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DESIRE: Hello welcome to shoping toy.

SUCCESS: If can help you in something?.
NAGORE: Yes,please.
ALBA: We want a stuffed giraffe and a teddy bear.
SUCCEES: Ok,follow me.
NAGORE Y ALBA: How good.
SUCCEES: they need something more.
NAGORE: One second ,Alba let's buy something
ALBA: Yes . I want to see stuffed dogs and cats.
NAGORE: I want to see dolls.Where are the dolls?.
SUCCEES: Come with me.Desire they want to see
DESIRE: They like these dolls.
NAGORE: How much cost all?.
DESIRE: It costs every twenty dollars.
ALBA: Excume me, how much does a giraffe, a dog, a
cat and a stuffed panda cost?
SUCCEES: Everything costs fifty-three dollars.
NAGORE: It's late, we're going.
NAGORE: We want everything, and a doll.
SUCCEES: All seventy-three dollars.
ALBA: Here your money.
NAGORE: Wait Alba, we will pay by card.You can pay
by card?
SUCCEES: Yes. Thanks for come.
DESIRE: Bay bay, come back another day.
NAGORE Y ALBA: Ok,bay bay.
NAGORE: Let's go to my house to play.
ALBA:Yeah , come on.

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