his
had spread. The Brotherhood had watched eyes and calmed his breathing, steeling
from the walls as the nervous horde, its himself against the challenge ahead.
numbers severely diminished, began to
Brothers, he roared, his voice
break up and dissolve into the dwindling
carrying across the bastion strong
light. Autumn was coming and as the sun
and unwavering. To arms!
dropped there was a distinct chill in the
air. Charles leaned on the wall, looking
out over the carnage below supressing
a shiver, but permitted himself a small
smile as a ragged cheer broke out from
the exhausted men in the courtyard below.
The defenders of St Victor Dupont had

Uncharted empires

the Brotherhood
The original name of the peoples and
kingdom of the Brotherhood are lost to all
but the most informed of scholars, discarded
The Brotherhood
in the wake of the Time of Ice. Theirs was one Special Rules
of many kingdoms swallowed by the Infant
Seas rapid expansion following the vanquish Alignment: Good
of Winter. As the Brotherhood returned from Noble Heroes
the north following her defeat by Valandor, Some units in this list have the Valiant
they were met by the bedraggled survivors Special Rule. This is identical to the
of their kingdom fleeing the devastation. All Rallying! (1) special rule, except only
that remains today is the mouldering ruins Villeins can benefit from it.
atop the Forsaken Isles.

As the forces of the alliance returned

southwards, Valandor realised the full themselves to ensuring that such evil would
implications of Winters demise. Desperately never rise again to threaten such catastrophe.
he halted and prepared to try and prevent Settling north of Basilea, the Brotherhood
the impending flooding as the ice melted. established a forbidding fortress facing the
The Brotherhoods ancestors knew that their Abyss, and thus began the Eternal Watch
own lands were under threat, and so a great of a proud and resolute people over the heart
many of them also stopped the long march of evil.
south and stayed to aid Valandor. As the
last desperate remnants of Winters forces The Knights of the Brotherhood swore
sought to bring him down, the Brotherhood great oaths dedicating their lives to one
prepared to sell their lives dearly so that purpose: hunting down and destroying the
Valandor could concentrate on the great agents of the Wicked Ones wherever they
magic he would need. could find them. Those knights whose
armour had been ensorcelled by Valandor
Valandor bound water magic into many of became the Order of Redemption, taking on
the knights armour, and called upon great the burden of fighting the fiercest enemies
beasts and spirits of water to aid them, as penance for the failure of the forces of
showing the sorcerers how to control them. good in fully protecting the world from
Leaving the Brotherhood, and those from Winters aftermath.
the other armies that had also remained,
he set off to try and prevent the global Over time, as knights from the Order of
disaster and was never seen by those Redemption fell in battle, their suits of
warriors again. Although Valandors magic armour were installed into the heart of the
and armies were ultimately successful at Brotherhoods fortress, the amphitheatre-
annihilating Winters forces, he was unable like hall known as the Council Chamber.
to prevent worldwide destruction, and the The Captains Council sits on the stage
Brotherhoods kingdom was one of many and the knights up on the surrounding
that disappeared beneath the waves that benches. Every knight has an equal right
later formed the Infant Sea. The small part to put their opinion before the Captains
of the population that was able to escape Council, regardless of rank or experience.
made their way northwards and ultimately The central seat on the stage is left empty,
united with the surviving army. to represent Valandor, under the belief
that the righteous decisions made in the
Desperate for purpose as a faltering civilisation, hall are guided by his noble spirit, a sacred
the remainder of the Brotherhood dedicated tradition still observed today.

Uncharted empires

Valandors vain sacrifice to try and save darkness. Being one of the first lines of
their homeland was already considered an defence against Abyssal forces moving south,
act of great nobility by the Brotherhood. they cannot afford to relax the Eternal Watch
His actions were perceived as an act lest they be swept to extinction by Orcs,
of martyrdom and following in his Abyssal Dwarfs, or even the dread Abyssals
footsteps became a subject of almost themselves. Military training of some degree
religious devotion. Between battles and is compulsory for even the lowest peasant,
training, many knights are often found and everyone is required to maintain at least
in meditation and contemplation in the basic weapons to defend their lands and
Council Chamber. On one fateful day, on farms or supplement the armed forces. Thus
completing his period of reflection, one the Brotherhood can put a wide spectrum
knight felt an unwavering compulsion to of soldiers into the field, noble knights,
lay his hand on one of the blessed suits standing soldiers to support the knights, and
of ensorcelled armour, an act that had peasant militia for when forces are stretched
previously been unthinkable. In a flash of thin alongside the mystical water creatures
searing blue light, a portion of the water it can summon to the field.
magic was bestowed upon the knight,
and he became the first new recruit into Although much of their activity takes place
the Order of Redemption. Over the years in the shadow of the Abyss, bands of the
other knights have felt the same calling to Brotherhood roam far and wide, lending aid
touch a vacant Armour of the Tides, and to any who face the forces of darkness. As
the Order of Redemption has established time has passed, the Basileans relationship
itself as the mightiest and noblest of the with the Brotherhood has been one of cold,
Brotherhoods warriors. or even arrogant, indifference. Whilst
misunderstandings have on occasion
Brotherhood society exists on a permanent been settled on the field of battle, the
war footing, with every member of society proximity of the Abyss has so far proved
fulfilling a function to support their a strong enough incentive to avoid open
unending quest to thwart the forces of warfare between the two kingdoms.

Uncharted empires

Order of the Villein Martyrs Infantry

Brotherhood on Foot Infantry Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Troop (10) 5 4+ 4+ 10 /11 80
Troop (10) 5 3+ 5+ 10 11/13 115 Regiment (20) 5 4+ 4+ 12 /15 115
Regiment (20) 5 3+ 5+ 12 15/17 150 Horde (40) 5 4+ 4+ 25 /22 190

Special Special
Headstrong, Valiant Regeneration (6+)

Options Some villeins are in such awe of the knights

Exchange shields for two-handed weapons for free that they have formed a cult devoted to
(lower Defence to 4+, gain Crushing Strength (1)) them. They collect relics either discarded by
knights, or from the remains of fallen heroes.
Some knights fight on foot, shoulder-to-shoulder The most blessed of martyrs gain access to
with the villeins in the thick of melee. Those that a small measure of the water-magic that
choose to fight with the broadsword and possess empowers the Order of Redemption.
the necessary talent and fearlessness go on to
join the Order of the Abyssal Hunt.
Villein Spearmen Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Villein Plowshares* Infantry Troop (10) 5 4+ 4+ 10 8/10 75
Regiment (20) 5 4+ 4+ 15 12/14 110
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Horde (40) 5 4+ 4+ 30 19/21 180
Regiment (20) 5 5+ 3+ 12 12/14 85
Horde (40) 5 5+ 3+ 25 19/21 140 Special
Legion (60) 5 5+ 3+ 30 25/27 205 Phalanx

Crushing Strength (1) Villein Bowmen Infantry
In dire circumstances the Brotherhood may be Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
required to put as many able-bodied fighters Troop (10) 5 6+ 5+ 3+ 8 8/10 85
into the field as possible, particularly when their
Regiment (20) 5 6+ 5+ 3+ 10 12/14 115
own territory is threatened. These villein march
to war armed with scythes, pitchforks, halberds Horde (40) 5 6+ 5+ 3+ 20 19/21 190
and similar weapons. Special
Bows, Phalanx, Piercing(1), Reload!
All able-bodied members of society are trained
infantry. The Brotherhood operates a rotation
Swains Villein Rangers [1] Infantry system of service so that these most productive
members of society spend several months fighting
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
and several months using their practical skills
Troop (10) 5 4+ 4+ 3+ 10 13/15 185 to provide food and other essentials, weapons,
Special and the bodkin arrows that are a feature of
Bows, Elite, Inspiring (Villeins only), Piercing (1), Brotherhood armies.
Stealthy, Vanguard
The ranger Swain is a hardened veteran leading a Water Elementals Large Infantry
band of merry, some would say crazy rangers.
These legendary fighters can survive out in the Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
wild around the Abyss for weeks or months on Regiment (3) 7 4+ 5+ 9 /14 150
end, providing excellent intelligence and supporting Horde (6) 7 4+ 5+ 18 /17 220
sorites by Brotherhood strike forces.
Crushing Strength (1), Pathfinder, Regeneration (5+),
Unbridled spirits, Water Elementals are entities
of raw energy, bound together by the magic of
the Devoted and the will of the Green Lady.
Taking the form of sentient tidal waves, their
fury is unmatched on the battlefield.

Uncharted empires

Order of the Brotherhood Cavalry Order of Redemption* Cavalry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (10) 8 3+ 5+ 16 15/17 205 Troop (5) 8 3+ 5+ 10 12/14 170
Horde (20) 8 3+ 5+ 32 22/24 345 Regiment (10) 8 3+ 5+ 20 15/17 260
Special Special
Headstrong, Thunderous Charge (2), Valiant Headstrong, Inspiring, Regeneration (5+),
Thunderous Charge (2)
The Order of the Brotherhood forms the bulk of
kingdoms fighting force. The Order of Redemption consists of those
knights that have reached the level of devotion
that allows them to wear the Armour of Tides,
granting them powerful abilities and making
Order of the Abyssal Hunt Cavalry them the mightiest warriors the Brotherhood
can put in the field.
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (5) 8 3+ 4+ 9 12/15 145
Regiment (10) 8 3+ 4+ 18 15/18 220
Order of the Forsaken Large Cavalry
Crushing Strength (1), Fury, Thunderous Charge (1), Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Valiant, Vicious (against Monsters only) Regiment (3) 10 3+ 5+ 9 12/14 170
Horde (6) 10 3+ 5+ 18 15/17 265
The knights of the Order of the Abyssal Hunt
specialise in hunting down the great monsters Special
that plague the world of Mantica. They fight Fly, Headstrong, Thunderous Charge (2), Valiant
from horseback, wielding great swords and
hammers with unparalleled skill. The Order of the Forsaken are knights that have
learnt to work with various winged beasts that
inhabit Mantica, sometimes through diplomacy,
sometimes through force of will. As well as
Villein Initiates Cavalry lending their valuable skills to Brotherhood forces
in battle, they keep watch over the Forsaken Isles,
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts guardians of what remains of the Brotherhoods
Regiment (10) 8 4+ 5+ 16 13/15 165 old kingdom.
Horde (20) 8 4+ 5+ 32 20/22 280
Thunderous Charge (2)
Soldiers that show sufficient skill-at-arms and
courage join the ranks of the Initiates, where
they train to become fully-fledged knights.

Villein Reconnoiterers Cavalry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (5) 9 4+ 4+ 7 9/11 100
Regiment (10) 9 4+ 4+ 14 12/14 150
Nimble, Thunderous Charge (1)
Initiates that fall short of the standard required
to become full knights can still put their training
to effective use, these swift cavalry units are used
most often on the wings of a battle line, and to
pursue and cut down enemies that are retreating
from the battlefield.

Uncharted empires

Villein Siege Artillery War Engine Villein Ballista War Engine

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 5+ 4+ 1 8/10 80 1 5 5+ 4+ 1 8/10 55
Special Special
Blast (D6+2), Indirect, Piercing (3), Reload! Blast(D3+2), Piercing(3), Reload!
The most ancient of Human war engines, the A torsion-powered giant crossbow, whose bolts
catapult is mostly used in sieges. can easily skewer several enemy warriors.

Forsaken Beast Monster

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 4+ 5+ 8 15/17 125
Greater Water Elemental Monster Crushing Strength (2)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Options

1 7 4+ 5+ 8 /18 190 Breath Attack (10) (+15 pts)
Ensnare (+30 pts)
Special Vicious (+15 pts)
Crushing Strength (2), Pathfinder, Regeneration (5+), Regenerate (5+) (+30 pts)
Many monsters have made their homes amongst
When the need is very great, the Devoted may the sunken ruins of the Brotherhoods old
unite to summon a Greater Elemental to battle. kingdom. The Brothers of the Forsaken are able
These towering behemoths loom large over the to strike bargains with, or tame, these mighty
battlefield like aqueous giants. beasts and bring them to war.

Uncharted empires

Exemplar of the Exemplar Redeemer Hero (Cav)

Brotherhood Hero (Inf) Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts 1 8 3+ 5+ 5 13/15 170
1 5 3+ 5+ 3 11/13 70 Special
Crushing Strength (1), Headstrong, Individual,
Special Inspiring, Thunderous Charge (2), Regeneration (5+)
Crushing Strength (1), Headstrong, Individual,
Valiant The Exemplars of the Order of Redemption are
the greatest knights of the Brotherhoods ranks,
drawing on the water magic that imbues them to
Mount on a Brotherhood Warhorse (increase Speed to produce legendary feats of arms, and inspiring
8, gain Thunderous Charge (1), change to Hero (Cav))
those around them to efforts they thought beyond
(+20 pts)
their abilities.
Even amongst the knights of the Brotherhood
there are those that stand out as exceptional
warriors. The Exemplars of the Order of the
Brotherhood are those knights who have begun
the path towards qualifying for one of the other Exemplar Adjutant Hero (Inf)
elite orders of knights. Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 5+ 4+ 1 10/12 55
Devoted Hero (Inf)
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Headstrong, Individual, Inspiring
1 5 5+ 4+ 1 11/13 60 Options
Special Mount on a barded horse (increase Speed to 8 and
Heal (2), Individual Defence to 5+, change to Hero (Cav)) (+20 pts)
Exemplar Adjutants carry banners depicting
Options great victories over the Forces of the Abyss, which
Increase Heal to (4) (+20 pts) act as rallying points and symbols of defiance
Gain Lightning Bolt (3) (+20 pts)
when the Brotherhood forces are sorely-pressed.
Gain Wind Blast (5) (+30 pts)
Gain Surge (5) (+30 pts)
Mount on a horse (increase Speed to 9, change to Hero
(Cav)) (+15 pts)
A small number of women are born with a
connection to the water-magic that defines the
Brotherhood. They devote their lives to mastering
divination as a means to predict where the dark
forces of the Abyss might sally out into the
world. They also bring their other powers to
bear on the battlefield.

Exemplar Hunter Hero (Inf)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 3+ 4+ 4 12/14 90
Crushing Strength (2), Fury, Individual, Inspiring,
Vicious (against Monsters only)
Exemplar Forsaker Hero (Mon)
Mount on a Brotherhood Warhorse, increasing Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Speed to 8 and gaining Thunderous Charge (1) (+30 1 10 3+ 5+ 7 15/17 200
Not all the Brotherhoods most powerful warriors Crushing Strength (1), Fly, Headstrong, Inspiring,
have the necessary mind-set to be recognised as Thunderous Charge (2)
worthy of elevation to the Order of Redemption.
Many of these aggressive and bellicose warriors The most skilled of the Exemplars of the Order
end up as the premier monster-slayers amongst of the Forsaken fly into battle on great monsters,
the Order of the Abyssal Hunt. scattering enemy units and hunting down their
leaders to demoralise the forces of evil.

Uncharted empires

sAlAmAnder Armies
The Infant Sea drowned the world and
entire civilisations. The basin now claimed
by an ocean was once a fertile place, full of
Salamander Army
vast rain-forests and rich cropland. A few Special Rules
islands are all that remain of once-mighty
mountains and volcanic ranges, their peaks Alignment: Good
providing isolated pockets of land. On some, Flames of Kthorlaq
weather-worn statues and crumbled temples All units in this list have Crushing Strength
are all that remain of the people that once (1), unless specified otherwise.
lived there. On a handful of others, an
ancient nation struggles to survive and find Also, all infantry models in this list are on
its place in a world shaped anew. 25x25mm bases, unless specified otherwise.

Before the Time of Ice, during the semblance

of normality that followed the God War,
the reptilian Clan Lords forged themselves but it was the dark red swirling pattern
a sprawling and prosperous empire, deep that writhed down one side of the shell that
in the lush jungles and bountiful plains of had the clutch-mothers both excited and
the central equatorial belt. The reptilians terrified in equal measure. It was a sign they
spread to the seas where, against all odds, said. An omen. This one would be different.
they excelled as a seafaring force and grew
a feared and powerful navy. Kthorlaq was big, much bigger than her
clutch-mates and she was preternaturally
Several independent cities inevitably intelligent and strong. She showed a
arose, each ruled by one of the Clans and maturity and wisdom beyond her years
bankrolled by the richest merchants. While and the scholars and wise-ones found their
the different sub-species lived together student soon outstripped them, her capacity
in relative harmony in the cities, they and thirst for knowledge insatiable. She
concentrated in numbers in their favoured excelled in political debate, showed great
climes. The Salamanders favoured the commercial acumen and was a master of
deserts, hot springs and volcanic islands; the art of fire magic. She was also seer-
the Arkosaurs and Tyranopods bathed touched and often spoke of a time when the
in the oceans and warmth of the jungles; Clans would be reborn in the shadows of
herds of giant sauropods roamed the plains the three kings of fire.
and packs and small tribes of Ghekos and
snakemen built a thriving ecosystem. Her rise to power as the leader of the
dominant Clan was as auspicious as it was
One Clan Lord eventually rose above them timely. Within months of Kthorlaq taking
all and was to become their greatest and up her new post the world was thrown into
most influential ruler, her name revered chaos. The skies darkened and flickered
across all of time. Today she is celebrated with streaks of coruscating lighting. The
as the saviour of her race. seas heaved and roiled and the air began to
chill. As crops, livestock and prey dwindled
Kthorlaq the Deliverer was the oldest and withered, the weak and vulnerable
hatchling, born to the Clan of Fire, in a began to die. The seas shrank and a terrible
clutch of precious royal eggs. The casing cold swept across the land, poisoning the
of the egg which bore her was larger, paler earth and leaching the life from world.
and smoother than the others and would From the north and the east the great
have stood out just for these differences; glaciers came, driving all before their

