EM SET 1 Used Nov 13 2017 Key

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Hall Ticket No Question Paper Code: A0404154S

II B.Tech - II Semester (Supplementary Examinations) November, 2017

Date: 13 th November, 2017 Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60

Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B

Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Four Questions should be answered from Part-B

Answer the following. (10 * 2= 20 Marks)
a) State coulomb's law.
Coulomb's law states that: The magnitude of the electrostatic force of attraction or
repulsion between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of the
magnitudes of charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance
between them.

b) Define Electric Potential.

An electric potential (also called the electric field potential or the electrostatic
potential) is the amount of work needed to move a unit positive charge from a
reference point to a specific point inside the field without producing any acceleration.

c) State Biot-Savart Law.

The relationship between the magnetic field contribution and its source current
element is called the Biot-Savart law. The direction of the magnetic field
contribution follows the right hand rule illustrated for a straight wire.

d) State Gauss law for the Magnetic Field..

Gauss's law for magnetism is one of the four Maxwell's equations that underlie
classical electrodynamics. It states that the magnetic field B has divergence equal
to zero, in other words, that it is a solenoidal vector field. It is equivalent to the
statement that magnetic monopoles do not exist.

e) What are the different ways in which an emf is induced around a loop?

three ways an emf can be induced in a loop:

1. Change the magnetic field

2. Change the area of the loop
3. Change the angle between the field and the loop

f) What is a boundary condition? How do boundary conditions arise and how are they
g) Most microwave ovens operate at 2.45GHz.Assume = 1.1X106 /m and r=600
for the stainless steel interior and find the depth of penetration.

h) What is the Poynting Vector? What is the physical interpretation of the Poynting
Vector over a closed surface?
The Poynting vector occurs in Poynting's theorem only through its divergence
S, that is, it is only required that the surface integral of the Poynting vector around
aclosed surface describe the net flow of electromagnetic energy into or out of the
enclosed volume.

i) Draw an Equivalent Circuit of Two Wire Transmission Line

j) Draw the Voltage and Current variation along an Open circuited and a Short circuited

Answer any FOUR of the following. ( = Marks)

2 a) A Point charge 5nc is located at (-3, 4, 0) while line y=1, z=1 carries 5M
uniform charge 2nc,
i) If V=0V at O (0, 0, 0,), Find Vat A (5, 0, 1).
ii) If V=100V at B (1, 2, 1) Find Vat C (-2, 5, 3).
b) Derive the Expression for The Energy Density in Electrostatic Field. 5M

3 a) An infinitely long straight conducting rod of radius a carries a current of 5M

Iin +z direction. Using Amperes circuital law find H in all regions.
b) Obtain the vector magnetic potential due to a long straight conducting wire 5M
carrying a current I in +z direction.
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4 a) Discuss the Electromagnetic boundary conditions between two lossless 6M

b) What is the inconsistency in Amperes Law? How it is rectified by Maxwell. 4M

5 a) Write short notes on EM wave Polarization. 4M

-x/20 8
b) In a medium E=16e sin(2x10 t-2x)izV/m. Find the direction of 6M
propagation, the propagation constant, wavelength, speed of the wave and
skin depth.

6 a) State and prove poynting Theorem. 5M

b) Discuss the determination of the reflected and wave fields of a uniform plane 5M
wave incident normally onto a plane boundary between two material media.
7 a) Starting with the differential equations for the elemental length of a uniform 5M
Transmission line, obtain the expressions for the Sending end voltage and
current in terms of their values at the at the Receiving end and the Secondary
constants of the line.
b) Derive an expression for the location' ls ' and length 'lt' of a Short circuited 5M
Single Stub.

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