SAP Data Services Text Data Processing Overview

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SAP Solution Brief

SAP Solutions for Information Management Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts
SAP Data Services

Unlock the Value of Text Data

with SAP Data Services
2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts

Combine structured and

unstructured data for new insight
Combine structured and In todays world of Big Data, companies are grappling with volumes of raw
unstructured data for new insight data that are growing exponentially. Unstructured and semistructured data
from sources such as documents, Web logs, e-commerce sites, social
media, sensor devices, and multimedia are contributing to that growth.
What if you could gain new insight from this text data to compete more

Successful businesses need unprecedented With SAP Data Services software, you can
insight from Big Data. That means extracting process large volumes of unstructured data
useful intelligence from unstructured content to identify and extract relevant text. Whats
and combining it with structured content for more, you can rapidly load that text into a
new contextual insight. By leveraging un- high-performing database, where it can be
structured text data alongside regular data, combined with structured data for deeper
you can gain significant insights into your analysis to gain exceptional business intelli-
business, identify emerging trends, and pro- gence.
actively respond to opportunities or potential

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Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts

Process text data to extract relevant

Process text data to extract relevant content SAP Data Services enables you to identify, cessed. To find customer sentiment, for
transform, extract, and load meaningful infor- example, you can generate a list of variant
Extract valuable text data from Apache Hadoop mation from text data sources into a high- product names in a dictionary and use rules
without coding performance database like SAP HANA or based on voice-of-the-customer data.
SAP Sybase IQ software. The result? You can
perform contextual analysis of unstructured Continued on next page
and structured data in real time.

Using the designer tool in SAP Data Services,

you can identify the data sources (such as
text messages, documents, PDFs, spread-
sheets, presentations, Web pages, and XML
Use case: Improve customer satisfaction
files). You can also designate the targets and reduce costs
(such as databases, business intelligence
tools, and applications) into which the rele- An airline wants to automate how it responds to
vant text will be loaded. customer e-mails. Using SAP Data Services software,
the firm can classify incoming e-mails in various lan-
Next, you configure the software to extract guages; extract relevant text about flights, times, and
locations; eliminate duplicates; and automate accurate
relevant text from the data sources. Optional-
text responses. This boosts customer service and cuts
ly, you can configure an extraction dictionary
call-center costs.
or rule to customize how the text is pro-

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Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts

Process text data to extract relevant content When executing text data processing, SAP
Use case: Reduce warranty and
Data Services applies linguistic techniques maintenance costs
Extract valuable text data from Apache Hadoop to identify the input text language. Using this
without coding linguistic information, the software extracts To understand the drivers behind rising warranty and
core entities (such as people, companies, maintenance costs, a manufacturer needs insight into
or things) and domain facts (such as topics, employee maintenance logs. With SAP Data Services
software, staff members can extract and cleanse
requests, or sentiment) from the text.
relevant text from the logs categorizing it by part
number, sentiment, or other variable. They can store
Optionally, the software can apply data quality the text in a high-performing database for deep analy-
techniques such as matching, data cleansing, sis reducing warranty costs by identifying and solving
address cleansing, and geocoding. This en- common problems.
ables you to load clean and accurate data into
your database to help ensure confidence in
decision making.

SAP Data Services supports 31 languages for

linguistic markup and extraction, 13 languages
for predefined core extractions, and 5 languages
for sentiment analysis.

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Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts

Extract valuable text data from

Apache Hadoop without coding
Process text data to extract relevant content When data is petabyte in scale, moving it to contextual analysis in real time. Deep inte
the point of processing is extremely ineffi- gration between SAP HANA and the SAP
Extract valuable text data from Apache cient. Using SAP Data Services to process BusinessObjects Business Intelligence suite
Hadoop without coding text data at the source is an efficient way to lets you deliver results quickly to business
extract only relevant data that you can store users for competitive advantage.
in a high-performing database for deeper
analysis with structured data. Continued on next page

SAP Data Services delivers Apache Hadoop

Use case: Respond quickly to customer
connectors that push down text data pro- sentiment
cessing for semantic extraction to the source
files. This lets you leverage the power of A company wants to better understand how custom-
Hadoop MapReduce for parallel processing to ers view its products by analyzing sentiment posted
increase performance, without writing code. on Facebook. With SAP Data Services software, the
firm can extract the social media data from its Apache
Hadoop system without coding. Using text data
Once SAP Data Services extracts semantic
processing, it can analyze sentiment, identify negative
entities and patterns, the software can rapidly
perceptions, and quickly respond to improve customer
load relevant data into SAP HANA, where it satisfaction.
can be combined with structured data for

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Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts

Process text data to extract relevant content SAP Data Services can interact with Hadoop It pushes down text data processing for
in multiple ways, including the following: semantic extraction based on linguistic
Extract valuable text data from Apache Apache Hive support To query data in markup and pattern matching through
Hadoop without coding Hive database tables, SAP Data Services distributed MapReduce processing within
generates Hive Query Language (HQL) the Hadoop cluster. Results are then stored
scripts. These scripts can support simple in the Hadoop Distributed File System.
joins, order data, filter data, and apply
functions (such as average, minimum, max-
imum, and so on). Hive converts the query
into a MapReduce job, and the resulting data
files are stored in the Hadoop Distributed
File System (HDFS).
HDFS direct access To directly access files
within a distributed file system, SAP Data
Services leverages the libhdfs application
programming interface for HDFS and reads Mine text from large volumes of
those files into memory for processing.
HDFS access via Apache Pig To perform unstructured data in Apache
standard query operations or text data Hadoop with text data processing.
processing, SAP Data Services generates
Apache Pig scripts against HDFS files.

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Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts

Gain value from structured and

unstructured data
Gain value from structured and By converting unstructured data into struc- SAP Data Services also helps ensure data
unstructured data tured information, SAP Data Services delivers quality. You can cleanse, match, and dedupli-
new insights from text data. It processes a cate information before it is loaded into a
variety of data sources including e-mails, data store. The software also enhances textual
documents, and all kinds of free-form text data by enabling address cleansing and
stored in an enterprise resource planning geocoding to support spatially enabled
(ERP) system or database. It then extracts applications.
relevant text and rapidly loads it into SAP
HANA, SAP Sybase IQ, or another database And with support for 31 languages,
for deeper analysis with structured data. SAP Data Services harnesses the value
of text data across the world enhancing
Now its easier than ever to find nuggets of global competitiveness.
information from Big Data. Thats because
SAP Data Services lets you push down text
data processing to Apache Hadoop to pro-
cess text data at the source without coding.

SAP Data Services is designed to help

you gain value from all your Big Data.

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Summary Solution
SAP Data Services software enables you Unified solution for extracting, transform-
to access and integrate structured and ing, cleansing, and loading relevant text
unstructured data from data sources across data from unstructured data sources
your enterprise for deeper insights. Intuitive interface for modeling flow
between source and target systems
Objectives Flexible data acquisition with file-format
Extract relevant text from unstructured filtering as well as database, Hadoop, and
documents at the source application connectivity
Access relevant text from large volumes of Enhanced data quality via matching, dedu-
content in Apache Hadoop, without coding plication, address cleansing, and geocoding
Create customized dictionaries to identify Support for 31 languages
what text to extract
Create custom rules to identify patterns Benefits
between text extractions Gain unprecedented insight from structured
Ensure the quality of extracted data and unstructured text
Load relevant text rapidly into a database, Increase developer productivity and lower
business intelligence tool, or application for cost
deeper analysis Increase user satisfaction

Learn more
To find out more, call your SAP representative
or visit

CMP26863 (13/07)
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