PLANT CELL: Parts and Functions

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PLANT CELL: Parts and Functions

Cell wall: The cell wall is a rigid layer that surrounds the
plant cells. It is made up of cellulose.
Cell membrane: It is the outer boundary of the cell, it
encloses the cytoplasm and the organelles of the cells.
Chloroplasts: It is an elongated or disc-shaped organelle
containing chlorophyll. They have two membranes and have
structures that look like stack of coins. They are flattened
structures which contain chemical chlorophyll.
Cytoskeleton: It is a network of fibers made up of micro-
tubule and micro-filament. They maintain the shape and gives
support to the cell.
Microtubules: They are hollow cylinder like structures found
in the cytoplasm of the cells. Its function is transport and
structural support.
Microfilaments: Microfilaments are solid rod like structures
whose primary function is structural support.
Plasmodesmata: They are microscopic channels which
traverse the cell walls of plant cells and enables transport and
communication between them.
Vacuole: Vacuoles are known as cells storage center. Plant
cells have large membrane bound chamber called vacuole. Its
main function is storage.
Tonoplast: A vacuole that is surrounded by a membrane is called tonoplast.
Plastids: Plastids are storage organelles. They store products like starch for synthesis of fatty acids and terpenes.
Leucoplast: They are a type of plastid which are non-pigmented.
Chromoplast: They are plastids responsible for pigment synthesis and storage. They are found in photosynthetic eukaryotic
species. They are found in colored organs of plants like fruits and flowers.
Golgi complex: The Golgi bodies look like the endoplasmic reticulum and are situated near the nucleus. They are found in
almost all eukaryotic cells. Their main function is to process and package macromolecules synthesized from other parts of
the cell. The Golgi apparatus is referred to as the cell's packaging center.
Ribosomes: Ribosomes are smallest and the most abundant cell organelle. It comprises of RNA and protein. Ribosomes
are sites for protein synthesis.
Endoplasmic reticulum: They are responsible for protein translation, and protein transport to be used in the cell
membrane. They also aid in sequestration of calcium, and production and storage of glycogen and other macromolecules.
Mitochondria: Mitochondria are surrounded by two membranes. They are described as the 'power plants' of the cell as
they convert glucose to energy molecules (ATP).
Lysosome: Lysosome contain digestive enzymes. They digest excess or worn out organelles, food particles and any
foreign bodies.
Micro body: It is a single membrane bound organelle that comprises of degradative enzymes
Cytoplasm: It is a gel-like matrix inside enclosed by the cell membrane. The cytoplasm supports cell organelles and also
prevents the cell from bursting or shrinking.
Nucleus: It is the control center of the cell.

ANIMAL CELL: Parts and Functions

Cell membrane:It is a semi-permeable barrier, allowing only a few

molecules to move across it.
Cytoplasm:The fluid matrix that fills the cell is the cytoplasm.
Nucleus : Nucleus is the house for most of the cells genetic
material- the DNA and RNA.
Ribosomes:Ribosomes is the site for protein synthesis where the
translation of the RNA takes place.
Endoplasmic reticulum:ER is the transport system of the cell. It
transports molecules that need certain changes and also
molecules to their destination.
Lysosomes:It is the digestive system of the cell.
Centrosomes:It is located near the nucleus of the cell and is
known as the 'microtubule organizing center' of the cell.
Vacuoles :In many organisms vacuoles are storage organelles.
Golgi bodies:Golgi bodies are the packaging center of the cell.
Mitochondria:Mitochondria is the main energy source of the cell.
Peroxisomes:They help in digesting long chains of fatty acids and
amino acids and help in synthesis of cholesterol.
Cytoskeleton:They give structural support and maintain the
shape of the cell.
Cilia and Flagella:Cilia are short and are in large number per cell
while flagella are longer and are fewer in number.The flagellar
motion is undulating and wave-like whereas the ciliary movement
is power stroke and recovery stroke.

1 A plant cell is usually larger in size. An animal cell is comparatively smaller in size.

It is enclosed by a rigid cellulose cell It is enclosed by a thin, flexible plasma

wall in addition to plasma membrane. membrane only.

3 It cannot change its shape. An animal cell can often change its shape.

4 Plastids are present. Plant cells Plastids are usually absent.

exposed to sunlight contain chloroplast.

A mature plant cell contains a large An animal cell often possesses many small
5 central vacuole. vacuoles.

Nucleus lies on one side in the Nucleus usually lies in the centre.
6 peripheral cytoplasm.

Centrioles are usually absent except in Centrioles are practically present in animal
7 motile cells of lower plants. cells

Lysosomes are rare. Lysosomes are always present in animal

8 cells.

Glyoxysomes may be present. They are absent.

Tight junctions and desmosomes are Tight junctions and desmosomesare present
10 lacking. between cells.

Plasmodesmata is present. Plasmodesmata are usually absent.

11 Reserve food is generally in the form of Reserve food is usually glycogen.


12 Plant cell synthesise all amino acids , Animal cell cannot synthesise all the amino
coenzymes and vitamins required by acids, co enzymes and vitamins required by
them. them.

13 Spindles formed during cell divisions in Spindle formed during cell division is
anastral i.e. without asters at opposite amphiastral i.e. has an ester at each pole.

14 Cytokinesis occurs by cell plate Cytokinesis occurs by construction or

method. furrowing.

15 Plant cell does not burst if placed in Animal cell lacking contractile vacuoles usually
hypotonic solution due to the presence burst, if placed in hypertonic solution.
of the cell wall.

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