The Builder, Vol. 2, No. 2 (1962)

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Vol. 2 No.



As W e B uild Churches, W e W ill A lso B uild People

The Builder
Vol. 2, No. 2 February, 1962

Editor George R. Biesinger

Managing Editor Vernice G. Rosenvall
Associate Managing Editor Ruby R. DeBry
Photography Thomas R. Winkel
Proof Reader and Consultant Hazel Jackson
British Area Correspondent Pearl Moore
Germanic Area Correspondent Vera Gygi
Scandinavian Area Correspondent Reba Winkel


Vernice G. Rosenvall Amersfoortsestraatweg 166

Bussum, N.H., Netherlands
Telephone: Bussum 1 12 42

Pearl Moore No. 3 The Ridings

Epsom, Surrey, England
Telephone: Epsom 30 01

Vera Gygi Zum Jungen Strasse 14

Frankfurt a/m, Germany
Telephone: 59 57 79

Reba Winkel Herdersweg 1

Laren, N.H., Netherlands
Telephone: Laren 24 97

BRITISH AREA: England, Scotland, Ireland

and Wales
GERMANIC AREA: Germany, Austria and
SCANDINAVIAN AREA: Norway, Sweden, Denmark,
Finland, Netherlands, Bel
gium, France and the French
AMSTERDAM speaking part of Switzerland

Progress of the Program

As we come to the conclusion of the first year of the Building Program in Europe,
it is good to look back and assess the work which has been done. Many chapel sites
have been purchased many plans have been drawn construction on many
buildings has been started. Some buildings have been completed. Many labor
missionary supervisors have been called and many more labor missionaries are on
the job. Many, many dollars have been expended. In a great measure, all of this is
success. However, if we have not As we build churches-built the people, then we
have failed in a degree.
Now is a good time to evaluate our works and if necessary to re-dedicated ourselves
to our slogan.
A few days ago at a ground breaking service in Beverley, President Grant Thorn
of the North British Mission explained that the Gospel had only come to Beverley
some thirteen months ago, but already Church membership had grown to the extent
that it was practical to erect a chapel in which to worship. Of course, it goes without
saying, it wont be easy, but by long hard hours of physical labor, it can be done.
The president concluded with the thought taken from the life and sayings of the
Savior as He performed miracles, As ye believe, so shall it be unto you . Someone
else has phrased it slightly differently, If we think we can (believe) we shall succeed
(so shall it be). Success is 99% mental attitude.
Through actual experience we can now prove that the Labor Missionary Program
can succeed in England. The past month a major remodel and addition was com
pleted at Wythenshawe in the Manchester Stake. At the Thanksgiving service the
keys were turned over to the bishop of the ward and an accounting was given of
money expended and donated labor credits. Everyone was thrilled to learn that, of
the 20% of the cost of the building to be raised locally, all but 262 had been
raised by donated labor through the labor missionaries and the local people. It was
an even greater thrill to know that the ward had raised more than enough cash to
pay the balance of the 20% of the cost of the building.
In our own area we are thrilled with the progress of the program. We now have roofs
going on several buildings a testimony to the bond of love and devotion which has
grown between local people, labor missionaries and supervisors. We have sixty labor
missionaries. Among them are several who are already requesting that they be
permitted to continue their mission beyond two years. Thus is added credence to
the thought, If there is something men love more than themselves they will sacrifice
or risk much for that something .
We are so grateful to all these young men who have the lofty ideals and steadfast
purpose to devote their lives in this unselfish service. We are also grateful for the
wonderful co-operation and support of the stake and mission presidents.

T o \te p ro g ra m m o v e s on

December 1, 1961 - John Stevenson The following information should have October 24, 1961 - Christopher /dan
Shields from Shantallow, North Ireland, been in a previous issue: Crabtree from Bristol, England, callec
called to be a labor missionary. Set to be a labor missionary. Assigned tc
apart December 5, 1961 by President September 1, 1961 - Gerald Heber Hart Leeds Chapel. Address: c/o Carlton
Brockbank. Assigned to Newton from Bountiful, Utah, joined the A. Harris, 1 Moseley Wood Gardens,
Aycliffe. Address: c/o Jeffrey Sparks, British Area Building Department. Cookridge, Leeds 16, England.
14 Stanfield Road, Newton Aycliffe, Address: 1 Hawthorne Road, Sutton,
England. Surrey, England. November 4, 1961 - Ground breaking
ceremonies held for Nottingham Ward
December 6, 1961 - Addition and Re September 5, 1961 - Doreen Maisie Chapel, Leicester Stake, England. Fllder
modeling started on Danish Mission Gunn joined the British Area office Floyd T. Nielsen, supervisor.
Home. Martinus Andersen, supervisor. staff. Address: 51 Coulsdon Rise,
Coulsdon, Surrey, England. November 25, 1961 - Frank D. Holland,
December 7, 1961 - William George October 1, 1961 - Allan Edwards from wife, Alice Bentley Holland, daughter
Streibel, wife, Lorna Simms Streibel, Birmingham, England, called to be a Deborah 6, arrived in England. Elder
daughters, Lonni 15, Janeen 19 months, labor missionary. Set apart by Bishop Holland is assistant treasurer for the
and son, Ronald 10, arrived in London Dixon. Assigned to Dewsbury Ward. British Area Building Department.
from Sardis, British Columbia. Elder Address: c/o Robert A. Smithson, 64 Address: 2 Walnut Close, Epsom Sur
Streibel will supervise the construction Ullswater Road, Dewsbury, England. rey, England.
of the Beverly Chapel. Address: 13
Goodsell Road, Beverley, Yorkshire, October 13, 1961 - Thomas Bryan
England. Mullan Ditty from Merthyr Tydfill, Would you like a complete history of
Glams. Set apart as a labor missionary the European Building Program? If so,
December 15, 1961 - Ground breaking by President Cullimore. Assigned to save all your copies of The Builder, as
ceremonies held for Stockport Branch Drumchapel. Address: c/o Stevenson we are looking into the possibility of
Chapel, Manchester Stake, England. McDonald, 26 Glennefer Road, Ren having them bound at the end of the
Elder Myron D. Neuffer, supervisor. frew, Scotland. year. Ed.


