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Naresh i Technologies

CorelDraw default keyboard shortcuts

Aligns selected objects to the
Align Bottom B
Horizontally aligns the centers of
Align Centers Horizontally E
the selected objects
Vertically aligns the centers of
Align Centers Vertically C
the selected objects
Align Left L Aligns selected objects to the left
 Aligns selected objects to the
Align Right R
Align To Baseline Alt+F12 Aligns text to the baseline
Align Top T Aligns selected objects to the top
Draws curves and applies Preset,
Artistic Media I Brush, Spray, Calligraphic or
Pressure Sensitive effe
Back One Ctrl+PgDn Back One
Break Apart Ctrl+K Breaks apart the selected object
Brightness/Contrast/Intensity Ctrl+B Brightness/Contrast/Intensity... 
Brings up the Property Bar and
Bring up Property Bar Ctrl+Enter gives focus to the first visible
item that can be tabbed to
Aligns the centers of the selected
Center to Page P
objects to page
Character Formatting Ctrl+T Character Formatting
Color Balance... Ctrl+Shift+B Color Balance
Combine Ctrl+L Combines the selected objects
Opens the Contour Docker
Contour Ctrl+F9
Converts artistic text to
Convert Ctrl+F8
paragraph text or vice versa
Convert Outline To Object Ctrl+Shift+Q Converts an outline to an object
Converts the selected object to a
Convert To Curves Ctrl+Q
Copy Ctrl+C Copies the selection and places it

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 -1-
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

on the Clipboard
Copies the selection and places it
Copy Ctrl+Insert
on the Clipboard
Cuts the selection and places it
Cut Ctrl+X
on the Clipboard
Cuts the selection and places it
Cut Shift+Delete
on the Clipboard
Delete Delete Deletes the selected object(s)
Distributes selected objects to the
Distribute Bottom Shift+B
Distribute Centers Horizontally Distributes the
Horizontally centers of the selected objects
Vertically Distributes the centers
Distribute Centers Vertically Shift+C
of the selected objects
Distributes selected objects to the
Distribute Left Shift+L
Distributes selected objects to the
Distribute Right Shift+R
Distribute Spacing Horizontally Distributes the
Horizontally space between the selected
Vertically Distributes the space
Distribute Spacing Vertically Shift+A
between the selected objects
Distributes selected objects to the
Distribute Top Shift+T
Duplicates the selected object(s)
Duplicate Ctrl+D and offsets by a specified
Shows or hides the Dynamic
Dynamic Guides Alt+Shift+D
Guides (toggle)
Edit Text... Ctrl+Shift+T Opens the Edit Text dialog box
Draws ellipses and circles;
Ellipse F7 double-clicking the tool opens
the Toolbox tab of the Option
Opens the Envelope Docker
Envelope Ctrl+F7
Eraser X Erases part of a graphic or splits

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 -2-
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

an object into two closed paths

Exits CorelDRAW and prompts
Exit Alt+F4
to save the active drawing
Exports text or objects to another
Export... Ctrl+E
Decreases font size to previous
Font Size Decrease Ctrl+NUMPAD2
point size
Increases font size to next point
Font Size Increase Ctrl+NUMPAD8
Increase font size to next setting
Font Size Next Combo Size Ctrl+NUMPAD6
in Font Size List
Decrease font size to previous
Font Size Previous Combo
Ctrl+NUMPAD4 setting available in the Font Size
Forward One Ctrl+PgUp Forward One
Fountain Fill... F11 Applies fountain fills to objects
Draws lines and curves in
Freehand F5
Freehand mode
Displays a full-screen preview of
Full-Screen Preview F9
the drawing
Draws a group of rectangles;
Graph Paper D double-clicking opens the
Toolbox tab of the Options dial
Opens the Graphic and Text
Graphic and Text Styles Ctrl+F5
Styles Docker Window
Group Ctrl+G Groups the selected objects
Hand H Hand Tool
Changes the text to horizontal
Horizontal Text C Ctrl+,
Hue/Saturation/Lightness... Ctrl+Shift+U Hue/Saturation/Lightness
Import... Ctrl+I Imports text or objects
Opens the Insert Character
Insert Symbol Character Ctrl+F11
Docker Window
Interactive Fill G Adds a fill to object(s); clicking
and dragging on object(s) applies

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 -3-
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

a fountain fill
Lens Alt+F3 Opens the Lens Docker Window
Contains functions for assigning
Linear Alt+F2 attributes to linear dimension
Macro Editor... Alt+F11 Macro Editor...
Converts an object to a Mesh Fill
Mesh Fill M
Nudges the object downward by
Micro Nudge Down Ctrl+DnArrow
the Micro Nudge factor
Nudges the object to the left by
Micro Nudge Left Ctrl+LeftArrow
the Micro Nudge factor
Nudges the object to the right by
Micro Nudge Right Ctrl+RightArrow
the Micro Nudge factor
Nudges the object upward by
Micro Nudge Up Ctrl+UpArrow
the Micro Nudge factor
Brings up the Navigator window
Navigator N allowing you to navigate to any
object in the document
New Ctrl+N Creates a new drawing
Next Page PgDn Goes to the next page
Nudge Down DnArrow Nudges the object downward
Nudge Left LeftArrow Nudges the object to the left
Nudge Right RightArrow Nudges the object to the right
Nudge Up UpArrow Nudges the object upw
Open... Ctrl+O Opens an existing drawing
Opens the dialog for setting
Options... Ctrl+J
CorelDRAW options
Opens the Outline Color dialog
Outline Color... Shift+F12
Opens the Outline Pen dialog
Outline Pen... F12
Pan Down Alt+DnArrow Pan Down 
Pan Left Alt+LeftArrow Pan Left 

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 -4-
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

