Basic Instrumentation Part 1

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How do you define

Instrumentation Instrumentation?

What is

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

What is Instrumentation?
The root word of instrumentation is INSTRUMENT.
According to the Webster Dictionary: An INSTRUMENT is
Any mechanical device
A tool implement, or apparatus
A device for producing music
A formal legal document
An apparatus for measuring distance

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

What is Instrumentation?
The root word of instrumentation is INSTRUMENT.

Others definition of Instrument

It is a device that is used to extend the capabilities of man to

know the nature & magnitude of a process variable.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Instrumentation and Control affects and interacts with Science and Technology

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Computers, communications,
telecommunications, data handling, telemetry
Aerospace, avionics
Marine science, marine biology
Automation - mechanical
Automation - process

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Process Industries

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Power Plant

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Manufacturing/Factory Automation

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n


Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Building Management System

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Application in Oil and Gas Industry

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Application in Oil and Gas Industry

Process Optimization
Minimizing Cost
Maximizing throughput and/or efficiency
Product Quality
Maintaining the standard
Satisfying the customer/client
To the Plant
To Life
To Environment

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Application in Oil and Gas Industry

Oil Production

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n


It is the event or changes of events that takes place in

manufacturing, or processing of materials or products.

A change of state of energy, such as hot to cold, liquid to

gas, etc.

A change in composition, as in mixing different materials.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Any operation or sequence of operations involving a

change of energy, state, composition, dimension, or
properties that may be defined with respect to a datum.


Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Requirement of a Process

1. Process Space A space where accumulation and

exchange of energy takes place.

2. Environment The contributor and benefactor of the

accumulation and exchange. It is
composed of materials and/or energy.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
The Process Blocks

Units operation , e. g., boilers, chemical reactors,

chillers, clean rooms, compressors,
cooling towers, fans, heaters,
reboilers, heat exchangers, pumping
stations, blending tanks, holding tanks

Inputs: Mass and energy, disturbance

Process: chemical and physical changes
Outputs: reaction products, heat

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
The Process Blocks

Automatic controllers, i. e., digital, analog

continuous controllers,
programmable controllers

Inputs: setpoints, measurements

Process: control law
Outputs: control valves, heaters. motors

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
The Process Blocks

Transducers, sensors and signal conditioners,

i. e., transmitters and receivers, filters,
small signal amplifiers, power amplifiers

Inputs: millivolts, milliamps

Process: amplification and power gain
Output: volts, amps, watts

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
The Process Blocks

Simple and complex plants, i. e., a sequence of series

or parallel activities

Inputs: energy, raw material, policy, disturbance

Process: milling, drying, extraction, boiling, evaporating

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n


The technology of controlling a series of events to transform

a material into a desired end product is called process

Is the manipulation of energy input/output relationship, so as

to keep process variable to within desired limit.

Industrial process control was originally performed manually by

operators. Their sensors were their sense of sight, feel, and sound,
making the process totally operator-dependent.
To maintain a process within broadly set limits, the operator would
adjust a simple control device.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Process control can take two forms:

(1) sequential control, which is an event based
process in which one event follows another until
a process sequence is complete; or (2)
continuous control, which requires continuous
monitoring and adjustment of the process

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Continuous process control comes in many forms, such as

domestic water heaters and heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning (HVAC), where the variable temperature is not
required to be measured with great precision.

In complex industrial process control applications, such as in the

petroleum or chemical industry, where many variables have to be
measured simultaneously with great precision. These variables can
vary from temperature, flow, level, and pressure, all of which can
be interdependent variables in a single process requiring complex
microprocessor systems for total control.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
The Variables Involved

Controlled Quantities or Controlled Variables

These are physical quantities or conditions which the
practioner wishes to control or to maintained at some desired
level. The variables whose control is the end purpose of
automatic control.
Examples: Temperature, pressure, level, flow, composition,
density, viscosity, speed, thickness, weight, mass, moisture

Manipulated Quantities or Manipulated Variables

Quantities or conditions which are varied as a function
of the actuating signal so as to change the value of the
controlled variable. Also refers to the controller output
controller output signal.
Examples: Steam, fuel, reagent feed
Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
The Variables Involved

An input variable which sets the desired value of
the controlled variable. Sometimes called the reference
input, reference or desired value.