Brother Frank Orme, who broke the ground for the new Councilman Benjamin Cooper and the speakers included
Derby Ward Chapel of the Leicester Stake and who also Brother Benjamin Cooper, Area Supervisor Neil Brad
offered the benediction, is ninety-two years of age. He ley, President Kenneth Pool and Brother William Shaw
is the oldest member of the Derby Ward. The ground of the bishopric.
breaking was held November 11, 1961. There were sixty-
seven people present, forty-two local and twenty-five saints The skies were cloudy and threatening at the beginning
of the Burton area who came by bus to join in the cere of the meeting, but before the congregation went outside
monies. the sun came out and the weather was pleasant and
remained so until the ceremonies were over.
Bishop Gordon Sherlock conducted the meeting and El
der Neil Bradley presided. The invocation was by High Elder Don G. Lassig is supervisor of construction.
PROGRESS CHART December 1961
1 |0 2 0 3 10 4 '0 5^0 6 [0 7 |0 80 90 100

1 B R IT IS H WYTHENSHAWE MA NC H ES TE R H BOREN 25 Ma y 61 im iiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiim iiim iiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiim im iiiiiiiiiiiiiii 15 Dec 61

2 B R IT IS H NE. A YC LIF FE NTH. B R IT IS H J. SPA RK S 27 M a y 61 m iiiiiim m iiiiiiiiim iim iiiiiim i

3 B R IT IS H RO CH D AL E M A NC H ES TE R L. WORTLEY 10 J u n e 61 mmnnnnnnnnnn

R E A D IN G BRITISH C. E RI CK SON 12 J u n e 61 iiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiin


5 B R IT IS H LEEDS LEEDS C. HA RRI S 17 J u n e 61 iiiiiiiiim m m m i

6 B R IT IS H YORK NTH. B RI TI SH L. H IA TT 24 J u n e 61 iiim m m iiim iim iii

7 B RI TI SH W. HA R TL E P O O L NTH. B R IT IS H R. LAN E 1 J u l y 61 m m iiim im iiiiim m ii

8 SCANDINAVIAN LA P P EE N R AN T A FINNISH E. KOH KO NE N 3 J u ly 61 t iiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

9 B R IT IS H L IV E R P O O L MA NC H ES TE R 0. G RU ND VI G 22 J u l y 61 im iiiiiiii


11 BR IT IS H SUNDERLAND NTH. B R IT IS H M HARDING 12 A ug 61 iiiiiiiim m m

12 SCANDINAVIAN OSLO 1 N O R W E G IA N P. HA N S E N 12 A ug 61 minim i

13 G E R M A N IC V IE N N A AUSTRIAN F. W A L LN ER 29 Aug 59 nininininnniiiiinnnniniiinininim niinnnnm ninm nnnnni 5 Nov 61

14 BR IT IS H MERTH YR TY D F I L CEN. BR IT IS H A. A N DE RS O N 24 Aug 61 mini

15 GERMANIC HEIDE NTH . G ER MAN W KR AME R 31 A ug 61 nnnnnnnnnnnnni

16 G E R M A N IC WILHELMSBURG NTH . GER MA N J . TA NN E R 1 S e p t 61 mmnninn

17 B R IT IS H DE WS BU RY LEEDS R. SMITHSON 2 S e p t 61 linn

18 G E R M A N IC K A IS E R S L A U T E R N WES T G ER MA N F. BIE S IN G ER 15 S e p t 61 nnnnnnnnni

19 B RIT ISH CR AW LEY LON DO N M MOO RE 16 S e p t 61 linn

20 BR IT IS H L OW EST OF T CEN. BR IT IS H D. WO O DB UR Y 23 S e p t 61 inn

21 B R IT IS H DRUMCHAPEL S C O T C H - IR IS H S. M cD o n a l d 14 O c t 61 nn

22 B R IT IS H BEL FA ST S C O T C H - IR IS H S. J A M E S 19 O c t 61 nn


24 B R IT IS H S O U TH E ND B R IT IS H J. MORS E 8 Nov 61 nil





The most beautiful site in all of England is the way to work together in love and harmony.
Elder Myron D. Neuffer, building supervisor in charge, Invocation was offered by Brother Bergen and benediction
described the place where ground was broken, December by Brother Edward Bardsley. Ground was broken by
15, 1961, for the new Stockport Branch Chapel. President Sister Molly Wood, oldest member in the branch. There
Bates also complimented the members on their choice loca were approximately fifty present. The opening song was
tion and expressed appreciation to Elder Neuffer and all the one of the most inspirational Mormon hymns, Come,
labor missionaries for their efforts in the building program. Come, ye Saints, and closing song was The World
He told of the determination of members to have a new has Need of Willing Men. Elder Neuffer expressed the
chapel in spite of many obstacles to be overcome. Elder sentiments of all labor missionary supervisors when he
Bradley said, As ye believe so shall it be, in building said, It will truly be a labor of love to work with the
churches as in all the Lords work. He urged the members missionaries and members in erecting a chapel.

to go to St. Helens Hall, a girls college at Portland, to
study nursing. My career was interrupted by illness. We did
not have civilized diseases where I was raised so I had all
of them after I grew up.
Irving and I were married in 1941. I had not known many
Mormon people just Jack Mormons, and they were
not the best representatives of the Church. I began to feel
the Mormons were just like other people except they had
funny ideas. My father-in-law tried to convert me, but being
a stubborn, independent soul, I tried to prove he was wrong
by archeology and proven facts. To my dismay I began to
find myself wrong. The books confirmed Mormonism. I
could not deny it, but it took two years to admit I was
wrong. It took many years to gain a testimony.
The Davenports are parents of six children. Perry lives in
Price, Utah, with his wife and three children. Earl is also
Germanic Area Labor Missionary Sup ervisor
IRVING FRANZEN DAVENPORT married and lives in Seattle. Charles is in the service in
Chicago. Frederick 18, Janice 16, and Sam 14, are in Ger
AND FAMILY many with their parents. Frederick hopes to go on a mission
while here. Janice and Sam are going to German schools
In 1908, Elder Davenports father, Earl Remington Daven in Hamburg.
port of Hood River, Oregon and Logan, Utah, was sent Elder Davenport is a high priest and has held a variety of
on a mission; first to Switzerland, then to Germany, where Church positions. He has been in the Sunday School super
he spent a night in jail for speaking at a meeting (contrary intendency and a teacher for many years in Sunday School,
to law then). Finally he was sent to Budapest, Hungary. At MIA and priesthood quorums; presiding elder, clerk, elders
that time there were many Jewish families living in Budapest quorum president, seventies group leader. If a man who has
and proselyting was slow and tedious among them. been active in the Church and raised six children can be said
One day as Elder Davenport was tracting in a Jewish sector to have other hobbies, they are reading, languages and travel.
of Budapest he came to a large apartment house, many As to Sister Davenports activities she states, I was active
stories high. As he scanned the doors, he saw door after in civil defense and cooked the Church dinners for many
door with the sign of the Jorah on it. Discouraged, he years. I taught Sunday School and was MIA activity direc
decided to pass on. But after a few steps, he returned and tor. My hobbies are collecting beer steins, riding horse
looked again row after row of doors, and all Jewish. back, cooking and small boys. It seems our house was
Shrugging, he went on. But again, something stopped him. always full of small boys eating cake or cookies. She
Resignedly, he went back and began knocking on doors. loves to landscape and grow flowers.
At about the thirtieth door on the very top floor, a young In 1956 Elder Davenport was asked to supervise the building
girl opened the door and invited him in. She, Ottilia Fran- of the Walla Walla Chapel. At this time his father was in
zen, a Saxon Lutherau from Sieben Birgen in Medias, Germany on another mission following the death of his
Transylvania, Hungary, and all her family, became converts wife in 1952. So, almost fifty years from the time of his
to the Church. They emigrated to Oregon. About a year first mission, Irvings father was again in Europe. At the
and a half later Elder Davenport returned home and the conclusion of his mission he asked Irving and Ellen Gene
following year he married Ottilia Franzen and a year later. to come over and tour Europe with him. This they did,
May 20, 1913, Irving was born. The oldest of four sons visiting Sister Davenports people in Gland, Sweden, and
and three daughters he grew up in Portland, then in Walla the Swiss Temple before going to England, from whence
Walla, Washington, where he attended Whitman College. the Davenport family had come in 1620. At that time the
He then returned to Portland, where he met and married Davenports decided that when the children were all grown
Ellen Gene Johnson, daughter of Swedish-American parents, they would return to Europe.
whom he later converted to the Church. After the completion of the Walla Walla Chapel Elder
Sister Johnson was born February 26, 1922, in Powell Butte, Davenport went back to the building industry which he
Oregon, to Charles Elof Johnson and Ebba M. Lindquist. had followed for twenty-five years. Then in August 1961,
She relates, Our home was Alfalfa, Oregon, a small farming came the call of the Building Committee and on October 23,
area in the high desert near Bend, Oregon. We owned eighty 1961 the Davenport family of five arrived in Frankfurt.
acres and used unlimited acres of government grazing land. Elder Davenports first assignment was to Hamburg, where
T had two brothers, John and Elmer. I worked in the fields he is helping with the construction of new chapels and
with the men, herded cattle and sheep, and attended the enlarging of the branch chapel which will be the Hamburg
local school with twelve other pupils. Sometimes the tem Stake House.
perature would get to forty below zero. We learned to ride The call to the building program in Europe came as a
horses about the same time we learned to walk. I milked surprise to the Davenports and they hesitated in accepting
cows from the time I was fourteen years old and won the because of the education of the two children still in school.
cow milking contest the year I was fourteen. Our high school But at a family meeting, it was decided to accept the call,
was forty miles from home and we rode the bus every and the feeling in the family is that the blessings of the
morning. Lord will surely follow in the wake of the effort being
I graduated from Redmond High School and then left home made. And if the gift of tongues was ever needed, it is now!

