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IELTS Writing Actual Test in August 2017 & Model Answer Topic: Subject

Posted: 28 Sep 2017 07:40 AM PDT

IELTS Writing Task 2

Writing, reading and maths are the three major subjects. Some people think that computer skills should
be added as a fourth subject. What extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer

With the advent of technological advancement, the education field has undergone enormous changes. It
is argued that in addition to the traditional three core subjects which are writing, reading and
mathematics, computer skills should be incorporated into the official school curriculum. This viewpoint
has my support.

As for workers, computer literacy is a prerequisite for most well-paying jobs. An employee in the
modern world needs to be well-acquainted with word processing, power point presentation skill, etc. if
they wish to have a successful career and promising job prospects. This is because most tasks at the
workplace require the utilization of computers and the internet to be effectively performed. Staff need
to type dozens of pages, send hundreds of emails per day, or browse the Net for potential suppliers and
customers. Without computer skills, it would be unimaginable if such tasks could be done in a speedy
and timely manner.

As for students, computer skills are demanded as they pursue higher education at universities, colleges
or even vocational centers. For example, an undergraduate needs to search for interdisciplinary
knowledge via various researches published in online journals to complete their assignments as part of a
course at university. Without computer-related skills, it would be impossible for the student to have
access to these online materials, and therefore fail to achieve the minimum grade to pass the course. By
contrast, with a command of computer skills, they can further boost their study productivity by various
applications installed on the computer like Photoshop, Quiznet, etc.

In conclusion, I think it is essential that computer skills be taught in tandem with numeracy, literacy and
mathematics to equip youngsters with what needed to succeed in the modern society.

282 words by IELTS Corner

12/8/2017: Solving environment problems should be the responsibility of an international organization
rather than each national government. Do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that environment-related issues ought to be held responsible for by

an international organization instead of individual countries. I disagree with this statement for some

There are numerous environmental issues such as climate change, melting glaciers and intensifying
greenhouse effect happening on a global scale. As the argument goes, an international organization
would act as a leader, issuing principles for all member countries to conform to or it will have sufficient
financial capabilities to support the improvement of the environment. Cited cases are the Kyoto
protocol has contributed to the slowing down of climate change on the earth, or the United Nations
support for Third World countries have helped improve the air quality there. This argument, however,
fails to take into consideration the fact that compulsion often backfires if an individual nation has no
intention to cooperate, or the incentives provided can make recipient countries over reliant and avoid
coming up with innovative ideas to resolve their countrys environmental situation. This in the long term
exerts a negative overall global effect.

I side with those who think that each governmental body should take responsibility for addressing
domestic environmental problems. Firstly, this practice would have a chain effect, benefiting not only
the host country but also neighboring nations. For instance, if China diminishes its emissions by
downsizing its industrial activities to a certain acceptable level, the air contamination in Hanoi would be
reduced as a consequence. Secondly, the root of a complete resolution of environmental issues comes
at grassroots level, only achieved by the efforts of a countrys government. If walking or cycling are
promoted amongst those with an inclination to use private vehicles, this can help diminish the colossal
volumes of exhaust gas, and ameliorate the communal air quality. Or, if people are encouraged to
participate in the international Earth Hour when everyone is asked to turn their lights off in sixty
minutes, huge amounts of power can be minimized. Enacting such events which are aimed at creating a
mindset shift in the public regarding environmental protection and promoting a simple lifestyle can only
be conducted by a countrys government.
In conclusion, uprooting environment problems should be the responsibility of each national
government rather than an international organization.

IELTS Writing Actual Test in August 2017 & Model Answer Topic: Leadership

Posted: 28 Sep 2017 07:33 AM PDT

Some people are born to be leaders, others believe leadership can be learnt. Discuss both views and
give your opinion.

Band 8 Sample

A leader is the demand of every nation, community, group or society. He is the only one to be relied on
in the hour of need for guidance, action plan and brilliant strategies. At this point, it is often discussed
whether leaders are born with leadership qualities or they are carved out. Personally, I do believe that
every individual is born with certain unique characteristics, but it requires exposure, learning and
experience of life to become a good leader.

It is understandable that leaders are endowed with certain traits and qualities that make them better fit
to leadership. To be more specific, these individuals possess certain inborn virtues, such as extroversion
amongst group members, bravery to challenges, conscientiousness (i.e. target-oriented, reliable),
emotional stability or business acumen, which all contributes to the foundation of leadership. A leader is
naturally better in these areas while others struggle to get to the same point. For instance, many
commanders who fought bravely throughout many wars come from the same families, with the next
generations being skilled and talented as well. This partly explains the role of genetics in forming the
personality of a person.

Those who advocate leaders are nurtured also have their reasons since individuals can become
leaders in a structured environment through the process of learning, mentoring, and observation. This
means that skills associated with leadership can be attained by training, practice and experience over
time. The doctrine is quite manifest in the military as leaders often undergo training programmes and
have direct contact in various battlefields. In addition, with the comprehensive education system in
modern time, it is increasingly easier for most of us to learn how to become a leader. Right from primary
school, children are taught to lead a group discussion or act as an arbitrator in a debate. This plays a role
in forming leadership capacity in every individual.
In conclusion, both viewpoints have their own merits. While few are fortunately bestowed with
leadership qualities right when they were born, leadership can also be an art. It is a set of inherent
dispositions that is perfected over time with education, practice and experience for most people.

Build up Your Vocabulary for IELTS Key Word: system

Posted: 28 Sep 2017 06:25 AM PDT


1 Verb + system

Use the correct form of these verbs:

devise break down

introduce model on

reform work

The government have proposed a whole raft of measures to ____________ the health service.

Can you explain how the security system ____________ ? => Ask Jack. He knows the system inside out.

When we ____________ the new booking system, no one believed it would work.

We need to ____________ some sort of system whereby staff can meet regularly with each other.

The countrys legal system is ____________ the British system.

The recently-installed computerised system keeps crashing and the telephone system has also
____________ . We cant talk to anybody!

2 Common adjective collocations

Use the adjectives to complete the sentences:

complicated corrupt excellent current

Germany has an____________ rail system, making it easy to travel around the country. It is the envy of
many other countries.

The whole system is____________ every official you deal with demands money before helping you.

Weve called in consultants to identify what is wrong with our____________ management system.

The new system is quite ____________ , Im afraid. It takes quite a bit of getting used to.

sophisticated outdated unfair inefficient

Why does it take three men to do the job that one could do? What a hopelessly ____________ system!

We still operate an ____________ filing system with paper files and filing cabinets. What we need is a
modern, state-of-the-art computer system.

Something must be done to help poorer children get to university. Our system is very ____________ .

The museum is protected by a very ____________ system of burglar and fire alarms. It contains
priceless treasures from Ancient Greece.

Go back and underline all the other useful collocations in this exercise.

3 Noun + preposition + system

Complete the sentences with the following:

access advantages injustices overhaul

The government report on salaries exposes the ____________ of the current system of wages with
women still being paid less than men for the same job.

