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3 divisions of the brain and their other names (wrong spelling wrong) FOREBRAIN
2. The outer layer of the cerebrum CORTEX
3. A collection of cell bodies at the CNS NUCLEI (*ganglia is PNS)
4. Numerous folds which increase the surface area of the cortex - GYRI
5. What is the cerebral cortex made of? GREY MATTER (*FOR CEREBRUM, GREY OUTSIDE WHITE
6. Where is the Wernickes area located PARIETAL LOBE
7. Part of the prosencephalon that contains the left and right hemispheres TELENCEPHALON
8. Separates the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe CENTRAL SULCUS/FISSURE OF ROLANDO
9. Also known as the interbrain because this is a structure in between the brainstem and cerebrum
10. Connects the 2 lateral parts of the thalamus INTERTHALAMIC ADHESION
11. Part of the diencephalon that maintains homeostasis HYPOTHALAMUS
12. Anterior part of the midbrain, and the posterior part CEREBRAL PEDUNCLES, AND CORPORA
13. Individual mounds/hills of the corpora quadrigemina COLLICULI
14. Part of the corpora quadrigemina that is responsible for vision 2 SUPERIOR COLLICULI
15. 3 structures that are contained in the hindbrain CEREBLLUM, PONS, MEDULLA
16. Part of the brain that is responsible for balance and motor control CEREBELLUM
17. Provides routes of communication between cerebellum and other parts of the CNS
18. Resembles an arched footbridge; between cerebrum and cerebellum PONS
19. 2 types of respiration APNEUSTIC, PNEUMOTAXIC
20. Part of the brain that is continuous with the spinal cord MEDULLA OBLONGATA
21. 3 centers found in the medulla oblongata and their functions VASOMOTOR (dilation of blood
vessels), CARDIAC (heart rate), RESPIRATORY (respiration, along with Pons)
22. Gland responsible for sleep PINEAL GLAND
23. Smallest region of the brainstem MIDBRAIN
24. 3 parts of the brainstem MEDULLA OBLONGATA, PONS, MIDBRAIN
25. Its function is to regulate cyclical motor functions, like chewing and walking RETICULAR
26. System that wakes you up RETICULAR ACTIVATING SYSTEM
27. Where is the highest form of mental activity found? PREFRONTAL LOBE
28. Pathways that transmit information from the periphery to the brain ASCENDING TRACTS
(*sensory tracts)

29. Transmits action potentials dealing with PAIN and TEMPERATURE SPINOTHALAMIC TRACTS
30. Where ascending tracts project to/where sensations are perceived PRIMARY SENSORY AREAS
31. Also known as the general sensory area PRIMARY SOMATIC SENSORY CORTEX
32. What part of the brain processes sensory information? CEREBRUM
33. Where do neurons terminate before the sensory information is processed by the cerebrum?
35. The meninx that is tightly bound to the surface of the brain and spinal cord PIA MATER
36. A narrow canal that connects the third and fourth ventricles CEREBRAL AQUEDUCT
37. Where is CSF produced? CHOROID PLEXUS
38. Match the functions to the lobe (frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal) A. C. D. B.
a. Decision-making, problem solving, planning
b. Memory, language, emotion, hearing
c. Receives and processes sensory information
d. Vision
39. Brain wave found in deep sleep DELTA WAVES
40. 2 types of long-term memory and what they retain DECLARATIVE (FACTS), PROCEDURAL
41. Protective wrapping around the brain and spinal cord MENINGES
42. Part of the brain that is responsible for the formation of memory HIPPOCAMPUS
43. Gradual process of involving the formation of new and strong synaptic connections
44. A cavity contained in each cerebral hemisphere LATERAL FISSURE
45. Serves as a connection between two hemispheres COMMISURE

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