British area labor missionary supervisor

Great Britain has in the last century and customs. She has a beautiful singing
given to the Church some of its greatest voice as does her older sister. The two
leaders and finest workers. An example girls and their mother formed a trio at
of this is the Steven C. James family. home and they had many happy hours
Elder James father, Thomas R. James, singing together for Church gatherings
was of Welch descent, and his mother, and other entertainment. This was their
Mary Ann Chadwick, of English an main hobby and where most of their
cestry. Sister Berniece Read James is a spare time was spent. Janene is the
daughter of George Orson Reid and enlistment secretary in the MIA in
Alice Tracy, whose mother was a Belfast.
convert to the Church from Liverpool A fourth child, Stephen, whom they all
and at the age of eighteen crossed the loved and adored beyond words can
ocean to join the saints in America. express, was born September 23, 1955.
Sister James father, George Orson Reid, He was struck down by a speeding
was also a convert to the Church, motorist in September, I960, while
joining shortly before his marriage in returning from Primary. He died five
the Logan Temple. Both of Sister hours later, never regaining conscious
James parents are still active in the ness. The Lord giveth, and the Lord
Church, and her father, now eighty taketh away. Blessed be the name of
years old, is presently a temple the Lord. They will ever be grateful
ordinance worker. Stephens father for the five short years they were per
passed away in 1939 and his mother, mitted to have this angel child in their
a number of years later. home.
Elder James was born May 31, 1912, Elder James has always been active in
at Ogden, Utah. His parents resided in the Church. He has served on many
Park Valley, a little settlement, twenty committees, participated in Sunday
miles or so west of Snowville. Stephen School teaching and MIA. He was one
was the tenth child in a family of seven of the seven presidents of seventies in
girls and three boys. All ten children his stake for several years, a stake
were raised to maturity, all active in the missionary, etc. He is currently a priest
Church, and all were married in the hood teacher in East Belfast.
temple. Sister James has worked as a teacher
Most of Elder James life has been in every organization in the Church
spent in Salt Lake. He received a high since her early youth. She was music
school education, plus vocational director of auxiliaries and Singing
training in the construction business. He Mothers; Stake Sunday School board
has built many beautiful, quality homes member; she also served a mission
in the Salt Lake Area. among the Mexican people in Texas
The James were married February 10, and California. She is currently the
1938, in the Salt Lake Temple. They organist for the East Belfast Sunday
are the parents of four children. The School and branch meetings, literary
oldest, Jacquetta, was married in the teacher in Relief Society, and she is
Salt Lake Temple in September of last teaching and conducting music in the
year. She is working in the Church Irish District.
Building Department in Salt Lake. Her The James received their call to work
parents feel that she is a wonderful girl, in the Church Building Program the
and they are very proud of her. Gary middle of August, 1961. They arrived
Reid, their oldest son, is twenty, and in Europe on October 12, 1961, and
now serving a mission in Texas. The are currently working on the Belfast
James are also very proud to call him Chapel. They state, We are grateful to
their son. Janene is in Ireland with her be numbered among those called to
parents. Now fifteen years old, she is serve in this capacity. We realize our
attending Ashfield School for Girls. She limited knowledge and pray we may,
wears the regulation uniform and is with the help of the Lord and the won
happy with her new friends, and for derful saints here, accomplish our
the opportunity to explore new places assignment.