She was at great pains to stress the ____________ of the new system over the old one.
There are calls for a radical ____________ of the tax system. =>Yes. Changes to the system are long

You need a password to gain ____________ to the computer system.


1. Note the following useful expression:

Under the new system, student grants have been scrapped and replaced by loans.

Pregnant women are exempt from dental charges under the current health system.

2. System collocates with lots of nouns:

banking system

heating system

legal system

prison system

welfare system

digestive system

telephone system
canal system

public address system

alarm system

education system

railway system

road system

support system

immune system

sprinkler system

school system

public transport system

3. If you talk about your sound system, you mean your home stereo system.

4. If you use a computer, you will be used to installing, booting up, and re-booting the system and
using system software.

5. If you talk about the system, you mean all the rules and laws of the country:

You cant beat the system!


Ex 1: 1. reform 2. works 3. introduced 4. devise 5. modelled on 6. broken down

Ex 2:

1 excellent 2. corrupt 3. current 4. complicated

5 inefficient 6. outdated 7. unfair 8. sophisticated

Ex 3: 1. injustices 2. advantages 3. overhaul 4. access

IELTS Speaking Actual Test in the UK August 2017 & Model Answers

Posted: 28 Sep 2017 02:23 AM PDT

Read Sample Answers for IELTS Speaking Part 1 to learn new vocabulary, collocations, idioms, phrasal
verbs, etc and know how to answer the examiner effectively.

You can get an valuable ebook titled IELTS Speaking Actual Tests & Sample Answers to read Band 9.0
model answers for IELTS Speaking Actual Tests (Full 3 Parts) that appears in the IELTS speaking module
from September to December 2017.


When do you listen to music?

Well, music is essential to human in the whole world so Im no exception. I usually listen to cheerful
music when I need motivation while sad music is my preference if Im in a bad mood.


To be no exception (adj) if someone or something is no exception, they are the same as all others so
they can be included in a general statement

To be in a bad/good mood (phrase) sad or happy

How much time do you spend listening to music every day?

As Ive mentioned I prefer working in silence. To put it simply, no music is allowed during my working
hours. After a long day at school, I probably want to chill out for like half an hour with music to help me
stay energetic so I can get back to work later.


To put it simply (expression) used for saying that you are explaining something in a clear and simple way

Chill out (phrasal verb) to relax

Where do you listen to it?

Almost everywhere, except for classroom. Its the golden era of mobile devices, everyone carries
earphone and phone with them all the time, music therefore is on their fingertips.
Golden era (n) a certain period of time that Sth vastly develops

On their fingertips (phrase) easy to reach


Describe a wedding that you have attended / Describe a wedding ceremony where you enjoyed a lot

You should say:

where it was

who was getting married

why you attended this wedding

And explain what was special about this wedding.


I am at the age when each of my friends started to tie the knot with their beloved ones, which reminds
me how grown up we all are but at the same time is a true blessing. Weddings have always made me
dreamy because you can feel that love is in the air. One of the most beautiful and intimate weddings Ive
ever attended was Annas, my classmate in high school.

I knew her from high school and she was a true embodiment of traditional women: feminine, delicate,
caring and wholeheartedly devoted and I had no doubt her wedding would be the same the minute I
received the invitation. It came as no surprise that the reception hall was completed covered with the
pastel pink color, from many bouquets of roses, balloons, table cloths and other decorations. It should
have looked like a 6-year-old birthday party, on the contrary, that light and feminine color surprisingly
created a delightful and congenial atmosphere for the wedding. There were not too many people at the
wedding because the groom and bride wanted to keep it simple, yet intimate and meaningful, which I
couldnt agree more. The ceremony was so emotional when the couple took an oath and exchanged
wedding rings that I could have sworn I saw tears shined in their eyes. The whole ballroom erupted in
endless applause and whistles when the groom landed a passionate kiss on his womans lips as the
pastor announced them as husband and wife one of the most magnificent moments Ive ever
witnessed and Anna could easily be the most beautiful and happiest bride Ive ever seen in a glamorous
baby pink gown and bohemian hairstyle. I also met a couple of friends in high school which made me
feel like we were having a reunion and it was great to know after all those years, we could still talk and
share this special moment together.

Tie the knot (idiom) get married

Blessing (noun) something good that you feel very grateful or lucky to have

In the air (idiom) noticeable all around; becoming prevalent

Bouquet (noun) a collection of flowers, cut and tied together in an attractive way

Congenial (adj) pleasant, friendly, and enjoyable

Erupt (verb) suddenly explode with a lot of noise as people start laughing/shouting


How do you think of the perfect age for marriage?

I have had countless debates with my friends and we have different ideas regarding when is the ideal
age to get settled. I, together with some girls, agree that it should be above 30 for both men and women
while others flatly contradict us by saying people should get married as soon as possible even though
they have nothing. Some may find it too late to tie a knot at the age of 30 but I cannot see the point of
living together with more bills to pay and more mouths to feed without having a career and stable
income, which is one of the most common reason for separation among married couples.
Settled (adj) if you have a settled way of life, you stay permanently in one place or job or with one

Why has the divorce rate increased over time in modern life?

Its noteworthy that that divorce rate in modern life is far higher than they used to, which is not a
positive trend to look forward for. Reasons for such separations vary depending on irreconcilable
families issues which could be financial problem, disagreement on how to raise their children or worse,

Irreconcilable (adj) cant find a way to become friendly again after disagreement.

To get the latest IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2, 3 Topics & Questions, check out: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics
& Questions In 2017 & Sample Answers & IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics In 2017 & Sample Answers

To download the latest IELTS Essay Questions, read more at: IELTS Essay Questions in 2017

Tips to Answer Yes/No Questions in IELTS Speaking

Posted: 28 Sep 2017 02:11 AM PDT

Yes/No questions are often asked during the IELTS speaking test. IELTS candidates can answer these
questions with a simple Yes or No. However, this way of answering Y/N questions doesnt help them
score high in IELTS Speaking at all. Therefore, this lesson covers 6 types of Yes/No questions and how to
response to this kind of questions effectively to score Band 7.0 or higher.

Type 1: Question of Preference.

Do you prefer A or B?
Personally, I prefer A to B/ If I were to chose between the two, I would go for the former/latter

This is simply because/ There are several reasons why

Besides/ Moreover/ In addition/

In a word, I will go for A

Ex: Where do youngsters love to live in? Flat or Private house?

It depends. For the young who earn a fortune, they have a tendency to live in private house. However,
for fresh graduates, flat would be their optimal choice.

Type 2: Question of importance.

Is/Are A important?

Yes, I always believe that A is essential and necessary for

Without (doing) A, we would + | Lets imagine, if

Besides,: Supporting ideas.

So, obviously, there is no doubt about the significance of A

Ex: Do you think that music is important?

Yes, absolutely. Music plays a crucial role in humans life, without music, our life would be so dull and
boring. This is due to the fact that music is a great way for us to escape from the hustle and bustle of the
life. Moreover, it cheer people up greatly when they feel blue. Last but not least, by listening to music,
people have better understanding about the outside world.

Type 3: Question of popularity.