A physical quantity other than the system
command signal, generated independently of the closed
loop itself, which affects the control system. It tends to
drive the controlled variable away from setpoint

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
The Variables Involved

Control inputs are also known as manipulated variables

The outputs (controlled variables) are the process
variables to be controlled

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
The Variables Involved

Process Disturbance
Supply Load

Demand Load

Environmental Condition

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
The Variables Involved

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
The Variables Involved



Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
The Variables Involved


Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Dynamic Variable

Any physical parameter that can change either

spontaneously or because of external influences.

The word DYNAMIC conveys the idea of a time

dependence that can result from a number of unspecified
or unknown influences; the word VARIABLE simply
relates the capacity to vary from these influences. In
process control we are interested in those dynamic
variables that requires regulation in some industrial

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Process Dynamics

First Order Lag

Often referred to as linear lags, capacity lags or

exponential transfer lags.

These components are characterised by the capacity to

store materials or energy and the dynamic shape of these
response curves is described by a time constant.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Process Dynamics

Time Constant, (tau)

The time constant is defined for such a first-order processes

by the following:

The time required, measured from the point where the

output first begin to change, for a first-order process to reach
63.2 percent of its final total change after step change input.

The basis why 63.2 percent is used in the definition of the

time constant is because of the mathematical solution of the
first-order differential equation for a step change.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Process Dynamics

First order

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Process Dynamics

Response of a First-Order Lag to a Step Change

Elapsed Time Percent of Response Percent of

Total Response Remaining Response Remaining
1 63.2 36.8 23.2
2 86.4 13.6 8.6
3 95.0 5.0 3.16
4 98.16 1.84 1.16
5 99.32 0.68 0.429

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Process Dynamics



Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Process Dynamics


Definition: The time required after an upset is introduced into a process

and before there is any observable change in the process output. Dead
time may also be called pure delay, transport delay, or distance/velocity
(d/v) lag.

This type lag occurs because a material requires a finite time to travel
from one point to another. It is present in many control systems since
movement of fluids is involved.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Process Dynamics

A long conveyor system giving an excessive deadtime to the control loop

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
DEAD TIME Process Dynamics



T = -----


TIME T sec*
TAKES Tsec before

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Process Dynamics


Combined Dead Time and Process Lag
T t


Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Process Dynamics


Higher-order system can be the results of several different situations:

Several first-order lag processes may be encountered in series.

The installed feedback controller may introduce a characteristic

differential equation which, when considered in series with other system
components, makes the overall description of the system higher order.

Mechanical or fluid components of the system may be subject to

acceleration, i. e., to inertial effects (usually this is minor possibility).

The process may be a distributed process which gives a response

curve that can be described only by higher-ordered differential equations
or by partial differential equations.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Process Dynamics

Two-capacity process Reaction curve for two-capacity process

Reaction curve for three-capacity process

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Process Dynamics

Reaction curve showing short, medium and long deadtimes

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Process Variables

1. Pressure
2. Level
3. Flow
4. Temperature
5. Analytical (composition)
6. Others

a. Specific gravity, density

b. Viscosity, consistency
c. Speed, rpm
d. Thickness
e. Weight, mass, moisture

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

The primary objective of process control is to cause

some controlled variable to remain fixed at/or near some
desired specific value. As the variable itself is dynamic,
we must constantly provide corrective action to keep the
variable constant. The term REGULATION defines this
operation of values maintenance. We say the PROCESS

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Process Control Objectives

1. Keeping industrial processes at their most efficient

operating points.
2. Preventing runaway conditions in the process that might
endanger people or equipments.
3. Displaying information for plant operators so they can
keep the process running safely and efficiently.