By JEAN JENSEN character, and twelve foot ceilings, which has damage from
bomb repercussion. One of our dear neighbors showed us
(Jean is the wife of Elder L. Marcus Jensen, her kitchen which still has huge cracks in it, and another
Germanic Area Labor Missionary Supervisor Ed.) neighbor has a little old coal stove in the kueche and the
wohnzimmer, even though there is steam heat in the
You are assigned to go to Berlin, renovate the mission building, because they remember the cold days of the war.
home and build churches there. This was the simple We have a large living room and dining room, which are
sentence with a terrific impact that has directed our lives getting much use for dinners and cottage meetings; three
and steps to this destination. bedrooms and a very small, antiquated badezimmer and
It was with mingled emotions that we looked down from small kitchen which has new cupboards and a new gas
the skies from a four-propellered airplane and saw our range and refrigerator. The hausmeister has been unable
future home with the huge and famous Templehof Airport to get the place wired and plumbed for a washer, so we have
coming into view. As we saw its long, curved roof, with washings in the bath tub three times a week and take turns
no supporting posts except at the ends, we had a thrill of swishing the clothes with the handle of a broom.
patriotic pride as we thought of the many airplanes that We belong to the Templehof Gemeinde which meets in a
had taken off and come down there every three minutes for large Catholic school, and it is growing constantly. One
months with the precious supplies to keep the people of member told me this morning that when she joined a few
Berlin alive during the history-making Air Lift. Then we months ago there were only a few people and this morning
saw Mission President and Sister Fetzer, who looked like there were sixty or more. We are trying diligently to help its
beautiful white-haired angels, coming to meet us. Sister growth so that the saints may soon have a church building
Fetzer presented us with a bouquet of red and white of their own to meet in.
carnations, the colors of Berlin, and their welcome was so We have attended many meetings and a very enjoyable
genuine and sincere that it brought tears of joy to our eyes bazaar, and we take our non-member friends with us to
and renewed our dedication to our work. We were taken to any meeting to which they agree to go, but the most thril
the mission home where we resumed our treasured friend ling meetings of all are the baptisms or Taufen which
ship and had a delicious dinner. occur quite frequently. It is the sweet custom for friends
The mission home is a gracious, lovely old home located to give flowers to the ones baptised and the sacredness of
in Dahlem, on the edge of the Grunewald Forest, a wooded those meetings with the converts in their white baptismal
area beauty spot where many of the homes of the former Nazi gowns and the beautiful expressions on their faces as they
political leaders were located. We enjoyed the spirit of that come up out of the waters of baptism, is divine.
wonderful home and we felt it a privilege to mingle with the We are in the south central part of this huge city of
missionaries and the Felzers two sons, Robert and Clark. 2,500,000 people and find that it is many cities combined
We were then initiated to the main down-town area of into one. The sections with which we are most familiar
Berlin the famous landmarks, the bombed-out buildings are Spandau, Neukolln, Steglitz, Langwitz, Templehof,
by the side of the new ones, and we could see why Berlin Dahlem and Charlottenburg. There are thirty-two sections
is known as The Beautiful City, even though it is a city listed in our guide so you see we have only scratched the
of scarred dignity. Kaiser Wilhelm Church, which was surface. You should see the family pouring over the large
bombed, has been left standing in its bombed state as a map of Berlin; daddy with his tri-focals, mamma with her
constant reminder of the great war. The Hilton Hotel is bi-focals and a flashlight, and finding every street on which
near to it, all bright, shiny and modern; one of the tallest we must travel so that we wont get lost or find ourselves
buildings in Berlin. It is about twelve stories, where most too close to the boundaries, borders, and walls that are so
average six. We could dimly see the Shandmauer Wall of inhuman.
Shame in the distance with the tanks and soldiers guarding It is a strange feeling to live on an island with East
it. The entrance at Brandenburg Tur has been sealed with Germany all around us and a guarded Corridor, the only
cement blocks and the entry now is through Friedrich- way out except by air. We appreciate our U.S. Army here
strasse. We have learned many heartbreaking stories of and so do the German people. We have enjoyed their radio
separation from families and loved ones that seem im broadcasts. In fact, they are our contact with the outside
possible in this day and age. In fact, it has been reported world, other than our beloved letters and Church publica
that four hundred people took their own lives in East tions. Our German neighbors tell us they know when or if
Berlin over the Christmas holiday season. You cant imagine the Americans leave this city, all will be lost.
the sadness that exists here unless you hear the stories one We attended a real German dinner close to the southern
by one of the tragedies. border and our Army had placed tall Christmas trees
We were surprised when given a huge ring of keys to our sparkling with white lights all along the border as far as
apartment, but were told that the German people, as a rule, one could see. Larry, in his exploring, came close to the
do not trust each other, and this stems from ancient days border in another direction and returned home on the
when the land was ruled by many kings. There are keys to double to tell us how it felt to have loudspeakers blaring at
everything every door, every cupboard in the house. We him from across the border.
only hope we can find the key to unlock the walls that We have been very fortunate to make good friends in the
people have built around their hearts, especially since the apartment, many of whom speak a little English and they
days of Hitler, and bring to them the Light of the Gospel have taught us many interesting things about Berlin. There
of Love. is one family above us consisting of the Grossmutter, Frau
We live on the third floor of an old apartment, with von Bentheim, who is a charming, brilliant woman. Then

there is Gisela Frucht who, like her mother, Mrs. Bentheim, Day. Maybe you have seen news reels showing the people
tells us she was always sad until we came and now she has placing wreaths along the Wall for their dead in East
much happiness and volunteered the information that now Berlin. The Wall cuts through the heart of the city and
she does not drink coffee. She and her family fled from where a home or building was on the border, they have
East Germany and left most of their treasured possessions either demolished it or sealed its windows up with cement
behind, but she says, It is better to live in freedom without blocks on the West Berlin front. We had a young German
them. Her oldest son, Uli, is studying to be a doctor and teacher of religion here for Christmas dinner whom I had
works at the Krankenhaus and plays the bass violin in an met in a cleaning establishment when I was struggling to
orchestra. Hubertus, the next, plays the flute, guitar, and be understood. He spoke English and I learned that he was
xylophone, goes to school and works part time. Kordula, here alone, separated from his loved ones in East Berlin,
14, plays the piano and Gabrielle, 12, is an artist. They and there are many like him. In Ulis class alone there are
come often to exchange German lessons for English with thirty young people in a similar circumstance. He told us
Mary Anne, and have made many cookies and popped corn many interesting things about the schools here and followed
and helped string it for the Christmas tree. They and the the dear custom of bringing flowers to the hostess. Usually
Schaars, to the side of us, seem like life-long friends. they bring three flowers, roses, carnations, anemonies, and
Mr. Schaar tells us that Berlin comes from the Yugoslavian a little asparagus fern. They also bring welcome plants for
language and means Ber or stopping place, as it was the windows and we have six lovely plants now to remind
halfway to the coast. The bear is a symbol used. Mrs. us of our new friends here.
Schaar and I exchange goodies and recipes at the back door. Last Wednesday we had the Templehof Relief Society
We have loved our evenings together, learning songs of both sisters here for their meeting and Christmas party and in
countries, either around their piano or our table with the troduced them to Chip Dip with various salty crackers,
Advent Wreath, a national custom before Christmas, as there are no potato chips and other American cooking.
consisting of a wreath made of pine boughs with four There were four non-members here from the apartment and
candles in it, one of which is lighted the fourth Sunday a shop keeper who enjoyed it with us. The next night we
before Christmas, two the next, and so on. had a Cottage Meeting under the direction of the mis
Christmas was celebrated for two days with much church sionaries. We had eight non-members who enjoyed pictures
going, ringing of bells, and parties. Presents are opened on of Salt Lake City, and the first lesson.
Christmas Eve and their Santa Claus is the Weihnachtman We had the experience of going through the Corridor to
who was dressed all in white with a white beard and a white, the conference at Hamburg and are grateful to have heard
almost pointed cap and a bag over his shoulder at the President Dyer and his wife give inspirational messages,
Christmas party at Templehof Gemeinde where he gave and to renew our acquaintance with President Maycock,
sacks of fruit and candies to the children who had recited meet his wife, and many of the missionaries. Especially
many darling poems and sung songs of Christmas. (I wish were we thrilled to mingle with the Davenports, Tanners and
I had a magic hearing aid to understand it all). Hertigs, labor missionaries in that area, and have a good
On December 6 they celebrated Nikolausabend and the session on the Building Program, its development and pro
children put a shoe out in front of their doors and Nikolaus blems here. A busload of thirty went from the Berlin Stake
left goodies for them. You cant imagine the goodies of all and some of them had to fly or they would have been
kinds of chocolate, filled with various fillings, including arrested and taken back to East Berlin if they had gone
liquor, that are on display in the Konditorei shops. They through the Corridor. There are four stops, two at each
have all types of Anhangers in brightly colored foil and end and passports are collected, money is declared, and
we decorated our Christmas tree entirely of home-made signatures are written and then you wait to see if you will
cookies, popcorn and Anhangers. We used real red candles be delayed. They say some times trucks have been lined up
in little clip-ons that we lighted a few times and watched for miles waiting to go through. It was interesting to see
carefully. how tense everyone was while we went through the Corri
We watched Frau Bentheim prepare a huge carp Christmas dor with the lights out in the bus and everyone quiet, and
Eve. It had been speared alive and sold on the open-air then how the lights went on and everyone seemed so re
market. She poured hot vinegar over it and it turned blue. lieved and happy and started to chatter and sing again when
Marc had just read to me that the people of Berlin eat we were through it. The Relief Society prepared delicious
200,000 pounds of carp a year and three-fourths of it food for each meal during the two day conference, and
during the Christmas holiday. gave us sandwiches to eat on our way home. The singing
We had just returned from a Relief Society bazaar and we in Germany, and especially at that conference, was heavenly
saw a sight I like to remember. In front of the mission the choir gave a Christmas concert on Saturday night that
home front door were the Fetzer boys shoes, one lined had me in goose-pimples the whole time.
with waxed paper and the other laced with a gold string There were 55,000 men working in West Berlin who com
and a note to Nickolaus. I like to remember the good muted from East Berlin before the Wall and now that
laugh Marc and I had when we found every shoe our they are unable to return we see many women doing mens
children owned lined up in front of their doors, and what work. Berlin has many, many old people, especially women.
fun we had filling one of them for each with goodies Sister They say the climate agrees with them and as I see them
Fetzer provided because I forgot, and then we hid all the walking, walking, walking, and going in motored wheel
other shoes for a surprise for them in the morning! chairs when they are unable to walk, no matter what the
Speaking of customs, the day before our Thanksgiving Day weather, and carrying all their needs from the many small
was a national holiday here, similar to our Decoration Day, shops and a few super markets which are being established,
when everyone takes wreaths with a background of pine and pedaling bicycles even in their eighties, I think it is
boughs to put on the graves of their dead. The day is called because of their outdoor activity and the weather.
Buse und Beten Tag and means Prayer and Repentance (cont. on page 10)