Uncharted empires

implacable advance. Riding at the vanguard the frozen seas and the great mountain
of the walls of ice were hordes of foul and ranges of Abkhazla. Eventually, exhausted
unspeakable things intent on destroying all and nearing the end of their endurance,
in their path. Winter was waging her war three great smoking peaks rose into the
on the world. skies before them. Kthorlaq declared that
this was to be their haven. This was the
The mage-priests and battle captains fell place she had seen in her visions all her
back under the onslaught. Few escaped the life. Here were the kings of fire and they
carnage and those that did continued their would offer their protection.
flight into the west. With her people beset
by hunger, cold and the advancing armies The threads of truth are hopelessly tangled
of Winter, Kthorlaq ordered the mass in the fanciful tapestry of myth and legend,
evacuation from the cities and surrounding but the reptilians claim that Kthorlaq gave
lands. Many stayed behind in defiance of herself to The Three Kings; her mind, body
the encroaching doom, selling their lives and soul. They speak of how, summoning
dearly to give their people time to flee. A her most powerful magic, she created a vast
titanic battle was fought outside the gates shield between the fiery summits of the
of the great temple city of Haelthorn as the kings, a crackling vortex made of her very
fourteen reptilian cohorts that had stayed essence. The Reptilians grieved for their
behind fought back Winters ravenous loss while all the time cowering behind the
legions. The cohorts inevitably succumbed barrier that held firm against the onslaught
but their noble sacrifice had bought of ice and beast. Decades past and as the
Kthorlaq the time she needed to make good echoes of Kthorlaqs voice faded from the
the escape. ears of the mage-priests so the barrier began
to fail. Just as they feared the shield would
Tens of thousands died in the great journey finally collapse, with disaster pressing on
as the hordes of Winter pursued them into all sides, Valandor the Great smote Winter
the west. Yet more perished as they crossed down. Her death cries echoed around the

Uncharted empires

world and her power was scattered across the

face of the earth in a ripple of baleful energy.
The Reptilians today
Her minions perished as the wave surged Arkosaurs
through them and slammed into Kthorlaqs The Arkosaurs have filled the roles of
shield, finally shattering it. The magical merchants, builders and administrators in the
backwash as the energies collided arced into new homelands. They also provide the bulk of
the Reptilians in the upper reaches of The the man-power for the small but highly skilled
Three Kings. The Salamanders, naturally navy that patrols the shipping lanes and
drawn to the thermal vents, bore the brunt waters around The Three Kings. Outside of the
of the feedback. merchant classes, Arkosaurs are rarely seen in
the outside world and try to minimise the time
As the great glaciers shrunk back and they spend in foreign ports before returning
massive slabs of ice calved away into the to the sea. Those that have seen them report
rising waters at the foot of the kings, lithe green or blue skinned individuals, with
the Salamanders were stricken with sly features and cunning yellow eyes.
wracking spasms as their chemistry was
changed, and they writhed in agony as Salamanders
their bodies metamorphosed. Those that To the casual observer, salamanders appear to
were unaffected cowered in fear as their being strongly reptilian. While they have an
friends and cousins were altered before amphibian genetic heritage, thousands of years
them. The afflicted had been cursed and spent living and working alongside the other
legend says that Winter and Kthorlaq reptilian species has shaped the evolution of
continue their eternal war, trapped their appearance into the hard-scaled, tough
forever in the bodies of the Salamanders. and muscular physical presence common
They and their descendants must walk among other reptilian races. Once warm-
the earth in mortal need of the heat and bloodied, the curse of Winter was to instil a
fire which keeps Winters deathly chill chill in their hearts so that they are now almost
from their hearts. entirely reptiles themselves, being cold-blooded
like their peers. The curse is deep though, and
The reptilians today are an ancient while the fires of Kthorlaq smoulder inside
civilisation reborn. From their strongholds them, fighting the death-chill, salamanders
on the volcanic islands in the Infant Sea, must take time to recharge their internal
their society has slowly integrated itself fires. The youngest can survive for many
into the new world around them. Gleaming months or in rare cases years without rest and
new temple-cities have been raised by both the sustenance required, and these form
the Arkosaurs and Salamanders, the two the core of the salamander army or
most prominent surviving races, and they venture far afield, fighting alongside the forces
are once more masters of the waves with a of nature.
small but superior navy that is the scourge
of pirates and rogue privateers. They As they grow older, their skin toughens and
are warriors at heart and rarely fight for starts to grey, armoured scales deepening
personal gain but to rid the world of evil. their red hues. The time they can spend away
Warbands often choose to travel and offer from sources of fire and heat diminishes with
their services abroad and its not uncommon aging. While they can absorb heat from any
to see them battling alongside the forces source, the richest and purest fuel is that that
of nature with whom they find an affinity comes from the summits of The Three Kings.
for balance and harmony; protecting the Salamanders need to return regularly to their
world as Kthorlaq once protected them. island homes to bask in the heat and fire of the
Other, rarer individuals seek to find their volcanic craters and forge their weapons and
way in the world as adventurers, aiming to armour anew from the lava that flows from
settle their own personal scores with the their depths. With old age, the pilgrimages
wickedness found in the darkest places of end and the salamanders remain in the fire
the world. pits of the kings where they slowly die, their

Uncharted empires

flames extinguished and their bodies melting judgement known as the Ordeal of Fire. Not
into the magma in a process which has deep all survive this secretive ritual, conducted
spiritual significance for them. by the mage-priests deep in the magma
filled chambers of The Three Kings.
On land, the salamanders form the main fighting
arm of the reborn reptilian civilisation. They Those that re-emerge do so with eyes and
see it as their sworn duty to be the protectors skin glowing from an intense inner fire.
of their people and the oppressed of the world,
following the example and sacrifice made by They have shortened their lifespan in order
the greatest of their kind, Kthorlaq. While to be able to serve away from the homelands
they utilize other races in their armies to fulfil for extended periods of time, taking the fight
various battlefield roles, it is the salamanders to the darkness in the world. These super-
that are the core of any reptilian army. charged veterans are often seen leading the
younger salamander warriors on foreign
Some young, adventurous salamanders join battlefields, taking command of them when
the Arkosaur navy to add muscle to the fighting alongside their allies.
fighting crews on-board but most ships will
have no more than a dozen such individuals; Ghekkotah
captains are wary of these boisterous youths The Ghekkotah are a diminutive sub-
and fire has never been a sailors friend - species of the salamander line and similar in
but their fighting prowess and usefulness is appearance to the now extinct Gheko race.
grudgingly acknowledged. They are rogues They remained unscathed as the magical
and it is not unheard of for some to slip away backwash transformed the salamanders
looking for further personal adventure if life and so retain their warm-blooded bodies.
on the oceans becomes too monotonous for They are very social creatures and often
their fiery characters. operate in large family groups when hunting
or farming. They are fiercely loyal and are
more than prepared to offer their skills to
Ordeal of Fire the salamander army in times of war. They
Some individuals that have proved are rarely seen in the great cities of the
themselves in battle against the forces of homelands, preferring the jungles and plains
evil will put themselves forwards for the at the bases of The Three Kings.

Uncharted empires

Salamander Primes Infantry Salamander Unblooded Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 5 4+ 5+ 10 10/12 100 Troop (10) 5 4+ 4+ 10 9/11 80
Regiment (20) 5 4+ 5+ 12 14/16 140 Regiment (20) 5 4+ 4+ 12 13/15 115
Horde (40) 5 4+ 5+ 25 21/23 230 Horde (40) 5 4+ 4+ 25 20/22 190
Special As their internal fires develop and their blood sizzles
Pathfinder with the energy of new life, young hot-headed
Salamanders often join the army early to cut their
teeth, and scales, on the forces of darkness.
Exchange shields for two-handed weapons for free
(lower Defence to 4+, gain Crushing Strength (2))
The Salamanders are an ancient race of Ceremonial Guard Infantry
reptilian fire-people, whose scaly red hides Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
protect them from enemy weaponry as well as
grant them a fearsome appearance. Their blood Troop (10) 5 4+ 5+ 10 10/12 110
burns with great heat, manifesting in billowing Regiment (20) 5 4+ 5+ 15 14/16 160
vapours that exude from their fanged mouths, Special
and channelling through their crude weapons, Phalanx
which sear and burn as well as they cut and
crush. Those in the prime of life fight for their When not watching over the Clan Palaces and
homelands and for the forces of nature. Temples in the cities, these warriors are sent to
fight on the front line on rotation to keep their
skills and instincts sharp.
Ancients Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Corsairs Infantry
Troop (10) 5 3+ 5+ 10 /13 120 Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (20) 5 3+ 5+ 12 /17 170 Troop (10) 5 4+ 5+ 4+ 10 10/12 115
Options Special
Exchange shields for two-handed weapons for free Piercing (1), Pistols, Vanguard
(lower Defence to 4+, gain Crushing Strength (2))
Small bands of corsairs sometimes hone their
These battle-hardened veterans know their time skills away from the navy and fight with
on the world is near an end but still wish to the Salamander land forces where they are
fight and lend their experience in training the employed as advanced skirmishers. While it
younger generation. They are not as agile as is rare (although not unheard of) for female
they once were but make up for it in their Salamanders to fight in the army, female
combat experience and fearlessness. corsairs are a much more common sight.

Ghekkotah Warriors Infantry Ghekkotah Hunters* Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 6 5+ 3+ 15 8/10 70 Troop (10) 7 5+ 5+ 3+ 8 10/12 100
Regiment (20) 6 5+ 3+ 20 12/14 100 Special
Horde (40) 6 5+ 3+ 30 19/21 165 Blowpipes (treat as thrown weapons), Nimble,
Pathfinder, Vicious, 20x20mm bases
This unit does not have Crushing Strength (1)
Vicious, 20x20mm bases
This unit does not have Crushing Strength (1) Options
Chamelon Cloak (gains the Stealthy special rule) (+10 pts)
Social beings, often seen in large groups with
many family members working together. The Swap Blowpipes for Bows (+20 pts)
Ghekkotah village chiefs often gather their Hunting packs that have worked together for years,
younger warriors together for military training supplying the villages with food from the plains.
alongside the armies of the Salamanders. This is They cannot be spared in large numbers but small
especially true when the homelands are threatened groups that are comfortable operating away from
and the Ghekkotah leave the protection of their the lines while harassing the enemy flanks are not
jungle homes in defence of their land. an uncommon sight on the battlefield.

Uncharted empires

Kaisenor Lancers Cavalry Ember Sprites* Large Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (5) 8 4+ 4+ 9 11/13 110 Regiment (3) 5 5+ 3+ 6 10/12 80
Regiment (10) 8 4+ 4+ 18 14/16 170 Horde (6) 5 5+ 3+ 12 13/15 125
Special Special
Thunderous Charge (1) Breath Attack (Att), Height 0, Vicious
Ridden by lightly armoured Salamanders, the This unit does not have Crushing Strength (1)
Kaisenor Raptors are sleek, agile predators These mischievous proto-elementals are spawned
whose instinctive manoeuvring in formation at and summoned to battle by the Mage-Priests
speed makes them excellent cavalry mounts. from the bubbling fire pits of The Three Kings.

Tyrants Large Infantry Ghekkotah Skyraiders* Large Cavalry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (3) 5 4+ 5+ 9 12/15 135 Regiment (3) 10 4+ 4+ 3+ 6 12/14 130
Horde (6) 5 4+ 5+ 18 15/18 210 Horde (6) 10 4+ 4+ 3+ 12 15/17 200
Special Special
Brutal, Crushing Strength (2), Fury Blowpipes(treat as thrown weapons), Fly, Vicious
Large, heavily muscled brutes that were nearly This unit does not have Crushing Strength (1)
made extinct during the war with Winter but a The Skyraiders soar high above the plains on
few survived the great exodus and their numbers cawing jrooka, advanced scouts for the smaller
are steadily increasing. bands of hunters searching for food. They are
also capable of swooping down and taking out
larger prey themselves and these skills can be
Fire Elementals Large Infantry a useful asset to the Salamander commanders.

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts

Regiment (3) 6 4+ 5+ 9 /14 130
Ancients on Rhinosaurs Large Cavalry
Horde (6) 6 4+ 5+ 18 /17 200
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (3) 7 3+ 5+ 9 /15 180
Crushing Strength (2), Pathfinder, Shambling
Horde (6) 7 3+ 5+ 18 /18 275
Fire elementals are entities of sizzling, scorching
energy, bound together by the magic of the Special
Mage-Priests. Taking the form of warriors of Brutal, Crushing Strength (2), Thunderous Charge (2)
fire and lava, their fury on the battlefield is Ancient Salamanders are granted the honour of
fearsome to behold. thundering to battle on near unstoppable Rhinosaurs.

Uncharted empires

Greater Fire Elemental Monster Lekelidon Monster

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 4+ 5+ 8 /18 160 1 6 5+ 3+ 4+ 5 11/13 95
Special Special
Breath Attack (6), Crushing Strength (4), Pathfinder, Firebolt, Height 2, Piercing (1)
A giant spitting lizard with a temper, prodded
In times of great need, the Mage-Priests may into battle by Salamander handlers. In the wild,
unite to summon a Greater Fire Elemental to these beasts lie in wait and then take their prey
battle. These molten behemoths loom large over down from distance.
the battlefield, leaving a trail of smouldering
destruction in their wake.
Komodon Monster
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 5+ 5+ 4+ 3 11/13 125
36" Range, Blast (D3), Piercing (2), Vicious
A living, moving artillery, able to spit gobs
of poisonous bile over great distances or into

Clan Lord Hero (Inf)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 3+ 5+ 5 13/15 140
Crushing Strength (2), Individual, Inspiring,
Fire Drake Monster
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Mount on Kaisenor Raptor Mount (increase Speed
1 7 4+ 5+ 8 14/16 190 to 8, gain Thunderous Charge (1), change to Hero
(Cav)) (+30 pts)
Special Gain Firebolt (using Ra 5+) (+15 pts)
Breath (16), Thunderous Charge (1)
The clan lords are the supreme commanders
The lithe, tempestuous fire drakes spend most of of the Salamander armed forces, often leading
their time coiled around searing thermal vents. from the front and by example.
Some Mage-Priests, having studied and learnt
the secrets of wrym-tongue, can entice the drakes
to war in return for fresh meat, and worse.
Clan Lord on Fire Drake Hero (Mon)
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Ankylodon Battle Platform Monster 1 7 3+ 5+ 8 15/17 235
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Special
1 6 4+ 5+ 6+ 10 /17 250 Breath (16), Crushing Strength (2), Inspiring,
Thunderous Charge (1)
Base Size: 50x100mm, Blowpipes (treat as thrown Options
weapons), Crushing Strength (4), Iron Resolve, Wings (gain Fly and increase Speed to 10) (+45 pts)
Vicious (ranged attacks only)
Very few winged drakes remain and those that
Options do can only be enticed to leave their fiery slumber
Swap Blowpipes for Firebolt for free by the most powerful and cunning individuals.
The price for their service is only known to those
A giant heavily armoured beast, adept at brave enough to seek it.
smashing even the toughest foe (or fortification).
Crewed by an eager swam of Ghekkotah armed
with blowpipes.

Uncharted empires

Battle-Captain Hero (Inf) Mage-Priest Hero (Inf)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 3+ 5+ 4 11/13 75 1 5 4+ 5+ 2 10/12 90
Special Special
Crushing Strength (2), Individual Elite, Fireball (10), Individual
The trusted deputies of the clan lords and Options
superior warriors and tacticians. Battle captains Mount on Kaisenor Raptor Mount (increase Speed
are often given command of large divisions of to 8, gain Thunderous Charge (1), change to Hero
the army and the freedom to take the battle to (Cav)) (+20 pts)
the enemy as they see best. Gain Banechant (2) (+15 pts)
Gain Surge (8) (+35 pts)
Gain Heal (3) (+15 pts)
Revered throughout reptilian society, the mage-
Battle-Captain priests are consulted on all matters of government,
on Rhinosaur Hero (Lrg Cav) diplomacy and war. While most are Salamanders,
there have been sightings of both Arkosaurs and
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Ghekkotah dressed in the robes of the mage.
1 7 3+ 5+ 6 13/15 135
Brutal, Crushing Strength (2), Thunderous Charge (2)
Herald Hero (Inf)
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Not afraid to lead from the front, Battle Captains
often wage the war against evil from the back 1 5 4+ 5+ 1 10/12 60
of one of these tempestuous and savage beasts. Special
Individual, Inspiring

Ghekkotah Clutch Warden Hero (Inf)
Mount on Kaisenor Raptor Mount (increase Speed
to 8, gain Thunderous Charge (1), change to Hero
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts (Cav)) (+20 pts)
1 7 4+ 4+ 4+ 3 10/12 85 The heralds call the cohorts to war with sonorous
blasts from the sacred horns they carry reverently
Blowpipes (treat as thrown weapons), Individual,
into battle. The sound of a heralds call stirs the
Inspiring (Ghekkotah only), Pathfinder, Vicious, dying embers of faltering friends and puts fire
20x20mm base back into their bellies.
This unit does not have Crushing Strength (1),

Options Firebrand [1] Hero (Inf)

Chamelon Cloak (gain the Stealthy special rule)
(+20 pts) Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 3+ 4+ 4+ 5 /15 120
Clutch Wardens are the biggest and bravest
among their siblings and are tasked with the Special
safety of the group. Individual, Inspiring (Corsairs only), Pistol, Piercing
(1), Vanguard. While within 6" of Firebrand, friendly
non-allied Corsair units are Fearless

Ghekkotah Skylord Hero (Large Cav) Firebrand is a legendary Corsair, renowned for
breath-taking feats of bravery, swashbuckling action,
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts and daring escapades. The stories of her adventures
1 10 3+ 3+ 4+ 5 11/13 130 go back for centuries however and Firebrand often
vanishes for years at a time before resurfacing in
Special some spectacularly explosive way. Her fantastically
Blowpipe (treat as thrown weapons), Fly, Inspiring exciting life and phenomenal skill are what all other
(Ghekkotah only), Vicious
Corsairs aspire to. To have the enigmatic Firebrand
This unit does not have Crushing Strength (1) fight alongside them is something they can rightly
The true lords of the sky and masters of the boast of in their old age. Whether Firebrand is
hunt. These deeply respected elite hunters have the same person now as when the legend was
formed an incredible bond with their sleek, born nobody knows. Its highly likely that when an
elegant jrooka mounts incumbent dies, another picks up the mantle to keep
the mystique and adventure alive.

