Unit-2 Chap-1 of 2 - Drill Stem

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SIS YJ WS Z CHAPTER 1 The Drill Stem The drill stem refers to all the members in the assembly used for drilling by the rotary method, from the swivel to the bit, including the kelly, drillpipe with tool joints, drill collars, and various auxiliary equipment. Brief des- criptions, care, maintenance and handling practices are given here. 1.1 Kelly The kelly is a heavy square or hexagonal steel pipe that, by engaging the master bushing by means of kelly drive bushing, transmits rotating force through the drill string to the bit Kelly measure from 37’ to 54’. Normally used kelly is 5.1/4” size and 3" ID. Frequently, two pressure safety valves are made up on each end of the kelly. The top one is called the upper kelly cock. The other valve, on the bottom of kelly, is called the lower kelly cock. One or both of these valves can be closed to keep pressure that may be coming up the drill stem from entering the kelly or rotary hose. Alot of wear and tear is produced on the threads located on the pin end of the kelly, which always faces downward. To counteract this, a kelly saver sub should be used. A kelly saver sub is a piece of pipe with a male (pin) anda female (box) threaded end. When the threads on the sub wear out or are damaged, a new sub is made up to the kelly. Hexagonal kelly holds up better under greater hook loads and tensile stresses than do square kellys. 1.1.1 Failure of Kelly Other than thread damage, three conditions may cause a kelly's removal from service: (i) Crooking or bending, (ii) fatigue in the drive section, and (ii) rounding of the drive corners. ‘Several things can cause a kelly to bend or crook. Most of them result from Poor handling. Dropping the kelly, transporting it alongwith ‘heavy pipes without proper support, side pulling it with cable, storing it in a crooked rathole, and loading or unloading it carelessly are some of the practices that can cause damage. Drilling Operations Manual _ TL swiver -/ Tool Joint - \ Box Member #4 |-——— Swivel Stem — i ! | I Drill Pipe 1) /_E swivel Sub lo! m7 (7 i wf hh - ie) Tool Joint ) LL katy Cock Lt Pin Member ‘4 | crossover Sub ‘7 | Upper Upset — 4 ef : iat ew cm ut iW r i MH \ |—__— Lower Upsat i bl Kelly Saver Sub HH BitSub '" []_____. Protector Rubber : (Optional) ws —* Fig.2.4: Typical Drill Stem Assembly The Drill Stem 67 In akelly, two areas are susceptible to fatigue under certain conditions—the ends, where the flats join the upsets (thickened areas), and the middle. Rounding of the corners of the kelly is a normal wear process and should be expected. It is caused by the compressive force of the drive rollers on the kelly flats (Ret. Fig. 2.2). It is compounded and hastened by rotary torque and ever-growing clearance between rollers and flats as wear continues. To lessen rounding, following steps are suggested: (1) New kelly should be used with new kelly bushing roller assemblies. (2) If the assemblies are adjustable by adding or removing shims, the roller must be adjusted for minimum clearance. (8) Drive assemblies must be periodically replaced to ensure that clearance from wear is held to a minimum. LaRGesT ANGLE OF CONTACT FLAT SURFACE ROUNDED SURFACE A. NEWKELLY WITH B. WORN KELLY WITH NEW DRIVE ASSEMBLY OLD DRIVE ASSEMBLY Fig. 22 No matter how well a kelly is cared for, its corners eventually become rounded. Some Dos and Donots for Kellys Douse a saver sub Do lubricate the drive surfaces Do not use a crooked kelly Do not weld on the drive corners 1.2 Drill Pipe Drill pipe is steel tube used to transmit rotational power and drilling fluid to the bit at the bottom of the hole. Each piece of drill pipe may have an outside diameter (OD) ranging from 68 Drilling Operations Manual 2.3/8" to 6.5/8”. Drill pipe also comes in standard lengths divided into ranges, as follows: Range-1 — 18to22ft(obsolete) Range-2 — 27030 ft, and (commonly used) Range-3 — 38to45ft The most commonly used length is 30 ft. A tool joint is a special threaded fitting that is attached to each end of a length of drill pipe to allow it to be connected to others to make up the drill string. Most present-day seamless drill pipe falls into one of the four API grades—E, with a minimum yield strength of 75,000 psi, X-95, with a minimum yield strength of 95,000 psi, G-105, with a minimum yield strength of 105,000 psi, and S-135, with a minimum yield strength of 135,000 psi. Minimum yield strength refers to the force needed to stretch or compress the drill pipe until