Pan Right Alt+RightArrow Pan Right 

Pan Up Alt+UpArrow Pan Up 
Pastes the Clipboard contents
Paste Ctrl+V
into the drawing
Pastes the Clipboard contents
Paste Shift+Insert
into the drawing
Places selected object(s) into a
Place Inside Container... Ctrl+1
PowerClip container object
Polygon Y Draws polygons
Opens the Position Docker
Position Alt+F7
Previous Page PgUp Goes to the previous page
Print... Ctrl+P Prints the active drawing
Allows the properties of an
Properties Alt+Enter
object to be viewed and edited
Record Temporary Macro Ctrl+Shift+R Record Temporary Macro
Draws rectangles; double-
Rectangle F6 clicking the tool creates a page
Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z Reverses the last Undo operation
Refresh Window Ctrl+W Redraws the drawing window
Repeat Ctrl+R Repeats the last operation
Opens the Rotate Docker
Rotate Alt+F8
Run Temporary Macro Ctrl+Shift+P Run Temporary Macro
Saves the active drawing with a
Save As... S Ctrl+Shift+
new name
Save... Ctrl+S Saves the active drawing
Scale Alt+F9 Window Opens the Scale Docker 
Select all Ctrl+A Select all object of the active page
Edits the nodes of an object;
Shape F10 double-clicking the tool selects
all nodes on the selected
Size Alt+F10 Window Opens the Size Docker 

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 -5-
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

opens Smart Drawing Tool

Smart Drawing Shift+S Dbl-click options; Shift+drag backwards
over line erases
Snap to Grid Ctrl+Y Snaps objects to the grid (toggle)
 Snaps objects to other objects
Snap to Objects Alt+Z
Opens the Spell Checker; checks
Spell Check... Ctrl+F12
the spelling of the selected text
Draws spirals; double-clicking
Spiral A opens the Toolbox tab of the
Options dialog
Step and Repeat... Ctrl+Shift+D Shows Step and Repeat Docker
Stop Recording Ctrl+Shift+O  Stop Recording
Nudges the object downward by
Super Nudge Down Shift+DnArrow
the Super Nudge factor
Nudges the object to the left by
Super Nudge Left Shift+LeftArrow
the Super Nudge factor
Nudges the object to the right by
Super Nudge Right Shift+RightArrow
the Super Nudge factor
Nudges the object upward by
Super Nudge Up Shift+UpArrow
the Super Nudge factor
Symbol Manager Ctrl+F3 Symbol Manager Docker
Adds text; click on the page to
Text F8 add Artistic Text; click and drag
to add Paragraph Text
To Back Of Layer Shift+PgDn To Back Of Layer
To Back Of Page Ctrl+End To Back Of Page
To Front Of Layer Shift+PgUp To Front Of Layer
To Front Of Page Ctrl+Home To Front Of Page
Toggles between the current tool
Toggle Pick State Ctrl+Space
and the Pick tool
Toggles between the last two
Toggle View Shift+F9
used view qualities
Undo Ctrl+Z Reverses the last operation
Undo Alt+Backspace Reverses the last operation

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 -6-
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

Ungroups the selected objects or

Ungroup Ctrl+U
group of objects
Applies uniform color fills to
Uniform Fill... Shift+F11
Use bullets Ctrl+M Show/Hide Bullet
Vertical Text Ctrl+. Changes the text to vertical
Opens the View Manager Docker
View Manager Ctrl+F2
What's This? Shift+F1 What's This? Help
Zoom Z Zoom Tool
Zoom One-Shot F2
Zoom Out F3 Zoom Out
Zoom To Fit F4 Zoom To All Objects
Zoom To Page Shift+F4 Zoom To Page
Zoom To Selection Shift+F2 Zoom To Selected
Align & Distribute : Align Aligns selected objects to the
Bottom Rata & Bagikan: Main Utama BB bottom Sejajar dipilih objek ke
Bawah Rata bawah
Align & Distribute : Align
Aligns the centers of the selected
Center to Page Rata &
Main Utama PP objects to page Aligns pusat
Bagikan: Rata Center untuk
objek yang dipilih ke halaman
Align & Distribute : Align
Horizontally aligns the centers
Horizontal Center Rata &
Main Utama EE of the selected objects Horizontal
Bagikan: Pusat Rata
sejajar pusat objek yang dipilih
Align & Distribute : Align Left Aligns selected objects to the left
Main Utama LL
Rata & Bagikan: Rata Kiri Sejajar objek yang dipilih ke kiri
Align & Distribute : Align Aligns selected objects to the
Right Rata & Bagikan: Rata Main Utama RR right Sejajar objek yang dipilih
Kanan ke kanan
Align & Distribute : Align Top Aligns selected objects to the top
Main Utama TT
Rata & Bagikan: Rata Top Sejajar objek yang dipilih ke atas
Align & Distribute : Align Main Utama CC Vertically aligns the centers of
Vertical Center Rata & the selected objects Sejajar

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 -7-
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

Bagikan: Pusat Rata Vertikal vertikal pusat objek yang dipilih

Displays a full-screen preview of
Display : Full-Screen Preview
Main Utama F9 F9 the drawing Menampilkan
Tampilan: Gambar Full-Screen
tampilan layar penuh gambar
Redraws the drawing window
Display : Refresh Window
Main Utama Ctrl+W Ctrl + W Menggambar kembali jendela
Tampilan: Window Refresh
Toggles between the last two
Display : Toggle Display used view qualities Berpindah
Main Utama Shift+F9 Shift + F9
Tampilan: Tampilan Toggle tampilan dua terakhir
digunakan kualitas
Contains functions for assigning
attributes to linear dimension
Dockers : Linear Dimensions...
Main Utama Alt+F2 Alt + F2 lines Berisi fungsi untuk
Dockers: Dimensi Linier ...
menetapkan atribut untuk baris
dimensi linier
Copies the selection and places it
Editing Commands : Copy on the Clipboard Salinan seleksi
Main Utama Ctrl+C Ctrl + C
Mengedit Perintah: Salin dan menempatkannya di
Copies the selection and places it
Editing Commands : Copy on the Clipboard Salinan seleksi
Main Utama Ctrl+Insert Ctrl + Insert
Mengedit Perintah: Salin dan menempatkannya di
Copies specified properties to
Editing Commands : Copy
the selected object(s) from
Properties From... Mengedit Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl +
Main Utama another object Salinan
Perintah: Properties Salin Dari Shift + A
ditentukan properti untuk objek
yang dipilih (s) dari objek lain
Cuts the selection and places it
Editing Commands : Cut
Main Utama Ctrl+X Ctrl + X on the Clipboard Cuts seleksi
Mengedit Perintah: Potong
dan tempat-tempat di Clipboard
Cuts the selection and places it
Editing Commands : Cut Shift+Delete Shift +
Main Utama on the Clipboard Cuts seleksi
Mengedit Perintah: Potong Delete
dan tempat-tempat di Clipboard
Deletes the selected object(s)
Editing Commands : Delete
Main Utama Delete Hapus Menghapus objek yang dipilih
Mengedit Perintah: Hapus