Process control is a technique of regulating and directing an activity

or set of activities by balancing supply and demand. Instrumentation
is closely related with process control. It may be defined as the
application of instruments (devices that measure and display) to a
process in order to measure and control its activity.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
The specific level of process control can be classified into
four different categories of control:

1. Feedback regulation

Deals with the control of some variable, either measured

or calculated, at a setpoint.

2. Feedback improvement or stabilization

This is designed to improve the operation of basic

feedback control using techniques such as feedforward,
cascade, ratio, multivariable decoupling, and adaptive
Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
3. Control of events

This includes the handling of emergency situation,

startup, shutdown, and batch process sequencing.

4. Optimization of operations

This calculates the plant operating conditions that will

result in the highest profit, lowest cost, or minimum
energy consumption, are just a few examples, and take
into account the limitations and operating constraints
for the plant.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Automatic Control


The manipulation of energy input/output relationship,

so as to keep process variable to within desired limit.

A technique of balancing supply (materials or energy)

against demand over a period of time so as to maintain
a process at some predetermined level of operation
called setpoint (SP).

In order to attain this, the controller compares the measured variable

(PV) with the set point and then makes an adjustment in the final
control element based on the difference between the set-point and the
measured variable and this is the error (e).

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Advantages of Automatic Control

1. The process operator are relieved of the more onerous

tasks thus making better use of manpower.
2. Steady conditions reduce the waste of raw materials and
3. Plant can be operated nearer to its maximum capacity
that it be with manual control.
4. The superior control improves the quality of the product.
5. A more uniform product is obtained and thus it can
conform closer to a given specification.
6. Processes can be operated which could not be manually
7. It makes production facilities flexible enough to suit a
different production task with little time and effort.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Automatic Control (Process Control)

Evolution of Automatic Control

(Process Control)

Manual Control with Indicating Instruments

Automatic Control

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Automatic Control (Process Control)

Manual Control

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Automatic Control (Process Control)


Automatic Control



Final Control
Sensing Element

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Transmitter is a device that changes the value of

a measured variable to a standard signal that can
be easily sent to other instruments or devices. It
is the combination of transducer, amplifier, and
signal conditioning.

Controller is a device having an output that varies

to regulate a controlled variable in a specified
manner. A controller may be a self-contained
analog or digital instrument, or it may be the
equivalent of such an instrument in a shared-
control system.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Signal conditioning is the processing of a

transducer signal from the point of measurement
to the point of display. e.g., square root extractor,
linearizer, etc.

Converter/Transducer is the system component

that converts a signal into another kind of signal.

Final Control Element is a device that converts

the signal generated by a process controller into
action needed to correctly control the process.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Automatic Control (Process Control)

Electro/Pneumatic Flow control

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Automatic Control (Process Control)

How do we control a process?

1st Step -
gather data - transmitters, switches

2nd step -
processing the data controllers

Finally -
causing a control action - control valves

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Automatic Control (Process Control)

Three basic operations:

1. Measurement. Measuring the variable to

be controlled

2. Decision. Based on the measurement, the

controller decides what to do to maintain
the variable at its desired value.

3. Action. As a controllers decision, the

system must take an action. This is usually
accomplished by the final control element.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Automatic Control (Process Control)


Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Automatic Control (Process Control)











Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Automatic Control (Process Control)

Example of Process Control Loop (Temperature Control Loop)

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Automatic Process Control Example

(1) Measure the outlet

SP temperature of the process
stream by a sensor
Controller (thermocouple, resistance
Final control temperature device,
Steam thermistors, etc
(2) Transmitter transmits the
Process TT
signal to the controller
fluid (3) Controller compare the signal
Ti(t) T(t)
to the desired value, and
T decides what to do to
maintain the temperature at
its desired value.
Heat exchanger control loop (4) The controller sends a signal
to the final control element to
manipulate the steam flow.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Types of Signal