it is permanently distored. Minimum tensile strength in pipe design refers to the force necessary to pull the pipe apart until it snaps. Another important factor is the collapse strength or the amount of force needed to crush the sides of the pipe until it caves in on itself. The torsional yield strength of drill pipe is the amount of twisting force a pipe can withstand before twisting off. The torsional strength of the pipe itself is usually less than that of the tool joints except when a high-strength drill string and slim-hole assemblies are used. Burst strength of drill pipe is internal pressure that can cause anew pipeto burst and spring a leak. The bursting pressure on a drill string in a well is the sum of the pump pressure applied at the top of string and the hydrostatic pressure developed by the liquid inside the pipe at depth. Ordinary pipe proved to be unsuitable for drill pipe, and pipe made of higher grades of steel failed in the threaded connections. Up setting the ends of the pipe to compensate for metal removed in cutting threads Proved to be a partial answer. In Internal Upset Pipe, the pipe wall near the end of the length is made thicker by decreasing the internal diameter. In External Upset Pipe the pipe wall near the end is made thicker by increa- sing the external diameter. In Internal-External Upset Pipe, greater thickness at the ends of the pipe is achieved by both decreasing the ID and increasing the OD. 1.2.1 Why Drill Pipe Fails? Fatigue of one kind or another causes most drill pipe failures. Fatigue often taking place in surface notches such as slip cuts, metal tears ccausesd by the pipe turning in the slips, or deep corrosion pits on the pipe internal diameter (ID). ‘Two results of failure are the washout and the twist off. A washout is a place where a small opening has occurred in the pipe, usually the result of a fatigue crack penetrating the pipe wall, and drilling fluid has been forced through it. A twist off is usually caused by the fatigue crack extending around the pipe and causing the pipe to break. Failures in drill pipe occur in the following manner: The Drill Stem 69 1. Most failures in drill pipe occur while rotating or when picking the pipe off bottom immediately after drilling rather than when pulling on stuck up. 2. Most failures occur within 4 ft. of the tool joint on either end of the pipe. 3. Failures that appear to originate from the outside of the pipe are usually associated with slip marks or other surface damage such as gauges, welding arc spots, stencilled numbers, etc. Progressive growth is indicated. 4. Even when failure occurs as a result of pulling on stuck pipe, failure frequently occurs in a location where a fatigue crack has developed but has not progressed to failure. The three most common types of fatigue found in the drill pipe are pure, notch, and corrosion fatigue. Most of these can be avoided by careful handling of the pipe. Pure fatigue: Itis known that metal is weaker under working loadings than under static loadings. Pure fatigue is a metal break, with an absence of surface irregularities, that has no visible cause. Drill pipe is subjected to cyclic stresses in tension, compression, torsion, and bending. Tension and bending are the most critical of these. Bending and rotation produce an alternation between states of compression and tension at localized points in the drill pipe—such as tool joint and areas near each upset. The major factor in drill pipe fatigue is cyclic bending when pipe is rotated in a hole that has a change in direction (a dog-leg). Notch fatigue: Surtace imperfections, either mechanical (such as anotch) or metallurgical (defect in steel! itself). greatly affect the fatigue limit. Various surface dents and scratches that can cause drill pipe notch failure are: (i) Slip marks, cuts, and scratches (i) tong marks (iii) Spinning chain marks and scratches (iv) Stencil markings (v) hammer marks (vi) grooves caused by rubber protectors (vii) electric arc burns; and (viii). down hole notching by formation and junk cuts. Tong marks are probably the worst-looking defects produced on drill pipe in the field. They are long, deep and frequently sharp notches. TONGS SHOULD BE APPLIED TO THE TOOL JOINT, NEVER TO THE BODY OF THE DRILL PIPE. APPLYING TONGS TO THE DRILL PIPE BODY MAY CRUSH THE PIPE AS WELLAS NOTCH IT. The tool joint should be kept as close to the rotary slips as possible during make up and break out. If a tool oint is positioned more than the maximum height which depends on the make up torque, the length of the tong arms, and the yield strength of the pipe, drill pipe may bend. The maximum height can be calculated as shown in fig. 2.3. 