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 -8-
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

Duplicates the selected object(s)

Editing Commands : and offsets by a specified
Duplicate Perintah Mengedit: Main Utama Ctrl+D Ctrl + D amount Duplikat objek yang
Gandakan dipilih (s) dan offset dengan
jumlah tertentu
Pastes the Clipboard contents
Editing Commands : Paste
Main Utama Ctrl+V Ctrl + V into the drawing Pasta isi
Mengedit Perintah: Tempel
Clipboard ke gambar
Pastes the Clipboard contents
Editing Commands : Paste Shift+Insert Shift +
Main Utama into the drawing Pasta isi
Mengedit Perintah: Tempel Insert
Clipboard ke gambar
Reverses the last Undo operation
Editing Commands : Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z Ctrl +
Main Utama Membalikkan terakhir Batalkan
Perintah Mengedit: Redo Shift + Z
Editing Commands : Repeat Repeats the last operation
Main Utama Ctrl+R Ctrl + R
Mengedit Perintah: Ulangi Mengulangi operasi terakhir
Editing Commands : Undo Reverses the last operation
Main Utama Ctrl+Z Ctrl + Z
Perintah Mengedit: Undo Membalikkan operasi terakhir
Editing Commands : Undo Alt+Backspace Alt + Reverses the last operation
Main Utama
Perintah Mengedit: Undo Backspace Membalikkan operasi terakhir
Opens the Lens Docker Window
Effects : Lens... Efek: Lens ... Main Utama Alt+F3 Alt + F3
Membuka Window Docker Lens
Exports text or objects to another
File : Export File: Ekspor Main Utama Ctrl+E Ctrl + E format Ekspor teks atau objek ke
format lain
Imports text or objects Impor
File : Import File: Impor Main Utama Ctrl+I Ctrl + I
teks atau objek
File : New Document File: Creates a new drawing
Main Utama Ctrl+N Ctrl + N
Dokumen Baru Membuat gambar baru
Opens an existing drawing
File : Open... File: Buka ... Main Utama Ctrl+O Ctrl + O
Membuka gambar yang ada
Prints the active drawing
File : Print... File: Cetak ... Main Utama Ctrl+P Ctrl + P
Mencetak gambar aktif
Saves the active drawing
File : Save File: Simpan Main Utama Ctrl+S Ctrl + S
Menyimpan gambar aktif
Fill : Fountain Fill... Isi: Main Utama F11 F11 Applies fountain fills to objects

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 -9-
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

Berlaku mancur mengisi ke

Fountain Isi ...
Applies uniform color fills to
Fill : Uniform Fill... Isi:
Main Utama Shift+F11 Shift + F11 objects Berlaku warna seragam
Uniform Isi ...
mengisi ke objek
Text Editing Finds the specified text in the
Find & Replace : Find Text...
Penyuntingan Alt+F3 Alt + F3 drawing Mencari teks yang
Cari & Ganti: Cari Teks ...
Teks ditentukan dalam gambar
Text Editing
Changes the style of text to bold
Font : Bold Font: Bold Penyuntingan Ctrl+B Ctrl + B
Perubahan gaya teks untuk tebal
Shows a list of all the
Text Editing
Font : Font List Font: Font Ctrl+Shift+F Ctrl + available/active fonts
Daftar Shift + F Menampilkan daftar semua
yang tersedia / font aktif
Shows a list of all the
Text Editing
Font : Font Weights Font: Font Ctrl+Shift+W Ctrl + available/active font weights
Berat Shift + W Menampilkan daftar semua
yang tersedia / font bobot aktif
Text Editing Changes the style of text to italic
Font : Italic Font: Italic Penyuntingan Ctrl+I Ctrl + I Perubahan gaya teks untuk
Teks miring
Changes all text characters to
Text Editing
Font : Small Caps Font: Caps Ctrl+Shift+K Ctrl + small capital letters Perubahan
Kecil Shift + K teks ke semua karakter huruf
besar kecil
Text Editing Changes the style of text to
Font : Underline Font:
Penyuntingan Ctrl+U Ctrl + U underline Perubahan gaya teks
Teks untuk menggarisbawahi
Font Size : Decrease Font Size Text Editing Decreases font size to previous
Ctrl+NUMPAD2 Ctrl +
Ukuran Font: Penurunan Penyuntingan point size Mengurangi ukuran
Ukuran Font Teks font ukuran titik sebelumnya
Font Size : Decrease Font Size Main Utama Ctrl+NUMPAD2 Ctrl + Decreases font size to previous
Ukuran Font: Penurunan NUMPAD2 point size Mengurangi ukuran
Ukuran Font font ukuran titik sebelumnya
Font Size : Font Size Ukuran Text Editing Ctrl+Shift+P Ctrl + Shows a list of all the
Font: Ukuran Font Penyuntingan Shift + P available/active font sizes

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 - 10
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