We will never get used to seeing the shells of beautiful
homes staring at us vacantly out of their broken windows
or the huge buildings which are nothing but rubble, and
East Erench
our hearts cry out in anguish at the waste and destruction
and the selfishness and greed of the leaders of men who Mission House
rule with force instead of love.
Geneva, Switzerland, is the center of a tremendous building
New years Eve is really celebrated in a big way here with
activity. The neutrality of the nation and the freedom
fireworks (much to Jays delight), balloons, serpentine and
existing there invites all nationalities to build. Property is
confetti, and all types of tricks and in many instances, much
difficult to obtain and permission must be received from the
liquor. There are Weine, Spirituosen and Tabakwaren
government even to purchase a building site.
shops in every little area and I saw the liquor being imbibed
Some time ago it was decided that the needs of the East
freely Saturday at the open-air market. The symbols used
French Mission could be better met if they were located
in foods and decorations for New Years are little pigs,
in this beauty spot of Europe. A search for property was
four-leaf clovers, lady bugs, chimney sweeps and mush
begun and continued for several months. In the process of
the search everything was reviewed; present buildings, vacant
Yes, there are alerts and tanks rumbling down the
sites, old villas, and all. Quite by chance it was found that
streets, but we are busy in the work of the Lord and All
a developer had made a mistake and built two villas too
is Well.
close together, with a common driveway, and had reduced
the ground area for each villa as required by law to below
the allowable minimum, hence he could not sell the houses
individually. Who would want to buy two houses with a
common driveway? The Church did, and now has a delight
ful home for the mission president and his family and the
lady missionaries; and the other house has been remodeled
for the mission office, elders quarters, printing, etc. The
villas are very well built and with a minimum of design
change have been adapted into efficient space for the mission
headquarters. These changes have been executed by Elder
Herbert G. Hansen, labor missionary supervisor.
President and Sister Moyle moved in for Christmas and the
office will be ready for occupancy in the very near future.
By acquiring these two villas, two years of work on the
part of the building department was saved which can be
put to other use. On good days (and there are more good
than bad in Geneva) one can see beautiful Lake Geneva
from the living room window. We are sure President and
Sister Moyle and those connected with this mission will
receive much joy and inspiration in this lovely place.

M IS S IO N H O M E I N D E N M A R K Presently these services are cramped into any space

Late this past summer a handsome villa with large rooms, It is expected that the new structure will be completed for
high ceilings, a charming wall around a beautiful sunken occupancy by early summer of 1962 and we know that
garden, and a charming and inviting gate, was purchased President and Sister Thorup are looking forward to this
in the heart of Copenhagen just a few blocks from the day.
present mission home. The present home has been mission
headquarters for the past thirty years and has become just
too small. The new one is also too small, so an addition
is in progress under the supervision of Elder Martinus
Andersen, who has previously been in the Netherlands
assisting with remodeling projects.
In the middle of December the last of the redtape was cut
allowing the Church Building Department to commence
construction on an addition to the building so that it will
completely house the mission president and his family, lady
missionaries, elders of the mission office staff, and the
mission office. A spacious basement will house the printing
operation of the busy mission.
The present office space in the rear of the chapel at
Priorvej will be released to the branches for much needed
additional storage. The present mission home will be used
for new missionary housing, traveling and supervising elders
quarters, as well as for the missionary training school.

and refrigerator; Junior Sunday School room equipped with
dividing folding doors, small pulpit, a sacrament table, and
two spacious floor-to-ceiling cupboards were also added.
On the outside a brick tower was attached, topped with a
needle-like gold-leafed spire. A new parking area was also
The chapel itself is lovely, with walls tinted in dusty rose,
ceiling in white tile, floors tiled and aisles and stand
covered with deeper rose-toned carpeting. Opera seats on
the stand have medium green seat and back covering. The
front wall in the chapel is done in wood paneling with
open grill-work on the upper third of the wall.
The new baptismal font is off to the side of the cultural
hall and is done in light buff tile. It has been used con
tinually since the first forming of the cement floor and
walls. Before the painting was done on the upper wall and
ceiling, a Mr. Hughes visited the ward on a work night,
saying he wanted to see what kind of people were in the
church which his son was investigating. Being a painter by
trade, he stayed to paint the baptismal font upper walls

