Stretching Will Help Build Muscles

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**Here's how stretching will help build muscles.

Stretching keeps you safe. Being more flexible, your chances of injury is greatly
reduced. Example: Minimized muscle tears, strains and pulled muscles.
**Stretches (Hold all stretches for 5 to 10 seconds)
i. Leg and back stretch. Sit down with your feet spread apart and stretch
towards your left, right legs respectively.
ii. Pigeon stretch: Have one leg in front and one leg back as you lean
forward. Switch legs and complete the same stretch.
iii. Forward fold: Place feet straight out and together. Lean forward and
focus pushing your stomach to your thighs.
iv. Butterfly stretch: Place feet together and pull it close to the body. Then
slowly lean forward placing your head towards your toes.
v. Child's pose: Lean towards the left, right and, also lean towards the
center for a complete back stretch. On my knees.
vi. Cobra pose: Place yourself in push up position, and push up while
keeping your lower body flat on the ground. Alternate between the
Child's Pose and the Cobra. **Upper Body stretches
vii. Hands behind the head: Pull the elbow towards the other side of the
body for full stretch. Complete for both sides.
viii. One arm over the front: Try placing the arm higher near the neck then
at the lower chest area. This will allow you to get a complete overall
stretch for the lateral and shoulder. Do with both arms for the complete
ix. Lat stretch: Grab on to a stable desk and lean forward with head
between your arms while in a bent over standing position.
x. Chest and bicep stretch: Stand up with palm flat on the wall beside you.
Lean your body forward for a full stretch. Complete for both sides.
xi. Hamstring Stretch: Place both hands above you palm on the wall. Have
one foot forward and one foot back. Lean forward as you stretch the leg
behind you. Calfs.
xii. Hip flexor lunge: Go into a crescent lunge, and please the leg behind
you further back for a hip flexor stretch. Knee on the floor.
xiii. Spinal twist: Lay on your back in an arms and legs out X position. Lift
one leg over the other while keeping the upper body flat on the ground.
Repeat this with both legs.
xiv. Leg overhead stretch: Lay on your back, and while keeping your legs
together lift and try to stretch the legs behind the head.

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