Uncharted empires

the herd
When the Mother world was young there Dark Kyron lurked in the shadows and
lived one called Kyron who would be our helped Garkan the Black forge the beasts
Father. He was tall and strong and brave we call orcs. He reached out and tore many
and had many friends amongst the beasts of our ancestors apart, offering their lives
of the forests, mountains and plains. They to the smith for his forges and anvils.
ran together, played together, and hunted Garkan and Kyron also pulled apart the
together. They were content. They were free. wild men, the elves and dwarfs, and he
put both animal and man-thing together,
One day Kyron and his family were struck imprisoned in strange minds and bodies.
down by an unseen blow. Kyron fell to the After 900 days, the darkness was born and
ground in great pain and when he arose unleashed upon the world.
he became two people, one was brave and
kind and the other cunning and cruel. They Good, Brave Kyron saw all that had
argued and bickered about what path to occurred and knew what he must do. He
take, each having different ideas on what watched from afar, rescuing the lost souls
should happen to their animal friends as discarded by his brother and Garkan as of
the Mother world cried in pain. no use to their schemes. He gathered light

The Herd Special Rules

Alignment: Neutral battlefield, they are often used to bring down
Jackersnipes, a large winged bi-pedal bird that
Call of the Wild is a staple of many beastmens diets.
All units in this list have the Pathfinder
special rule, unless specified otherwise. Mark a Hero that is accompanied by a
Hunting Animal with an animal model.
Hunting Animals The Hero has a ranged attack with a
Some individuals are accompanied by their range of 12 that can be used only once
hunting animals which can be set on to a target per game (remove the animal once it has
for quick hamstringing attacks. Away from the been unleashed). This weapon can only
be used against Heroes or Monsters,
War Engines and Troops. The animal is
neither brave nor stupid enough to attack
any body of troops larger than that.

When you send the animal to seek its

prey, roll 5 dice to hit, regardless of the
firers Attacks. The animal always hits on
4+, regardless of modifiers, and has the
Piercing (1) rule. Then, for any point of
damage caused, roll to hit and to damage
again, as the animal has its way with the
victims. Repeat this process again and
again until you fail to score any damage,
at which point the animal has been slain
or has wandered off to lick the gore off
its paws.

Uncharted empires

from all around him, from the earth and They are blind to our purpose.
the sky, and he gave this light to us. Brave
Kyron could not remake The Lost as they Dark Kyron tried to run away but Brave
once were but he rebuilt their shattered Kyron chased him, flying high across the
lives and bodies and purified the evil in sky. You can still see them both today,
their hearts. We opened our eyes and we still chasing each other in The Great Hunt.
knew one another as brothers and sisters. At night, Dark Kyron skulks in the sky,
In return, our father, Brave Kyron gave us sometimes showing his face, at other times
to the Mother world, to protect her from cowering and hiding. Our lost kin worship
the evil forged by Garkan. him in the darkness. In the day, Brave
Kyron rises and chases away the shadows
But Dark Kyron saw his brave halfs magic and once again shows us the light.
and cursed his brothers new children. He
led some of us away from the brightness. We live to protect and serve the Mother.
Our siblings ran too far and they did not We are The Lost now Returned. We are the
see the light, instead they fled and joined Centaurs, Fauns, Satyrs, Lycans, Minotaurs
the black, evil things that now infested the and more. Some are more beast than man,
Mother world. Laughing, Dark Kyron also some more man than beast. We live in the
whispered mistrust into the hearts of the forests, in the hills, the mountains and the
weak-minded humans. Men have resented rivers. We listen to the world and the world
our presence and distrusted our kind ever speaks through us. We are the heartbeat
since but we do not seek their acceptance. and voice of the Mother.
Let them live in their filthy towns and
cities, away from the bosom of our Mother. We are The Herd.

Uncharted empires

Tribal Warriors Infantry Spirit Walkers Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 6 4+ 4+ 10 9/11 85 Troop (10) 6 4+ 3+ 15 /12 100
Regiment (20) 6 4+ 4+ 12 13/15 120 Regiment (20) 6 4+ 3+ 20 /16 140
Horde (40) 6 4+ 4+ 25 20/22 200 Horde (40) 6 4+ 3+ 35 /23 230
Special Special
Thunderous Charge (1) Thunderous Charge (1)
Fauns, Satyrs and the like equipped with light Fuelled by a concoction of sacred potions, their
armour, hand weapons and shields; these tribal actions not quite their own, these warriors have
warriors are mighty and brave. Given a choice they established a spiritual bond with the honoured
would rather live at peace with all around them. ancestors, those who fell in battle defending the
However, even the noble races are not content land. Caring no longer for their own lives they
with what they have and The Herd must fight to will willingly sacrifice themselves in battle for
protect the Mother from predation and plunder. The Herd.

Longhorns Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 6 3+ 4+ 10 10/12 100
Regiment (20) 6 3+ 4+ 12 14/16 145
Crushing Strength (1), Thunderous Charge (1),
25x25mm bases
The biggest and bulkiest of The Herds infantry,
these beastmen are powerful and hard hitting
Tribal Spears Infantry
with vast combat experience. Before leading Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
The Herd into battle, the shamans will bless Troop (10) 6 4+ 4+ 10 8/10 90
their arms and armour during solemn and Regiment (20) 6 4+ 4+ 15 12/14 125
ancient rituals.
Horde (40) 6 4+ 4+ 30 19/21 205
Some tribespeople are less suited to the rigor of
frontline combat but are still duty-bound to protect
the tribes, families and world around them. The
Herd know all too well how the humble spear
can destroy the momentum of an assault and use
it themselves in defence and counter-attack.

Hunters Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 6 5+ 5+ 3+ 8 8/10 75
Regiment (20) 6 5+ 5+ 3+ 10 12/14 105
Throwing Weapons, Vanguard

Exchange Throwing Weapons for Bows for free
Tribal commanders greatly value the skills of
these warriors who can glide silently through the
land, stalking their unknowing prey. They are
lightly armoured and use a variety of throwing
weapons or bows to lethal effect.

Uncharted empires

Harpies Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 10 4+ 3+ 8 9/11 90
Base Size: 25x25mm, Fly, Vicious
Bestial, bird-like creatures with the heads and upper
torsos of woman, their connection to the Mother is
flawed by a terrible hunger which they can barely
keep under control. The Herd does what it can
Guardian Brutes Large Infantry
for them to protect them from themselves, feeling Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
the connection bestowed upon them by the Father, Regiment (3) 6 4+ 5+ 12 12/15 150
Brave Kyron himself. Once embroiled in battle Horde (6) 6 4+ 5+ 24 15/18 230
however, the Harpies will often be so overcome
with frenzy that they sacrifice themselves while Special
tearing the enemy apart all the while. Crushing Strength (1), Fury, Thunderous Charge (2)
This unit does not have the Pathfinder special rule
In times of peace, those known as the Guardians
Lycans Large Infantry are typically solitary, territorial and reclusive
individuals. Each innately knows the land for
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
which they are tasked with protecting. When the
Regiment (3) 9 3+ 4+ 9 12/14 160 threat is great, or when The Herd must gather
Horde (6) 9 3+ 4+ 18 15/17 245 to march to war, all manner of these powerful
beastmen will band together, from Minotaurs to
Owlbears and even more unusual forms. They
Crushing Strength (1), Nimble, Regenerate (5+)
form blocks of massive shock troops within
Lycans are those of The Lost that Kyron The Herds front lines. As well as their natural
rescued after Garkans experiments in merging savagery, they are often equipped with brutal
man and wolf. The Werewolves were lost to weaponry and huge wooden shields. Others
darkness, becoming perverse and twisted things may have armoured hides, razor-sharp claws
shut off from the Mother. Lycans are at one and powerful beaks which they use to rend
with nature and share a deep connection with their enemies. Not given easily to fear or defeat,
the world. Their very life force is sustained by where others would bow their heads the mighty
the Mother and nothing other than death itself guardian will bellow their defiance and smash
can bring them down for long. their way back into the fray.

Uncharted empires

Centaur Longmanes Cavalry Centaur Bray-Hunters Cavalry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (5) 8 3+ 4+ 8 11/13 130 Troop (5) 8 4+ 5+ 3+ 6 11/13 105
Regiment (10) 8 3+ 4+ 16 14/16 200 Regiment (10) 8 4+ 5+ 3+ 12 14/16 165
Special Special
Crushing Strength (1), Thunderous Charge (1) Bows, Nimble, Thunderous Charge (1)
These skilled fighters wield powerful weapons with Though not especially bright, Centaurs are
astonishing flair and finesse. Centaurs are masters naturally adapted for hunting, with their
of the ambush, making full use of their arboreal keen eyesight and impressive speed and
homelands. Unfettered by clumsy armour and stamina allowing them to stalk prey over
displaying wonderful balance and grace, Longmanes long distances and bring them down with
will often charge wildly through the trees while still powerful bows. In battle, these skills make
maintaining their formation and momentum, a feat Bray-Hunters as formidable as any horse-
the cavalry in other armies could not hope to achieve. archer in all Mantica.

Beast Pack* Cavalry Giant Eagles* Large Cavalry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (5) 10 4+ 3+ 6 9/11 70 Regiment (3) 10 4+ 4+ 9 10/12 130
Regiment (10) 10 4+ 3+ 12 12/14 110 Horde (6) 10 4+ 4+ 18 13/15 200
Special Special
Nimble, Height 1, Vicious Fly, Fury, Thunderous Charge (2)
Lions, Wolves, Brocks and other beasts of the wilds, Mighty birds of the mountains, true kings of the
they are of the Mother and they all share a kinship skies. The shamans can call upon the services
with The Herd. They will often aid them in hunting of the Giant Eagles to counter the aerial threats
as well as in battle and occasionally will even allow of the enemy and to destroy their unnatural
themselves to be ridden by those they feel are worthy. engines of war.

Uncharted empires

Tribal Chariots Large Cavalry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (3) 9 3+ 5+ 4+ 8 11/13 140
Horde (6) 9 3+ 5+ 4+ 16 14/16 215
Base Size: 50x100mm, Bows, Thunderous Charge (2),
This unit does not have the Pathfinder Special rule
Only the most powerful of Warriors and the
most skilled of the Hunters will pair together to
ride a Tribal Chariot. These chariot often have
animal designs carved into them reminiscent of
the tribal totems. While somewhat unwieldy, they
still prove devastating in battle as they crash
into the lines of The Herds enemies.

Brutox Monster
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Stampede* Large Cavalry
1 8 4+ 4+ 1D6+8 16/19 220
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Special Horde (6) 7 4+ 4+ 30 18/22 260
Crushing Strength (2), Fury, Regenerate (5+), Strider,
Thunderous Charge (2) Special
This unit does not have the Pathfinder special rule Crushing Strength (1), Strider, Thunderous Charge (3)

Part giant or cyclops, these huge beasts tower Droves of wild horses, cattle, steppe-rhino and
over even the mighty Guardian Brutes and are even larger beasts can be goaded into war.
indomitable in battle. While relying only on its Lacking true intelligence, they still have an
hide for armour, it has a deep connection to instinct to fight to protect the Mother world.
the Mother and can regenerate all but the most Willed by the shamans, a stampede thundering
grievous of wounds. towards the enemy is a sight to behold!

Great Totem [1] War Engine Chimera Monster

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5+ /18 80 1 7 3+ 5+ 7 15/17 160

Special Special
Advanced Deployment, Base Size 75x75mm (cannot Crushing Strength (2), Vicious
be increased by exceptional base sizes) Height 4,
Inspiring, Rallying (2) Options
Wings (gain Fly and increase Speed to 10) (+50)
Tall, wood-carved monuments that often depict
the forms of animals and legendary tribal heroes. A bizarre combination of animals makes this a
These tell stories of great import, recording the truly ferocious beast. Like the brutes, Chimeras
essence and history of The Herd. They symbolise tend to live solitary lives but are most commonly
the tribes beliefs and all tribespeople that see found in caves and patrolling the hills and
them are filled with pride and a deep spiritual mountains of the world.
connection to the ancestors that built them.

Uncharted empires

Great Chieftan Hero (Inf) Great Chieftan

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts on Tribal Chariot Hero (Large Cav)
1 6 3+ 5+ 5 12/14 140 Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Special 1 9 3+ 5+ 7 14/16 190
Crushing Strength (1), Individual, Inspiring,
Thunderous Charge (1),
Base Size: 50x100mm, Crushing Strength (1),
Options Inspiring, Thunderous Charge (2),
Bow (gaining Ra 4+) (+10 pts) This unit does not have the Pathfinder special rule
Hunting Animal (+10 pts)
Raised from the ranks of the Longhorns, the Bow (gaining Ra 4+) (+10 pts)
Chieftain is both wise and mighty. They listen closely
to their shamans and when needed to defend Mother While generally a Chieftain prefers to remain
they will lead the tribes of The Herd to war. on foot close to their warriors and the earth,
sometimes they will ride to battle on a powerful
Tribal Chariot where they can better see the ebb
and flow of the fight.
Centaur Chief Hero (Cav)
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 8 3+ 4+ 4 11/13 105 Tracker Hero (Inf)
Special Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Crushing Strength (2), Individual, Inspiring, 1 6 4+ 4+ 4+ 3 10/12 70
Thunderous Charge (1)
Options Bow, Individual, Piercing (1), Stealthy, Vanguard
Bow (gaining Ra 4+) (+10 pts)
Hunting Animal (+10 pts) Options
Hunting Animal (+10 pts)
Few among the Centaurs aspire to leadership or
great deeds, but those who lead their herds are The best and most experienced of the hunters,
a breed apart. They will defend The Mother they often operate by themselves, ranging ahead
with their lives. of the tribe and excel at what they do.

Uncharted empires

Shaman Hero (Inf) Tribal Totem Bearer Hero (Inf)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 4+ 4+ 2 11/13 95 1 6 4+ 4+ 1 9/11 50
Special Special
Bane Chant (3), Individual, Inspiring, Thunderous Individual, Inspiring, Thunderous Charge (1)
Charge (1)
Options Hunting Animal (+10 pts)
Heal (5) (+25 pts) Mount (increase Speed to 9, change to Hero (Cav))
Wind Blast (5) (30 pts) (+15 pts)
Mount (increase Speed to 9, change to Hero (Cav))
(+15 pts) These are the honoured keepers of the tribal
histories and, they take part in battles to ensure
The shamans share the deepest connection to the same mistakes that have happened in the
both the Mother and the Father and advise past are not repeated. One day if they are
the Great Chieftains on all matters. They are present to a momentous event they may carve
granted great spiritual power to communicate anew onto one of the Great Totems to record the
to all animals and it is the shaman who can tale for future generations.
call the mighty Brutox, Chimera and others
to war. In times of dire need the shamans
from many tribes will gather to combine their
skill and power to summon The Avatar of Guardian Champion Hero (Large Inf)
the Father.
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 3+ 5+ 6 13/16 140
Lycan Alpha Hero (Large Inf) Special
Crushing Strength (1), Fury, Inspiring (Guardian
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Brutes only), Nimble, Thunderous Charge (2)
1 9 3+ 5+ 7 14/16 205
This unit does not have Pathfinder
Crushing Strength (2), Inspiring (Lycans only),
Nimble, Regeneration (5+) Hunting Animal (+10 pts)

While the fallen Lykanis are twisted monstrosities The biggest and bravest of the Guardians rise up
the Lycan Alphas are noble and brave. They are to lead the others to battle. Strong and bullish, woe
fast and immensely powerful beings and their betide anyone, or anything, that gets in their way.
feral looking eyes glitter with a surprising intellect.

of the Father [1] Hero (Mon)
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 9 3+ 5+ 9 /19 270
Crushing Strength (1), Elite, Iron Resolve,
Thunderous Charge (3), Very Inspiring

Heal (6) (+25 pts)
Wings (gain Fly and increase Speed to 10) (+50 pts)
Summoned by the shaman only in the most
desperate of times, this manifestation is an
avatar of Brave Kyron himself. Its form can
vary: one time a large hunting cat another
perhaps a great bird of the sky; but always the
godlike power and wisdom of it is self-evident, a
palpable aura of humbling and compassionate
spiritual power surrounding it.

Uncharted empires

the leAgue
of rhordiA
Basilea is the self-appointed successor to
the old republic of Primovantor but that
doesnt mean that other realms do not claim
The League of Rhordia
the same. Whereas Basilea is geographically Special Rules
closer and has close contact with the Shining
Ones, Rhordia claims that it is politically Alignment: Neutral
and culturally closer to the old republic, Supreme Command
less corrupt by the new-fangled dedication All units in this list with Inspiring have
to the Shining Ones and standing on its own the Very Inspiring rule instead (already
two feet. The Rhordians acknowledge the noted in their profile), including
presence of the Gods as were, while not being Inspiring granted by other means such
enslaved to either their darker or lighter as magic Artefacts.
aspects. Where Basilea relies on the fickle,
often whimsical support of the Shining
Ones and their celestial armies, Rhordia
places its faith in science, reason, and the worlds fiery core: the minor tremors
gunpowder. It lacks the haughty arrogance and quakes that are often felt in the plains
of the Basileans, thereby enabling it to form are the echoes of the conflict raging still
alliances and closer friendships with other beneath the feet of mortals.
races like halflings and dwarfs. Free will
and cultural progress are encouraged in the The story of Eoswain and Zbortan, and its
League, concepts that are anathema to the derivatives, survive today in Mantica mostly
Basilean way of thinking. as myths and in childrens rhymes. In a
small area of the Ardovikian Plain however,
At the height of the God War, the former the story is still recalled and used as a
Celestian known as Eoswain waged a moral against excessive belief and action.
terrible and far reaching war with her own An extreme of anything the Rhordians
dark reflection. Her wicked side, now reborn believe, can be corrupting and damaging,
as Zbortan, raged across the firmament even if the intentions seem good. Today, the
and attempted to rain devastation upon Children of the Fall preach this mantra as
the lands of the noble races while Eoswain a key part of their dogma. They yearn for a
battled to thwart her at every turn. The return to the golden age of stability, before
collateral damage from the titanic feuding the shattering of the mirror, and thus their
between these two deities wrought terrible churches worship the former Celestians,
destruction upon the world below. The those that oversaw a world in balance.
culmination of the struggle resulted in
a cataclysmic impact in the area now Following the impact, the survivors
known as the Ardovikian Plain as the pair slowly pieced their shattered lives back
plummeted from the heavens, locked in together. As is the human way, centuries
a deadly embrace, and slammed into the of toil and warfare rolled across the land
ground below. The shockwave scorched the as minor realms and kingdoms came and
land for scores of leagues in every direction went. As elsewhere, settlements grew into
as the gods conflict was buried in the heart towns, towns into cities, and religion and
of the world. Some say they are still there, politics vied equally for reasons to quarrel
locked away in an eternal struggle deep in with bordering states. Tensions reached

Uncharted empires

breaking point resulting in an episode now on the council, ensuring the Church plays
known as the Reaping Time. Relations its part in keeping the alliance together.
between five major city-states dissolved Unlike the Basilean religion however which
into open warfare. Alliances were forged indoctrinates an introverted and hidebound
and broken and a series of vicious and mentality, the church of the Children
bloody battles stained the land with the encourages open debate and encourages
lifeblood of brothers and friends alike. At advancements in science and technology.
the height of the conflict, the orcs came.
The Halfling Shires joined the League several
Sweeping through the farmlands around decades after its inception. Originally the
the north-eastern cities, the orcs razed and halflings were simply neighbouring trade
destroyed everything in their path. Already partners providing mainly food and tools.
broken from years of warfare and grief, the However, several extremely harsh winters
land and the people crumbled before the new, and then a devastating plague that swept
terrible menace. Two cities fell and the rest up from the south into Rhordia saw the
looked on in fear, knowing their fractured shires sheltering refugees and providing
armies could not withstand the onslaught. much needed aid. In return, the Dukes
mooted the idea, and eventually agreed, to
At least not on their own, but together they offer the shires a seat on the council and
stood a chance. From the City of Eowolf, one a place in the League. The halfling council
man spoke up. The chaplain Alobart Rhor, seat is filled by election with the candidates
head of the church of the Children saw his coming from the various shire captains who
people forgetting the lessons of the past. form the shires administrative assembly.
He browbeat the Dukes from the remaining
cities together and forged an alliance against
the new, common foe. For the next few years
and by sheer force of will, Rhor lead the new
alliance into a counter attack which blunted
and then pushed back the orc assault,
ultimately defeating it at the Battle of
Halmans Farm. Rhor himself was grievously
and fatally wounded in the battle but lived The shires are now considered the main
to hear that the Dukes had agreed to forge breadbasket of Rhordia and the loyalty,
a permanent alliance and work together to cunning and ingenuity of the halflings
rebuild their lands and cities. The pact was is highly valued by all League members.
signed a week after the battle and a council Many of the states now have growing
formed to govern the joint affairs of the new halfling populations and their appearance
alliance. In memory of the man who had led is very common everywhere across the
them to victory and laid the foundations for lands of the alliance.
its creation, the governing body became the
Council or Rhor and the alliance itself known The Leagues army is made up of professional
as the League of Rhordia. human soldiers from the towns and cities
with all states providing troops to a common
Since its creation, the League of Rhordia standing army. Sometimes mercenaries
has rebuilt and grown prosperous but is are used the common sell swords who
still fairly self-contained. It has become a will take coin from all the warring human
significant, if still small player in the realms realms. The College of Warcraft in Eowolf
of men. The individual city-states are still has seen a few, now legendary, halfling
governed by their own nobility but the Dukes engineers pass through its doors. Halfling
from each have a seat on the Council and regiments and battalions form a strong and
rotate the chair every 8 years. In all states, important contingent within the armies of
the church of the Children is prominent the League of Rhordia when they march to
and the chaplain of the Church has a seat war to defend their lands.