BRITISH AREA Wythenshawe Chapel

Thanksgiving Service Manchester Stake
It was with heartsfull of thanksgiving and gratitude that and ceiling. He helped with other painting for several
the saints of the two Manchester Wards met, December 16, evenings and at the end of two weeks was himself baptized
1961, to hold the long-awaited Thanksgiving Service in the in the font he had helped decorate he and his wife and
new building, where, not so long ago, there was just a small daughter. This is just one experience associated with this
branch. Into the lives of those who have worked on this marvellous building program. A seaman from Manchester
project has come something fine and noble, something each spent his entire leave at home working on the chapel and
will cherish until his dying day. The Boren family, for was baptized before going back to sea.
example, will long remember this day, and no doubt the A stake priesthood leadership meeting was held in this
thrill they felt was reflected in the beautiful prelude music building last October and there was a noticeable difference
of Christmas carols played by Maxine Boren on the piano in the feeling of reverence and attitude of the members
and her daughter, Marilyn, on the organ. toward the chapel. The Primary children, too, feel a differ
Conducting the service was Bishop Walter Weston, who was ence and enter quietly and reverently. One of the most
probably visualizing many great things for his beloved important aspects has been in the reactivation of the mem
people in this sacred place. Invocation was offered by Brian bers. As one of the ward bishops stated, What a wonderful
Roper and benediction by Frank Blease, two faithful labor reactivation program. We have had people working on this
missionaries whose contribution to this project has been building who have not been out to church for years.
magnificient. Speakers were Bishop Clarence Corbishley of
the Manchester South Ward; President William Bates of the May the Saints in Manchester remember this thought:
Manchester Stake; Elders Henry Boren and Myron D. I am your Church.
Neuffer, building supervisors; President Grant Thorne of I shall reflect you as clearly as a mirror.
the North British Mission; Bishop Walter Weston of the If outwardly my appearance is pleasing and inviting,
it is because you have made me so.
Manchester Ward; Elders J. Neil Bradley and Lewis W.
If, within, my spiritual atmosphere is kindly, yet
Moore of the Church Building Department. A choir com
earnest; reverent, yet friendly; worshipful, yet sincere;
posed of members from both wards furnished the in
divine, yet humanly expressed; it is but the mani
spirational music. There were one hundred eighty-four
festations of the spirit of my membership.
But if you should by chance find me cold or dull, I
It is felt that the completion of the Wythenshawe Chapel is
beg of you not to condemn me, for I show forth
proof that the Labor Missionary Program will indeed be
only the kind of life I received from you. I am the
succesful in the British Isles. There were 8,894 hours of
reflected image of your soul. Make of me what you
work contributed by the labor missionaries and 4,516 hours will.
contributed by the local saints. The old Wythenshawe Chapel
(from I am your Church
contained 2,155 square feet. The new addition is 2,900
St. Andrews Church
square feet, making a total of 5,855 square feet. The old
Nanaimo, British Columbia)
chapel was converted into the cultural hall and a new
chapel added, plus four new teaching areas, making a total (Our heartfelt thanks to Sister Boren for sending in the
of ten teaching areas. A library; bishops offices; lounge; lovely description of the church, and to all others who
new rest rooms; kitchen with steam table, triple sinks, range contributed to this article. Ed.)

Newspaper reprint fro m Crawley Courier, England, December 28, 1961:

Mormon Chapel will be completed in two years

70,000 project will be community centre

A < 70,000 building project is under way at a two acre number for a minority group, and the question this figure
site on the Old Horsham road, Crawley. This morass of prompted was is . 70,000 a lot of money to spend on a
mud and pools, intersected with deep trenches, will be handful of people?
transformed into a Mormon Chapel within, it is hoped two A Mormon from Utah, Maurice G. Moore who is in Eng
years. , land to see the money allocated for the building of chapels
For the followers of the Latter-day Saints, their Chapel is is being used well, said he thought not. You see, we dont
more than a place of worship, it is an extravagansa of look upon building this chapel in the light of dollars per
sumptious planning designed to meet all their needs both person.
spiritual and cultural. The quietly spoken, amiable American, head of a con
When the Crawley Courier visited the site recently, the struction firm in his own country, added thoughtfully, We
bishop of the Mormon community, Mr. Peter English, was Mormons like to live pleasantly. We like to hold banquets,
working down in the trench, handling his shovel like an and we encourage dancing and good clean sport.
experienced workman. The building will be of brick construction with a mosaic
He explained in the comfortable estate office on the site, facade. The interior will be of plaster, and the chapel will
that the chapel was a part of a great building programme be panelled in oak. The whole will be floodlit when com
being carried on in the British Isles. At the beginning of pleted. It is described as unpretentious and quite an
next year we shall have about 20 under construction. This average church.
chapel here will be quite a small one, said Mr. English. The money which is being spent on this building indicates
He explained that his title bishop did not mean he was a the enormous amount of capital the Mormon church has
high ranking officer in the Mormon church, but simply a behind it. Mr. English explained that all members of the
leader of a community. congregation give 10 percent of their earnings to the church.
This building will be something more than a place to wor When the interview was over, Mr. English and Mr. Moore
ship, it will be the centre for the Mormon community. We left the warm hut to return to work in the bitterly cold
shall have a chapel which will hold about 250 people in trenches, with the other men. Building their own churches
addition to a cultural hall, reading rooms and facilities for is not a Mormon idea, the monks did it many centuries ago,
dancing and basketball. but it does show the dedication of the men who belong to
There are at present 160 converts in Crawley, quite a large this faith.

Stanholme Square, Wilford Hills, Not The seventy people present listened in
tingham was the scene of ground tently to the messages of President
breaking ceremonies held November 4, Cuthbert, Elders J. Neil Bradley and
1961 for the Nottingham Ward Chapel. Stanford W. Bird of the Church
Building Department, and Brother
Stake President D. A. Cuthbert presided Kenneth S. Poole, first counselor in the
with Bishop A. S. Green conducting. stake presidency. Ground was broken
Invocation was offered by Stake by President Cuthbert. Supervisor of
Patriarch Oliver Storer and benediction counstruction on this project is Elder
by High Councilman Clive B. Payne. Floyd T. Nielsen.

