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I wanna be yours script

Lyrics and time Stage directions

0:00-0:03-Instrumental A moving close up of a stool
with feet at the bottom
0:04-0:05-Instrumental The camera cuts to a close up
of the legs of the singer
moving up his body with a
faded video over it of him
playing the guitar
0:06-0:08-Instrumental Over the shoulder moving to
the right shot. Close up as
well and again a faded video
on top when the guitar plays.
0:09-0:13-Instrumental A close up moving right shot
of the guy and his guitar
0:14-0:18-Instrumental Camera is pointing down the
guitar strings as he plays
the guitar.
0:19-0:25-I wanna be your Closer up of the singers lips
vacuum cleaner, Breathing in singing the lyrics.
your dust
0:26-0:32-I wanna be your Same shot but a faded video
ford Cortina, I will never on top of a sweeping close up
rust of his glasses on his eyes
0:33-0:39- If you like your Back to a close up of his
coffee hot, let me be your lips and him singing the
coffee pot lyrics
0:40-0:46-You call the shots Same shot but with a video
babe, I just wanna be yours faded on top of him playing
the guitar
0:47-0:50- Secrets I have Close up of his fett with one
held in my heart of his feet tapping to the
0:51-1:02- Are harder to hide Sweeping round the head of
than I thought, Maybe I just the singer while he sings and
wanna be yours, I wanna be plays the guitar
yours , I wanna be yours
1:03-1:06- Wanna be yours Shot going up the singers
body slowly
1:07-1:14- Wanna be yours, Close up of him singing and
Wanna be yours then backing away from the
mic when the line is done

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