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Reference Calculation Output

10. Design of Pad

10.1 Compression & Bending

Critical ultimate vertical load at the level of foundation,

W = 908 kN

Co-existing ultimate moments at the foundation level,

Mx = 0 kNm My = 0 kNm
Shear in Transverse direc Mt = Hx x (D+h) = 0 kNm
Shear in Longitudinal dir Ml = Hy x (D+h) = 0 kNm

Width of foundation B = 1.750 m

Length of foundation L = 1.750 m

Bearing Pressure acting on Foundation,

due to Axial load = W / ( B x L )
B1 = 908 / 3.1
= 296 kN/m2

due to M'x = 6M'x / ( B2 x L )

B2 = 0 / 5.4
= 0 kN/m2

due to M'y = 6M'y / ( L2 x B )

B2 = 0 / 5.4
= 0 kN/m2

Pressures at edges,
1 = 296 kN/m2
2 = 296 kN/m2
3 = 296 kN/m2
4 = 296 kN/m2

Self wt due to the overburden and foundation at front side of wall, w 1

w1= [ (Ds x soil) x 1.0 + (t x 24) x 1.0]
w1 = 0.0 kN/m2

Pressure at section 1 -1,

11 = 296 kN/m2

Design Moment, Hogging

M = ((s11 - w1) x B x l2/2) + (0.5 x (1 - 11) x l x B x (2l/3)

M = 136 kNm

Doc. No.
Designed Date 27/05/2009
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Reference Calculation Output

Charac. cube strength of concrfcu = 25 MPa

Characteristic strength of stee fy = 460 MPa

Clear cover = 40 mm
Diameter of transverse direction bar = 12 mm
Effective depth, d = 400-40-12/2
= 354 mm d = 354 mm

Design moment, M = 136 kNm M = 136 kNm

M = 0.87fyAsz

Z =d{0.5+0.25-K/0.9}

= d{0.5+[0.25-(M)/(fcubd )] }
2 1/2
= 345 mm

= ### d > 0.95d

Therefore, z = 336 mm z = 336 mm

As,req = M/0.87 fy z
= 1013 mm2 As,re 1013 mm2

Minimum reinforcement required

As,min = 0.13%bd
= 0.13% of 1750 x 354
As,min = 805 mm2
AS, Req=
1013 mm2

Hence Use 11T12 in each direction AS, prov=

1244 mm2

Cl 10.2 Distribution of reinforcement

Column Dimension in X direction, Cx =

0.3 m
Column Dimension in Y direction, Cy =
0.3 m

Effective depths, dx = 400-40-12-12/2

= 342 mm

dy = 400-40-12/2
= 354 mm

(3/4)Cx + (9/4) dx = 994.5 > lcx (=875)

(3/4)Cy + (9/4) dy = 1021.5 > lcy (=875)

Therefore Band width is not available

Doc. No.
Designed Date 27/05/2009
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Reference Calculation Output

Steel required in banded area,

R/F over central Cx + 3.0dx ( 1326mm) and Cy + 3.0dy (1362mm)

= (2/3) x 1013 mm2

= 675.5 mm2
= 509.4 mm2/m

Hence Use 7T12 @ 150mm (754 mm2/m) over the

central zone in each direction.
Use 2 No. of T12 on each side outside the central zone.

10.3 Check for shear

Line shear Check

Average effective depth, davg = 348 mm

Pressure at section at d apart from column d = 296 kN/m2

Shear force, V =((sB - w1) + 0.5 x (1-B)) x B x (0.5(L - C) - davg)

V = 196 kN

v = 0.32 N/mm2 < 0.8 fcu or 5N/mm2

100As/bd = 0.20
Table 3.9 vc = 0.37 N/mm2 > v

Therefore Line Shear OK.

Punching shear Check

Average effective depth, davg = 348 mm

Shear force, V = (s1 - w1) x (LB - (3davg + C)2)

V = 372 kN

U = 4 x (3davg + C) = 5.38 m

v = 0.20 N/mm2 < vc = 0.37 N/mm2

Therefore Punching Shear OK.

Doc. No.
Designed Date 27/05/2009
Checked Date
Job Code Page

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