Uncharted empires

City Militia Infantry City Spear Militia Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 5 4+ 3+ 10 9/11 70 Troop (10) 5 4+ 4+ 10 9/11 85
Regiment (20) 5 4+ 3+ 12 13/15 100 Regiment (20) 5 4+ 4+ 15 13/15 120
Horde (40) 5 4+ 3+ 25 20/22 165 Horde (40) 5 4+ 4+ 30 20/22 200
Special Special
Crushing Strength (1) Phalanx
The league employs a professional standing The militia are trained in crowd control and
army and takes the security of its citizens very formation fighting and these skills prove useful
seriously. The militias are well maintained and on the battlefield.
equipped and serve time in the army as part of
their training.
Halfling Braves Infantry
Halfling Spearlings Infantry Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (20) 4 5+ 4+ 12 12/14 80
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Horde (40) 4 5+ 4+ 25 19/21 130
Regiment (20) 4 5+ 3+ 15 12/14 90
Horde (40) 4 5+ 3+ 30 19/21 150 Special
Phalanx, Stealthy The image of halflings as gentle, unconcerned
folk, careless of the world around them is mostly
Their diminutive stature and apparent unfounded. While they live in an idyllic and
vulnerability often makes halfling units a bucolic landscape, they are acutely aware of the
tempting target for roaming enemy cavalry. Such dangers that surround them and the threat of
hot-headed bravado often ends poorly for the raids and marauding war-bands of greenskins.
over-eager aggressors when confronted with a To this end, the shires have a conscription
wall of glittering spear points. program ensuring that they fulfil their obligations
to the defence of the League.

Halfling Scouts Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 4 5+ 5+ 3+ 8 9/11 85
Bows, Nimble, Pathfinder, Stealthy
Halfling game-keepers and sometimes even ex-
poachers make for excellent light skirmishers.
Shooting pheasants is just like taking down an
Abyssal fiend right?

Halfling Archers Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (20) 4 6+ 5+ 3+ 10 12/14 90
Horde (40) 4 6+ 5+ 3+ 20 19/21 150
Bows, Stealthy
Many halflings take up archery for sport, and
competitions between the villages of the shires to
find the best marksmen are a popular summer
attraction. The rivalry can be fierce and also
the source of many smouldering grudges and
family disputes.

Uncharted empires

Musket Block Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 5 5+ 5+ 3+ 8 9/11 100
Regiment (20) 5 5+ 5+ 3+ 10 13/15 135
Piercing(2), Reload!, Rifles
These weapons are starting to see more service in
Crossbow Block Infantry the League but are still not as prevalent as more
traditional ranged weapons. Halfling involvement
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
in their design in recent times has made them
Troop (10) 5 5+ 5+ 3+ 8 9/11 85 more reliable though and so commanders are
Regiment (20) 5 5+ 5+ 3+ 10 13/15 110 more confident in taking them to the field.
Halflings in general seem more comfortable
with their traditional weaponry however.
Crossbows, Piercing(1), Reload!
The city militias and castle guards within the
League favour the punch of a cross-bow over Halfling Ranger Cavalry Cavalry
the bows employed by the halflings. Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (5) 8 5+ 4+ 3+ 7 10/12 125

Dogs of War* Infantry Special

Bows, Nimble
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
A very recent phenomenon that has originated
Regiment (20) 4 4+ 5+ 15 13/15 165 from the summer archery fayres is the sight
Horde (40) 4 4+ 5+ 30 20/22 270 of the little folk scampering around the flanks
of the enemy and taking pot-shots from atop
their mounts.
Ensnare, Phalanx
Most dukes pay for the services of these heavily
armoured mercenaries to bolster their lines and
ensure that the League is never caught unprepared.

House Guard Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 5 3+ 4+ 10 10/12 95
Regiment (20) 5 3+ 4+ 12 14/16 135
Crushing Strength (1)
These professional soldiers are well drilled
and experienced campaigners. The barons and
dukes greatly value their loyal service.

Household Knights Cavalry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (5) 8 3+ 5+ 8 11/13 125
Regiment (10) 8 3+ 5+ 16 14/16 195
Fury, Thunderous Charge (2)
The dukes and barons all have stables for the
household cavalry and many of the knights are
friends and trusted advisors.

Uncharted empires

Halfling Knights Cavalry Honour Guard Large Cavalry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (5) 7 4+ 4+ 8 10/12 90 Regiment (3) 7 3+ 5+ 12 13/15 180
Regiment (10) 7 4+ 4+ 16 13/15 140 Horde (6) 7 3+ 5+ 24 16/18 275
Special Special
Nimble, Thunderous Charge (1) Crushing Strength (1), Iron Resolve, Thunderous
Charge (2),
While the humans supply the heavy chargers,
so the halflings fill the role of light cavalry. The majestic Aralez live out on the plains in small
Traditional horses are too big to be practical family groups. Often mistaken by the ignorant for
and so more appropriate mounts, such as ponies chimera, these large dog-like beasts are well known
or even large goats, are often utilised although for their unique ability to heal minor wounds by
they are rarely mixed in the same units. touch. Many adventurers, lost and exhausted in
the wilderness, tell of an Aralez coming to them
in their dreams and afterwards waking fully
refreshed, their scrapes and bruises healed.
An Aralez can be fiercely loyal and the champions
of the League are honoured by the Dukes by
being sent to claim one as their companion in
a ritual known as Binding. Man and beast hunt
and live together for seven days and after this
time, if a bond is formed, the Aralez will serve at
the champions side as their faithful steed until the
death of one of the partners. An Aralez whose
champion has died returns mournfully to the
plains and lives out the remainder of its life in
solitude, never seeking companionship from any
other species ever again.

Halfling Volley Gun War Engine

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 4 5+ 4+ 15 9/11 85
Elite while within 6" of a Halfling Master Engineer,
Piercing (2), Range 24, Reload!
Halfling engineering expertise is highly valued
in the League and the Volley Gun is a great
example of their ingenuity. All League war
engines are crewed by both halfling engineer
apprentices and human teams. The halflings
bring the brains and the humans the brawn.

Halfling Iron Beast Monster

Halfling Howitzer War Engine
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts 1 5 5+ 6+ D6+15 16/18 210
1 4 5+ 4+ 1 9/11 95
Special Base Size: 50x100mm, Breath Attack (8), Crushing
Blast (D6+2), Piercing(2), Lob It! (please see the Strength (2), Thunderous Charge (1)
Jarrun Bombard in the dwarf army list), Reload!
The day the halfling master engineer Percival
Blast (D6+3) while within 6" of a Halfling Master Engineer Arbuckle saw a steel behemoth grinding its way
Halflings engineers consider the dwarfen war- towards him was the day he fell in love. His lifes
smiths to be the ultimate masters of science work since that day has been to strive relentlessly
and technology and yearn to understand and to make his own and every one which leaves his
replicate their work. The howitzer is a more workshop improves upon the last. A blind eye
recent addition to the Leagues arsenal. is turned to his eccentric extremes so long as his
new battle-tanks keep rolling out the door.

Uncharted empires

Duke Hero (Inf) Duke on

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Winged Aralez Hero (Lrg Cav)
1 5 3+ 5+ 4 12/14 100 Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Special 1 10 3+ 5+ 5 13/15 170
Crushing Strength (1), Individual, Very Inspiring
Options Crushing Strength (2), Fly, Iron Resolve, Thunderous
Mount on horse (increase Speed to 8, change to Hero Charge (1), Very Inspiring
(Cav)) (+20 pts) Rarely, Aralez are born winged and these individuals
The rulers of the city-states. These nobles sit on become the dominant leaders in the family packs.
the council and between them ensure the smooth Binding with such an individual is incredibly tough
running of League. All make a commitment to and takes a great deal of endurance on both
stand alongside their subjects in times of war and sides but the honour of succeeding and the lasting
none have ever been known to shirk this duty. friendship that follows if successful is profound.

Baron Hero (Inf)

Duke on
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 3+ 5+ 4 10/12 70
Ancient Winged Aralez Hero (Mon)
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Crushing Strength (1), Individual, 1 10 3+ 5+ 7 15/17 225
Very Inspiring (non-halfling units only) Special
Options Crushing Strength (2), Fly, Heal (4), Iron Resolve,
Thunderous Charge (1), Very Inspiring
Mount on horse (increase Speed to 8, change to Hero
(Cav)) (+15 pts) The oldest, wisest and most powerful of the
The barons are responsible for governing the Aralez watch over their packs as guardians
sub-divisions within the League and while they and will only form a bond with those who
have some degree of autonomy, still take their wield similar power and responsibility.
orders and swear allegiance to their duke.

Baron on Aralez Hero (Lrg Cav)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 8 3+ 5+ 4 10/12 100
Crushing Strength (2), Iron Resolve, Thunderous
Charge (1), Very Inspiring (non-halfling units only)
All barons are granted the honour of attempting
the Binding so that they may fight alongside the
Honour Guard in battle.

Army Standard Bearer Hero (Inf)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 5+ 4+ 1 9/11 50
Individual, Very Inspiring

Mount on horse (increase Speed to 9, change to Hero
(Cav)) (+15 pts)
Every city-state, duke and baron have their own
colours which are proudly borne to battle by a

Uncharted empires

Wizard Hero (Inf) Wizard on

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Winged Aralez Hero (Lrg Cav)
1 5 4+ 4+ 1 10/12 50 Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Special 1 10 4+ 4+ 1 10/12 85
Fireball (6), Individual
Options Fireball(6), Fly, Iron Resolve, Thunderous Charge (1)
Lightning Bolt (3) (+25 pts) Options
Heal (2) (+10 pts) Lightning Bolt (3) (+25 pts)
Bane Chant (2) (+15 pts) Heal (2) (+10 pts)
Mount on horse (increase Speed to 9, change to Hero Bane Chant (2) (+15 pts)
(Cav)) (+15 pts)
Rarely, a wizard will ask his or her Duke for
Science and technology have their place but magic the honour of bonding with one of the majestic
is still very real in the world. Combining the winged Aralez. From their lofty vantage point
various disciplines is accepted and encouraged in as they soar above the battlefield, the pair can
the colleges and universities and even some halfling best judge where their magical assistance can
engineers have been known to have a quiet word best be utilised.
with a wizard about a special project or two.

Uncharted empires

Halfling Halfling Master Sergeant Hero (Inf)

Army Standard Bearer Hero (Inf) Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts 1 4 4+ 4+ 5+ 4 10/12 75
1 4 5+ 4+ 1 9/11 50 Special
Elite, Individual, Stealthy, Very Inspiring (halflings
Special only)
Individual, Stealthy, Very Inspiring (halflings only)
Bow (+10 pts)
Mount (increase Speed to 8) (+15 pts)
Mount (increase Speed to 7 and gain Thunderous
The shires too have their coats of arms and Charge (1), change to Hero (Cav)) (+15 pts)
carry them to war with immense pride. Small, tough and loud. When the master
sergeants are not keeping the ranks in line, they
are roaming the shires, looking for new recruits.

Halfling Master Engineer Hero (Inf) Halfling Sorcerer Hero (Inf)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 4 5+ 4+ 4+ 1 9/11 70 1 4 4+ 4+ 1 9/11 55
Special Special
Individual, Long Rifle, Piercing (2), Reload!, Stealthy, Individual, Stealthy, Wind Blast (7)
Very Inspiring (War Engines only)
Many halflings love to tinker, making cunning
Lightning Bolt (3) (+25)
tools from simple everyday items. Some are
Mount (increase Speed to 8, change to Hero (Cav))
exceptional inventors and take their love of all (+15 pts)
things mechanical to the cities and the colleges
where many have contributed to some fascinating Halflings dont often show a talent for channelling
innovations. Later in life they may retire back to magic but those that do are welcomed as brothers
their beloved homelands and in recent years some in the colleges. They are a respected and valued
bizarre and experimental farming machines have asset for the Leagues commanders.
been introduced although with very mixed results.
Most halflings treat these returning wanderers as
harmless eccentrics and arent quite ready to adopt
any new-fangled contraptions just yet.
Master engineers often accompany their inventions
on to the battlefield to see first-hand how well
they perform. They are often seen making minor
adjustments or scribbling furiously in their notebooks.

Battle Shrine [1] Hero (Lrg Cav)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 4+ 5+ 1 /14 130
Base Size: 50x100mm, Lightning Bolt (5), Rallying (2)
The church of the Children does not shy from
its spiritual and guiding duties and ensure they
are always a focal point for the Leagues
soldiers to rally around. At times of great need,
the church will allow one of the rare Battle
Shrines to be taken to war. These combine
innovative and experimental weaponry from the
College of Warcraft with blessed standards and

Uncharted empires

the trident
reAlm of neritiCA
A wind starts in the west, blowing in the
mountains and sighing gently onto the
plains below, following the paths carved
The Trident Realm
by once-mighty rivers. The wind squalls Special Rules
across the ocean, churning the surface
into a boiling and deadly surf that crashes Alignment: Neutral
into the coasts of island chains. As the Bait and Switch
storm unleashes its fury, lands are flooded, All units in this list have the Ensnare
ships and lives are lost. It streams over special rule, unless specified otherwise.
the land, a lofty spectator as it soars over
clashing armies and blood-stained fields.
It howls through the deserted remains of
a city ruined by earthquakes and villages The great Kyron was friend to all beasts of
devastated by flooding. The wind, which the land, air and sea. When his dark side
has travelled so far and seen so much helped reform the beasts of the earth and sky,
goes almost unnoticed by those below the the Dark Smith had also turned his cruelty
surface of the waters of the world. The on those of the sea. Hideous magic and dark
rivers, the seas, the oceans and the lakes powers roiled the waters of the world and
these are the domains of the Neriticans, man and beast were fused in terrible pain.
the fishmen. When The Lost were rescued by Brave Kyron,
those of the sea fled to the dark depths of the
oceans, sent away by their father to escape
his brothers evil curse. The beings that were
now neither of land nor sea but a strange
amalgam of both, hid themselves away in
terror, not understanding what had become
of them, lacking guidance.

Over the centuries that followed, the

fishmen slowly, cautiously, emerged from
their submarine retreat and began to explore
their new world and identity. Of the races on
the land, the fishmen identified most with
their fellow sufferers, the beastmen. Like
them, the fishmen began to fracture into
tribes and clans, sometimes divided by type,
sometimes by necessity. They too watched
The Great Hunt in the skies as Kyron stalked
his wicked self across the stars by night
and day. But the fishmen felt the effects of
the chase more keenly as the ocean tides
responded to the wandering gods.

As with many races, the fishmens influence

on the world since has waxed and waned.

Uncharted empires

They are fiercely territorial and have clashed ruled by a Neritican overlord or High King.
and sided with many land dwelling peoples, The kingdoms were born from the forced
especially when their watery domain is breakup of a former larger empire when the
encroached upon by the vile, filthy cities war against Winter ended and the Infant Sea
that are built on coasts and rivers. Their was created. This catastrophic event had
relative isolation and remoteness has given far reaching consequences above and below
them a certain aloofness to the general the surface. The three new kingdoms may
woes and conflicts of the other races, but bicker and squabble amongst themselves
when their anger is roused, few can stand but they have a unity of sorts and together
in the way of the hordes that pour forth form the Trident Realm.
from the ocean waters. They still feel the
call in their hearts to protect the Mother The Neriticans major allies are, predictably,
world from the darkness from which they those of the forces of nature and the
were rescued and this more than anything beastmen with whom they share a common
is what drives them to arms and to venture history and empathy. The armies of the
onto the land. The most common of the fishmen will march to war whenever they
Neriticans to be seen above the surface feel threatened or the natural balance of
are the Naiads. These lithe and graceful the world is endangered. Orcs in particular
warriors are often seen fighting alongside have learnt to be wary of water.
the armies of the Mother herself and, far
more rarely, with some human realms lucky When the winds of war blow strong and
enough to acquire their services. sweep across the land, they stir the waters
of the world and nervous eyes keep watch
Deep under the seas and oceans, there of the rising tide. Who knows what will
currently exist three major kingdoms, each emerge from the depths?