70 Drilling Operations Manual Drill Pipe Bending Resulting From TTonging Operations. It is generally known that the tool joint on a length of drill pipe should be kept as close to the rotary slips as possible during make-up land break-out operations to prevent bending of the pipe. ere is a Maximum height that the tool \joint may be positioned above therrotary slips and the pipe resist bending, while the maximum recommended make-up lor break-out torque is applied to the tool joint. Many factors govern this height limita- ltion. Several of these which should be taken into most serious consideration lare: (1) The angle of separation between the make-up and break-out tongs, illustrated by Case | and Case Il Fig. 2.3. Case | indicates tongs at 90° and Case Il indicates tong at 180°. (2) The minimum yield stength of the pipe. (3) The lenght of the tong handle. (4) The maximum recommended make-up torque. Calculation of Maximum Height of Tool Joint Above Slips Fig. 2.3 Maximum height of tool joint above slips to prevent bending during tonging 053, L, (VC) imax = ———— (Case!) .038Y,,,L, (VC) Hmax = ————— (Casell) ..B T Where: Hmax _* Height of tool joint shoulder above slips—ft Yn = Minimum tensile yield stress of pipe—psi L, = Tongarmlength—ft P Line pull (Load)—ibs T Make-up torque appiied totoo! joint (P,L,) VC = Section Modulus of pipe—in.> Constants .053 and 0.038 include a fac- tor of 0.9 to reduce Y,,, to proportional limit. Sample Calculation: Assume: 4% in., 16.60 lb/ft, Grade E drill pipe, with 4° in. X.H. 6% in., OD, 34 in. ID tool joints. Tong arm 3' ft Tongs at 90° (Case |) Using equation A The Drill Stem 71 4 053 (¥,,) (VC) (L, SECTION MODULUS VALUES gy, MA sme sensinen: iL 1 2 3 Ym = 75,000 psi (for Grade E) Pi 7 VC = 4.27in3 (see table below) i L 3.5ft Pipe Weight _ T 7.000 ft-Ib (from Table c-15) 0.0. Nominal c .053 (75,000) (4.27) (3.5) in. Ibs/tt cu.in Hmax = = 17,000 4 11.85, 2.70 14.00 3.22 15.70 3.58 SECTION MODULUS VALUES 4% 13.75 3.59 . 16.60 4.27 20.00 5.17 1 2 3 22.62 5.68 Pipe 1 24.66 6.03 Pipe Weight _ 25.50 6.19 0.0. Nominal c 5 16.25 4.86 in. Ibs/ft cu. in 19.50, 6.71 2% 4.85 0.66 oe ice 665 087 5% 19.20 6.11 7 21.90 7.03 2% 6.85 112 10.40 1.60 2470 res aM 9.50 1.96 oe S78 13.30 2.92 15.50 2.92 bed Drilling Operations Manual Both tongs should be used when making up or breaking out drill pipe. If only one set of tongs is used, the pipe may turn in the slips and become scarred. Such scarring is usually circumferential but may be spiral if the Pipe drops while it is slipping. Another damaging effect of using only one set of tongs when going into the hole is that the driller, realizing that the pipe will turn in the slips if proper make up torque is applied, may apply less torque. The result may be a loose shoulders or last-engaged pin thread failures. Low make up torque may permit additional and excessive down hole tightening of the joint during drilling. The resulting hard to break connection can mean deep tong marks. Rotary slips have fine serrations that ordinarily do not leave injurious marks on drill pipe. However, if the slips are mistreated, worn, or carelessly handled, they can score the pipe, usually in the transverse direction. Slips with worn, mismatched, or incorrectly installed gripping elements may allow one or two teeth to catch the full load, causing a deep notch and potential failures. Newor like now gripping elements carry concentrated loadand deeply penetrate the pipe. Resharpened gripping element carries: no load: Gripping eements which carry concen- trated load are forced into slip bodies resulting in permanent damage to slips Fig 2.4: Danger of using old and new gripping elements togethor in slips. The Drill Stem 73 Deep drilling involves heavy drill string loads. Slip area damage, parti- cularly crushing of drill pipe, is caused by using damaged or worn rotary table, master bushing, slip bowl, or slips. (Ref. Fig. 2.4) Stopping downward motion of drill pipe with the slips can cause necking down (narrowing) of the pipe in the slip area as well as excessive loads on the rotary. If the pipe slides through the slips until a tool joint contacts the slips, the sudden stop may result in bouncing of the string that kicks the slips out of the master bushing, with the pipe disappearing down the hole. Letting slips ride the pipe as it is coming out of the hole is also dangerous, itcan cause serious longitudinal notches. Corrosion fatigue: Corrosion fatigue, or metal failure Gue to a corrosive environment, is a common cause of drill stem failures. 