What is/are the most popular in your country?

It depends
For A, I believe that they have a fancy for

Yet/ However, for B, I guess they tend to like including. Thats probably because

Ex: What is the most popular sport in your country?

It depends. For the young, they are more in favour of ball games or dynamic sports such as volleyball,
basketball, tennis. Yet, for the old/ the senior citizens, they are more into relaxing sports like jogging,
yoga and meditation.

Type 4: Question of differences.

What are the differences between A and B?

Obviously, A and B have some certain differences/ Well, there are some obvious differences between A
and B,

Unlike A, B tends to

A is while B is more likely to..

Compared with A, B is less likely to

Type 5: Advantages and Disadvantages.

Well,.. is beneficial in a variety of ways.

Firstly, Besides,..

However, when it comes to the drawbacks, I have to say that

Ex: What are some advantages of using technology?

From my perspective, there are numerous benefits of using cutting-edge technology. First, high-qualified
devices enable people from different places to interact and communicate efficiently. On top of that, by
using technology, all the tasks at the work place and study place are facilitated. For example, people can
send and receive emails to their partners whenever they want. Last but not least, people have an instant
unlimited resource to get information by just a click of mouse.

Type 6: Changes.

What are the changes

Generally speaking, people used to..

However, nowadays, people tend to

Ex: Compared to a few decades ago, do you think in your country do more or less exercise?

In the olden days, living standard was not improved as nowadays, people had to earn their living and
regarded sport as a form of exercise. Nowadays, people have a tendency to go to the gym to work out,
keep themselves in good shape and show off themselves.

Expand Your Vocabulary for IELTS Key Word: a copy of

Posted: 27 Sep 2017 06:25 AM PDT

a copy of
1 Copy of + noun

Complete the sentences with these nouns:

unauthorised free well-thumbed poor

1. ______________ copies of the leaflet on scholarships are available from the Department of
2. I still have my ______________ copy of Shakespeares Sonnets somewhere in the house. Ill
go and get it for you.
3. Making an ______________ copy of this article is against copyright law.
4. Its such a ______________ copy of the original painting. Surely nobody would be taken in
by such an obvious fake.

advance back true

5. Any photocopies you send must be certified as ______________ copies of the original
6. I have over 200 ______________ copies of the magazine. I dont think I missed an issue.
7. ______________ copies of a book are usually sent to reviewers before it appears in the

2 Verb + copy of

Use the correct form of these verbs:

enclose get hold of keep

print make sign

1. I think wed better ___________ twenty copies of the agenda and bring them to the meeting.
2. We ___________ file copies of all official letters that we send out just in case we need to refer
to them at a later date.
3. Please remember to ___________ a copy of your birth certificate with your application form.
4. Bruce Witlon will be___________ copies of his latest book straight after this talk.
5. I finally managed to ___________ a copy of that book you were looking for. I picked one up
in a second-hand bookshop.
6. The publishers only ___________ 500 copies of the book. They dont think it will be a big

Ex 1: 1. Free 2. well-thumbed 3. unauthorised 4. poor 5. true 6. back 7. Advance

Ex 2: l. make 2. keep 3. enclose 4. signing 5. get hold of 6. printed

2017 IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: Dream with Model Answers

Posted: 27 Sep 2017 04:13 AM PDT

Read Sample Answers for IELTS Speaking Part 1 to learn new vocabulary,
collocations, idioms, phrasal verbs, etc and know how to answer the
examiner effectively.
Do you like your dreams at night?

For me, the answer is obviously no. This is mainly because I often dream about the bad experiences in
the past, which makes me have a sinking feeling when waking up and put me in such a bad mood
all day long.


Have a sinking feeling (idiom) a feeling that something bad is going to happen

Put somebody in a bad mood (idiom) sad; depressed; grouchy; with low spirits

Do you remember your dream when you wake up?

Well, honestly, I completely forget most dreams I have been through. However, sometimes I
had vivid dreams which regularly haunted me. Every now and then, I had really pleasant and
meaningful dreams which I could remember well after awakening and I love to take a trip down
memory lane for a while.


To be through (phrase) To have finished something

Vivid dream (phrase) any dream or nightmare which one remembers after awakening

Every now and then (idiom) sometimes

Take a trip down memory lane (idiom) to reminisce over memories of past events, especially
happy ones.


You spend nearly one-third of your life asleep, so remembering your dream is such a challenge. Honestly,
I hardly recall any of my dreams after waking up. Sometimes, I manage to visualize a dream in
graphic detail just because that dream does bring some strong emotions after I wake up.


Recall (v): to remember something

Visualize (v): to form a picture of somebody/something in your mind

Do you like hearing others dreams?

By all means. I suppose that dreams represent their current psychological stress or struggles that
they express themselves in an environment considered safe. Therefore, when I listen to them speaking
about their dreams, I can get an insight into their body, mind and spirit.


By all means (phrase) Of course, certainly

Psychological stress (phrase) under mental, physical, or emotional pressure

Get/gain an insight into (phrase) have the clear understanding of something


Surprisingly, there are those whose dreams can be a fortune teller. Therefore, I prefer listening to
mysterious dreams of people surrounding me. They can predict what will happen in the future, which
makes me very excited. Hearing others dreams really catches my attention.


Fortune teller (n): a person who claims to have magic powers and who tells people what will happen
to them in the future

Catch someones attention: to make someone interested in or excited about something

Why are dreams so important? /Do you think dreams will affect life?

Well, this is an interesting question. I think we are all aware of how important dream is.
Dreams motivate us to move forward, overcome obstacles to fulfill ourselves. Dream is
something out of reach only when do people have no passion and patience, as well as life purposes.
Honestly, I feel pity for whoever lives without dream as theyll never know what they can do and how
dreams can shape them.


Move forward (phrase verb) make progress

Out of reach (phrase) unobtainable

Life purpose (phrase)


In fact, a dream is a wish your heart makes. Hence, you usually dream about what you are hoping, so
with someone who is superstitious, its good when their dreams turn into a good precursor, which
makes them feel relieved about the future. Then, it is undeniable that dreams will affect life in all ways.

Superstitious (a): belief that is not based on human reason or scientific knowledge, but is connected
with old ideas about magic, etc.

Precursor (n): a person or thing that comes before somebody/something similar and that leads to or
influences its development

What is your dream?

Im living the dream to become a successful businessman who can run a chain store. Im trying
to fulfill my dream and hopefully one day itll come true.


Living the dream (idiom) do what you really want to do/achieve

Chain store (phrase) a store that is part of a chain of similar stores selling the same type of product,
and that are all owned and controlled by the same organization

Fulfill ones dream (phrase) realize ones dream

Come true (phrase) to materialize as expected or hoped

Do you want to learn more about dreams?