Menampilkan daftar semua

yang tersedia / font ukuran aktif
Shows a list of all the
Font Size : HTML Font Size Text Editing available/active HTML font
Ctrl+Shift+H Ctrl +
Ukuran Font: Ukuran Font Penyuntingan sizes Menampilkan daftar semua
Shift + H
HTML Teks yang tersedia / aktif ukuran font
Font Size : Increase Font Size Text Editing Increases font size to next point
Ctrl+NUMPAD8 Ctrl +
Ukuran Font: Meningkatkan Penyuntingan size Meningkatkan ukuran font
Ukuran Font Teks untuk titik berikutnya ukuran
Font Size : Increase Font Size Increases font size to next point
Ctrl+NUMPAD8 Ctrl +
Ukuran Font: Meningkatkan Main Utama size Meningkatkan ukuran font
Ukuran Font untuk titik berikutnya ukuran
Increase font size to next setting
Font Size : Next Font Combo Text Editing in Font Size List Meningkatkan
Ctrl+NUMPAD6 Ctrl +
Size Ukuran Font: Font Penyuntingan ukuran font untuk pengaturan
Ukuran Combo Berikutnya Teks berikutnya dalam Daftar Ukuran
Increase font size to next setting
Font Size : Next Font Combo in Font Size List Meningkatkan
Ctrl+NUMPAD6 Ctrl +
Size Ukuran Font: Font Main Utama ukuran font untuk pengaturan
Ukuran Combo Berikutnya berikutnya dalam Daftar Ukuran
Decrease font size to previous
Font Size : Previous Font setting available in the Font Size
Text Editing
Combo Size Ukuran Font: Ctrl+NUMPAD4 Ctrl + List Penurunan ukuran font
Font Ukuran Combo NUMPAD4 untuk konfigurasi sebelumnya
Sebelumnya tersedia dalam Ukuran Font
Decrease font size to previous
Font Size : Previous Font setting available in the Font Size
Combo Size Ukuran Font: Ctrl+NUMPAD4 Ctrl + List Penurunan ukuran font
Main Utama
Font Ukuran Combo NUMPAD4 untuk konfigurasi sebelumnya
Sebelumnya tersedia dalam Ukuran Font
Grid, Guidelines & Snap : Main Utama Ctrl+Y Ctrl + Y Snaps objects to the grid (toggle)
Snap To Grid Grid, Panduan Bentak objek ke grid (toggle)
& Snap: Snap Untuk Grid

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 - 11
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

Grouping/Combining : Break
Breaks apart the selected object
Apart Pengelompokan / Main Utama Ctrl+K Ctrl + K
Breaks selain objek yang dipilih
Menggabungkan: Break Selain
Grouping/Combining : Combines the selected objects
Combine Pengelompokan / Main Utama Ctrl+L Ctrl + L Menggabungkan objek yang
Menggabungkan: Combine dipilih
Grouping/Combining :
Convert Outline To Object
Converts an outline to an object
Pengelompokan / Ctrl+Shift+Q Ctrl +
Main Utama Mengkonversi outline untuk
Menggabungkan: Shift + T
Mengkonversi Garis Besar
Untuk Objek
Converts the selected object to a
Grouping/Combining : curve; converting to curves can
Convert To Curves provide for more flexible editing
Pengelompokan / Main Utama Ctrl+Q Ctrl + Q Mengkonversi objek yang
Menggabungkan: dipilih untuk kurva; konversi ke
Mengkonversi Untuk Curves kurva dapat memberikan untuk
mengedit lebih fleksibel
Grouping/Combining : Group
Groups the selected objects
Pengelompokan / Main Utama Ctrl+G Ctrl + G
Groups objek yang dipilih
Menggabungkan: Group
Grouping/Combining : Ungroups the selected objects or
Ungroup Pengelompokan / Main Utama Ctrl+U Ctrl + U group of objects Ungroups objek
Menggabungkan: Ungroup yang dipilih atau group objek
Invokes What's This?
Help : What's This? Bantuan:
Main Utama Shift+F1 Shift + F1 Memanggil Apa ini? help
Apa ini?
Opens the Symbols Docker
Libraries : Symbols...
Main Utama Ctrl+F11 Ctrl + F11 Window Membuka Window
Perpustakaan: Simbol ...
Docker Simbol
Node Editing : Shape Tool Main Utama F10 F10 Edits the nodes of an object;
Node Editing: Alat Bentuk double-clicking the tool selects
all nodes on the selected object
Mengedit objek node; mengklik
dua kali perangkat akan
memilih semua node pada objek
yang dipilih

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 - 12
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

Nudge : Nudge Down Nudges the object downward

Main Utama DnArrow DnArrow
Dorongan: dorongan Down Nudges objek ke bawah
Nudge : Nudge Left Nudges the object to the left
Main Utama LeftArrow LeftArrow
Dorongan: dorongan Waktu Nudges objek ke kiri
Nudge : Nudge Right RightArrow Nudges the object to the right
Main Utama
Dorongan: Kanan dorongan RightArrow Nudges objek ke kanan
Nudge : Nudge Up Dorongan: Nudges the object upward
Main Utama UpArrow UpArrow
dorongan Up Nudges objek ke atas
Nudges the object downward by
Nudge : Super Nudge Down
Shift+DnArrow Shift + the Super Nudge factor Nudges
Dorongan: dorongan Super Main Utama
DnArrow objek ke bawah oleh faktor
dorongan Super
Nudges the object to the left by
Nudge : Super Nudge Left
Shift+LeftArrow Shift + the Super Nudge factor Nudges
Dorongan: dorongan Super Main Utama
LeftArrow objek ke kiri oleh faktor
dorongan Super
Nudges the object to the right by
Nudge : Super Nudge Right
Shift+RightArrow Shift the Super Nudge factor Nudges
Dorongan: Kanan dorongan Main Utama
+ RightArrow objek ke kanan oleh faktor
dorongan Super
Nudges the object upward by
Nudge : Super Nudge Up
Shift+UpArrow Shift + the Super Nudge factor Nudges
Dorongan: dorongan Super Main Utama
UpArrow objek ke atas oleh faktor
dorongan Super
Opens the Options dialog with
Text Editing the Text options page selected
Options : Text Options
Penyuntingan Ctrl+F10 Ctrl + F10 Pilihan Membuka dialog dengan
Pilihan: Pilihan Teks
Teks halaman pilihan teks yang
Opens the dialog for setting
Options : Workspace
CorelDRAW options Membuka
Options... Pilihan: Pilihan Main Utama Ctrl+J Ctrl + J
dialog untuk pilihan pengaturan
Workspace ...
Order : Back One Order: Main Utama Ctrl+PgDn Ctrl + PgDn Places the selected object(s) back
Kembali Satu one position in the object
stacking order Tempat objek
yang dipilih (s) kembali satu
posisi dalam rangka menumpuk