ON VISIT by Elder E. Albert Rosenvall

It was my good pleasure, in company with staff members Elder Jeff Sparks and his crew. Nearly all the roof was
from all three of the European construction areas, to visit on. This building also showed evidences of fine workman
some of the labor missionary construction projects going on ship.
in Northern England. The trip proved to be very interesting When we arrived at West Hartlepool we were nearly
and inspiring. I have been asked to record my observations frozen, it was so very cold, but all the crew were hard at
so that others may be inspired also. work, seeming to ignore the unpleasant weather. Elder Ralph
Our plane landed at Manchester in the midst of a blinding Lane and his men were handling this project.
snow storm, but the unpleasant weather was soon forgotten
when we arrived at the Wythenshawe Ward Chapel. There It was interesting to note that on nearly all these buildings
we enjoyed a lovely lunch prepared by the Relief Society the architects had been cooperative and had designed them
under the direction of Sister Maxine Boren. This chapel so they were simple in structure but beautiful in form. This
was completed and ready for use. Elder Henry Boren was made it possible for much more of the work to be done
the supervisor and along with four or five local labor mis by the supervisor and his crew, without having to call in
sionaries had done practically all the work on this building, specialists to do too much of it.
assisted in a large measure by the local saints. The only It is evident to me that the Lord is preparing the hearts and
work contracted out was that requiring special skills they the minds of the people for this great building program,
did not have. which is so essential to the spiritual growth and development
At the lunch a young man by the name of Royce Goodier of the saints. These beautiful chapels not only provide
was called upon to represent all the dozen or so labor mis adequate places in which to meet; the building of them also
sionaries present to tell us how he felt about his assignment. provides opportunity for the members of the Church to learn
I was greatly inspired by the sweet, humble attitude he, the joy of service and reap the blessings that come from
and all the others exhibited. They seemed to really appre sacrifice.
ciate the opportunity of serving as labor missionaries.
That same afternoon we visited the Rochdale chapel, which
was being constructed by Elder Lawrence Wortley and four
labor missionaries. They all seemed very happy in spite of
the fact that snow and ice was giving them great difficulty. Father, where shall I work today?
On this same job we met Elder Ted May and his crew of
And my love flowed warm and free.
brickies. They were in the process of laying up all the brick
work on this chapel. Elder Mays four brickies were four Then He pointed me out a tiny spot
labor missionaries whom he had been training for about And said, Tend that for me.
three months. Their work was excellent. When I compared
this job with their first one, which was a wall around the
building site at Sunderland, I could see that they were doing
remarkably well. I answered quickly, Oh, no, not that.
Why no one would ever see
At Leeds we visited the chapel being built by Elder Carlton No matter how well my work was done
Harris and his labor missionary crew. When we asked one Not that little spot for me.
of this crew how he liked being a labor missionary he said,
I woudnt trade this job for all the tea in China! And his
partner said, That goes for me too! This chapel was also
making good progress. It is on a beautiful site on the brow And the word He spoke, it was not stern;
of a hill overlooking the city. He answered me tenderly,
At York we visited the chapel being constructed by Elder Ah, little one, search that heart of thine.
Lewis Hiatt and his crew. York is one of the oldest cities Art thou working for them or Me?
in England and the old city wall still stands. They have a
nice building site there and the chapel is to the stage where
the roof trusses were being put into place. The quality of
workmanship was exceptionally good and in this case, as Nazareth was a little place
in all the others we visited, the majority of the work was And so was Galilee.
being done by the labor missionaries, assisted in great part
by the local saints.
At Newton Aycliffe we saw the lovely chapel being built by


Sister W anda Harris writes from Leeds: member of the Church you could not
On Saturday the full time missionaries
We surely have three choice missiona help the ward raise money for the came to help on the building site.
ries. A few weeks ago when these boys missionaries7 expenses. The ward has Brother Smithson assigned each elder a
heard the ward here was low on funds been able to raise the necessary money, pier hole to excavate and a young per
for their support, they asked my hus but we feel these boys are really noble son to keep the dirt cleared away for
band if they could use their free time and try to go the extra mile, and we him by shoveling the dirt into wheel
to do extra work away from the site to are so grateful to them and for them. barrows and hauling it away, dumping
it in a place that needed a little fill.
Patricia was assigned to one of the
elders. They started a little competition
From a local missionary in Leeds: with their hole digging and everyone
was really having a good time. A hot
meal was provided for them by the
the work is easy or that I never receive Relief Society sisters at noon. After
temptations from the devil, or that I dinner they went back to work. When
am never tired. If I did, then I would
the afternoon had slipped by and it
not be telling the truth, because I am
was about four oclock, the elder that
tired when I reach home, the devil does
Patricia was assigned to climbed out of
tempt me; and although I dont get paid
the hole and came over to Brother
for the hours I put in and Ive had to
Smithson and said, Golly, Im really
leave my friends, relatives and parents
bushed. I wish that girl would quit, but
at home, I wouldnt swap this work for
she hasnt looked up, and Im. ashamed
all the tea in China (if I may be
to stop. However, the day was saved
allowed to use that expression).
for him because it wasnt long before
I know that I have changed since being
Patricia came to us and said she must
called, because never before have I
go home, that she had her evening meal
been able to love three men the way
to get for her family. The elder was
I love my wonderful supervisor, Bud
really relieved.
Harris, and my companions, Malcolm
This is the spirit we have on our
and Chris. Once again I repeat, this
project, so how can we fail. Patricia has
work is absolutely wonderful, and I pray
ninety-six donated hours from our first
the Lord will give me strength to carry
slips that have gone in September
it out. This may not be a masterpiece
23, 1961 to December 23, 1961, making
in literature, but by golly. Im writing
an average of thirty-two donated hours
There are many fancy, flowery words it with tears in my eyes.
a month. Keep in mind that she has
I could use to express the way I feel May the Lord bless all you wonderful
only been able to come after school and
for being called on a labor mission. people in this wonderful work.
when her work has been completed, and
This is the word I have chosen, on Saturdays under the same conditions,
Wonderful! This word expresses ALAN KENNINGTON
and has no encouragement at home. We
everything that is inside of me. I will (Alans history appeared in think this is really commendable.
not beat around the bush and say that the January issue).

From Marvin and Olive

From Robert and Edith Smithson-Dewsbury Chapel, Harding in Sunderland:
Leeds Stake: We left the little town of Ashtead, near
London, about 10:30 in the morning of
Ive been wondering what we could tell ago her mother became very ill and July 24. With Michael and me at the
you of our project that would be most was taken to the hospital for surgery. road maps and Elder Harding at the
inspiring and interesting. I will start by Patricia has had the entire care of her wheel of our little green van, we set
telling of a lovely girl who is very brothers and sisters, also the cooking out for the north country with Sunder
faithful in coming to the building site and washing, and has proven to be a land as our destination.
to help. very good little housekeeper along with It was rather hectic at first with the
Patricia is sixteen years of age and is attending school and being a Primary wrong-side of the road driving and
the eldest of eight brothers and sisters. teacher, too. With all this she has found the novelty of the round-abouts con
She is a convert of about six months, time to help on the project. Her father stantly amazing us; but when we finally
and the only one of her family has not encouraged Patricia in her left London behind, we settled down
belonging to the Church. A few weeks Church activities, but a more valiant to just enjoy the trip. The lovely shades