To me, dreams always beg a question. I often wonder why we dreams, how dreams occur in our life
and how they can predict what will happen in the future. Therefore, I would like to look into them more
carefully to figure out the mysteries lying beneath my dreams.

beg a question: if a statement or situation begs the question, it causes you to ask a particular question

look into: to examine the facts about a problem or situation

figure out: to discover

Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score Key Word: a sign of

Posted: 26 Sep 2017 04:20 AM PDT

a sign of

1 Verb + sign of

Use the correct form of these verbs:

find see show

1. The tyres on my car are beginning to _____________ signs of wear. Ill need to replace them
2. We must stick to our original plan. Any change of policy will be _____________as a sign of
3. The detectives searched the house from top to bottom, but they _____________ no sign of the
stolen goods.

2 (Be) a sign of

Match the two halves of these sentences:

1. A fall in unemployment is one sign of

2. Spelling words incorrectly is a common sign of
3. A heavy, dark sky is a sign of
4. Admitting youve made a mistake is a sign of
5. Sore muscles and a headache are usually the first signs of
6. People say that being a good pool player is usually a sign of

a rain.

b strength, not weakness.

c a growing economy.

d dyslexia.

e a misspent youth!

f the flu.

3 Sign of + noun
Complete the sentences with these words:

having improvement trouble

times giving in emotion

1. Shes such a cold fish. I have rarely seen her display any sign of _____________ .
2. At last, her work is showing some signs of _____________.
3. The police have shown no signs of_____________ to the kidnappers demands.
4. Im afraid shes showing the first signs of _____________ the disease. Well need to start
5. Make sure you call the police at the first sign of _____________ .
6. Rising crime is just a sign of the _____________ !


Ex 1: l. show 2.seen 3.found

Ex 2: l-c 2-d 3-a 4-b 5-f 6-e

Ex 3: 1. emotion 2. improvement 3. giving in 4. having 5. trouble 6. times

IELTS Writing Recent Actual Test in 2017 & Sample Answer

Posted: 25 Sep 2017 07:17 AM PDT

IELTS Writing Task 2

In some countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people think
that it is the responsibility of governments to solve the problem. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

Sample Answer

Increasing numbers of health issues are prevalent in young children in recent times. It is believed by
some people that governments are liable to resolve this issue. I agree with this belief to some extent as in
my opinion, this situation is the responsibility of both the government, the society and individuals.

As the government is responsible for maintaining and improving the economic growth of its country,
it must ensure steps in managing and enhancing the health of its youth. Unhealthy children would mean
an unhealthy future generation of a nation, which would result in a slowdown of the economy as a
whole. For example, an adult suffering from diabetes at an early age would not be able to consistently
work efficiently as he would constantly suffer from lethargy and mental weakness.

However, health management targeting children is also the duty of society and its individuals. Health
issues among children would get worse with age and might result in other severe diseases such as heart
disorders and high blood pressure. These ailments might then be passed through
generations and create a pool of unhealthy individuals in the community. As a result, parents as
well as other adults need to instill the importance of lifestyle and health management among
young children in order to equip them with long-term health consciousness. For instance, a
family that follows a healthy routine and fitness regime would cultivate these good habits in
their offspring and other kids, and prevent these young children succumbing to health problems.

In conclusion, I agree to some extent that governments are responsible for solving the problem of
unhealthy and overweight children. But, society and its individuals also play a critical role
in overcoming this situation.

285 words by IELTS corner

Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score Key Word: a stage of

Posted: 25 Sep 2017 04:20 AM PDT

a stage of
Stage of + noun

Complete the sentences with these nouns:

campaign competition course

development disease journey

1. By the time his relatives called the doctor, old Harry was in the advanced stages of
______________ the and there was little the doctors could do for him except make him as
comfortable as possible.
2. All the British teams were eliminated in the knockout stage of the ______________ .
3. Students are tested at the end of each stage of the ______________ .
4. The children are at different stages of ______________ so they have to be taught in small
5. The last stage of our ______________ was by helicopter from the small airstrip to a tiny
island 50 miles off the coast.
6. At the half-way stage of the election ______________ Bill Clinton had a clear lead over Al

project process game

7. My manager likes to get personally involved in every stage of the decision-

making______________ .
8. Juventus scored twice in the early stages of the ______________ .
9. These plans outline the various stages of the building ______________ .

1 disease 2. competition 3. course 4. development 5. journey

6 campaign 7. process 8. game 9. project

Pros Of Working In Customer Service

Make the best of it!
DeAndre Eccles

DeAndre Eccles

The cons of working in customer service are talked about so often that there are even memes that
fit the theme. People in customer service sometimes believe that they have the worst possible job
because of the motto The customer is always right, when sometimes they are not right at all.

Customer service encompasses a larger list of jobs than some may think. Some positions that are
under the umbrella of customer service include cashiers, receptionists, managers, anyone that
works in retail, and some other careers. This is because customer service entails coming in
contact with customers or potential customers, giving advice on a service or product, possibly
resolving issues, ensuring they leave satisfied with their purchase and so on. This may sound
simple, but if youve worked in customer service youll know it can be anything but simple.

This depends on the type of person you are and your attitude toward life. If youre one of those
people that starts as a cashier and sees their job as just a job, then you may hate working in
customer service. But if you look at this job as an opportunity to get some experience, youll try
to learn from everything, even the pain-in-the-neck customers.

My first paid position was as a cashier and for some reason, I started out loving my job. I
consider myself a friendly person, and I always have a smile on my face. Because of this, being a
cashier felt too easy and then I started to hate it. I started hating my job because it felt like there
was no spontaneity and like everything was rehearsed (which it was, of course). The thing with
me, though, is that when I start to dislike something, I make it a goal to find the silver lining
(even in the rude-customer scenarios). From my time working in customer service, these are
some pros that I have realized:

1. Customer service helps hone your people skills.

This depends on the setting of your job, but in most cases, daily interactions with different types
of people teach you how people behave in certain situations. This can help you later in life.
Knowing how people work and what they expect is one of the most helpful things you can learn.

2. You learn things you didnt expect to.

If youre the type of person that starts a conversation at the register instead of just standing there
in silence, youll learn so much about people. Theres absolutely no need to get personal. Just
keep your conversation topical, and youll be amazed at what some people tell you. Trust me,
I've heard some funny stuff.

3. People arent as bad as we think.

When you work in NYC with so much diversity, its great to see perfect strangers looking out for
each other. Ive seen people go around sharing their coupons with people they dont even know.
This sounds unoriginal and simple, but some people take coupons very seriously. I mean, it is
money after all.

4. You can get unexpected opportunities.

Some customers are so pleasant and just want to talk your ear off. In these instances, dont be
rude; just politely let them know that you have a job and other customers to cater to. However, if
its one of those slow days at work and you happen to have some time, go ahead and humor
them. I once talked an elderly lady through editing her sons old baby photo, and without me
realizing it, she found out my major and suggested places to intern. Being pleasant to those
customers who approach you with a smile doesnt always hurt.

5. Youre making connections.

You shouldnt get a job just to make connections, because that can lead to bad scenarios. You
may wind up hating your job and not wanting to remember the people you worked with. If you
see each job as a chance to learn and better yourself however, youll make connections while
youre doing that. Just be yourself and be pleasant. If those two things are mutually exclusive,
then just be pleasant.