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 - 13
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

Places the selected object(s)
forward one position in the
Order : Forward One Order: object stacking order Tempat
Main Utama Ctrl+PgUp Ctrl + PgUp
Forward Satu objek yang dipilih (s) maju satu
posisi dalam rangka menumpuk
Places the selected object(s) to
Order : To Back Order: Untuk Shift+PgDn Shift +
Main Utama the back Tempat objek yang
Kembali PgDn
dipilih (s) ke belakang
Places the selected object(s) to
Order : To Front Order: Untuk Shift+PgUp Shift +
Main Utama the front Tempat objek yang
Front PgUp
dipilih (s) ke depan
Opens the Outline Color dialog
Outline : Outline Color...
Main Utama Shift+F12 Shift + F12 box Membuka kotak dialog
Outline: Garis Warna ...
Outline Warna
Opens the Outline Pen dialog
Outline : Outline Pen...
Main Utama F12 F12 box Membuka kotak dialog
Outline: Garis Besar Pen ...
Outline Pen
Page Layout : Next Page Page Goes to the next page Menuju ke
Main Utama PgDn PgDn
Layout: Halaman Berikutnya halaman berikutnya
Page Layout : Previous Page
Goes to the previous page
Page Layout: Halaman Main Utama PgUp PgUp
Menuju ke halaman sebelumnya
Displays object or tool properties
depending on the current
Properties : Properties Alt+Return Alt + selection or tool Menampilkan
Main Utama
Properties: Properties Kembali properti obyek atau alat
tergantung pada pilihan saat ini
atau alat
Select All : Objects Pilih Selects the entire drawing
Main Utama Ctrl+A Ctrl + A
Semua: Objek Memilih gambar seluruh
Styles, Layers & Object Main Utama Ctrl+F5 Ctrl + F5 Opens the Graphic and Text
Mgmt : Graphic and Text Styles Docker Window
Styles... Styles, Layers & Membuka Grafika dan Teks
Obyek Mgmt: Graphic dan Docker Window Styles
Gaya Teks ...

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 - 14
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

Shows a list of all the styles in

Styles, Layers & Object Text Editing
Ctrl+Shift+S Ctrl + the drawing Menampilkan
Mgmt : Styles Styles, Layers & Penyuntingan
Shift + S daftar semua gaya dalam
Obyek Mgmt: Styles Teks
Adds/removes bullets for the
Text Formatting : Bullet Text text object (toggle)
Main Utama Ctrl+M Ctrl + M
Memformat Teks: Teks Bullet Menambahkan / menghapus
peluru untuk objek teks (beralih)
Changes the alignment of text to
Text Formatting : Center Text Editing
center alignment Mengubah
Justification Memformat Teks: Penyuntingan Ctrl+E Ctrl + E
alignment teks ke pusat
Justifikasi Pusat Teks
Converts artistic text to
Text Formatting : Convert
paragraph text or vice versa
Memformat Teks: Main Utama Ctrl+F8 Ctrl + F8
Mengkonversi artistik teks ke
teks ayat atau sebaliknya
Adds/removes a Drop Cap for
Text Editing the text object (toggle)
Text Formatting : Drop Cap Ctrl+Shift+D Ctrl +
Penyuntingan Menambahkan / menghapus
Memformat Teks: Drop Cap Shift + D
Teks sebuah Cap Drop untuk objek
teks (beralih)
Opens the Edit Text dialog box
Text Formatting : Edit Text... Ctrl+Shift+T Ctrl +
Main Utama Membuka kotak dialog Edit
Memformat Teks: Edit Teks ... Shift + T
Changes the alignment of text to
Text Formatting : Force Text Editing force last line full alignment
Justification Memformat Teks: Penyuntingan Ctrl+H Ctrl + H Mengubah alignment teks untuk
Justifikasi Angkatan Teks kekuatan penuh keselarasan
baris terakhir
Text Formatting : Format
Formats the properties of text
Text... Memformat Teks: Main Utama Ctrl+T Ctrl + T
Format sifat teks
Format Teks ...
Changes the alignment of text to
Text Formatting : Full Text Editing
full alignment Mengubah
Justification Memformat Teks: Penyuntingan Ctrl+J Ctrl + J
alignment teks untuk
Purna Justifikasi Teks
penyelarasan penuh

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 - 15
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

