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Matlab script to estimate propeller characteristics based on

Wageningen Series B

Input data (already filled with default data)

Plot open water curve

Estimate KT,KQ and etaO from known value

Display the result :

***** Result of propeller performance estimation based on Wageningen series B ***

-----Input Data----

Diameter = 1 ; Pitch = 1.2

Number of blades = 4 ; Expanded area ratio = 0.55

Advance ratio: J = 0.5

--- Output Data ---

Thrust coefficient: KT = 0.35323

Torque coefficient: 10KQ = 0.63995

Open water efficiency: ETAO = 0.43923

Maximum advance ratio: Jmax= 1.2976

Maximum efficiency: ETAO max= 0.73656 at J = 1.0495

***The open water characteristic with KT = 0.4 ****

Advance ratio: J = 0.36849

Thrust coefficient: KT = 0.39999

Torque coefficient: 10KQ = 0.7091

Open water efficiency: ETAO = 0.33082

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