6. At the end of the day, every job is what you

make of it.
If you tell yourself youre going to hate your job, odds are you might. Start off with a positive
attitude, and if its not for you, then move on.

These pros have helped me survive customer service, and they continue to help me in life today.
With anything, not just a job, its your attitude that counts. So leave the bad attitude at home and
put on a smile (otherwise itll be a very long shift).

Phrases to show contrast:

1) Having said this

Q: How healthy is your countrys food?

A: Well, I suppose you could argue that my countrys food isnt
healthy. Having said this, there is a new trend now toward vegan or
vegetarian food and there is a new restaurant in my neighborhood. I feel
great when I eat there!

2) At the same time

Q: What changes will happen in the education space in the future?

A: Well I think were moving towards technology for every kid in the
classroom. At the same time I know there are a lot of school districts who
cant afford that kind of technology.

3) On the other hand

Q: Why do people like watching television

A: Clearly television is addictive and people like it because they like to see
beautiful people and escape their lives. I can understand that. On the
other hand, I think it would be better if people would read a bit more.

4) Nevertheless

Q: How do most people travel long distances in your country?

A: Well Im from the US where long distances are long. In my country
people generally fly nevertheless there is a romantic notion of the road
trip. Americans love road trips. Both ways are still used today.

The first sentence is fine and correct, but it could be leveled up.

Sentence 2 is not grammatically correct, and this is how we should write

it: What I think will happen, and, in actuality, already has been happening, is

This is a great structure- it is your opportunity to use the present perfect

continuous structure, which is rare and difficult to use.

Plus, the phrase in actuality is a high-scoring phrase. The whole sentence is

a fantastic way to end on a high note in front of the examiner!

Your strategy for using todays phrases is to employ them at the end of your
formal, academic answers.

These structures are part of having templates, as we have in the course

for Writing and Speaking.

The next phrase to use in conclusions is: It is conceivable that

For example, we could say, Its conceivable in the next 10 years that podcasting
will become the new radio.

Another way you could predict the future impressively is: In the foreseeable

As an example, you could say, In the foreseeable future, I sincerely wish that
society will reevaluate their diets and adhere to a stricture regimen of raw foods
and locally sourced produce.

One final structure to score highly is: It could be reasonably anticipated

due to current trends that...

Fir instance, you could write, It could be reasonably anticipated due to current
trends that the global idiom is and forever will be English.

How would you use these phrases to frame future predictions?

Experiences with online dating tend to be mixed. Some people have excellent
experiences with online dating that end in satisfying relationships. Others have stories
filled with confusion and frustration. Thus, much like any other way to date, meeting
someone online has both benefits and drawbacks.

So, how does someone date online successfully? As it turns out, a simple analysis of
the pros and cons of online dating can help out a great deal. Fortunately, the
psychological research just happens to have such an analysis.

An Analysis of Online Dating

Finkel and associates (2012) put together an extremely comprehensive review of the
literature investigating various aspects of online dating. The goal of their review was to
evaluate whether online dating was 1) fundamentally different from face-to-face dating
and 2) was superior. Results of their assessment indicated that dating online was
indeed different from "traditional" dating in a number of ways. It also provided some
superior features and potential problems.

Overall, Finkel and associates (2012) found that online dating differed in three main

1) Access
Pros: Online dating provided individuals with access to many more potential partners
than they could often find in their daily lives. This is especially true for individuals
interested in partners of a particular type, orientation, lifestyle, or in isolated areas.

Cons: The choices of partners can become confusing and overwhelming. Without a
clear plan, online daters can get stuck endlessly "shopping" for the perfect partner,
rather than actually starting a satisfying relationship.

2) Matching
Pros: Many online dating sites offer various types of personality testing and matching.
Such matching can help guide individuals toward dating partners who may be more

Cons: Matching is a difficult process and testing may not be accurate for everyone. In
addition, people may present differently in person or change over time. So, matching
may overlook potentially good partners in the process.
3) Communication
Pros: Online dating offers a number of ways to get to know a potential date before
meeting in person. Such computer-mediated communication allows for safe and
convenient interaction, without much risk or time commitment. For the busy
professional, or the safety-conscious, such communication is an excellent way to "test"
potential partners.

Cons: Communication through computers is lacking some of the information provided in

face-to-face interaction. As a result, it is harder to evaluate a potential match online.
Also, some of the cues and features that build attraction (like touching) cannot be
accomplished through a computer. So, such computer-mediated communication may
have an artificial and unemotional quality.

Using Online Dating to Your Advantage


Clearly, the features of online dating have both costs and benefits. So, how do you
make the most of your dating experience online? Here are a few suggestions...

Access - Having choices is wonderful, but keep them manageable. If you want an
actual face-to-face dating interaction, then don't get stuck endlessly "browsing" online.
Instead, narrow your search to a small location, or a certain set of "must have" features.
After your narrow it down, rather than just "shopping", talk to those who make the list.
To ensure success among your many options, make sure you have at least a general
idea of what you're looking for in a partner, and what you are offering them too. (For
more on those topics, see here, here, and here).

Matching - Online tests may not be able to tell you your perfect match, but they can
help narrow down the options. In particular, such testing often identifies potential daters
who would be a poor relationship partner for anyone. Thus, while you may have to date
a few matches to find out who is a good fit for you, matching can help you avoid those
who might be a disaster. Beyond that, it might be best to trust your unconscious feelings
too as your implicit "gut reactions" can have a big impact on attraction. (For more,
see here and here).

Communication - Online communication is designed to make an initial connection, not

set the foundation for a whole relationship. So, keep initial online conversation focused
on finding out the basics quickly, then setting up an actual date. Generally, a few short
emails or quick conversations will suffice. Long introductory emails may be counter-
productive and off-putting too. Save it for a date. If you are crunched for time, then meet
for coffee (see here). If you still have safety concerns, meet in a public place. (For more
on asking for a date, see here).

Overall, it is important to remember that online dating is best used as a resource to

meet individuals for eventual face-to-face dating. Keeping that goal in mind will prevent
you from getting stuck on the drawbacks and limitations of dating online. So, if you get
confused, the best next step is always to move an interaction toward a date. If you are
overwhelmed with access to too many choices, then find a way to narrow them down
and find better matches. If you don't know what to do with a potential match, send them
a quick communication. If you get frustrated with talking online, then suggest a meeting
in person. Follow that process and you will more easily find a satisfying connection
online and face-to-face too.

Go to for more dating and relationship advice (in helpful


Make sure you get the next article too! Click here to sign up to my Facebook
page, Email, and RSS. I keep my friends informed :)

Finally, remember to share, like, tweet, and comment below.

Until next time...happy dating and relating!

Dr. Jeremy Nicholson

The Attraction Doctor

You could use this when asked to predict the future in Speaking or Writing, or
describing a book or movie that takes place in this setting.

The Hunger Games novels take place in a dystopian future.

in the midst of to be in the middle of something, especially a

specific situation or context

This phrase is useful anywhere in the Speaking or Writing tests.