Text Formatting : Horizontal Changes the text to horizontal

Text Memformat Teks: Teks Main Utama Ctrl+, Ctrl +, direction Perubahan teks ke arah
Horisontal horisontal
Changes the alignment of text to
Text Formatting : Left Text Editing
left alignment Mengubah
Justification Memformat Teks: Penyuntingan Ctrl+L Ctrl + L
alignment teks untuk
Waktu Justifikasi Teks
penyelarasan kiri
Changes the alignment of text to
Text Formatting : No Text Editing
have no alignment Mengubah
Justification Memformat Teks: Penyuntingan Ctrl+N Ctrl + N
alignment teks untuk memiliki
Justifikasi No Teks
tidak selaras
Changes the alignment of text to
Text Formatting : Right Text Editing
right alignment Mengubah
Justification Memformat Teks: Penyuntingan Ctrl+R Ctrl + R
alignment teks untuk
Kanan Justifikasi Teks
penyelarasan kanan
Text Formatting : Vertical Text Changes the text to vertical
Memformat Teks: Teks Main Utama Ctrl+. Ctrl +. (toggle) Perubahan teks ke
Vertikal vertikal (beralih)
Text Navigation : Delete Deletes the character to the right
Text Editing
Character to Right Teks of the text caret Menghapus
Penyuntingan Delete Hapus
Navigasi: Karakter Hapus ke karakter ke kanan tanda sisipan
Kanan teks
Text Navigation : Delete Word Text Editing Deletes the word to the right of
Ctrl+Delete Ctrl +
to Right Teks Navigasi: Word Penyuntingan the text caret Menghapus kata ke
Hapus ke Kanan Teks kanan tanda sisipan teks
Text Navigation : Move Caret
Text Editing Moves the text caret down 1
Down 1 Frame Teks Navigasi:
Penyuntingan PgDn PgDn frame Turunkan tanda sisipan
Pindahkan tanda sisipan
Teks teks bawah 1 frame
Down 1 Frame
Text Navigation : Move Caret
Text Editing Moves the text caret down 1 line
Down 1 Line Teks Navigasi:
Penyuntingan DnArrow DnArrow Turunkan tanda sisipan teks ke
Pindahkan tanda sisipan
Teks bawah 1 baris
Down 1 Line
Text Navigation : Move Caret
Text Editing Moves the text caret down 1
Down 1 Paragraph Teks Ctrl+DnArrow Ctrl +
Penyuntingan paragraph Turunkan tanda
Navigasi: tanda sisipan DnArrow
Teks sisipan teks bawah 1 ayat
Pindah Bawah 1 ayat
Text Navigation : Move Caret Text Editing LeftArrow LeftArrow Moves the text caret left 1

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 - 16
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

Left 1 Character Navigasi

Penyuntingan character Turunkan tanda
Teks: tanda sisipan Pindah
Teks sisipan teks dari kiri 1 karakter
Waktu 1 Karakter
Text Navigation : Move Caret
Text Editing Moves the text caret left 1 word
Left 1 Word Navigasi Teks: Ctrl+LeftArrow Ctrl +
Penyuntingan Turunkan tanda sisipan teks
tanda sisipan Pindah Waktu 1 LeftArrow
Teks dari kiri 1 kata
Text Navigation : Move Caret Moves the text caret right 1
Text Editing
Right 1 Character Teks RightArrow character Turunkan tanda
Navigasi: Pindahkan tanda RightArrow sisipan teks dari kanan 1
sisipan Kanan 1 Karakter karakter
Text Navigation : Move Caret
Text Editing Moves the text caret right 1
Right 1 Word Teks Navigasi: Ctrl+RightArrow Ctrl +
Penyuntingan word Turunkan tanda sisipan
tanda sisipan Pindah Kanan 1 RightArrow
Teks teks dari kanan 1 kata
Text Navigation : Move Caret
Text Editing Moves the text caret up 1 frame
Up 1 Frame Teks Navigasi:
Penyuntingan PgUp PgUp Bergerak teks tanda sisipan
Pindahkan tanda sisipan Up 1
Teks sampai 1 frame
Text Navigation : Move Caret
Text Editing Moves the text caret up 1 line
Up 1 Line Teks Navigasi:
Penyuntingan UpArrow UpArrow Bergerak teks tanda sisipan
Pindahkan tanda sisipan Up 1
Teks sampai 1 line
Text Navigation : Move Caret
Text Editing Moves the text caret up 1
Up 1 Paragraph Teks Ctrl+UpArrow Ctrl +
Penyuntingan paragraph Bergerak teks tanda
Navigasi: Pindahkan tanda UpArrow
Teks sisipan sampai 1 ayat
sisipan Up 1 ayat
Text Navigation : Move Caret Moves the text caret to the
Text Editing
to Beginning of Frame Ctrl+Home Ctrl + beginning of the frame
Navigasi Teks: tanda sisipan Home Memindahkan tanda sisipan
Pindah ke Awal Bingkai teks ke awal dari frame
Text Navigation : Move Caret Moves the text caret to the
Text Editing
to Beginning of Line Navigasi beginning of the line
Penyuntingan Home Rumah
Teks: tanda sisipan Pindah ke Memindahkan tanda sisipan
Jalur Awal teks ke awal baris

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 - 17
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