1. Electrical Signals
The value of current or voltage represents the value of
the measured variable.
2. Pneumatic Signals
The value of the air or gas pressure represents the value
of the measured variable.
3. Hydraulic Signals
The value of the fluid pressure represents the value of
the measured variable.
4. Telemetered Signals
The value of certain frequencies or amplitude of radio
signals represents the value of measured variable.
Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Standard Signal Ranges

1. Current - 4 20 mA
2. Voltage - 1 5 VDC
3. Pneumatic - 3 15 psi

Note that the lower value represents zero percent

( 0% ) and the upper value represents one
hundred percent ( 100% ) of full scale ( F.S. ).

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n


I/P current to pneumatic

P/I pneumatic to current
E/I voltage to current
I/E current to voltage
I/I current to current (isolator)
A/D analog to digital
A/A analog to analog
J/I power to current
D/A digital to analog

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

A transmitter is a device for converting the response of a

primary element into a useable signal, which then
transmitted either to an indicating instrument or to a
controller. Thus, transmitters can be regarded as being forms
of secondary element.

A device that senses a process variable through the medium

of a sensor and has an output whose steady-state value
varies only as a predetermined function of the process
variable. The sensor may or may not be integral with the
transmitter (Instrument Society of America).

An instrument which changes a sensor output to a standard

signal is properly designated as a transmitter not a converter.
Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Standard Signal

Electrical: 4 20 mA (DC current)

Span = 20 mA 4 mA = 16 mA

Others: 10 50 mA, 1 5 mA (DC current)

0 5 V, 0 10 V (DC voltage)
AC voltage
Digital transmission

Pneumatics: 3 15 psi (20 to 100 kPa) gauge pressure range

Span = 15 psi 3 psi = 12 psi

Others: 3 27 psi
6 30 psi (more force)

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Pneumatic signal vs percent process

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Electronic signal values vs percent process measurement

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

The advantages arising from using a current as an electrical signal

for transmission purposes are as follows:

very often, the power source for the transmission circuit can be
sited within the receiver, so that only a two-wire connection then
need be used;
several loads at varying locations can be connected in series, up
to a specified limit on the total resistance, with the transmitter
behaving as a current source;
the length and resistance of the transmission circuit does not
affect the signal sensitivity. Provided that the upper limit on circuit
resistance is not exceeded;
electrical signal travels greater distance and less time lag;
signal can be made compatible with master digital computer;
handle multiple-input signal

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Advantages in the Use of Transmitters

1. Signal can be transmitted for a long distance.

Example: Controller to be in centralized control room
Distance between sensor and controller is 900 ft.

2. Transmission of signals is possible even if the process and its variable is located in
a hazardous location, e. g., corrosive, toxic environment.

3. Process variable which many not be readily usable is converted to standard

electrical or pneumatics signal.

4. The actual controller themselves can be exactly alike, and therefore readily
interchangeable. In fact for pneumatic transmitters, all the controllers become
pressure controllers with an input range of 3 15 psi. When electronic
transmitters are used the controller will have a variable milliampere range input.

5. The transmitters are generally designed in such a way that the full range of output .
can be obtained for a variable range in the controlled variable.

In all cases the same controller can be used no matter whether the controlled
condition is pressure, temperature level, flow, etc. This standardization has great
advantages from a design, maintenance and supply point of view.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Two-wire (loop-powered)Transmitter

Note that only two wires are required (again not

including the input leads). These 2 wires both power the
transmitter and transmit the output signal. Thus, the two-
wire transmitter has an advantage in not requiring a
local power source.