Im in the midst of applying to a bunch of universities right now, so Im sort

of waiting in the wings as far as my immediate future.

tangible (adj.) something you can feel, especially a feeling in the environment

This high-level word can also be used anywhere in your Speaking and
The excitement in the room was tangible.

single-handedly (adv.) complete something wholly by oneself

This, as well, could be used anywhere in Speaking or Writing, especially

when describing hard working people.

I single-handedly started the first volunteer program in my school.

In order to learn and remember these words, use them in your sentences to
describe the people and situations in your life that you are grateful for
and/or proud of.

Interesting Debate Topics: Social,

Cultural, and Beyond

You cannot make pizza without the

dough, right? The same goes for a debate: you need to have all the necessary
ingredients to make it work. To be able to have an interesting debate, you first
have to have an interesting debate topic. So how do you find that topic? Ask
yourself a few questions: What are you interested in? What do you feel would
be fun to debate about? Now, consider your audience as well. What are some
topics that you feel others would benefit from understanding and seeing both
sides of? Finally, try combining all those three things into one topic that you
feel passionate about. Still stuck? We have some wonderful debate topics that
will suit any of your debating needs right here.

Need some tips on public speaking first? Try this course on overcoming
the fear of public speaking.
Interesting Debate Topics for High School Students
You were probably aware of the debate club in high school, and maybe you
were a part of it yourself! In high school, individuals are at an age group
where they are starting to grasp and understand the concepts of politics,
society, and how the world works. Introducing them to debate topics like
these are a great way to get them intellectually stimulated. Here are a few:

Is animal testing a justified?

Is the death penalty appropriate? Or should it be banned?
Should cell phones be used during class?
Should laptops be allowed in classrooms?
Is global warming an issue?
Is there good reason for the American war on terror?
Does school detention do any good in high schools?
What impact does social networking and social networking sites have on
Is euthanasia justified?
Are video games containing violence appropriate for children?
Are single sex schools more effective than co-ed schools?
Is television an effective tool in building the minds of children?
Should jobs be subcontracted into developing countries?
Is cloning animals ethical?
Is the grading system used in high school effective?
Do celebrities get away with more crime than non-celebrities?
Is it justified to develop nuclear energy for commercial use?
Is it effective to censor parts of the media?
Are humans to blame for certain animal extinctions?
Are alternative energy sources effective and justified?
Do school uniforms make school a more effective place to learn?
Is drug testing athletes justified?
Is it appropriate for adolescents to be sentenced to life without parole?
Should high schools provide daycare services for students who have

Interesting Debate Topics for College and Beyond

Once people hit college, they have a pretty good idea about how the world
works and should have some set beliefs and standards based on what they
believe to be moral or immoral. Heres a course on effective public
speaking and interesting topics to debate for college and beyond!
Are social networking sites effective, or are they just a sophisticated
means for stalking people?
Is torture justified when used for national security?
Should cell phones be banned in schools?
Is peer pressure harmful or beneficial to individuals?
Should violent video games be banned?
Should the death penalty be taken away completely?
Are beauty pageants a way to objectifying women?
Should cigarettes be banned from society?
Is it unethical to eat meat?
Should homework be banned?
Can people move in together before they are married?
Do celebrities make for bad role models?
Are credit cards are more harmful than debit cards?
Should the concept of zoos should be nullified?
Should fried foods come with a warning?
Should sex education be banned in middle schools?
All schools should make it a requirement to teach arts and music to their
Should juveniles be tried and treated as adults?
Is human cloning justified, and should it be allowed?
Has nuclear energy destroyed our society?
Should parents not purchase war or destruction type toys for their
Should animal dissections be banned in schools?
Should plastic bags be banned?
Are humans too dependent on computers?
Are security cameras an invasion of our privacy?
Should gay marriages be legalized?
Is co-education a good idea?
Does money motivates people more than any other factor in the
Is it ethical for companies to market their products to children?
Is age an important factor in relationships?
Should school attendance be made voluntary in high school?
Is the boarding school system beneficial to children?
Are curfews effective in terms of keeping teens out of trouble?
Should libraries have a list of books that are banned?
Will posting students grades on bulletin boards publicly motivate them
to perform better or is it humiliating?
Do school uniforms help to improve the learning environment?
How far is competition necessary in regards to the learning process?
Can bullying in schools be stopped? How so?
Is it important for all schools to conduct mandatory drug testing on
their students?


Interesting and Funny Debate Topics

Debate topics do not always have to be serious they can definitely be
humorous as well! Sometimes the subjects that we feel strongly about fall on
the lighter side of things. Debate topics in general are meant to hold to
attention of listeners, and we have some that are sure to hold anyones

Who is more complicated gender: men or women?

Should humans eat to live or live to eat?
Do video games cause bad behavior in children?
Should older women be allowed to marry younger men?
Is it better to be honest and poor or dishonest and rich?
Do nice girls finish last?
Do nursery rhymes have secret interior meanings?
What are the advantages of being a man over a woman?
Which of these two are more real pirates or ninjas?
Do vampires get AIDS from sucking blood that is affected?
Which is better: daydreaming or night dreaming?
Do you think the United States will never have a woman President?
Did God create the universe or did it just occur naturally?
Do we have less face-to-face interaction because of Facebook?
Is there life after death?
Are we aliens of some sort?
What are the best dating techniques out there?
What are the advantages of bottled water vs. regular water?
Which is a better show: Vampire Diaries or FRIENDS?
What is the best pizza topping?
Are Batman and Superman misleading idols?
Which is better: Rock n Roll music or Hip Hop?
Which is better: Harry Potter or Twilight?
Which is the best season of the year?
Is it better to date someone attractive and popular or intelligent and
Which is better to have as a pet: a cat or a dog?

Seeing Both Sides

An important thing to consider when you are going into a debate is the fact
that the person on the other side of the table, or your audience, is going to
have something to say against your position. A great way to prepare for this is,
once you have your interesting debate topic chosen; is to list the pros and cons
to be able to see both sides of the issue clearly. Here are a few examples in
support and opposition of the argument that, Physical Education should not
be a requirement in schools:

Pro: School is solely for studying, not for play

Con: 30 minutes of physical education is good for students health.
Pro: PE grades can lower students GPAs.
Con: Physical education is a part of creating a sound and balanced mind
and body.

Start Debating!
As you begin practicing debating some of these topics, keep in mind that each
of your arguments should be as convincing as possible. Try not to just churn
out points, but actually speak in-depth and give reasons as to why you feel the
way you do. You might get nervous, but try not to show it, and remember that
people are genuinely interested in what you have to say.

With all of these interesting topics, you will be sure to have some wonderful
ideas to get your thoughts going, and to get the interest of everyone else in the
room. For your one-stop-shop for ideas and ways to be more logical and
persuasive with your thoughts, check out this course from Udemy to
find your persuasive voice!
Filed Under: Education, Humanities, Students

Do mothers who work outside of the home have a negative

effect on their children?