Uncharted empires

Naiad Ensnarers Infantry Naiad Heartpiercers Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 5 4+ 3+ 10 9/11 100 Troop (10) 5 5+ 4+ 3+ 8 9/11 120
Regiment (20) 5 4+ 3+ 12 13/15 140 Regiment (20) 5 5+ 4+ 3+ 10 13/15 160
Horde (40) 5 4+ 3+ 25 20/22 230 Special
Special Harpoon-gun, Piercing (1), Pathfinder, Regeneration
Pathfinder, Regeneration (4+) (4+)
This unit does not have Ensnare
Flitting between alluringly beautiful and
terrifyingly ferocious, Naiads draw power from In cruel mockery of the seafarers who have
the water. As long as they are near to the ocean, long invaded their ocean realm, preying on
a river, or even an underground spring, they can sea creatures, Naiad Heartpiercers carry heavy
regenerate the most grievous wounds. harpoon-launchers. Blessed with incredible
longevity, Naiads spend several lifetimes practising
with these weapons, becoming preternaturally
Thuul Infantry deadly shots.

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts

Troop (10) 5 3+ 3+ 15 10/12 105
Regiment (20) 5 3+ 3+ 20 14/16 140
These ferocious creatures are a bizarre blend
of halfling and octopus. Only a fool would
underestimate them however and there are the
bodies of many fools now feeding the things that
lurk in the depths.
Riverguard Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 6 4+ 5+ 4+ 10 10/12 120
Placoderms Infantry Regiment (20) 6 4+ 5+ 4+ 12 14/16 160
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Special
Regiment (20) 4 4+ 6+ 15 13/15 175 Fly (Speed remains as 6), Pathfinder.
Horde (40) 4 4+ 6+ 30 20/22 290 Throwing Weapons, Vicious
This unit does not have Ensnare
Phalanx Options
This unit does not have Ensnare Exchange shields for two-handed weapons for free
(lower Defence to 3+, gain Crushing Strength (1))
Exchange shields for two-handed weapons for free The riverguard are the ever watchful amphibian
(lower Defence to 5+, gain Crushing Strength (1)) sentinels for the Trident Realm. Their ability
to leap beyond enemy lines and cause panic
Heavily armoured fishmen warriors armed with with their poisonous attacks is much prized by
tridents, pikes and tough, natural scale mail. Neritican commanders.
These warriors often form the hard core of the
Netitican battle lines.
Water Elementals Large Infantry
Nokken Infantry Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (3) 7 4+ 5+ 9 /14 145
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Horde (6) 7 4+ 5+ 18 /17 220
Troop (10) 5 6+ 3+ 10 9/11 105
Regiment (20) 5 6+ 3+ 12 13/15 140 Special
Crushing Strength (1), Pathfinder, Regeneration (5+),
Special Shambling
Breath (Att), Vanguard, Regeneration (5+) This unit does not have Ensnare
This unit does not have Ensnare
Unbridled spirits, Water Elementals are entities
Small, sly and elusive surf demons that lie in of raw energy, bound together by the magic of
wait as innocent pools of standing water. They the Neriticans and the will of the Trident Kings.
swarm around and pour themselves into their Taking the form of sentient tidal waves, their
hapless victims who die a horrible, watery death. fury is unmatched on the battlefield.

Uncharted empires

Depth Horrors Large Infantry

Tidal Swarm* Large Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (3) 6 3+ 3+ 9 13/15 120
Regiment (3) 5 5+ 2+ 15 /12 75
Horde (6) 6 3+ 3+ 18 16/18 185
Horde (6) 5 5+ 2+ 30 /15 115
Crushing Strength (1)
Height 0, Nimble
In the dark, cold places beneath the waves,
Such is the awesome mastery and will of the Trident
horrifying creatures lurk in a submarine world
Kings that they hold sway over even the smallest of
almost devoid of light. When summoned to fight
creatures and can command them to war.
for the Realm, these hideous creatures emerge
from their caves and lurch blinking and hungry
towards their next unfortunate meal.
Naiad Wyrmriders Large Cavalry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (3) 8 3+ 4+ 9 12/14 155
Gigas Large Infantry Horde (6) 8 3+ 4+ 18 15/17 240
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Special
Regiment (3) 4 3+ 4+ 6 12/14 125 Crushing Strength (1), Pathfinder, Regeneration (4+),
Thunderous Charge (1)
Horde (6) 4 3+ 4+ 12 14/16 190
This unit does not have Ensnare
Big Shield, Crushing Strength (3), Height 1 Riding upon supernatural sea serpents, Naiads
add their spite and fury to the charge of their
This unit does not have Ensnare
ferocious mounts. Though their powers are
The deadly pincer-like claws of these huge limited out of water, these great sea-wyrms are
crustaceans can crush and slice through even carried into battle on currents of magic for a
the thickest plate armour while their own natural limited time which is usually all they need to
protection makes them a fearsome foe. smash asunder the enemy ranks.

Uncharted empires

Greater Water Elemental Monster Coral Giant Monster

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 7 4+ 5+ 8 /18 190 1 7 4+ 5+ 1D6+5 16/18 200
Special Special
Crushing Strength (2), Regeneration (5+), Shambling Brutal, Crushing Strength (3), Iron Resolve, Strider
This unit does not have Ensnare A huge, living embodiment of the ocean and
When the need is very great, the Neriticans its defiance and might. The coral giant is
may summon a Greater Elemental to battle. a silent killer that smashes bone and flesh
These towering behemoths loom large over the with its massive fists, pausing occasionally
battlefield like aqueous giants. while its body knits back together before
ploughing on once more along a relentless
path of destruction.
Kraken Monster
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Leviathans Bane War Engine
1 7 4+ 4+ 12 15/17 230
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Special 1 5 5+ 4+ 2 10/12 95
Crushing Strength (2), Regeneration (4+), Strider
The terrifying monster known as the kraken forms Blast (D3+1), Piercing (4), Reload!
the basis of many of the myths and legends that
strike fear into the seafaring folk of all the races Enraged by the callous slaughter of the oceans
of the world. When disturbed and angered, the most magnificent creatures, Naiad Heartpiercers
biggest specimens can wrap themselves around bring these massive harpoon guns to battle
the hull of even the largest warships and crush that can pierce even the thickest hide. Known
them into nothing but matchwood and flotsam. to surface dwellers as Leviathans Bane, to the
Naiad crew, they are the Leviathans Revenge.

Knucker Monster
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Naiad Envoy Hero (Inf)
1 9 4+ 4+ 6 13/15 145 Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 4+ 4+ 1 9/11 60
Nimble, Pathfinder, Thunderous Charge (3) Special
Individual, Inspiring, Pathfinder, Regeneration (4+)
These water-wyrms use their natural camouflage
and stealth to slither unseen as they hunt their The large, marbled conch shells carried by these
quarry. They are lightning fast predators and royal courtiers are used to convey messages in
strike to kill with unerring accuracy, stunning times of war as well as announcing the presence
their prey if not killing them outright. of Neritican royalty. The shells reverberate with
a deep, sibilant and mournful tone that echoes
across the battlefield.

Naiad Centurion Hero (Inf)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Riverguard Captain Hero (Inf)
1 6 3+ 4+ 5+ 4 11/13 110 Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 3+ 5+ 4 11/13 115
Crushing Strength (1), Individual, Inspiring, Special
Pathfinder, Regeneration (4+) Crushing Strength (1), Fly (Speed remains as 6),
Inspiring (Riverguard only), Pathfinder, Vicious
Harpoon-gun (gain Piercing (1)) (+20 pts) This unit does not have Ensnare

Despite their capricious nature, Naiads are very The Captains of the Riverguard are given responsibility
structured in the way they organise themselves for for whole river basins or lake systems. It is their duty
war. Naiad Centurions are trusted with command to relay all news to their Neritican superiors and
of a highly effective combined-arms company of they are regularly visited by the royal envoys of the
Ensnarers, Heartpiercers and Wyrmriders. Trident Realm in order to make their reports.

Uncharted empires

Thuul Mythican Hero (Inf) Naiad Wymrider

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Centurion Hero (Lrg Cav)
1 5 3+ 4+ 5 10/12 75 Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Special 1 8 3+ 5+ 6 13/15 150
Crushing Strength (1), Individual
Options Crushing Strength (1), Inspiring, Pathfinder,
Lightning Bolt (3) (+20 pts) Regeneration (4+), Thunderous Charge (1)
Wind Blast (5) (+30 pts) This unit does not have Ensnare
Surge (7) (+40 pts)
Bane Chant (2) (+15 pts) Leading from the front alongside the Naiad
cavalry, a sea-wyrm mount gives the Centurion
These betentacled and slippery fiends are aggressive a superior view of the battlefield to better co-
and surprisingly powerful given their size. Many ordinate her forces.
individuals are also able to attune themselves to,
and channel, the currents of raw magic that flow
both above and below the surface.
Siren[1] Hero (Inf)
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 4+ 3+ 1 12/14 140
Individual, Stealthy, Sirens Call: This is a Wind
Blast (8) spell, but moves the target unit towards the
Siren rather than away (for example, if the Siren is
in the enemys front arc then it will move forwards
rather than backwards). Any enemy unit hit with the
Wind Blast spell is automatically Disordered during
its next turn. Units with the Shambling special rule
cannot be targeted by Sirens Call.
The Siren was once a Naiad Stalker who
rescued a half-elf sailor from a shipwreck off
Placoderm Defender Hero (Inf) the treacherous eastern coastline of the Forsaken
Isles. Against all odds, the two fell deeply in
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts love. When her unlikely lover was murdered by a
1 4 3+ 6+ 6 11/13 110 Twilight Kin slavers crew, the Sirens vengeance
was terrible. Since that day she has lived with
Special an unfathomable grief and her haunting song
Individual, Inspiring (Placoderms only), Phalanx as she pines for a love returned ripples across
This unit does not have Ensnare the ocean, luring unfortunates to their eventual
doom when they do not live up to her warped
and broken dreams.
Exchange shields for two-handed weapons for free
(lower Defence to 5+, gain Crushing Strength (1))
Standing resplendent in gleaming scale mail,
the Defenders are stoic champions that have Trident King [1] Hero (Lrg Cav)
a peerless skill and determination to hold back Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
whole bodies of troops single-handedly.
1 8 4+ 5+ 12 14/16 220
Depth Horror Eternal Hero (Large Inf)
Base Size: 50x100mm, Breath (Att), Crushing
Strength (1), Piercing (1), Thunderous Charge (1),
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Very Inspiring
1 6 3+ 3+ 5 14/16 120 Titans of the seas, the Trident Kings rule with
an iron fist and a supreme will. Wearing one
of the fabled masks of the medusa, the true
Crushing Strength (2), Inspiring (Depth Horrors only),
appearance and identity of the kings is known
to only a small number of trusted confidants
Ugly, horrible brutes that haul themselves from and the immediate royal families. When waging
their watery lairs to delight in the rich flavour war, they mount one of their incredibly elaborate
of the fresh meat on offer in the strange, dry giant clam chariots, pulled by a quartet of
world above. iridescent sea-wyrms.

Uncharted empires

the empire of dust

History does not record the origins of
necromancy but its influence is indelibly
etched in the chronicle of the world. There
The Empire of Dust
is compelling evidence however that its Special Rules
spread is entwined with the story of the
ancient Ahmunites. Alignment: Evil
Curse of Undeath
South of the Infant Sea, there is an expanse of All units in this list have the Lifeleech (1)
arid desert that is truly vast, stretching along special rule, unless specified otherwise.
most of the lower seaboard. The mysterious
and beguiling kingdom of Ophidia, sustained Casket of the Damned
by its rich river valley, occupies much of The souls of the damned are released from
the west - precious oases, desert cities and their prison to drive the unit towards its foe.
other, stranger kingdoms scattered across Mark a unit that has a casket with an
its interior. But beyond Ophidia, mysterious appropriate model. Once per game, when
ruins, dead trees, and the bones of long this unit is targeted by a Surge spell, you
extinct creatures are all that challenge the may roll an additional 5 dice which count
whispering sand for space. Straddling the towards the total Surge result. This must
Wastes of Ophidia and the wretched land be declared before rolling any dice for the
further south lie the broken towns and cities spell. Remove any model used to represent
of the once great empire of the Ahmunites. the casket once it has been used.

In the Time of Light, beyond the scorched

and barren region now known as the
Cracked Lands, a people migrated north. The once fertile lands began to dry, and
Driven from their own lands by years hot, arid winds howled from the south -
of drought and plague, they sought and and as they blew, the whispers of the dead
found a new land, with rich soils and fresh, were heard in the ears of the black-hearted,
bountiful rivers. As they settled and slowly sowing the seeds of destruction. The practice
began to re-establish themselves, they of Purification began to spread insidiously.
begun to explore and trade with the other More and more people were raised from their
noble races. Relations and trade pacts were rest, slaves for the living. Protests or consent
built between the elves to the west and from families was ignored. Spurred on by
kingdoms of men and dwarfs to the far their necromancer shills, the noble houses
east and north. The Ahmunites flourished, plunged ever deeper into the darkness and
becoming an influential and important cog the central cities of the empire began to echo
in the economic and political stability of with the shambling and mournful groans of
the southern regions. the dead. Souls and bodies were unwillingly
forced back into service.
It began as most things do. An idea
corrupted and warped. The Ahmunites Necropolises were found empty, sarcophagi
had long revered the dead, believing in an split apart and children and adults alike
existence after the mortal vessel had served feared the setting of the sun which heralded
its purpose. They had dabbled a little in the terror of the night as the nobles and
the art of necromancy and a vain fashion their private armies of the dead turned on
amongst the noble classes developed each other. As the Ahmunite empire began
raising their most loyal warriors to serve to consume itself from within, the princes in
again in their undeath in a rite known the furthest northern sepats agreed to take
incongruously as Purification. their people and escape the madness. A mass

Uncharted empires

exodus began as tens of thousands fled to the Gathering together their most trusted and
east, the remnants of culture transplanted to masterful Magi, the God-Kings summoned
a new home. They settled around the mouth the most powerful and spiteful of the
of the great river, now called Hokh-man, and demonic Djinn. Together, they unleashed
forged themselves a new life. The princes were a monstrous and lethal sand storm that
seen as the saviours of their subjects and were engulfed the Ahmunite armies, flensing
to be revered as the God-Kings of the people. skin and flesh from bone and driving them
back to the wastes. Plagues of insects, so
The great journey had taken its toll and vast they blotted out the sun, descended on
the young Ophidian realm was desperately the cities of the Ahmunites and devoured
vulnerable and short of man-power. Aghast the living so thoroughly that as the swarm
at the decision they must take, the God-Kings passed by, only bones remained.
finally decreed that once again necromancy
must be used to return their people from the The Ahmunite people were driven back into
grave. But this time the motives were different their broken, crumbling cities and scoured
not selfish, not arrogant. Service to the from the face of the world. The Ophidian
new empire would be for altruistic reasons. curse condemned an entire civilisation to
Strict laws were established to control the an eternal torment of undeath, stripped
learning and practice of the once dark art. bare for all to see as a terrible reminder to
As the fledgling empire grew and became the those who seek to abuse power and believe
masters of undeath, the God-Kings cast their they can master both life and death. What
sad eyes south, to the people they had left was once a prosperous, sprawling empire of
behind and watched an ancient empire tear merchants, art, learning and science is now
itself apart. The madness had to be stopped a shattered, bitter, hateful and smouldering
before it could spread any further, before the lesson against hubris and conceit.
armies of the dead turned their baleful gazes
to the wider world. An empire of dust.

Uncharted empires

Skeleton Warriors Infantry Skeleton Spearmen Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 5 5+ 4+ 10 /12 65 Troop (10) 5 5+ 4+ 10 /12 75
Regiment (20) 5 5+ 4+ 12 /16 90 Regiment (20) 5 5+ 4+ 15 /16 105
Horde (40) 5 5+ 4+ 25 /23 150 Horde (40) 5 5+ 4+ 30 /23 175
Special Special
Shambling Phalanx, Shambling

Options Options
Casket of the Damned (+10 pts) Casket of the Damned (+10 pts)
Even in death, the Priests and Pharaohs can rely Ranks of glittering speartips were a common
on the unwavering obedience of their people and sight in the armies of the Ahmunites. These
their skeletons unquestionable esprit de corpse. skeletal warriors still remember how to form a
wall of lethal metal points.

Revenants Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 5 4+ 5+ 10 /13 85
Regiment (20) 5 4+ 5+ 12 /17 120
Horde (40) 5 4+ 5+ 25 /24 200

Exchange shields for two-handed weapons for free
(lower Defence to 4+, gain Crushing Strength (1))
Casket of the Damned (+10 pts)
Skeleton Archers Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Revenants are the reanimated remains of elite
fighters, belonging to Ahmunite guard regiments Troop (10) 5 6+ 5+ 3+ 8 /12 75
and other troops that were better equipped and Regiment (20) 5 6+ 5+ 3+ 10 /16 100
trained than the average. This results in tougher, Horde (40) 5 6+ 5+ 3+ 20 /23 165
more skilled and more resilient undead warriors.
Bows, Shambling

Casket of the Damned (+10 pts)
The Ahmunite armies liked to darken the skies
with a hail of death. Their archers have been
raised from the grave with a modicum of their
former skill.

Skeleton Crossbowmen Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Mummies Infantry
Troop (10) 5 6+ 5+ 3+ 8 /12 85 Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (20) 5 6+ 5+ 3+ 10 /16 115 Troop (10) 5 4+ 5+ 10 /14 120
Horde (40) 5 6+ 5+ 3+ 20 /23 190 Regiment (20) 5 4+ 5+ 12 /18 170
Special Special
Crossbows, Piercing (1), Reload!, Shambling Crushing Strength (2), Regeneration (5+), Shambling

Options Options
Casket of the Damned (+10 pts) Casket of the Damned (+10 pts)
Consider new-fangled and highly experimental The embalmed corpses of these ancient Ahmunite
by the Ahmunites, these dry, cracked and ancient princes from the southern deserts are slow but
weapons can still pack a lethal punch. fearsome and immensely strong.