It is possible to convey electrical power and

communicate analog information over the same two
wires using 4 to 20 milliamps DC, if we design the
transmitter to be loop-powered. A loop-powered
transmitter connects to a process controller in the
following manner:

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Two-wire (loop-powered)Transmitter

Power supply can be

located far away from
the transmitter

Power + Signal

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Four-wire (self-powered) Transmitter

DC electric current signals may also be used to

communicate process measurement information from
transmitters to controllers, indicators, recorders, alarms,
and other input devices. The simplest form of 4-20 mA
measurement loop is one where the transmitter has two
terminals for the 4-20 mA signal wires to connect, and two
more terminals where a power source connects. These
transmitters are called 4-wire or self-powered. The
current signal from the transmitter connects to the process
variable input terminals of the controller to complete the

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Four-wire (self-powered) Transmitter


Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
SMART Transmitters

SMART Transmitters transmits digital intelligent information

superimposed on the 4 20 mA signal. Using the smart field
communicator (SFC), the following information can be accessed
anywhere along the transmitters 2-wire line.

Instrument ID
Lower Range Value ( LRV )
Upper Range Value ( URV )
Measured value
Calibration range

Above data can be changed anytime using the SFC. A unique advantage
of a Smart transmitter is its fieldbus communications application for use
with Distributed Control Systems (DCS).

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
SMART Transmitters

375 HART Communicator

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
SMART Transmitters

Loop Check for HART Transmitter

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
SMART Transmitters

Loop Check for HART Transmitter

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Function of a controller

The standard controller compares that manipulated variable

value (4-20 mA, 3-15 psi or digital data) input signal from
the transmitter continuously with the set value (setpoint)
and gives an output (4-20 mA, 3-15 psi or digital data)
dependent on the deviation (error) and the control action

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

1. The response of an automatic controller must be

chosen to oppose any change in the measurement
that moves it (the measurement) away from the
2. A controller holds the measurement at a constant
value by balancing the supply against the load on the
3. A controller must react to changes in measurement
caused by changes in:
- load
- setpoint
- supply

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Electronic controller Pneumatic controller

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Open-loop control simply involves making an estimate of

the form or quantity of action to accomplish a desired
objective. Its basis is in prediction.

In open-loop control, no check is made to determine

whether or not the corrective action taken has
accomplished the desired objectives.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Open-loop control is capable of perfect control if the

prediction is absolutely correct in all aspects. If, however,
any one of the variables affecting the desired outcome
deviates from the quality or quantity upon which prediction
was based, open-loop control will not give perfect control.
Since open-loop control makes no final comparison of the
actual (controlled) and desired results, any error in
prediction (the fixed program) will produced a difference
between the desired and actual result.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Advantages: Relatively simple, resulting in cost, reliability,

maintainability advantages

Inherently stable

Disadvantages: Relatively slow in response to demand


Inaccurate, due to lack of corrective

action for error

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Example of Open Loop Control

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n


Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Open Loop

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

In a closed-loop system, the set point and the value of the

controlled variable are compared to each other in a comparer
(or comparator or error detector). The output of a comparer
represents the difference between the two values. The
difference signal then feed into the controller, allowing the
controller to affect the process.

error = measured value - set point

All closed-loop system are characterized by the ability to

compare the actual value of the controlled variable to its
desired value (or set point), and automatically take action
based on that comparison; they are self-correcting

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Advantages: Relatively fast in response to demanded changes

Relatively accurate in matching actual to desired


Disadvantages: Relatively complex

Potentially unstable, under fault condition

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Example of Closed Loop Control

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n


Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Open Loop Control vs Closed Loop Control

Open loop system

Closed loop system

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Pressure Control Loop

In gas or vapor systems we regulate inventory as pressure.

A typical system is shown below. Both the inlet and outlet
are gas or vapor. Therefore if the control valve is shut then
the pressure in the tank will rise and vice versa

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Pressure Control Loop

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Level Control Loop

Consider simple feedback control of the level in a tank. This being the
case it is necessary to measure the level directly and adjust the flow into
or out of the tank to keep it constant.