Text Navigation : Move Caret Moves the text caret to the

Text Editing
to Beginning of Text Navigasi beginning of the text
Penyuntingan Ctrl+PgUp Ctrl + PgUp
Teks: tanda sisipan Pindah ke Memindahkan tanda sisipan
Awal Teks teks ke awal teks
Text Navigation : Move Caret Moves the text caret to the end
Text Editing
to End of Frame Navigasi of the frame Memindahkan
Penyuntingan Ctrl+End Ctrl + End
Teks: tanda sisipan Pindah ke tanda sisipan teks ke akhir dari
Akhir Bingkai frame
Text Navigation : Move Caret
Text Editing Moves the text caret to the end
to End of Line Navigasi Teks:
Penyuntingan End Akhir of the line Memindahkan tanda
tanda sisipan Pindah ke Akhir
Teks sisipan teks ke akhir baris yang
Text Navigation : Move Caret
Text Editing Moves the text caret to the end
to End of Text Navigasi Teks:
Penyuntingan Ctrl+PgDn Ctrl + PgDn of the text Memindahkan tanda
tanda sisipan Pindah ke Akhir
Teks sisipan teks ke akhir teks
Text Navigation : Select
Text Editing Selects the character to the left of
Character to Left Teks Shift+LeftArrow Shift +
Penyuntingan the text caret Memilih karakter
Navigasi: Karakter Pilih untuk LeftArrow
Teks di kiri tanda sisipan teks
Text Navigation : Select Selects the character to the right
Text Editing
Character to Right Teks Shift+RightArrow Shift of the text caret Memilih
Navigasi: Karakter Pilih ke + RightArrow karakter di sebelah kanan tanda
Kanan sisipan teks
Text Navigation : Select Down Text Editing Selects text downwards by 1
Shift+PgDn Shift +
1 Frame Teks Navigasi: Pilih Penyuntingan frame Memilih teks ke bawah
Down 1 Frame Teks oleh 1 frame
Text Navigation : Select Down Text Editing Selects text downwards by 1 line
Shift+DnArrow Shift +
1 Line Teks Navigasi: Pilih Penyuntingan Memilih teks ke bawah oleh 1
Down 1 Line Teks garis
Text Navigation : Select Down Text Editing Selects text downwards by 1
1 Paragraph Teks Navigasi: Penyuntingan paragraph Memilih teks ke
Ctrl + Shift + DnArrow
Pilih Down 1 ayat Teks bawah oleh 1 ayat
Text Navigation : Select Up 1 Text Editing Selects text upwards by 1 frame
Shift+PgUp Shift +
Frame Teks Navigasi: Pilih Up Penyuntingan Memilih teks ke atas oleh 1
1 Frame Teks frame
Text Navigation : Select Up 1 Text Editing Shift+UpArrow Shift + Selects text upwards by 1 line
Line Teks Navigasi: Pilih Up 1 Penyuntingan UpArrow Memilih teks ke atas oleh 1 garis

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 - 18
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

Line Teks
Text Navigation : Select Up 1 Text Editing Selects text upwards by 1
Paragraph Teks Navigasi: Penyuntingan paragraph Memilih teks ke atas
Ctrl + Shift + UpArrow
Pilih Up 1 ayat Teks oleh 1 ayat
Text Navigation : Select Word Text Editing Ctrl+Shift+LeftArrow Selects the word to the left of the
to Left Teks Navigasi: Word Penyuntingan Ctrl + Shift + text caret Memilih kata ke kiri
Pilih untuk Waktu Teks LeftArrow tanda sisipan teks
Text Navigation : Select Word Text Editing Ctrl+Shift+RightArrow Selects the word to the right of
to Right Teks Navigasi: Word Penyuntingan Ctrl + Shift + the text caret Memilih kata ke
Pilih ke Kanan Teks RightArrow kanan tanda sisipan teks
Text Navigation : Select to
Text Editing Selects text to the beginning of
Beginning of Frame Teks Ctrl+Shift+Home Ctrl +
Penyuntingan the frame Memilih teks ke awal
Navigasi: Pilih untuk Awal Shift + Home
Teks frame
Text Navigation : Select to
Text Editing Selects text to the beginning of
Beginning of Line Teks Shift+Home Shift +
Penyuntingan the line Memilih teks ke awal
Navigasi: Pilih untuk Awal Home
Teks baris
Text Navigation : Select to Text Editing Selects text to the beginning of
Ctrl+Shift+PgUp Ctrl +
Beginning of Text Teks Penyuntingan the text Memilih teks ke awal
Shift + PgUp
Navigasi: Pilih ke Awal Teks Teks teks
Text Navigation : Select to Text Editing Selects text to the end of the
Ctrl+Shift+End Ctrl +
End of Frame Teks Navigasi: Penyuntingan frame Memilih teks ke akhir
Shift + End
Pilih untuk Akhir Bingkai Teks frame
Text Navigation : Select to Text Editing
Selects text to the end of the line
End of Line Teks Navigasi: Penyuntingan Shift+End Shift + End
Memilih teks ke akhir baris
Pilih untuk Akhir Line Teks
Text Navigation : Select to Text Editing
Ctrl+Shift+PgDn Ctrl + Selects text to the end of the text
End of Text Teks Navigasi: Penyuntingan
Shift + PgDn Memilih teks ke akhir teks
Pilih untuk Akhir Teks Teks
Text Placement : Align To
Aligns text to the baseline
Baseline Penempatan Teks: Main Utama Alt+F12 Alt + F12
Menyelaraskan teks ke baseline
Rata Untuk Baseline
Text Tools : Change Case... Text Editing Changes the case of selected text
Teks Tools: Kasus Penyuntingan Shift+F3 Shift + F3 Perubahan kasus teks yang
Perubahan ... Teks dipilih
Text Tools : Show Non- Text Editing Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl + Shows non-printing characters

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 - 19
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

Printing Characters Peralatan

Penyuntingan Menunjukkan karakter non-
Teks: Tunjukkan Karakter Shift + C
Teks printing
Draws curves and applies
Preset, Brush, Spray,
Calligraphic or Pressure
Toolbox : Artistic Media Tool Sensitive effects to the strokes
Main Utama I Aku
Toolbox: Tool Artistik Media Menarik kurva dan berlaku
Preset, Brush, Spray, Kaligrafi
atau Tekanan efek Sensitif ke
Draws ellipses and circles;
double-clicking the tool opens
the Toolbox tab of the Options
Toolbox : Ellipse Tool
Main Utama F7 F7 dialog box Menarik elips dan
Toolbox: Tool Ellipse
lingkaran; alat mengklik dua
kali membuka tab Toolbox dari
kotak dialog Pilihan
Erases part of a graphic or splits
an object into two closed paths
Toolbox : Eraser Tool Toolbox:
Main Utama XX Menghapus bagian dari
Tool Eraser
perpecahan grafis atau benda
menjadi dua jalur tertutup
Draws a group of rectangles;
double-clicking opens the
Toolbox tab of the Options
Toolbox : Graph Paper Tool
Main Utama DD dialog Menarik sekelompok
Toolbox: Tool Kertas Grafik
empat persegi panjang;
mengklik dua kali membuka tab
Toolbox dari dialog Pilihan
Adds a fill to object(s); clicking
and dragging on object(s)
applies a fountain fill
Toolbox : Interactive Fill
Main Utama GG Menambahkan sebuah mengisi
Toolbox: Isi Interaktif
ke obyek (s); mengklik dan
menyeret pada objek (s)
menerapkan mengisi air mancur
Converts an object to a Mesh Fill
Toolbox : Interactive Mesh Fill
Main Utama MM object Mengkonversi objek ke
Toolbox: Mesh Interaktif Isi
objek Mesh Isi