Uncharted empires

Skeleton Cavalry Cavalry Skeleton Archer Cavalry Cavalry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (5) 9 5+ 4+ 7 /13 85 Troop (5) 9 6+ 5+ 3+ 7 /13 95
Regiment (10) 9 5+ 4+ 14 /16 130 Regiment (10) 9 6+ 5+ 3+ 14 /16 145
Special Special
Nimble, Shambling, Thunderous Charge (1) Bows, Nimble, Shambling

Options Options
Casket of the Damned (+10 pts) Casket of the Damned (+10 pts)
Once the light cavalry of the Ahmunite armies, Adept at sniping and hit and run attacks, the
these desert horsemen and their steeds now serve speed of these skeletal riders is as unnerving as
the same function in death as they did in life. their baleful glowing eyes.

Enslaved Guardians Large Infantry Enslaved

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Guardians Archers Large Infantry
Regiment (3) 6 4+ 5+ 9 /14 160 Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Horde (6) 6 4+ 5+ 18 /17 245 Regiment (3) 6 5+ 5+ 4+ 9 /14 160
Special Horde (6) 6 5+ 5+ 4+ 18 /17 245
Crushing Strength (2), Shambling, WindBlast (5)
Options Crushing Strength (1), Heavy Crossbows,
Casket of the Damned (+10 pts) Piercing (2), Reload!, Shambling

Powerful desert spirits, these enslaved djinn are Options

eternally bound by dark sorcery and encased in Casket of the Damned (+10 pts)
ancient runic armour. The mystical power of the enslaved djinn allows
these warriors to wield crossbows almost as large
as siege weapons with disturbing ease.

Swarm* Large Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Scavengers* Large Infantry
Regiment (3) 6 5+ 2+ 9 /12 65 Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Horde (6) 6 5+ 2+ 18 /15 100 Regiment (3) 10 5+ 4+ 9 10/12 90
Special Horde (6) 10 5+ 4+ 18 13/15 135
Height 0, Shambling, Vanguard
Desert beetles, locusts and other, even more Fly, Lifeleech(2)
unpleasant creatures, summoned in swarms and
The arid and almost lifeless lands of the south
compelled by dark sorcery.
offer only dusty, rotting scraps for carrion birds
to viciously squabble and kill for.

Uncharted empires

Revenant Chariots Large Cavalry Revenant Worm Riders Large Cavalry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (3) 7 4+ 5+ 4+ 8 /14 115 Regiment (3) 6 4+ 5+ 12 /14 135
Horde (6) 7 4+ 5+ 4+ 16 /17 175 Horde (6) 6 4+ 5+ 24 /17 210
Special Special
Base Size: 50x100mm, Bows, Shambling, Thunderous Crushing Strength (1), Thunderous Charge (1)
Charge (2)
Capturing and riding the great desert sand worms
Options was seen as great sport by the Ahmunite nobility
Casket of the Damned (+10 pts) and their champions were often bequeathed
Once used in both ceremonial roles and in the finest specimens to reward loyalty and for
times of conflict, these heavy chariots now only competition. Even in death, these revenant warriors
see service in the ranks of the empires army, retain their former skills and worms are still
thundering towards the enemy and bearing the captured and used today to carry them to battle.
revenants to war.

Scorpion Husk Monster Bone Giant Monster

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 4+ 5+ 8 /14 145 1 7 4+ 5+ 1D6+6 -/19 190
Special Special
Crushing Strength (2), Shambling, Vanguard, Vicious Brutal, Crushing Strength (3), Shambling, Strider
The desiccated and broken exoskeletons of these All manner of man and beast have become lost
huge and powerful desert beasts are a terrifying and wandered aimlessly to their deaths in the
sight to behold as they scurry in darting motions barren wastelands of the Cracked Lands and
across the sand. They often lie in wait, partially southern deserts. Hill giants rarely venture so far
hidden in the dunes, ready to crush and stab but their fate is the same as all others - eternal
the enemy with their fearsome pincers and service in the unholy ranks of the empire.
venomous tails.

Reanimated Behemoth Monster

Bone Dragon Monster Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 4+ 6+ 9 /16 190
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 10 4+ 4+ 9 /17 200 Special
Base Size: 50x100mm, Crushing Strength (3),
Special Shambling
Crushing Strength (3), Fly, Shambling
The long dead remains of great dragons, Equip with a Light Balefire Catapult (Range 36",
wyverns or wyrms. Their once majestic bodies Indirect, Ra 5+, 1 Attack, Blast (D3+2), Piercing (1),
now crackle with necromancy and the screams Vicious (ranged attacks only)) (+20 pts)
of lost souls can be heard as dry desert winds
whip through their yellowing bones. Long dead beasts of burden or of war. There
are even the bones of ancient giant lizards half
buried in the dunes following a rumours second
reptilian exodus to the world beyond the Cracked
Lands. The massive frames of these long dead
behemoths are wrapped in dark magic and sent
forth to crush and smash those who defy the
Pharaohs will.

Uncharted empires

Balefire Catapult War Engine Monolith [1] War Engine

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 5+ 4+ 1 /11 100 1 5+ /18 80
Special Special
Blast (D6+2), Indirect, Piercing (2), Reload!, Advanced Deployment, Base Size: 75x75mm (cannot
Shambling, Vicious be increased by exceptional base sizes) Height 4,
Certainly not precise or fast, the skeletons crewing
While within 6" of the Monolith, friendly, non-allied
these war machines are nevertheless more reliable
units add+2 to their spells (n) values.
than their living counterparts and totally relentless
in their occupation. Ancient standing stones, expertly tapered and
decorated with secret meanings are scattered
throughout the desert lands of the south. The
Soul Snare [1] War Engine elven scholars have tried to study them from
afar and believe they form some kind of power
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts grid although their purpose and how they work
1 5 4+ /15 150 remains unfathomable. In battle, the hieroglyphs
on the sand-blasted stones glow with an inner fire,
Special fuelling the spells of the empires necromancers.
Heal (4), Lightning Bolt (6), Reload!, Stealthy
The swirling, mystical energies of the Soul Snare float
ominously above the ground radiating malevolence.
The beguiling and evil miasma will strike out to rip
the essence from the living and feed the soldiers of
the empire with freshly captured souls.

Uncharted empires

Revenant Champion Hero (Inf) Revenant Champion

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts on Worm Hero (Large Cav)
1 5 4+ 5+ 4 /14 85 Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Special 1 6 4+ 5+ 7 /14 135
Crushing Strength (1), Individual,
Inspiring (Revenants only)
Crushing Strength (1), Inspiring (Revenants only),
Options Thunderous Charge (2)
Mount (increase Speed to 8, change to Hero (Cav)) Powerful and deadly warriors that sit astride
(+15 pts) a writhing and hungry sand worm. The
Often the leaders of a personal bodyguard or champions survey the battlefield from their
the head of a private army, these experienced vantage point, looking for the choicest targets to
fighters have been reanimated to continue their attack and deliver the wrath of their Pharaoh
sworn duties into the afterlife. upon the living.

Ahmunite Pharaoh Hero (Inf) Ahmunite Pharaoh

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts on Royal Chariot Hero (Large Cav)
1 5 3+ 6+ 5 /16 155 Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Special 1 7 3+ 5+ 7 /16 195
Crushing Strength (2), Individual, Inspiring,
Regeneration (5+), Surge (8) Special
Base Size: 50x100mm, Crushing Strength (2), Inspiring,
Driven by a willpower that conquered death itself Regeneration (5+), , Surge (8), Thunderous Charge (1)
centuries past, these fallen nobles are almost
unstoppable in their unquenchable wrath. Great Pulled by wraith-like skeletal horses, the Pharaohs
is their ire and the vengeance they exact on chariot crushes the enemies of the empire under its
those that are greedy and foolish enough to dare wheels as the cursed ruler radiates their ruthless
violate their majestic burial complexes. dominion over minions and foe alike.

Uncharted empires

Cursed High Priest Hero (Inf) Idol of Shobik[1] Hero (Monster)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 5+ 4+ 1 /13 120 1 7 3+ 6+ 10 /18 350
Special Special
Individual, Inspiring, Surge (10) Aura of Shobik (all friendly, non-allied units within 6
have the Iron Resolve special rule), Crushing Strength (4),
Options Heal (6), Shambling, Strider, Very Inspiring,
Heal(4) (+15 pts or swap for Surge (10) for free)
Wind Blast (5) (+30 pts) Now one of the long forgotten deities, Shobiks
Breath (12) and Vicious (+20 pts) giant statues, lodestones for both worship and
Mount on a horse, increasing Speed to 8 (+15 pts) arcane magic, once stood proudly at the entrance
and changing to Hero (Cav) to temple, palace and mausoleum alike. The
cracked and pitted ruins of these idols still simmer
Politically powerful and devious, the high priests
with innate power and can be summoned to life
were often rumoured to be the real power behind
by high priests chanting blasphemous texts from
the thrones of the Ahmunites. They share their
forbidden scrolls.
masters bitterness and hatred of the living and
seek revenge for the terrible curse put upon them.
Undead Army
Standard Bearer Hero (Inf)
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 5+ 4+ 1 /13 50
Individual, Inspiring, Shambling

Mount (increase Speed to 8, change to Hero (Cav))
(+15 pts)
Most undead are uninterested in honour and duty,
but the sorcery that imbues the gory standards
of their armies are a source of unliving energy
that sustains the minions of the Pharaohs.

Uncharted empires

night-stAlKer Armies
The elven Conclave of Heaven was a
secretive intellectual project devoted to
the study of higher consciousness and
Night-stalker Army
the nature of divinity. The pinnacle of Special Rules
the conclaves achievements came when
it attracted the attentions of the young Alignment: Evil
and seemingly curious Celestian known Stolen Dreams
as Oskan. While contact was often brief All units in this list have the Mindthirst
and sporadic, Oskan seemed to display special rule, unless specified otherwise.
a bond with the elves and hinted at great
changes soon to come with wonderful gifts Trans-dimensional
bestowed upon the mortal world. Oskan All units in this list have the Stealthy
began to teach the elven arch-mages how special rule, unless specified otherwise.
to travel the paths between worlds and Mindthirst
walk in the footsteps of the gods, luring If this unit is within 12 of an enemy
them ever further away from their bodies, unit with the Inspiring or Very Inspiring
testing their minds for his own amusement. special rule and is Routed, the opponent
One day, the entire conclave were invited must re-roll that Nerve test. The second
deeper into the paths, beyond the mists result stands.
of time, with Oskan leading and the elves
In addition, a Night-stalker army may not
displaying an almost childish glee to see
take the Inspiring Talisman magic artefact.
the wonders of the galaxy and other,
unimaginable planes of existence.

Then Elinathora smashed The Fenulian

Mirror. Chaos erupted and sorcerous
turmoil swept across the land and skies as
the bodies of the Celestians were ripped in
two. As Oskans body was split in twain, the
backwash of cosmic energy shattered the
bodies, minds and spirits of the conclave
around him. Acting as a conduit for this
devastating surge of raw power, the mortal
bodies of the elves formed the epicentre of
an explosion that utterly destroyed the city
where the conclave had met. The souls of the
entire population and all living creatures for
miles in every direction were torn from the
mortal plane and scattered across countless
dimensions; the screams of the victims
echoing across both time and space. Feeding
greedily on the minds so cruelly sacrificed,
Oskan, Father of Lies, was born.

When Domivar created the Abyss with the

axe of Oskan it created a rent not only in
the earth but in the fabric of the universe
too. The Abyss leaks realities from other

Uncharted empires

dimensions and feeds them in return. Its They take many forms often perceived by
dark energy in constant flux, the power of different races in different ways depending
the Abyss will wax and wane over time. on the superstitions and fears of a culture
or individual. As in the life they were so
The Abyss and other sites like it across the cruelly ripped away from though, there are
world of Mantica are areas where reality has many different types of stalker, sometimes
thinned and it is such places that draw the even remnants of memories and personality.
things from other dimensions to the mortal Great forces of the stalkers band together
world. Its here, behind these fragile barriers when the Abyss pulsates with power and
between realities, that unimaginable things ghastly phantasms will sweep through the
gather and lurk, desperate to return to the shadows of the mortal realm and the fear
world from which they were so horrifically that precedes them is the very thing they
torn. These are what remains of the beings need for nourishment.
ripped from the world as Oskan was born.
These are the Night-stalkers. As the power of the Abyss wanes, the
stalkers are no more dangerous than bad
The Night-stalkers are the dreams, dreams and tales to frighten children.
nightmares, fears and horrors of mortals When an army marches to feast however,
become manifest. They lurk in the shadows their feeding frenzy is a terror of death
and feed on the most powerful of mortal as they frantically try to occupy mortal,
emotions such as fear, hatred and pride. or even undead bodies, in a futile attempt
As the strength of the Abyss swells and to root themselves in something physical
fades, so too do the armies of the stalkers, within Mantica once more.
living in the minds of mortals as they sleep.

Uncharted empires

Reapers Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 5 3+ 4+ 20 11/14 155
Regiment (20) 5 3+ 4+ 25 15/18 220
Crushing Strength (1)
Armed with a bewildering array of wicked
looking knives, limbs, claws and scythes, Reapers
stalk the dreams of those who abhor wanton
violence, torture or pain, hell-bent on delivering
their worst fears.

Spectres Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 6 6+ 4+ 3+ 8 10/13 100
Regiment (20) 6 6+ 4+ 3+ 10 14/17 140
Firebolt, Pathfinder, Piercing(1)
Ghostly, skeletal and cowardly creatures. Spectres
stay close together and lurk in the freezing air
which eddies and swirls around them, lashing
out with tendrils of white soul-sucking mist at
the choicest and most vulnerable targets. Doppelgangers Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (20) 5 5+ 4+ 10 14/17 150
When this unit attacks an enemy unit in melee, it
may opt to use the enemys profile for its melee
attacks instead of its own. If it does so then it
uses the enemy units Melee stat, Attacks stat and
Crushing Strength value for that turn instead of
its own. Any magical artefacts the enemy unit has
are ignored. The Dopplegangers themselves may
still use a magic artefact as normal if they have one
(apply any bonuses granted after the decision on
which stats to use).
Faceless, silent and yet spine-chillingly creepy.
No matter how desperately the enemy fight,
Blood Worms Infantry the Doppelgangers match them blow for blow,
turning their own fear and panic against them.
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (20) 5 4+ 4+ 15 11/14 120
Horde (40) 5 4+ 4+ 30 17/20 200 Scarecrows Infantry
Legion (60) 5 4+ 4+ 40 23/26 290 Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Special Regiment (20) 5 5+ 3+ 15 /14 80
Lifeleech(2) Horde (40) 5 5+ 3+ 30 /21 130
Slithering and sliming their way over the ground, Legion (60) 5 5+ 3+ 40 /27 190
through windows and up walls; the glistening
black and swollen bodies of the blood worms
are fat with the lifeblood of their victims. Even
giants have been brought down once enough The zombie-like scarecrows are always right
worms have swarmed over them and sunk a behind you, shuffling relentlessly and endlessly
multitude of teeth into their juicy flesh. no matter how fast you run.

Uncharted empires

Phantoms Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 10 4+ 5+ 10 /12 130
Regiment (20) 10 4+ 5+ 12 /16 185
Crushing Strength (1), Fly, Shambling
Phantasms that appear as cloaked, floating bodies.
Their partially hooded heads reveal glimpses of
the screaming and bloody skulls of people trapped
between worlds.

Shadowhounds* Cavalry

Needle-fangs* Large Infantry Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts

Troop (5) 9 4+ 4+ 10 10/13 130
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Regiment (10) 9 4+ 4+ 20 14/17 200
Regiment (3) 5 5+ 3+ 12 9/12 85
Horde (6) 5 5+ 3+ 24 13/16 120
Height 1, Nimble, Regeneration (5+), Thunderous
Special Charge (1)
Height 0, Pathfinder, Vanguard
Huge, black, twin headed canines, with gnashing
The slightest opening is enough to invite the jaws and fur matted with vile ectoplasm. Hunting
presence of these foul beasts. They can pour in packs, those lucky to escape can still hear the
through keyholes and under doors as they flow howling in their heads long after they have awoken.
towards their food. Needle-fangs form a black
tide of crawling, skittering, shapeless things and
spiteful, hungry warp pixies.
Nightmares* Large Cavalry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (3) 10 3+ 4+ 9 13/16 180
Crushing Strength (1), Fly, Thunderous Charge (1),
Windblast (5)
This unit is not Stealthy
Death incarnate, the Nightmares sit astride their
ghastly mounts whose six demonic hooves burn
with a cold blue fire. Nightmares and their steeds
are borne across the mortal realms on invisible
streams of evil, leaked from another plane and
can summon icy winds to chill a body but keep
the mind alive and fresh for later.

Fiends Large Cavalry

Butchers Large Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Regiment (3) 8 4+ 4+ 12 13/16 130
Regiment (3) 6 4+ 5+ 9 /15 145 Horde (6) 8 4+ 4+ 24 17/20 200
Horde (6) 6 4+ 5+ 18 /18 220
Special Crushing Strength (1), Vicious
Crushing Strength (2), Shambling
Fiends prey on hatred and jealousy. Empowered
Butchers are uncompromising, unsubtle and by these powerful emotions, they are drawn to
brutally efficient killers. To many they appear as those who plot and scheme revenge and spin
an horrific hybrid of ogre, golem and squid, with webs of lies. They are terrifying, arachnid-like
massive cleavers in their many hands covered in monsters with venomous fangs and a chitinous
dripping gore. armour that reflects no light.

Uncharted empires

Terror Monster
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 3+ 3+ 15 /20 255
Crushing Strength (1), Ensnare, Regeneration (4+),
This unit is not Stealthy
Even the beasts of the ocean were ripped bodily
from the world by Oskans deception. The plunging
depths and trenches of the worlds seas were no
refuge from the catastrophe. Terrors are grotesque
masses of blubber, slime and indiscriminate parts
of the kraken they might once have been.