As can be seen the control system

consists of

A Level Transducer denoted by LT in

the diagram.

A Control Valve.

A Level Controller denoted by LC.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Level Control Loop

Level control system

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Temperature Control Loop

To change the temperature of something it is necessary to add or take

away energy. This can be achieved in one of two ways.

Transfer energy indirectly, using a second stream, through coils, tubes,

jackets etc. The second stream could be, for example, steam, cooling
water, another process stream or even a source of power as in an
electric element.

Mix in a second stream directly. This stream will have a different energy
content from the original.

There are advantages and disadvantages for both methods. With the
first there is the problem of transferring heat through the walls of the
'coil'. In the second the energy is absorbed directly but with the
additional problem of increased flowrate/volume.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Temperature Control Loop

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Temperature Control Loop

Temperature Control with Steam Heating

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Temperature Control Loop

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Flow Control Loop

The most basic requirement in any chemical plant is to be able

to make the flow through a pipe take a particular value.
Consider first therefore the simplest item of plant equipment,
namely a pipe, as shown below

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Flow Control Loop

The basic pipe has had the following parts added to it, to make a control system.

A flow measuring device or Flowmeter. This consists of two parts

- Firstly an Orifice Meter. This is shown in the diagram by two parallel lines.
- This is connected to a sensor or Flow Transducer labeled FT in the

An adjustable valve or Control Valve which alters the flowrate. This is shown
by its conventional flowsheet symbol.
Finally these are connected by the Controller itself identified by the element

This completes a control system to regulate the measured quantity, here the
flow, by adjustment of the valve position. Compare this with the block diagram
which we used earlier to introduce the feedback control system.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Flow Control Loop

Electro/Pneumatic Flow control

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Flow Control Loop

All Electric System Pump Speed Control

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

The feedback concept consists of three parts:

1. The variable that is to be controlled is measured

(or calculated from measurements).

2. The measurement is compared with desired or set point

value. The difference between measurement and the
set point is the error signal.

3. A process variable is adjusted or manipulated to

decrease the error signal perhaps even to zero.

The feedback concept implies a complete circle or loop.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Manual Control. Feedback

A manual control system is one in which a process operator

performed the function of a controller and nearly all process
variables can be controlled manually when the necessity
arises. One advantage of this
method is that the process
operators can usually take
effective action in abnormal
circumstances such as when
large variations in load or
changes in reaction rates
occur. It is fairly common
practice to start-up a plant
on manual control since it is
usually possible to establish
stable conditions in a
reasonably short period of
Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Closed-Loop Control. Automatic Feedback Control

In a closed-loop control configuration, a measurement is

made of the variable to be controlled, and is compared
with a reference point. If a difference, or error, exists
between the actual and desired levels, the automatic
controller will take the necessary corrective action.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Closed-Loop Control. Automatic Feedback Control

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Closed-Loop Control. Automatic Feedback Control

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Closed-Loop Control. Automatic Feedback Control

Inlet Flow


A Level control
Vessel Level

Controller Output


Response of feedback control

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n


Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n



Closed Loop

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Feedback control worked to eliminate errors but

feedforward control operates to prevent errors from
occurring in the first place.

Feedforward control does escalate tremendously, however, the requirements of the

practitioner. The practitioner must know in advance what disturbances will be
entering the process, and there must be adequate provisions to measure these
disturbances. In addition, the operator must know specifically when and how to
adjust the manipulated variable to compensate exactly for the effects of the
disturbances. If the practitioner has this specific ability and if this ability is perfectly
available, then the controlled variable will never vary from its desired value or
setpoint. If the operator makes a mistake or does not anticipate all of the
disturbances that might affect the process, then the controlled variable will deviate
from its desired value and, in a pure feedforward control, an uncorrected error will