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 - 20
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

Toolbox : Last Used Curve Selects the last used Curve tool
Tool Toolbox: Tool Digunakan Main Utama F5 F5 Memilih alat Curve terakhir
Curve Terakhir digunakan
Draws symmetrical polygons;
double-clicking opens the
Toolbox : Polygon Tool Toolbox tab of the Options
Main Utama YY
Toolbox: Tool Polygon dialog poligon simetris Menarik;
mengklik dua kali membuka tab
Toolbox dari dialog Pilihan
Draws rectangles; double-
clicking the tool creates a page
Toolbox : Rectangle Tool frame Menarik empat persegi
Main Utama F6 F6
Toolbox: Tool Rectangle panjang; mengklik dua kali alat
ini menciptakan sebuah bingkai
Draws spirals; double-clicking
opens the Toolbox tab of the
Toolbox : Spiral Tool Toolbox:
Main Utama AA Options dialog Menarik spiral;
Tool Spiral
mengklik dua kali membuka tab
Toolbox dari dialog Pilihan
Adds text; click on the page to
add Artistic Text; click and drag
to add Paragraph Text
Toolbox : Text Tool Toolbox:
Main Utama F8 F8 Menambahkan teks; klik pada
Tool Teks
halaman untuk menambahkan
Teks Artistik; klik dan drag
untuk menambahkan ayat Teks
Toggles between the current tool
Toolbox : Toggle Pick State
Main Utama Ctrl+Space Ctrl + Space and the Pick tool Berpindah dari
Toolbox: Pilih Negara Toggle
alat saat ini dan alat Pick
Opens the Position Docker
Transform : Position...
Main Utama Alt+F7 Alt + F7 Window Membuka Posisi
Transformasi: Posisi ...
Window Docker
Opens the Rotate Docker
Transform : Rotate...
Main Utama Alt+F8 Alt + F8 Window Membuka Putar
Transformasi: Putar ...
Window Docker
Transform : Scale and Mirror... Main Utama Alt+F9 Alt + F9 Opens the Scale and Mirror
Transformasi: Skala dan Docker Window Membuka
Cermin ... Skala dan Window Docker

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 - 21
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

Opens the Size Docker Window
Transform : Size...
Main Utama Alt+F10 Alt + F10 Membuka Ukuran Window
Transformasi: Ukuran ...
Runs the Visual Basic for
Visual Basic : VBA Editor Applications Editor
Main Utama Alt+F11 Alt + F11
Visual Basic: Editor VBA Menjalankan Visual Basic for
Applications Editor
Brings up the Property Bar and
gives focus to the first visible
Window : Bring up the item that can be tabbed to
Ctrl+Return Ctrl +
Property Bar Window: Main Utama Membawa pada Properti Bar
Naikkanlah Bar Properti dan memberikan fokus ke item
terlihat pertama yang dapat tab
Opens the Spell Checker; checks
Writing Tools : Spell Check... the spelling of the selected text
Menulis Tools: Periksa Main Utama Ctrl+F12 Ctrl + F12 Membuka Spell Checker;
Ejaan ... memeriksa ejaan dari teks yang
Zoom & Pan : Pan Down Alt+DnArrow Alt + Pans the drawing downward
Main Utama
Zoom & Pan: Pan Down DnArrow Pans gambar ke bawah
Zoom & Pan : Pan Left Zoom Alt+LeftArrow Alt + Pans the drawing to the left Pans
Main Utama
& Pan: Pan Waktu LeftArrow gambar ke kiri
Zoom & Pan : Pan Right Alt+RightArrow Alt + Pans the drawing to the right
Main Utama
Zoom & Pan: Pan Kanan RightArrow Pans gambar ke kanan
Pans around the drawing by
clicking and dragging using this
Zoom & Pan : Pan Tool Zoom
Main Utama HH tool Panci di sekitar gambar
& Pan: Pan Alat
dengan mengklik dan menyeret
menggunakan perangkat ini
Zoom & Pan : Pan Up Zoom & Alt+UpArrow Alt + Pans the drawing upward Pans
Main Utama
Pan: Pan Up UpArrow gambar ke atas
Zoom & Pan : View Opens the View Manager
Manager... Zoom & Pan: Main Utama Ctrl+F2 Ctrl + F2 Docker Window Membuka
Manajer Lihat ... Lihat Docker Window Manager
Zoom & Pan : Zoom In with Main Utama F2 F2 Performs one zoom operation

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 - 22
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Naresh i Technologies

and then returns to the previous

Marquee Zoom & Pan: Zoom tool Melakukan satu operasi
In dengan Marquee zoom dan kemudian kembali ke
alat sebelumnya
Zoom & Pan : Zoom Out Zooms out on the drawing
Main Utama F3 F3
Zoom & Pan: Zoom Out Membesarkan pada gambar
Zoom & Pan : Zoom To All Zooms in on all objects in the
Objects Zoom & Pan: Zoom Main Utama F4 F4 drawing Memperbesar pada
Untuk Semua Objects semua objek dalam gambar
Displays the entire printable
Zoom & Pan : Zoom To Page
Main Utama Shift+F4 Shift + F4 page Menampilkan seluruh
Zoom & Pan: Zoom To Page
halaman cetak

Zoom & Pan : Zoom To Zooms in on selected objects

Selection Zoom & Pan: Zoom Main Utama Shift+F2 Shift + F2 only Memperbesar pada objek
Untuk Seleksi yang dipilih

Naresh i Technologies, Opp. Satyam Theatre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 23746666, 9000994008 - 23
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company

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