Mind-screech Monster
Screamer Monster
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 6+ 4+ 4+ 12 16/19 230
1 4 6+ 4+ 3 11/14 115
Firebolt, Height 2, Pathfinder, Piercing (3) Special
Height 2, Lightning Bolt (5)
Armour is of little use against the probing and
invasive psychic attacks of this insidious and Like the Mind-screech, the Screamer attacks the
devious monstrosity. Victims fall to the ground senses but will strike out in a savage assault that
screaming silently, their hands clasped to bleeding overloads the targets nervous system, stunning them
ears. Their comrades are powerless to help them... where they stand for others to leech from.
and then they feel it inside them too

Shadow-Hulk Monster
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 3+ 4+ 9 /20 170
Crushing Strength (3), Strider
This unit is not Stealthy
Titans of the ether, these former giant Cyclopes Portal of Despair [1] War Engine
retain only a passing resemblance to their long Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
forgotten mortal forms. Now they are covered in
1 5+ /18 80
weeping sores, extra mouths, wicked spines and
hands that have fused into fleshless lumps of Special
solid bone. Base Size: 75x75mm (cannot be increased by
exceptional base sizes) Advanced Deployment,
Height 4

Planar Apparition Monster

While within 9" of the Portal, enemy units have -1 to
their Waver and Rout Nerve values in addition to any
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts other modifiers that may apply.
1 7 4+ 4+ 4 13/15 165 Sometimes, when the powers of the Abyss are
strong, the presence of the Night Stalkers rips
Ensnare, Heal (7), Nimble, Pathfinder, Regeneration (4+)
a portal in the fabric of reality - a doorway
between dimensions. The power of the Abyss is
Planar Apparitions cannot maintain their channelled through such rents that seethe and
presence in a plane of reality for any real boil in the air, painful for mortals to see directly.
length of time. They appear to flicker in and At the edge of vision, the portal seems like a
out of existence making them very hard to see cage of glossy black and writhing serpents,
and destroy while all the time they are acting screaming in perpetual agony. Purple lightning
as erratic conduits for the dark energies of the crackles and dances across the rent flickering
shadow worlds beyond the Abyss. out and feeding the Stalkers with dark energy.

Uncharted empires

Horror Hero (Inf) Void Lurker Hero (Mon)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 7 6+ 3+ 1 10/13 90 1 10 3+ 4+ 10 17/19 260
Special Special
Individual, Surge (6) Crushing Strength (2), Fly, Regeneration (5+),
Thunderous Charge (1)
This unit is not Stealthy
Bane Chant (2) (+15)
Unspeakable and unimaginable things have
These freakish and malformed beings were once
lived in the dimensions between worlds for
a delegation of dwarfen stone priests that were
eternity. Some have an intelligence of sorts and
on a diplomatic and academic exchange with
understand enough to sense the rents in the fabric
the elven magic schools when catastrophe struck.
of the universe and know how to locate them.
Now only bearing a vague semblance to the
They attach themselves to Night Stalkers as they
esteemed and intelligent sorcerers they used to
stream into the fascinating and bizarre reality
be, their warped and broken bodies channel the
where the mortals reside. There they coalesce
bitter winds of the shadow worlds.
into whatever mismatched and petrifying shape
will best help sate their voracious appetites.

Dread-fiend Hero (Large Cav)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 8 3+ 4+ 5 14/17 120
Crushing Strength (2), Nimble, Vicious
The most Machiavellian of the political elite, the
most powerful crime lords and those that weave lies
and distrust are like beacons to the most powerful
Shade Hero (Inf) and wilful of the sinister and chilling Fiends. They
wait in the shadows, watching and learning the
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
weaknesses of their prey, slowly plaguing their
1 10 3+ 5+ 5 11/13 145 thoughts and thriving on their fear of failure.
Crushing Strength (1), Fly, Individual
Phantoms that have fused while trying to consume The Dream Hunter [1] Hero (Inf)
one another to end their suffering. Shades are
indeterminate forms that shift between fleeting Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
glimpses of melted faces and a vapour of blood 1 6 4+ 4+ 8 14/17 200
and flickering lights.
Crushing Strength (1), Individual, Lifeleech (2)
While within 9" of The Dream Hunter, all friendly,
Banshee Hero (Inf) non-allied units have LifeLeech (1) or increase their
Lifeleech value by 1 if they already have it.
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 10 6+ 4+ 1 /13 135 The Dream Hunter rips the dreams and souls
from those in Manticas reality to feed itself and
Special the Night-stalkers around it. It has long been a
Fly, Individual, Windblast (7) bedtime story to scare little children of all cultures,
Options going by many names, and its the children that
still fear it the most in later life that grant the
Lightning Bolt (5) (+30 pts)
Hunter a way in. Fairy-tales are a key to the
The shattered remains of the spirit and mind of mind. A visitation from the Hunter is to dream
an elven Mage-queen. A Banshee is a hideous of paralysis and the feeling of helplessness while
ghost that glitters with supernatural hoarfrost. It your very essence is teased from the pores of your
will screech its rage and bitterness across battlefield defenceless body. Those unfortunate to survive the
in a terrible wail that can drive back the unwilling experience awake mute, emotionless and dead to
recipients with an almost physical force. the world, outcasts from society.

Uncharted empires

rAtKin Armies
The fires of the Abyss burn fierce
and strong, their baleful light casting
malevolent shadows that flicker and chase
Ratkin Army
across the sheer rock sides. Between the Special Rules
walls, and within the warren of chasms,
mines, tunnels and caverns they imprison, Alignment: Evil
the screams of the slaves echo through the Pack Mentality
endless night as the rest of their fleeting Unless specified otherwise, all non-
lives are played out in a never-ending irregular, Hordes or Legions in this list
nightmare of misery, brutality and pain. have Rallying! (1).
Many of these wretches are from far off
lands, seized by roaming slave gangs and
raiders, or are unlucky prisoners from
battlefields far from the Abyss. Unlucky Bharzak began to experiment. Consumed
that they survived the fighting only to by his madness, he locked himself away
find a fate worse than death. Many more while he worked on his project, rarely seen.
are born into slavery. Some are bred for Strange chittering screeches and agonised
it. wails came from behind the locked doors of
Bharzaks laboratory. After a while, Bharzak
Bharzak the Grim, overmaster of the Gift- was forgotten and a new overmaster took
Piers of Zarak, wanted more. More work, his place.
more blood, more pain, more productivity,
more sacrifice. More slaves. A seemingly Then one day, almost thirteen years since
endless supply simply wasnt enough. Bharzak had sealed himself away, the doors
Issuing a decree to double the number opened and Bharzak reappeared triumphant.
of pitiless creatures hurled into the pits As he emerged from his self-imposed exile,
to appease the wicked ones and working behind him streamed a vast pack of rats.
slaves to death with no rest, mercilessly But not rats as they had been. These were
flaying them to the bone with cruel barbed something new, something terrible a
horsewhips still didnt satisfy his insatiable horrifying hybrid of rats and other races:
insanity. Taking out his frustrations in an dwarf, human, elf, goblin. In their eyes
orgy of torture and hideous experimentation there was a smouldering malignancy and
he butchered over a hundred dwarfen their rapid, jerky movements were spine-
slaves until there was nothing recognisable chilling and beyond natural. Bharzak had
left. In a rage he threw the last of the body bred a new race of slaves, a race he named
parts before him into the darkest corner, Gnorr. Ones that could do more: work
good for nothing but food for the rats. harder, work longer and, with the trait of
the race he most desired, breed more slaves
Rats. in vast quantities.

Rats are everywhere. Rats are vicious, With the biggest brutes he had created,
hard creatures that can survive in the Bharzak reasserted his authority and
harshest of conditions, living in filth and quickly rose back to a position of power,
eating worse. They thrive in adversity. even greater than before. Over the years
The darkest, most miserable places in the that followed, the ratkin became a
world are the domain of rats. If ever a race common place sight in the slave dens, and
was destined for slavery, ideally suited for their endless supply saw them sacrificed,
the despair and brutal life it offered, it was tortured, maimed, worked and discarded
the vermin. in inconceivable numbers. The ratkin

Uncharted empires

were bred for oppression and were thus A century after the exodus, and reports of a
cruelly exploited. new menace in the east are reaching the ears
of the civilised lands. The rumours tell of
But they thrive in adversity. The darkest, an army of ratlike beasts, of arcane magics
most miserable places in the world are the and bizarre contraptions all marching to
domain of rats. war. Names have attached themselves to the
rumours like moths to a flame: The Scourge,
The revolt and breakout was a maelstrom Underkin, The Swarm, Skitterfangs.
of blood, fur, teeth and gore. When they
turned on their masters and creator, they The ratkin have learned from their masters.
showed no mercy. Thousands of Abyssal They have learnt about cruelty and
Dwarfs died as the vast pack boiled though suffering first-hand as they watched from
the halls on its way deeper into the earth. the shadows as slaves. They saw the iron
Unknown to their overlords, the ratkin had casters in their forges, blending machine,
been preparing for this moment for years. and flesh and magic to construct lethal
Miles and miles of new tunnels had been artefacts of war.
burrowed away from the Abyss, far away
in an escape route that could expedite the Now they want to show the world what
flight of a new race. Somewhere they could they have learnt.
form their own destiny and plot revenge on
the wickedness that spawned them.

Uncharted empires

Blight Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (20) 6 4+ 3+ 15 /14 120
Horde (40) 6 4+ 3+ 30 /21 205
Ensnare, Stealthy
The Blight are foul, noxious beings, infected
with all manner of hideous diseases. They
are accompanied by a suffocating miasma of
pestilence which often assaults the enemy before
the Blight even arrive.

Shock Troops Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 6 4+ 4+ 10 9/11 95
Regiment (20) 6 4+ 4+ 12 13/15 135
Horde (40) 6 4+ 4+ 25 20/22 230
Warriors Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Crushing Strength (1), Elite, Vicious
Regiment (20) 6 5+ 4+ 12 12/14 90
Shock Troops consist of those individuals who were
Horde (40) 6 5+ 4+ 25 19/21 155 born bigger, stronger, and meaner that their siblings.
The backbone of the ratkin warhost. The warriors
form vast blocks of chittering steel and fur.
Clawshots Infantry

Tunnel Slaves* Infantry Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts

Troop (5) 6 5+ 4+ 4+ 5 8/10 90
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (20) 6 5+ 2+ 12 12/14 60
Base Size: 25x50mm, Long Rifles, Piercing (2)
Horde (40) 6 5+ 2+ 25 19/21 100 Reload!,
Legion (60) 6 5+ 2+ 30 25/27 145
The Clawshot rifle is an arcane, long-barrelled
Special contraption beloved of individuals who prefer to
Yellow-Bellied strike the enemy from the safety of a hilltop
(and behind a large pavise). Its easier to run
Scrawny, malnourished and the lowest of the low;
away downhill too.
when they are not cannon fodder for the enemy
they are just fodder for the rest of the ratkin army.
These destitute beings are a rag-tag collection of
many races, all as broken and mindless as one Scurriers Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 6 5+ 4+ 3+ 8 9/11 110

Spear Warriors Infantry Special

Nimble, Throwing Weapons, Vicious
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (20) 6 5+ 4+ 15 12/14 110 Exchange Throwing Weapons for Light Crossbows
Horde (40) 6 5+ 4+ 30 19/21 185 (treat as Bows) (+20 pts)
Special Scurrier teams train and act as the army scouts.
Phalanx They are agile and adept at striking enemy
Large bristling units of spear wielding warriors weak points (from a distancethey wouldnt like
are often seen defending the ratkin flanks from to get too close).
marauding cavalry.

Uncharted empires

Hackpaws Cavalry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (5) 9 4+ 3+ 8 9/11 95
Regiment (10) 9 4+ 3+ 16 12/14 145
Nimble, Thunderous Charge (1), Vicious
Scurrier teams will raid the fleabag pens of the
goblin tribes they see as easy prey. The captured
beasts are ridden back to the ratkin lairs where
selected warriors train to ride the best of them.
The rest are eaten.

Vermintide* Large Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (3) 6 5+ 3+ 9 9/11 60
Horde (6) 6 5+ 3+ 18 12/14 90
Height 0, Nimble, Vicious
Goaded by their handlers, multitudes of smaller Weapon Team War Engine
vermin often accompany the armies of the
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
ratkin; swarming round the enemy like a vicious,
biting carpet of death. 1 6 4+ 10 8/10 60
Breath Attack (Att), Nimble

Artillery War Engine

Storm of Lead (gain Piercing (1)) (+20 pts)
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
All manner of looted Abyssal Dwarf weaponry,
1 6 5+ 4+ 2 8/10 90 or even bizarre contraptions of the ratkins own
Special cruel design are employed by those mad enough
Blast (D3+1), Indirect, Piercing (1), Reload!, Vicious to see what happens when you pull the trigger.

More conventional artillery with ammunition

prepared especially by the Blight for spreading
disorder and corruption among the enemy lines.
Shredder War Engine
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 5+ 4+ 3 8/10 90
Brutes Large Infantry Blast(D3), Piercing(2), Reload!

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts This fiendish device is crewed by a team of crackpot
ratkin engineers. A bizarre war engine which fires
Regiment (3) 6 4+ 4+ 9 10/13 115
a cloud of spinning, poison-coated blades.
Horde (6) 6 4+ 4+ 18 13/16 185
Brutal, Crushing Strength (2), Fury, Regeneration(5+)
Brutes are bred for war. Hulking slabs of muscle,
claw and fur, they are hard to stop once they
get the scent of blood. Before going into battle,
Brutes are injected with a horrifying cocktail of
steroids and regeneration serums.

Uncharted empires

Death Engine Monster War Chief Hero (Inf)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 4+ 5+ 1D6+7 /16 170 1 6 3+ 5+ 5 11/13 110
Special Special
Base Size: 50x100mm, Crushing Strength (1), Crushing Strength (1), Individual, Inspiring
Rallying! (1), Thunderous Charge (1)
Options Exchange shield for two-handed weapons for free
May take one of the following options: (lower Defence to 4+, gain Crushing Strength (2))
Bloody Carnage: Crushing Strength increased to (2) Mount on fleabag (increase Speed to 9, change to
and gains Vicious (+25 pts) Hero (Cav)) (+20 pts)
OR These pack leaders patrol the battlefield barking
Vile Sorcery: (Firebolt [Ra 4+, Piercing (2)]) + 40 (squeaking?) orders and mercilessly killing those
points) who show cowardice in the face of the enemy. They
Strange, rickety contraptions crewed by are the most viscous and cunning of the ratkin and
volunteers; no two are ever of the same design. are both feared and revered in equal measure.
A bizarre mix of arcane science and cunning
sorcery, the Death Engine rumbles and grinds its
way through the enemy ranks striking out with
dark energies at those it cannot crush beneath its Warlock Hero (Inf)
churning wheels and spinning blades.
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 5+ 4+ 1 9/11 90

Mutant Rat-fiend Monster Special

Individual, Lightning Bolt (5)
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 7 4+ 4+ 10 /17 200
Wind Blast (5) (+15 pts)
Special Bane-chant (3) (+20 pts)
Crushing Strength (2), Regeneration (5+), Strider, Heal (3) (+15 pts)
Thunderous Charge (1), Vicious Mount on fleabag (increase Speed to 9, change to
Hero (Cav)) (+15 pts)
A hideous abomination forged in the breeding pits
of the ratkins underground lairs. Experimental The warlocks study the dark arts magic and
and slightly unstable, the fearless Rat-fiend is sorcery from the depths of the Abyss. They
unleashed upon the enemy in times of war; or are twisted, evil individuals but cunning and
just when it gets hungry. dangerous too.

Blight Lord Hero (Inf)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 4+ 4+ 4 /12 95
Crushing Strength (2), Ensnare, Individual, Inspiring
(Blight only), Stealthy

Bane-chant (3) (+20 pts)
Masters of plague and corruption, these foul,
bloated monstrosities are deceptively agile and
chant litanies of hatred to stir the pack into a
wild, frenzied mob.

Uncharted empires

Enforcer Hero (Inf) Assassin Hero (Inf)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 4+ 4+ 3 9/11 45 1 6 3+ 3+ 4+ 4 10/12 100
Special Special
Crushing Strength (1), Individual, Rallying! (1) Crushing Strength (1), Individual, Piercing (1),
Stealthy, Throwing Weapons, Vanguard, Vicious
Mount on fleabag (increase Speed to 9, change to Most Assassins will have learned their basic skills
Hero (Cav)) (+15 pts) serving as scouts in the Scurrier teams. Those
who show promise are sent on near-impossible
Bullies that march between the hordes and keep missions to further hone their lethal abilities.
the rabble in line. Often, killing stragglers or
those trying to sneak away proves to be an
incredible motivational tool.

Swarm-crier Hero (Inf) Demonspawn [1] Hero (Mon)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 5+ 4+ 1 8/10 45 1 6 3+ 5+ 13 16/18 290
Special Special
Individual, Inspiring Crushing Strength (3), Inspiring, Lightning Bolt (5),
Rallying! (2)
Mount on fleabag (increase Speed to 9, change to Options
Hero (Cav)) (+15 pts) Wings (increase Speed to 10 and gain Fly) (+50 pts)
Bones, dried skin, fur and skulls are all used in The most powerful (and foolish) Warlocks know
the construction of the ratkins war banners and how to summon Demonspawn from the depths
totems. Carrying these trophies and decorated of the Abyss to march alongside the pack and
with the unfathomable runes of the underworld terrorise their foe.
are blind, bloated albino rats that march
alongside the pack screeching their hate.