1.2.2. How to Make Drill Pipe Last Longer (A) Keep Pipein Tension Avoid deliberately running drill pipe in compression. This raises stress levels and leads to early failures. To keep pipe in tension, use enough drill collars to give the desired weight on bit after allowing for the buoyant effect of the drilling fluid. (B) Keep Slips and Bushings in Good Shape Crushing of drill pipe in the slip area can be avoided through maintenance of slips and master bushings and careful pipe handling. Inspect master bushings regularly to be sure their dimensions confirm to API standards. To check whether the slips and master bushings are in good working order, the rig crew can make this simple test: 1. Pick up kelly and set slips below the usual slip area on the drill pipe. 2. Pick up, remove slips, and examine the pipe to determine length of gripping area. If the master bushings and slips are in good condition, you will see a uniform gripping pattern which matches the length of the slip. If the gripping pattern is not uniform, then slips and/or master bushings are to be repaired or replaced. Proper Handling Practices include: 1. Donot stop downward motion of the drill pipe with the slips. 2. Donotlet the slips ride the pipe. 3. Do not use slips designed for one size of pipe on a different size of pipe. This will soon deform the slips, and damaged slips will damage the pipe. (C) Avoid Transverse Scars Circumferential notches can make even new drill pipe fail. To prevent such damage, never allow the pipe to turn in the table slips; use back up tongs if pipe has to be rotated with the slips, be sure there is no slippage. 74 yesdn 19°2 “Bla ASSN WNUELLG-TWNESINI HOR WUIOP OO, BueypueH Japinoug 101A 1 Jepinous, Ud 69 15 ainjepuewon wlor Oo :9°% "Bly peoeprey, uonene|3 perede xg ug (oie, reuondo ue s1Bulsejpse}H) joie s1nBu0y Jopinoys y281g PUE aYe/\ SnIpeY 8SBq Utd JO @A0019 JeIPH Ul Ue xog-peeity, pabeBug 1se7 ud-peasn pebe6ue18e7 ae (i005) sopnoug uta easy Buo1 soyenorg ozenbg (wioyg ua uo aroqueyunog xog Seaee Japnous yeo1g puroweyy waxy any Bu a PeoeipieH “4 LM (u2ig Ita Lo 21q:81, YON) very Ou, bay (8g) sepinoug auoz paepy WO} 76 Drilling Operations Manual Hard formations and junk imbedded in the borehole walls can scar drill pipe. {D) Do Not Run Crooked Pipe Crooked pipe undergoes great bending stress when rotated in the hole. Pipe which does not roll reasonably straight on the rack should be discarded or straightened at once. Also, a crooked kelly can cause bending in the first length of drill pipe below the rotary table, and a failure will result if the stress is high enough. (E) When Transporting and Unloading Before unloading, be sure thread protectors are in place. Rack pipe off ground to minimize moisture and dirt. Place supports properly so pipe won't bend: Separate layers of pipe with wooden strips and place strips directly above rack supports to prevent bending of pipes. (F) Inspect Thoroughly To get the most from used drill pipe, you need to know its strength and weakness in order to match the string to the work that it can perform. 1.3 Tool Joints Almost all tool joints made today are the weld-on type—flash, inertia or friction. Upsets are necessary on drill pipe to which weld-on type tool joints are applied. This allows adequate safety factor in the weld area for mechanical strength and mettallurgical considerations. (Ref. Fig. 2.5) Hard facing on tool joints is optional on tool joints; however, when cor- rectly applied, it may double the life of a tool joint. (Ref. Fig.2.6) Tool joint boxes have either an 18 degree taper or a square shape. The 18 degree taper, fitting 18 degree (bottleneck) elevators, is the most com- mon. Pins usually have 35 degree tapered shoulders to aid in stacking the pipe. Nowadays, old IF and FH (full hole) connections are becoming, obsolete. Equivalent NC (Numbered connections) connections are available for most of the old connections. 4” IF and 4.1/2” IF connections are equivalent to NC 46 and NC 50. 