Are freelancing and other forms of home employment

real jobs?
"Crime and mental health are linked."
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Time Remaining

Voting Style: Open Point System: 7 Point

Started: 9/20/2017 Category: Society

Updated: 1 week ago Status: Debating Period

Viewed: 71 times Debate No: 104053

Debate Rounds (3)

Comments (1)

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The Australian Institute of Criminology claims that crime and mental health have long been

intertwined. Mental disorders in prison populations are up to four times higher than those in the

general population. Researchers from the guardian found that 3.7% of men and 0.5% of women

committed a violent crime after being identified as clinically depressed. This compared with 1.2%
of men and 0.2% of women in the general population. An example of a criminal that suffer from

from this case is Martin Bryant, In 1996 he committed a crime that could not be undone where

35 people were killed and 23 were wounded the reason why he has come to a conclusion to do

this is because he suffers from the mental illness known as schizophrenia. In saying many mental

health issues, such as Schizophrenia in particular, can lead to violent crime. Schizophrenia is a

severe mental illness that affects how a person feels, thinks and acts. People with schizophrenia

tend to imagine scenarios that are not ideal and hallucinate about events that may be dangerous

or violent. 31% of people who have a mental illness commit at least one crime. This can lead to

schizophrenic people committing a violent crime, even if they are not aware that they are doing


Report this Argument


I truly believe that the relationship between mental health and crime, do not commonly connect

in any way. Despite all the facts we've been provided, with this current generation, media has

unfortunately often come to represent this relationship in a negative perspective. Leading to the

common misconception that people who're committing certain offences all possess some form of

mentally illness. This is, of course, far from the case. However, I cannot deny that some

individuals with mental health problems do commit serious crime, but there is no serious doubt

about that."Far more people who suffer with these conditions, actually don"t conduct any

violence to the people of society. The misunderstandings that surround"this link are frequently

exaggerated in news stories. Articles about violence often focus on the person's current mental

health, and according to a report, only about 4% of interpersonal violence in the US can be

associated to mental illness. Nevertheless, studies can conclude that an estimate of 40% of the

news stories about mental illness, are compared about the two, despite the reality. With

following the Human Department of Health and Human Services, people with severe mental
illnesses are 10 times more likely to be victims of violent crimes than people who make up the

general population.

Many people would like to place the blame for people's violent instincts on unstable or

unhealthy mental wellbeing. However research has shown that this is not necessarily always

the case. Most people who commit violent acts, who are thought to be mentally ill, they may

be but their violent acts come from a place of displaced anger or emotional issues. In a

study of crimes committed by people with serious mental disorders, only 7.5% were directly

related to symptoms of mental illness, according

Report this Argument


Mental health is often associated with numerous types of crime each year. This is because

people who have mental health conditions are often mentally unstable and therefore are

unable to make morally and ethically correct decisions. Even though people with mental

health issues are more likely to become victims of violence than the general population, this

may push them to become harmful to others or themselves. This is a fact that is often

supported by media outlets and portrayals through film.

Report this Argument


The previous argument stated that people suffering from mental health issues make

irrational decisions, but that is untrue according to the U.S. Department of Health and

Human Services (HHS), people with severe mental illnesses are more than 10 times more

likely to be victims of violent crimes than people in the general population. A statement that

seems more logically correct than the assumed fact that most criminals suffer from mental
illness or depression. Although some of the worst crimes, the criminals are perceived by the

general public as mentally unstable or unwell.

President Donald Trump just banned transgender people from joining the military. People are exploding
over it, but I'm here to argue that people really shouldn't mind all that much.

The military isn't known to be inclusive, in fact I was laughing at a comment on facebook I read because
(In reference to Donald Trump) someone wrote in anger, "Maybe they should exclude fat people from
the military to!"

They do.

I know twin girls that wanted to join the military, they are very strong, can fight, and are working to the
olympics. They are also diabetic. They cannot join the military.

I also cannot join the military due to several of my disabilities even though I have never lost a fight and
come from a military family.

The military often won't let people in if they even have allergies.

The military can barely handle glasses, why are transgender people so special? I don't exactly see people
screaming for disabled people to be able to join the military.

And to get too my final point, if Trump is doing this out of spite than that was the stupidest possible
move, literally taking them out of a position that they would be likely to die, and quite possibly saving
their life!
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"You don't need to be straight to fight and die for your country. You just need to shoot straight."
-Barry Goldwater

I'll accept that debate & thank Pro for the opportunity to consider military policy regarding transgendered

Let's begin by injecting more precision into Pro"s opening argument, starting with Pro"s thesis.

At heart, we are discussing a government enforced cisgenders-only discrimination order, excluding an ill-
defined class of people from the full American franchise as a matter of public policy. "Isn't that bad" or
"people shouldn't mind all that much" are not standards that might conceivably outweigh the equal
protections guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, so let"s be more precise.

Pro is arguing that the US Govt should exclude transgendered people from current and future military
service, I am arguing that the Govt. should never arbitrarily discriminate based only on superficial &
subjective social classification. Military eligibility should be determined by objective measures of aptitude
and performance rather than by a politician"s calculations for popular advantage.

Let"s correct Pro"s false statement "President Donald Trump just banned transgender people from joining
the military." No such order has been given.

Yesterday, President Trump tweeted:

"[P]lease be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals
to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming
victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in
the military would entail."

As of this evening, the Pentagon Chiefs of Staff and the Dept. of Defense advise that they have received
no orders from the President in this regard. The Pentagon has been preparing an assessment of such a
ban"s impact on military readiness due in a few months. Sec. Of Defense Mattis has refused any such
initiative without consulting the troops. We might wish to surmise that the Pentagon"s findings would not
have pleased the White House, compelling Trump to act before assessing the potential risks but Politico
reports today that Trump"s tweet was exclusively political.

Some GOP House members were threatening to vote against the Defense Budget (passed today) unless
language was inserted to defund medical treatments specific to gender re-assignment, language opposed
by Paul Ryan and the Dept. of Defense. However, the Bill also includes $1.6 billion for Trump"s Border
Wall, so Trump tweeted to make it appear that such an amendment would not be necessary. The Bill
passed today with no amendment, therefore medical treatment remains in place. As one GOP House aide

"This is like someone told the White House to light a candle on the table and the WH set the whole table
on fire." [1]

At present, the DoD"s transgender policy remains unchanged:

"[T]ransgender Service members may serve openly, and they can no longer be discharged or otherwise
separated from the military solely for being transgender individuals." [2]

Whether Trump will actually walk the walk is an open question but his track record on making policy
changes is rather dismal so far.

The Constitution almost certainly protects current soldiers from being punished by acts of discharge after
having been welcomed by the previous administration [3]. The number of active duty soldiers serving as
openly transgendered is estimated between 2500-15000. [1] Trump may lack the capacity to consider the
harm he"s doing to US soldiers serving under his command but the generals have no such luxury.

In order to discharge these soldiers, the Pentagon will have to show cause & I doubt a tweet from the
covfefe-in-chief alone will pass muster.

Nor do I expect that Pro"s argument will make a particularly compelling case. Pro"s entire case can be
boiled down to this: the Military excludes some people for some reasons so why not one more?