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Manual Feedforward Control

In this situation, as disturbance enters the process the operator

observes an indication of the nature of the disturbance and, based on
the entering disturbance, the operator adjusts the manipulated variable
in such a manner as to prevent any ultimate change or variation in the
controlled variable due to the disturbance.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Closed-Loop Control. Automatic Feedforward Control

Control operates forward in the anticipation that its effect will

produce the desired effect.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Closed-Loop Control. Automatic Feedforward Control

General conceptual frame work of automatic feedforward control

Disturbances are shown entering the process and there are available sensors to
measure these disturbances. Based on these sensed or measured values of the
disturbances, the feedforward controllers then calculates the needed values of the
manipulated variables. Setpoints, of course, which represent the desired values of
the controlled variables are provided to the feedforward controllers.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Closed-Loop Control. Automatic Feedforward Control

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Closed-Loop Control. Automatic Feedforward Control

A feedforward level control system

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

The two main parts of the controller:

the control station

the controller

These two main parts may be mounted:

integrally mounted; together in one instrument

rack mounted; the controller is close to the
control station on a rack behind the control panel
field mounted; the controller being mounted close
to the correcting element

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Deviation indicator

Typical control station

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Classification of Automatic Controllers

1. According to controlled condition

These are pressure, flow, temperature, liquid level,

speed, quality (pH, CO2, viscosity, etc.), etc.

Note: A pressure controller is composed of pressure

transmitter and a standard controller. Measured
conditions is translated by the transmitter to
standard signals and fed to a standard controller.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Classification of Automatic Controllers

2. According to control action

a. Discontinuous

1)Two-step (two-position) or on/off

The output signal alternate between two values.

2)Multi-step (multi-position)

The output signal varies to predetermined values.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Classification of Automatic Controllers

b. Continuous
The output signal varies is continuous function of the
input signal.

These are classified into:

1) Single term (Single mode)

Proportional (P)

2) Two term (Two mode)

Proportional + Integral (PI)
Proportional + Derivative (PD)

3) Three term (Three mode)

Proportional + Integral + Derivative (PID)

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Classification of Automatic Controllers

3. According to power source

a. Self-operating controllers or self-acting controllers (or

patterns) or self-contained controllers (Regulators)

Do not use auxiliary power.

Self-acting patterns obtain the power necessary for their

operation from the processes they are controlling. Most
self-acting controllers have a fairly narrow, fixed width
proportional band.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Reverse Acting Type

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
Direct Acting Type

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

Type of control action in which the manipulated variable is

quickly changes to either a maximum or a minimum value
depending on whether the controlled variable is greater or
less than the set point or some band with about the set point.
The minimum value of the manipulated variable is usually
zero (off). By definition, two-position control means that the
final operator is either in the open or the closed position. The
controlling unit will never maintain the operator in an
intermediate of throttling position.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
On-Off Control

On-off control is the most common two-position control. As soon as

the measured variable differs from the desired control point, the final
operator is driven to one extreme or the other. This control action is
also known as open/shut or bang-bang control.

On-off control is best applied to a large capacitance process that

has essentially no dead time such as a large tank or bath or batch
type processes. The rate -of- rise (or fall) of the output curve is small
because the energy inflow is small compared with the large
capacitance of the system. A system where dead time is short and
rate-of rise is slow can be handled adequately by on-off control.

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
On-Off Control

Example of On-Off Control

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
On-Off Control


Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
On-Off Control

A high value of hysteresis

results in an increased in
amplitude but decreased in
frequency of the controlled

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n
On-Off Control

The main advantages of on/off control are simplicity and

low cost. This is why it is frequently found on domestic
applications such as oven toasters and AC units.

Its major disadvantage is that the operating differential

might fall outside the control tolerance required by the
process. For example, on a distillation column, product
separation is achieved through precise temperature control,
on/off would be unsuitable.

If accurate temperature control is required, the next option

Process control.
is continuous

Instrumentation Basic E m e r s o n

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