1.3.1 Failure Itis important to handle tool joints correctly to avoid downhole problems. If a tool joint is damaged, it is equally important to be able to recognize what caused the damage and to avoid its happening again. (a) Wobble: A tool joint is said to be wobble if there is any movement between surfaces of the mating box and pin. Wobble can be caused by improperly mated shoulders, low make up torque, or other conditions. If the joint is allowed to wobble for even a short time, the threads and shoulders of both box and pin are damaged from lapping. If the wobble is allowed to continue, failure, and a subsequent fishing job may result. Ordinarily, the earliest indication of wobble is a dry or muddy appearance ofpins. The Drill Stem 77 pRitco Fig. 2.7: Joint Identifier (b) Stabbing Bad stabbing practices can lead to drill stem failure. Pins have tapered threads toaidin stabbing the box, and these may be stretched or flattened by clumsy handling (c) Matching Shoulders and Threads Using boxes and pins with different sized shoulders can produce fins, which are thin, sharp ridges around the box or pin shoulders. To ensure that the shoulders and threads of drill collars and tool joints match for a connection, a gauge called a joint identifier (Fig. 2.7) may be used. It measures the number of threads per inch and the deameter of the connection. 78 Drilling Operations Manual (d) Make Up Correct make up requires the right amount of torque. Too little torque on the joint can cause wobbles, washouts and ieaky connections and allow additional downhole make up torque. Too much torque can cause the threads on the tool joint to neck down (narrow) by stretching the pin. This Condition can reach the point where the pin will break away, resulting ina fishing job. New joints should be made slowly to prevent galling. Lubricants containing 40-60% by weight of finely powdered zinc should be used. Six Don'ts for Tool Joints (i) Do not forget thread protectors (i) Donot stab carelessly (ii) Do not force make up (iv) Do not overlap shoulder with tongs (v) Do not let hook or elevators hit box (vi) Do not “Jack” stands with sharp wrench. 1.4 Drill Collars Drill collars are heavy, thick walled steel pipes with threaded connections cut on both ends. Drill collars are used to prevent pressure differential sticking in the hole. There they provide a passage for the drilling fluid to exit and relieve the pressure differential. Outside diameters of standard drill collars may vary from 3.1/8 inches to 11 inches. Functions: A string of drill collars performs following tasks: 1. It provides weight to the bit for drilling. 2. It maintains weight to keep the drill string from being subjected to buckling forces. 3. It helps provide the pendulum effect to cause the bit to drill a more nearly vertical hole. 4. It helps support and stabilize the bit so that it will drill new hole aligned with the hole already drilled. 1.4.1 Selecting the Drill Collar String The selection of a properly engineered drill collar string is a primary requirement for achieving minimum cost drilling. A well drill collar string aids in achieving a trouble free, usable hole, provides bit weight in the amount needed, assists in obtaining and maintaining desired hole direc- tion and insures prolonged drill pipe life and performance. Drill Collar Size: The hole size and bit programme will determine the best drill collar size, but collars selected usually have the largest OD and maximum permissible wall thickness that can be safely run in the hole. Several benefits will be derived from this general rule, namely: — Fewer drill collars are needed for required weight. — Fewer drill collar connections are required. — Less time is lost handling drill collars during trips. — Factors governing good bit performance favour close fitting stiff members. The Drill Stem 79 — Fatigue damage of connections is less with drill collars that fit the hole closely. The buoyed weight of the collar string should be at least 15-20% greater than maximum anticipated bit weight. The neutral point between tension and compression should always be kept within drill collar/string. To maintain stiffness change, tapered drill collar string (two or more different sizes of drill collars) are often used in large diameter holes. The drill collar bore, primarily a hydraulic consideration, is determined by the minimum size that will handle required circulation without excessive pressure drop. WA LU; Uy & R WSS Wl yy Sy KE, « Ss D> 77 K SS “<@— TENSION IE HLL, Yl, WML —® COMPRESSION KK SSS SS WZ. WN A ‘SK WS S Ss DMF = a WA QZ ZA Fig. 2.8: Tension and Compression in Drill Collar 1.4.2 Popular Hole and Drill Collar Sizes Drill Collars Sizes and Connection Hole size Soft formations Hard formations (inches) (a) @) 8) S7/8-6.1/8 — 4.1/8"IDx2"IDwith ——-4.3/4O0D x2" IDwith 2.7/8\F 3.1/2°KH oF 2.7/8" IF 6.1/2-6.3/4" 4.3/4"ODx2.1/4"ID 5—5.1/2"0Dx2"ID with 3.1/2" IF with3.1/2"1F 8.1/2 61/4"O0DX2.13/16"ID 6.3/4" or 7"OD x with 4"IF 2.1/4" 1D with 61/2"0Dx2.13/16" 4.1/2" IF connection 80 Drilling Operations Manual Drill Collar Sizes and Connection (Contd.) 