Pro offers four circumstances subject to military restrictions: obesity, diabetes, allergies, & poor vision. In
each case, Pro fails to note that these circumstances are not absolute. Each circumstance is permitted to
some degree and contingent upon military readiness: the standard most generally applied to military
Pro states that the US Military bans excludes fat people but 1 in every 13 soldiers serving today is
clinically overweight and just being overweight won't prevent you from serving if you can complete the
basic physical fitness test. [4] I doubt many generals could perform 49 push-ups in 2 mins, never mind
our Commander in Chief, but they are not excluded from service- exceptions are made based on military

While it is true that few diabetics are permitted to enlist, hundreds of active duty soldiers develop the
disease each year & most continue service so long as they can maintain their Hb1ac level below 7%. [5]

Hay fever alone won't prevent you from military service but chronic or life-threatening allergies will.

The military has very specific vision requirements that would exclude 40% of Americans but most
enlistees are permitted corrective lenses or surgery to achieve those standards. Certain jobs, pilots,
snipers, etc maintain much higher standards.

In each case, the determinative condition is the capacity to perform. Soldiers have to be able to see, to
run & fight without an unacceptable health risk. Why shouldn't the same standard apply to transgendered
folks? If a person can perform the same basic requirements applied to cisgender soldiers why can't they
enlist and serve with the same distinction?

Certain restrictions regarding gender transition during active duty are rational. Any significant surgery or
volatile medication regimes should probably be undertaken before or after active duty.
Many transgendered soldiers are content to serve according to cisgender norms. But Trump"s tweet bans
them all with no consideration of the many nuances of transgender identity, the specific real
contributions being offered by capable Americans.

Consider the example of Kristin Beck, a member of Seal Team Six, 21 year veteran of 7 combat
deployments, bronze star and Purple Heart recipient. Her former compatriots applauded her gender
transition. She was singled out for recognition by DIA director Michael Flynn. [6]

Trump, who took 4 deferments during the Vietnam War, has the impertinence to call such a soldier a
"burden." Trump, who ambushes his Chiefs of Staff with political stunts, has the temerity to call such a
soldier "disruptive."

I, for one, think Americans should mind when loyal service is disrespected. I think Americans should mind
when honorable people get fired to promote dishonest politics. I think Americans should ignore this
president"s thoughtless tweet and if Trump tries to enforce his careless bigotry, the courts, the Congress,
the people can and should countermand this parochial locust of a Commander-in-Chief.

This should be interesting.

The standard model of "family" is outdated, and impractical.

I propose a system where the top percentiles of performers in each discipline (mathimatics,

sports, art, mechanics, etc.) are the only people allowed to procreate, and ALL children are

raised in more of a boarding school type of environment where they are taught

EVERYTHING, giving them the ability to choose their own paths through life.

Once kids choose a path, they work in their field, trying to be the best in their field so they

can procreate. Creating an end result of an elevated society of more and more capable

people. Simultaneously, freeing people from the distraction of kids allowing them to work

harder in their disciplines.

Now I don't want to argue about my system I just described, its obviously not thoroughly

thought out. But I needed to atleast give an example of a different system that would be

feasible to contrast our current system where parents have kids whilly-nilly, regardless of

financial capability, and lacking in gene pool monitoring. Parents also are in general not

always the greatest teachers and influences to give kids the absolute best shot at being

successful, and instead a lot of times are hindered by their upbringing far into their adult


Con should try to prove that kids growing up with their parents is still the best way to raise

a child.


1. be respectable

2. No NEW arguments in final round

I've basically left this open for anyone

March boldly into battle.

Report this Argument


I think you've given an interesting system that sounds good on paper, but is ultimately flawed.

You state-

"I propose a system where the top percentiles of performers in each discipline (mathimatics, sports,
art, mechanics, etc.) are the only people allowed to procreate"

What you're suggesting is that only people who excel academically can breed, in order to better the

human race.

It's normally people who suffer from autism that excel at one particular subject, so your idea would

only breed a new generation of super autists.

This is called selective breeding and we do it in animals, such as dog. The problem with selective

breeding is that you're limiting the gene pool and forgetting other very important traits, such as


I think you'd be hard pressed to remove children from their parents in order to have them breed

selectively with other children. It has a creepy dystopian feel to it, so good luck gaining support for
that idea. Im sure it would work, but people dont want to gain scientific advancement at the expense

of their children.

A few reasons to keep children with their family-

1) Having a proper family is important for children. Many children love their parents and being around
them makes them happy, parents can be key motivators for children.

2) While in school, its important that children feel a sense of belonging and comfort, especially while
trying difficult tasks, such as exams.

3) Children are dependent on their parents to raise them, without parental guidance children will be
4) How will children get the affection they crave? No teacher at a boarding school can give the
emotional support a mother can.

Even if you could convince the children that leaving their parents is a good thing, how could you
convince the mother to give away her child for scientific exploit?

As you said, people are having children Willy-nilly but if overpopulation is your concern then you
should consider a different approach.

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I am suggesting that not just people who excel academically get to reproduce, but those

who excel as people. Whatever the field may be, Art, Music, Aircraft flight, etc. Those that

are at the top of their respective discipline would hold the privilege of continuing their


I understand that a great artist may not give birth to another great artist. I would not be

limiting the gene pool too much because those at the top of their respective fields are free

to mate with anyone else in the top of any other field. Further, All children will still have the

opportunity to engage in any field they believe they can excel in.

Yes, I would be extremely hard pressed to find real life support for such a system. It would

require a huge change in our social dynamic, or a slow social evolution. Its more of a

thought experiment.


There is no inherent reason why kids HAVE to have their perceived parents involved in their

growth through life. I think I described my dystopian future a little too disconnected. I don't

think kids should live like Vulcans, devoid of emotional satisfaction. I think something
boarding school-like would be effective, but nothing like we have today. Kids could be

lumped in groups of maybe 20 (but that number could fluctuate based on age) and that

would be a "family" with rotating guardians. Also kids would be free to intermingle and

make friends in other families. but lumping kids in 20's would require fewer parents overall,

because they could be handled by two adults at any given time.

This would overall free up the time of "parents" since raising kids becomes more of a 9-5

kind of a job, instead of 24/7 (obviously night shifts would be needed to make sure kids are

always under supervision). This ultimately allowing adults to have ample spare time to

further their own lives, without the stress of 24/7 responsibility of kids. All "parents" would

be trained to raise kids in the best ways we are aware of, and the rotation of "parents"

creates a sort of checks and balances system.

Over-population is not the concern. The concern is that we are already as a species

beginning down a path of diverging evolution. The illiterate are breeding faster than the

intellectual because smarter people tend to understand their financial capabilities and time

constraints better than those with lower IQ's. Thus are having fewer kids overall.

Extrapolate that out to the future and you end up with a population with an overwhelmingly

small intellectual pool. (kind of like we already do, lol)

Something has to be done about the fact that more and more kids are being raised in

hostile environments. You've said a lot about how parents are needed for emotional

satisfaction. However in a lot of situations, parents are actually the cause of emotional

distress. Todays parents aren't trained in raising kids, and are doing it poorly.

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