Uncharted empires

the VArAngur
The warlike clans of the Varangur have been
inhabitants of the far north of Mantica for
thousands of years. While most men were
The Varangur
drawn towards the Republic of Primovantor Special Rules
during the Age of Ice, the Varangur alone
stood resolute in their great halls. Instead Alignment: Evil
of fearing and retreating from the frigid Fanatical Devotion
cold, they embraced it, masters of the wild All clan warriors in this list have higher
tundra and the slopes of Ice Mountains. The Nerve than normal. This is already
Varangurs stubbornness was only surpassed included in their profiles.
by the dwarfs and it was this more than
anything that compelled them to stay. They Gift of Korgaan
shunned the outside world and became A unit with the Gift of Korgaan may
insular and disconnected. They rejected the choose to take one of the following
new gods and looked for something more. options for +10 points:
Brand of the Warrior: The unit gains
And something was watching, waiting. the Brutal special rule.
Something immeasurably old was stirred
into life. Once-omnipotent eyes turned their Guise of the Deceiver: The unit gains
gaze on the Varangur, looked into their the Headstrong and Fury special rules.
souls, and found what they sought to return. Mask of the Reaper: The unit gains the
Lifeleech (1) special rule.
But this was not a remnant of the former
Celestians, those who were worshipped by
the great realms of the elves, dwarfs and
men of the south. This was an ancient and that would bind it to the world ever tighter.
malevolent thing, a deity long neglected Appearing to the clans in three different
that had become nothing more than a guises; Warrior, Reaper and Deceiver, it
forgotten imprint on the world. A memory united them with a strengthened desire to
of an immortal past; a mere fading shadow. wage war on the world, but divided them
Once pushed aside by the Celestians and with a distrust of each other as they strove
discarded by the mortal races, it now reached to seek approval from whichever face of
out, a whisper in the ears of the priests and Korgaan they followed.
sorcerers of the Varangur, probing and
exploring. Over time the shadow god grew This primeval being, both fickle and cruel,
bolder and the bond became stronger. Gods began to craft a new culture in its image,
only survive if someone believes in them and the Varangur started to venture out once
and it had found a new source of faith and more, south through the frozen wastes on
mortal emotion on which to feed. The clans great expeditions by land and sea, raiding the
called their new god Korgaan. fringes of every great empire. Word spread,
and coastal settlements feared the inevitable
The basest mortal emotions are the raids of these warlike and bloodthirsty
most malleable, the easiest to control savages. The clans began to thrive and their
and provoke: hate, anger, jealousy and god swelled with power, wreaking havoc in
ambition. They are also powerful, if the wake of the chaos Winter was sowing.
anarchic emotions and in the presence of
conflict and war, both within and without, After decades of ever more aggressive and
the source of Korgaans nourishment violent raiding and pillaging, the High
bloomed. The god began to weave the cords Consul of Primovantar ordered a great fleet

Uncharted empires

to sail north and crush the Varangur once debated. For now, the outside world sees a
and for all. Mere days after the fleet set fractured society, with bloodthirsty disputes
sail, the Winter War came to its cataclysmic and skirmishes preventing any meaningful
end. Primovantar was destroyed by the or long-term alliance that would threaten
birth of the Infant Sea which rushed in to regional stability on a wider scale. The
drown the realms of men. The fleet was Shattered Clans, as they have become known
never seen again. to the outside world, seem mostly contained.
For now.
As the Infant Sea engulfed the republic
and the Age of Ice drew to an end, the As the for Varangur themselves, those
world was in upheaval. Korgaan was using in Korgaans favour, the champions and
all its nascent power to protect its grip trusted lieutenants of disorder, have
on the mortal realm as the world around strange and wonderful gifts bestowed upon
took on its new shape and the clans faith them but those that cause displeasure are
was wavering. The god saw courage and quickly cast aside. The clan warriors battle
confidence replaced by fear and uncertainty. skills are constantly honed against each
It had woken into a new world, a world of other and in minor raids and border clashes
new gods and rivalries and it would not with both the realms and kingdoms to the
give up its precarious foothold so easily. Its south, other, scattered northern clans
mortal followers must be absolute in their and, more recently, with the mysterious
belief, purpose and worship. Northern Alliance. Wary of the revenge
the Wicked Ones are surely plotting, the
Korgaan led the clans to war against the three-faced god bides its time, growing
armies of the Wicked Ones, the deceitful ever stronger as the clans begin their slow
and insidious deities imprisoned in and insidious spread into the world, and
the hellfires of the Abyss. Crossing the preparing to revel in a maelstrom of havoc.
treacherous Frozen Sea, a vast horde of
clansmen cut a bloody swathe
through the edge of the Ogre
Lands and into the heart of the
craggy, fiery peaks that ring
the infernal scar of the Abyss.
Driven by the omnipotent
will of Korgaan, the fanatical
clansmen pushed all the
forces the Wicked Ones could
muster right back to the edge of
the Abyss itself. All but spent, the
horde of the clans claimed victory over
the power of the new gods and declared
Korgaan to be the only true, complete
god in Mantica. The Varangur retreated
north, the survivors spreading the word of
Korgaan and the time now known to the
clans as The Reckoning.

As Korgaan manipulates the lives of the

Varangur, the threat they pose grows ever
more real, like a sinister and malignant
cancer lurking in the north. Many fear
that another Reckoning may come and
whether the Wicked Ones will again be
the focus of the clans attention is hotly

Uncharted empires

Warband Infantry Thralls* Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 5 4+ 4+ 10 10/12 75 Regiment (20) 5 5+ 3+ 12 12/15 75
Regiment (20) 5 4+ 4+ 12 14/16 110 Horde (40) 5 5+ 3+ 25 19/22 125
Horde (40) 5 4+ 4+ 25 21/23 180 Legion (60) 5 5+ 3+ 30 25/28 180

Options Thralls are men and women forced into slavery

Exchange shields for two-handed weapons for free and traded as a commodity between the various
(lower Defence to 3+, gain Crushing Strength (1)) Clans. Thralls are treated as less than human,
worse than animals. They are pushed into
Bands of raiders of various sizes comprised of service in times of war as cannon fodder, or to
a multitude of different men and women armed be sacrificed in battle to appease Korgaan.
with an array of weaponry. The only consistency
between each warband is their extreme resilience
and hardiness which is an inherent trait of all
the Varangur. Night Raiders Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 5 4+ 4+ 3+ 8 11/13 125
Reavers Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Bows, Pathfinder, Stealthy, Vanguard
Troop (10) 6 4+ 3+ 20 /14 140
Regiment (20) 6 4+ 3+ 25 /18 200 Exchange Bows for Thrown Weapons (Axes) (gain
Special Piercing (1)) (+15 pts)
Thunderous Charge (2), Vicious Donning blackened warpaint, but forgoing all
Reavers were once Bloodsworn who donned armour, these warriors are masters at remaining
the Mask of the Reaper, but were unable to unseen and stalking their prey. They move in
contain the immense bloodlust bestowed upon complete silence and only after sneaking within
them. Their minds torn asunder, Reavers enter a few feet of their enemies, do they unleash a
an extreme state of psychosis, becoming wild, barrage of axes and arrows before closing in
savage and debased beasts. for the final kill.

Uncharted empires

The Fallen Large Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Regiment (3) 8 3+ 5+ 9 13/15 155
Horde (6) 8 3+ 5+ 18 16/18 240
Crushing Strength (1), Height 1, Iron Resolve,
Nimble, Pathfinder
During The Reckoning and at the behest of
Korgaan, the Sons sought out and captured
an entire colony of gargoyles. Brought back to
his domain, Korgaan commanded the Sons to
break open the tombs of the VarKyr, the first
of Korgaans ancient and forgotten followers.
After a sanguinary ritual, the gargoyles essence
containing their powers of regeneration was
Bloodsworn Infantry infused into the long dead remains of these
ancient warriors, granting them life once more.
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts The Fallen are deadly warriors that fight in loose
Troop (10) 5 4+ 5+ 10 11/13 100 formations to better bring their hefty glaives to
Regiment (20) 5 4+ 5+ 12 15/17 140 bear, being able to move at speeds that would
Horde (40) 5 4+ 5+ 25 22/24 230 make an elf appear laboured.

Crushing Strength (1), Gift of Korgaan

Exchange shields for two-handed weapons for free
(lower Defence to 4+, gain Crushing Strength (2))
The Bloodsworn are warriors who have made
a blood sacrifice to Korgaan in exchange for
unnatural strength and resilience, Wearing heavy
armour and armed with even heavier weapons,
They form the solid core of Varangur forces.

Sons of Korgaan Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 5 3+ 5+ 15 12/14 155
Regiment (20) 5 3+ 5+ 20 16/18 220
Cave Trolls* Large Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Base Size: 25x25mm Crushing Strength (2), Gift of Regiment (3) 5 4+ 5+ 9 12/15 135
Korgaan Horde (6) 5 4+ 5+ 18 15/18 205

Options Special
Exchange shields for two-handed weapons for free Crushing Strength (3), Regeneration (5+)
(lower Defence to 4+, gain Crushing Strength (3))
In the harshest of winters, even the hardy clans
The Sons of Korgaan are blessed by the god are driven into shelter deep in the mountains and
itself. These near-immortal soldiers are the over time, they have formed an unlikely alliance
most elite and ferocious fighters from within with the trolls that infest the dark caverns of
Varangur society. They, however, answer directly the north. Closely related to the trolls which
to Korgaan and its not unheard of for whole are often seen accompanying the likes of both
groups of Sons to disappear in the night, halfway Orcs and Goblins, cave trolls are slower and
through a raid, called away by Korgaan towards stronger than their cousins and this makes them
some unknown end. adept at hunting and eating the larger creatures
which inhabit the gloom. Under the influence of
the clans, the trolls are Korgaans most recent

Uncharted empires

Mounted Sons of Korgaan Cavalry Horse Raiders Cavalry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (5) 8 3+ 5+ 10 13/15 165 Troop (5) 8 4+ 5+ 4+ 7 11/13 115
Regiment (10) 8 3+ 5+ 20 16/18 250 Regiment (10) 8 4+ 5+ 4+ 14 14/16 180
Special Special
Crushing Strength (1), Gift of Korgaan, Thunderous Nimble, Piercing (1), Throwing Weapons (Axes),
Charge (2) Thunderous Charge (1),
Horses are prized possessions and only a few Options
herds roam the northern plains and tundra. Exchange thrown weapons for bows for free (lose
Most clansmen that ride a horse have captured Piercing (1))
them in battle from raiding the lands to the
south. The champions of the Sons make for While horse raiders do not traditionally take
fearsome heavy knights that ride the largest, part in pitched battles, when they do, they excel
most battle hardened of all northern horse at harrying supply trains and enemy outposts.
herds. The thundering hooves from a charge When employed in battle they lie in wait for
by the Sons can be felt through the ground for enemies to fall out of position and are superb at
miles around. hit and run manoeuvres.

Tundra Wolves Cavalry Direfang Riders Large Cavalry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (5) 9 4+ 4+ 10 11/13 110 Regiment (3) 6 4+ 5+ 15 13/15 165
Special Horde (6) 6 4+ 5+ 30 16/18 250
Height 1, Nimble, Thunderous Charge (1) Special
Packs of these beasts are commonly spread Crushing Strength (2), Gift of Korgaan, Strider
throughout the northern regions of Mantica. Only some of the clans of the Varangur have
Their thick arctic fur is a prized possession managed to tame Direfangs. These beasts
among the Varangur, but many have also are an ancient, primeval ancestor of the Gur
become semi-domesticated. The ultimate prize for Panthers which the forces of Basilea employ
any hunter are wolf pups, which, when trained, in battle. Where the panthers are sleek and
become ferocious guardians and invaluable graceful, the Direfangs are heavy-set but hugely
hunting aides. powerful. They are savage killers, covered in
a thick hide and dense white fur. Their claws
can shear through plate like butter and their
jaws are strong enough to crush the skulls of
giants. Only the bravest, or sometimes craziest,
of individuals will attempt to ride such beasts,
though in truth they do little else than try and
steer the creatures towards the enemy.

Uncharted empires

Devourer Monster Cavern Dweller Monster

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 7 4+ 4+ 10 14/16 175 1 6 3+ 5+ 1D6+6 16/18 205

Special Special
Crushing Strength (1), Nimble, Pathfinder, Stealthy, Crushing Strength (3), Regeneration (5+), Strider
Strider, Thunderous Charge (1)
Cavern Dwellers are but one of the horrors
Options found within the expansive northern ice caves.
Noxious Mist (gain Breath (10) and Vicious on These colossal creatures are able to slow their
ranged attacks) (+15 pts) metabolisms and go years without food. They
lurk motionless in the darkness, waiting for their
Devourers are giant earth and rock-eating worms prey to wander within their ensnaring reach.
which inhabit the frozen north. Able to burrow They are blind but their remaining senses are
underground and attack from unseen angles, these highly tuned. With the willing assistance of the
beasts are driven by Korgaans will to bypass cruel cave trolls, a clan may risk the dangers of
enemy defences while remaining unseen to would capturing one of these ghastly beings to keep it
be attackers. chained up for years. Starving and half mad, it
will then be goaded to battle where its voracious
appetite is then unleashed upon the enemy.
Jabberwock Monster
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 7 4+ 5+ 4 13/15 140
Brutal, Crushing Strength (2)
* Feeding Frenzy - in addition to its basic 4 Attacks,
this unit has a number of additional Attacks equal
to the amount of damage already on the unit it is
attacking in Melee at the start of the Melee phase.
Korgaans bitter hatred of all dragonkind is a Magus Conclave War Engine
terrible grudge that is rooted in the time before the Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Celestians. If any descendant of one of the former
1 5 4+ 3+ 2 11/13 100
Great Drakes is foolish enough to stray within
Korgaans reach, its fate is to become captured, Special
tortured, twisted and deformed by Korgaans 36" Range, Blast (D3), Individual, Piercing 2
eternal spite. The resulting abominations are
known as Jabberwocks. Each is different, mutated Options
into ever more repulsive and mocking effigies of Famulus (gains Elite special rule) (+10 pts)
their former selves, stripped of their freedoms and Some lesser clan Magi are made to combine
bound to Korgaans malicious will. their power as a trio, each channelling a different
facet of Korgaans will and together they can
unleash powerful bolts of explosive energy over
vast distances. The effort leaves them drained
and all but defenceless. If a single Magus were
to attempt to channel such a spell, the sheer
power would tear them apart.

Uncharted empires

Cursed Son Hero (Inf) Chieftain Hero (Inf)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 3+ 4+ 7 /13 130 1 5 3+ 5+ 5 14/16 160
Special Special
Base Size: 25x25mm, Crushing Strength (2), Base Size: 25x25mm, Crushing Strength (2), Elite,
Individual, Vicious, Gift of Korgaan, Individual, Inspiring
Very rarely, a Son of Korgaan succumbs to Options
the power of the Mask of the Reaper. Caring Mount (increase Speed to 8, change to Hero (Cav))
nothing for their own safety, they rush headlong (+20 pts)
towards the enemy in a frenzied bloodlust.
Chieftains are great warriors, loyal to Korgaan
and blessed with the power of their god. They
exert their immense influence over their clan, driving
Magus Hero (Inf) them to war and leading raids from the front.
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 5+ 5+ 1 11/13 85
Chieftain on Direfang Hero (Large Cav)
Individual, Lightning Bolt (4) Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 6 3+ 5+ 10 15/17 220
Fireball (12) (+25 pts) Special
Bane Chant (2) (+15 pts) Crushing Strength (3), Elite, Gift of Korgaan,
Famulus (gains the Elite rule when casting a spell) (+15 pts) Inspiring, Strider,
Mount (increase Speed to 8, change to Hero (Cav)) (+15 pts)
Some chieftains will ride a ferocious Direfang as
The clan Magi are the voice of Korgaan, After a mount. While slower and less manoeuvrable
proving themselves in battle, those with the gift than a war horse, the Direfang is a brutal mass
of magic are transformed, their minds melding of muscle, teeth and claws and more than makes
with their deity. They speak for Korgaan and up for it any loss of speed with its devastating
dictate his wishes to the rest of the Varangur. ability in battle,

Uncharted empires

Skald Hero (Inf) Herja of the Fallen [1] Hero (Inf)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 5+ 4+ 4+ 1 11/13 60 1 10 3+ 6+ 7 15/17 260

Special Special
Individual, Inspiring, Piercing (1), Throwing Base Size: 25x25mm, Crushing Strength (2), Elite,
Weapons (Axes) Fly, Iron Resolve, Individual, Inspiring, Judgement,
Lifeleech (1)
Mount (increase Speed to 8, change to Hero (Cav)) Judgement of Korgaan
(+15 pts) If Herja is included in your army, you may bestow
this gift on an single non allied infantry unit,
Skalds record the heroic feats of the Varangur including heros(Inf) before the game starts. The first
during battle. Their very presence, and their time this unit is routed, your opponent must roll
bellicose rhetoric, drives the warriors of the clans 1D6; on a 4+ the unit is judged worthy and instead of
against even the most monstrous of foes and being Routed, is healed by 1D6+3 damage instead. On
impossible odds, in order to immortalise themselves any other result, the unit is Routed as normal. This
in song. Effect only works once per game, whether the unit
is healed or not, and takes place after any Inspiring

King on Chimera Hero (Mon) Herja was once the ruthless leader of the long
dead VarKyr, the first followers of Korgaan
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts from a time long since forgotten. During the
1 10 3+ 5+ 10 18/20 310 ritual performed by the Sons, her remains
were fused with the body and essence of
Breath Attack (10), Crushing Strength (3), Elite, Fly, Soriksu, the bride of Basusu and queen of
Gift of Korgaan, Inspiring his lofty serail.

The mightiest of warriors, chieftains who have Captured during The Reckoning, her fierce
combined the might of multiple clans under their will and resistance took an age to break and
control through conquest and bloodshed will such power and resilience was an ideal match
proclaim themselves a King. To prove their claim for Herja. Soriksus spirit didnt fracture and
it is clan tradition that a king capture and tame succumb completely and Herja was reborn as
a wild Chimera to ride in battle. a true merging of two mighty individuals and
with the potency and malevolence of both.

Cave Troll King [1] Hero (Large Inf)

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
1 5 3+ 5+ 7 15/18 200
Big Shield, Breath (10), Crushing Strength (3),
Nimble, Regeneration (5+), Very Inspiring (Cave
Trolls Only)
It is rumoured that within the great northern
caves, there exists a cavern so deep and large
than an entire kingdom of trolls can be found
dwelling there. Sometimes a great troll sporting
a crude crown made of unidentifiable bones is
sighted fighting alongside the clans. Whether this
is actually a troll king, or just a troll that happens
to be larger, smarter and more violent than the
rest is a mystery that has never been solved.


Journey into the Depths of Mantica
The heat shimmer that ripples above the Welcome to Uncharted Empires, an Army
parched earth does little to mask the horrors Supplement book for Kings of War, the massed
that lie assembled before you. The cries combat tabletop fantasy game set in the magical
of the carrion birds soaring above in the realm of Mantica.
baking sky can be heard echoing among the
rocks. The birds are opportunists. They do In this book, you are going to find:
not choose sides. As your soldiers give their
lives this day, whether it be for glory, for Nine brand new Kings of War armies giving
honour, their country or for loved ones, the budding generals a whole host of new options
birds will circle; their callous, hungry eyes and dastardly tricks to outfox and out-fight
seeing nothing but the food below. their opponents.
New special rules to further enrich your
You put such thoughts out of your mind. You playing experience.
must focus on the task ahead. No plan survives
contact with the enemy and the army you face Lots of new background information on all the
is a howling, ravening horde of death that will armies and the units within them.
test you to the limit. Today will be recorded in
history but only one side will write it. Do you This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Kings of
have the skill and courage to ensure it is you? War is required to use the contents of this book.

Go. The time is now. The birds are waiting

to be fed.

Mantic Entertainment 2015 ISBN: 978-0-9931984-4-1

Mantic, Kings of War and all associated
characters, names, places and things are TM and
Product Code: MGKW07

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