8"0Dx2.13/16"ID 8'0Dx2.13/16"ID with 6.5/8” Reg. with 6.5/8” Reg. 90D x2.13/1 Bip with 7.5/8” Reg. 9"0Dx2.13/16"ID — 8'0Dx2.13/16"ID with 6.5/8” Reg. with 6.5/8” Reg. 9.1/2"ODx3" ID 9,1/2"0D x 3" ID 7.5/8" Reg. with 7.5/8" Reg. 1.4.3 Type of Connection Design of best rotary shouldered connection for a drill collar calls for the pin and box to be balanced in bending fatigue. A driltcollar connection can never be made as strong as the drill collar body and thus a sacrificial element—when bad, it is cut off and replaced by machining new threads. Dril! Coliar Failures: Drill collar failures usually take place in the threaded connections because of cyclic bending stresses, causing fatigue failures as shown in fig. 2.8. Drill collars bend while rotating in the hole. Fatigue cracks originate at the area where bending stress is the highest. In a drill collar, there are two main areas of stress connections—one in the pin and onein the box. when the drill collar joint is properly made up and assembled, the shoulder support the pin so that it is rigidly held by the box. Then the weakest section is the narrow cross section in the bottom of the box, near the end of the pin. The other weak area is in the first or second thread near the base of the pin. If the joints are not properly made up, the shoulders do not adequately support the pin in bending. In tool joint and drill collar threaded connections, the shoulders forms the only seal. Shoulder must be kept smooth and clean. They must seal so tightly that even in bending they never separate and sever permit fluid to pass. 1.4.4 A Guide for Making up New Drill Collars The following check list can be used as a guide for making up a new string of drill collars: 1. Unloading: The collars should be lifted off the truck and onto the rack using gin poles, handling them with a sling placed near the balance point 2. Thread Protectors: Heavy duty thread protectors with a lifting bail should be kept on the threads until the collar has been lifted on to the rig floor. The pin protector must be left in place to avoid damage to pin threads. 3. Cleaning and Lubrication: After washing, and the threads dried. Then a good quality, viscous lubricant containing powdered metalic lead, copper, or zinc should be carefully applied to all the threads and shoulders. Every surface must be lubricated in order to avoid galling on make up. 4. Regulating Make UP: Use the make up torque recommended for the specific joint size, outside diameter, and bore of your new drill collars. Make up the collars with a slow, steady line pull. Continue until reaching the required pull, with the tongs at a right angle (90°) to the line pull. The Drill Stem 81 Recommended Make Up Torques Drill Collar Connection Minimum Make Up Torque OD xID 91/0" x 3” 7.5/8" Reg. Connection 12166 Kg/Mt or 88000 Ibs/ft is" x 3" 6.5/8" Reg. Connection 6913 Kg/Mtor 50,000 Ibs/ft is” 2.13/16" | 6.5/8" Reg. Connection 7327 Kg/Mt.or 53000 bs/ft 6.1/4"x2.13/16" 4" \FConnection 3070 Kg/Mtor 22,200 Ibs/tt. In torque is determined by the line pull itself multiplied by the effective tong length measured at a right angle to the line pull. Using a jerking action on the tong line momentarily increases the line pull but it may not move the collars because of their great inertia. It is essential that the line pull be measured when applied with a slow, steady pull. Too Little Torque applied to drill collars causes failures such as welding, galling, wobbles, and erosion. Sometimes an under torqued connection is hard to break out. The failures due to over torquing all occur in the same place in the first or second thread near the base of the pin. If pulling continues after the shoul- ders are tight, something will break. The tongs break, the pulling line breaks the pin pulls, or the box swells. 5. Breaking out:Drill collars properly made up will break out at approxi- mately the same line pull as used to make them up. When joints are hardto break, it usually means they have been operated loose so that lubricant has been washed away and replaced by the drilling mud. 6. Stabbing:Dropping the pin onto the box threads with the weight of the collars not supported, or stabbing the pin into the box shoulder causes thread and shoulder damage. Collars are much heavier than drill pipe. xtra care must be taken in stabbing and spin up if such damage is to be avoided. 