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The Region has approximately 500,000 liters of milk per of which 85% goes to cheese production,

which means that there is more than 400000 liters of daily whey that in the great majority is
underutilized in the worst cases is part of a problem of environmental pollution when being
wastewater from rivers or lakes. The objective of this research was to study the texture and
logistic properties of a yoghurt drinkable beverage made from sweet whey obtained from the
production of pasteurized pariah type cheese using isolated quinoa starches and stabilizers with
the spirit of developing and introducing a standardized product to the market Starch has been
isolated from 3 commercial white varieties of quinoa grains, to obtain whey has been elaborated
type paria pasteurized cheese of whole milk, the proportions of used stabilizers have been of 1
, 1.5 and 2% of the dairy base Once the dairy drink has been obtained, the temperature has been
stabilized at 10 and 35 degrees Celsius to perform flow curve tests on a continuous flow
oscillator with a sweep of 0 to 50 1 / s, strain rate at this temperature have been conducted
sensory tests compared to beverages commercial fermented with semi-finished panels. The
mixture of stabilizers that has shown the best logical behavior is 1.5% with differences smaller
than (p <0.5) in relation to the commercial samples, the best texture profile in mouth at 37
degrees Celsius is 0.991 1 / s strain rate with a shear force of 20 pascals and an apparent viscosity
of 21.8 pa.s a value of n> 1 and K 22 (pa.s) was found showing a pseudo plastic behavior. It can
be concluded that it is possible to standardize the texture properties of a fermented whey
cheese beverage with a mixture of stabilizers with quinoa starches in relation to its formulation,
process and sensory acceptance.
Index Terms-- rheological properties, isolated starches, yogurt, pariah type cheese, whey


The Puno region is a cattle region that is in the process of expansion (minagri 2017 perspectives of the
Peruvian cattle ranch) there are about 5 million head of cattle in all Peru, the Puno region produces around
500,000 liters of milk per day (INEI 2012 agricultural sense) of which 85% is destined to the production of
cheeses which unfortunately are not carried out in good condition present deficiencies in the quality of
standardization, hygiene and handling of residues mainly sweet and salty whey according to the baseline
of the tecnoleche project (PY Tecno Leche (2017-2019) code SNIP362423) there are 2000 small plants
dedicated to the production of raw and pasteurized pariah type cheese the lack of sanitary and
environmental controls of the competent authorities has generated a problem of environmental
contamination by effluents rich in fat and proteins that can be used in the development of alternative
products such as beverages fermented yogurt drinkable type.

Modern product development techniques such as SAFES (Fito et al., 2009) allow us to use the knowledge
of the relationships between micro-structure properties and the process for the standardization of a
specific product and process in this work of research has related the apparent viscocity rheological
properties of a non-Newtonian fluid flow (flow curve) of high demand commercial fermented beverages
in Peru to find a constant value at a certain temperature (37 degrees centigrados conciderada as
temperature of consumption in the mouth) that allows us to relate this property to the formulation of the
proposed drink which is a mixture of sweet whey from the process of elaboration of cheese type paria
pasteurized with a blend of CMC, modified starches and starch of quinoa as texture, whole milk and sugar
regulators, for this particular case the quantity of whey to be used 35% has been considered constant,
varying the percentage of use of the stabilizer blend until a viscocity value similar to commercial
fermented beverages is found. The objective is to propose a methodology of standardization of a
fermented drink that allows the partial use of the sweet whey from the elaboration of cheese in the region


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