7. Rotate the Break: On Trips, the breaks should be rotated so that each joint can be examined every second or third trip. The box shoulder should be wiped clean and examined for evidence of proper makeup. A shoulder that is bright and shiny all the way across, with small circumferential scratches has been properly tightened. A shoulder face that is discoloured around the outside edge, or that it has patches of bright spots and dis- coloured blue or gray areas, has been operated loose, Fluid has b 2n getting between the shoulders. 8. Laying down and Transportation: When laying down drill collars, thread protectors should be installed on the rig floor. During transport, the drill collar should be supported at each end and also at midlength. 82 Drilling Operations Manual KELLY SUB. CROSSOVER SUB DRILL COLLAR SUB BITSUB Yi it wit y 4H Wty wuoame | 4 TF acne | I! pecess. Tgi \ RECESS: yt MARKING iO We Recess ‘ at MARKING: rh, Ty necess af 45" : Ng aac 2.9: Drill Stem Subs 1.5 Drill Stem Auxiliaries Various auxiliary tools are used with the drill stem, including drill stem subs, vibration dampeners, lifting subs, stabilisers, reamers, pipe wipers, and protectors. All should receive proper care and regular inspection. 1.5.1 Drill Stem Subs A sub, or substitute, is a short threaded piece of pipe used to connect Parts of the drilling assembly for various reasons (fig. 2.9). 1.5.2 Kelly Saver Sub The kelly saver sub is so called because its use minimizes wear of the threads on the kelly; it is often called the kelly sub. It is attached to the kelly, and into it is screwed the top length of the drill pipe. Arubber casing protector is usually used on the kelly sub to reduce wear on the kelly and the top of the well casing. 1.5.3 Other Drill Stem Subs Accrossover sub is used between two sizes or types of threads in the drill stem assembly. A drill collar sub serves the same purpose but fits between the drill string and the assembly of drill collars. A bit sud serves as an adapter between the drill collars and the drilling bit. Most subs have box and pin threads, but double box subs can be obtained. Size and type of all subs should be identified by colour coding or stencil markings. 1.5.4 Vibration Dampeners Vibration dampeners, sometimes called shock subs, are employed in the drill collar assembly, usually just above the bit, to compensate for the bounce and vibration of a roller cone bit as the cones rotate, Vibration The Drill Stem 83 dampeners may contain rubber, springs, compressed gas, or other springing elements for absorbing the bouncing motion of the bit. Vibration dampeners are designed to work like shock absorbers, permitting normal drilling without subjecting the drill stem and bit to damaging bounces. 1.5.5 Lifting Subs Lifting subs are not part of the drill stem but are usually madeup into a stand of drill collars to provide a shoulder so that the drill collars can be picked up by the elevators and set back. Lifting subs may be provided with either square or 18-degree (bottleneck) shoulders to enable drill collars to be handled without elevators being changed. The threaded pins must match the drill collar box threads. Lifting subs must be made up securely when pulling out of the hole, using both sets of tongs. Acommon problem with subs is that they may be made with substandard materials, or they may be poorly threaded. The steel may be soft and wear out quickly, causing serious damage to the tool joint boxes in the drill string. All sub threads should be protected with a clean thread protector. Subs on the rig should be properly racked and kept off the rig floor. 1.5.6 Stabilizers and Reamers Stabilizers are usually made up in the assembly of drill collars to stabilize the bit and the drill collars in the hole. Reamers are used to enlarge an undergauge hole. 1.5.7 Pipe Wipers and Mud Boxes A pipe wiper is a rubber ring that fits around the pipe and cleans mudoff as the pipe comes out of the hole. It also keeps junk from falling into the hole during tripping in. The mud box is a case that closes around a stand of wet pipe coming out of the hole and helps to keep mud from spewing over the crew and rig by directing the mud back into the mud pits 1.5.8 Protectors Thread protectors are used on drill pipe and crill collars to protect threads and shoulders from damage. Stabbing protectors guide the stand of drill pipe that is being stabbed to make a connection. They protect tool joint threads and shoulders. Pipe protectors keep tool joints from rubbing against the casing.

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