of green and the beautiful flowers, as
well as the typical English towns, were THE MARCH OF TIME
very colorful and interesting. We found
it a bit difficult to obtain lodging the by JOSEPH L. HASOPPE
first evening because of the holiday French Area Labor Missionary Supervisor
The following morning we visited the It sometimes happens that after a number of years, we meet a dear friend that
inspiring city of York, and also met we had known earlier when he was struggling under all kinds of difficulties.
Elder and Sister Hiatt and their three This friend, having continued the daily struggle courageously, has been able to
daughters. The welcome they gave us gain a respectable position in society. Great is our joy, then, to realize the
made us feel like old friends. marvellous progress he has made during our separation.
When we left Ashtead we had been This is the comparison I am pleased to make on coming back to these fine old
given the phone number in Sunderland countries of Belgium, France, and Switzerland. Time has undertaken to trans
of President F. W. Oates. He is first form them to their advantage.
counselor in the North British Mission I knew these three countries well, nearly fourteen years ago, when, in my
and is a member of the Sunderland capacity as Counselor in the French Mission. I had to travel through them
Branch. He had the keys to the house frequently to give assistance to the District and Branch presidents in the dis
we were to live in, and as we approached charging of their duties.
the town we decided to keep a sharp At that time, Switzerland seemed to me to have been especially blessed, for she
look-out for a phone box so that we was spared the ravages of the last two world wars. By contrast, France and
could call him and get directions to his Belgium, who had just been ravaged, seemed to be in tatters, and their in
place of business. habitants in very humble circumstances.
We found a phone booth and Elder Because of the rather special work for the Church Building Program that I have
Harding parked the van and crossed the had to do since my arrival, I have had the opportunity of coming back to
street. He had just entered the booth these beloved countries; and great has been my joy to find them in the
when Mike and I saw a man conditions they enjoy today.
approaching the van, and immediately Switzerland is still strong and prosperous. France, despite her civil disorders,
we thought we must be parked in a does not appear desirous of remaining in the condition that an ungrateful fate
no-parking zone. He rapped on the has placed her. From north to south and from east to west, France is rising
window and as I hurriedly rolled it proudly. In all of her great cities, new buildings of all kinds are under con
down he smiled and said, You wouldnt struction. Her business enterprises are so vast that she is obliged to call on
happen to be a family by the name of foreign labor in order to accomplish her redevelopment program.
Harding, would you? It was President Belgium in no way lags behind her French neighbors. All of her great cities
Oates! In a town of about 200,000 have undergone a metamorphosis as if under the spell of a magic wand.
people the man we had been looking for If these blessed changes are pleasing to my soul, my heart leaps up with
had found us. rejoicing for another reason, more dear to me than any other.
Maybe it had been a round-about For nearly a century, these people had seemed scarcely disposed to listen with an
that did it, but we were not on the attentive ear to the message that the missionaries brought to them. It was at
street we should have been on con the cost of tremendous efforts of all kinds that a rather limited number were
sidering we had been coming from the converted to the restored work. Today we find these same people under the
south. President Oates had passed us influence of a very different spiritual atmosphere. The number of doors which
as he was returning from a business call now open to hear this message is extraordinary.
and when he saw the little green van Our missionaries are enjoying a success never known before. In the French
he stopped and walked back to where Mission (as well as in the French East Mission), we now have more baptisms
we were parked. each month than we used to have per year, for the combined area of the two
We had been thrilled with the whole missions, when I was on a mission myself.
experience of being called to England Without pretending to be a prophet, one still does not find it difficult to feel
on a labor mission, and you can imagine that this is only the beginning of a spiritual rebirth in these countries which
the additional thrill we experienced in formerly constituted the cradle of civilization. Everywhere that branches were
meeting President Oates under such established a few years ago, it is becoming urgent that we construct chapels.
unusual circumstances. In July, 1961, when I received my call to be a missionary in the Church
We are so grateful for the privilege of Building Program, Paris was slated to have one chapel. Today, evidence leaves
coming to England to work in this part no doubt that very soon this city will need three or four of these edifices where
of the Lords plan. We are especially the Saints will be able to sing hosannas to their Creator. This, in the very
grateful that we were assigned to help place where for so many years it was possible to convert only a very few
build the Sunderland Chapel. Truly, members!
home is where the heart is, and we How marvellous is the joy that I feel to be among those who have been given
feel that Sunderland and its people the responsibility of the Church Building Program here in Europe!
have captured our hearts, with the love Yesterday has forever disappeared; today is marvellous; and in doing all that is
and kindness they have extended to us. within our power, we cannot doubt that our God will make tomorrow glorious.

British Area Local Labor Missionaries


I am Thomas Dennis Starr from Radcliff Ward in the for he was going on a labor mission to York. It was then
Manchester Stake. I am 22 and was born on January 9, that I said I would be baptized. I was baptized on August
1939, in Liverpool to T. D. Starr and Lillian Marsden. 18. I was not in the Church eight weeks when I was called
My mother died when I was thirteen months old, and I on a labor mission, and I was so thrilled to go that I could
was brought up in the Liverpool Childrens Home until I hardly wait. I know that I have been blessed on this mission
went in the army. I attended Sherwood Lane School and inasmuch as my aunty and three children were baptized
sang in the school choir. I have one brother and sister who three weeks ago. While I have been in the Church, 1 have
are not in the Church. been first counselor in YMMIA and at the moment I am
I first heard about the Church from my girl friend. The teaching the Explorer class at Reading and hope to get
Elders came to her house, but I was the only one who was them to build a model of the stake house that we are
baptized. I will always remember the first time I went in helping to build here. I pray that the Lord will always help
vestigating. It was Brother Dennis Boydells farewell service me in this work.


Milton Brow-weston-S-Mear is the me said, Good Luck! She knew what
birthplace of Christopher Alan Crabtree. it was by the happiness on my face.
The year was 1945. His six brothers President Woodbury told me to write
and sisters are Brian, John, Martyn, him after I had given it some thought
Pat, David, and Paul. From Milton, and talked to my parents about it. On
where he spent the first year of his life, Monday I wrote to him and on Tuesday
he moved to the B Estate where he he wrote back saying that I would be
lived for the next twelve years. It was instructed later where to go. My call
during this time that the elders visited came on the first of November and I
this home, and as a result, the Crabtree was assigned to work with Elder C. A.
family was one of the first families in Harris in Leeds. I left November 13
the Weston-Supe-Mear Branch. Chris by train after saying goodby to my
topher says, I was baptized at Bristol parents. My journey took six hours. I
at the age of eight. I will always was then taken to the home of my
remember my baptism because the He was talking about the labor mission companions, Alan, Malcom and Tony.
heater broke and the water was cold. ary program. I said there and then to They have all been very kind to me and
It was just like the saints of old when myself that I would like to go on a made me feel at home and Elder Harris
they were baptized in the river. labor mission. I told my father about has been like a father to me.
Christophers hobbies are ballroom my thoughts and he said he would get To end, I would like to bear my
dancing, stamp collecting and gardening. in touch with President Bird as soon as testimony that I know this is the true
As to his missionary call he states, At possible. At the last session of confer Church of Jesus Christ. I am very grate
conference on October 22, 1961, I was ence I was asked to see President ful to my parents for bringing me up in
listening to a talk by President Bird, Woodbury after the meeting. Sister the Church and I know that if I live
first counselor in the British Mission. West, one of the sisters sitting next to the gospel I will be blessed for it.


Brother Arthur Leonard was one of the I had my education at Moldgreen

many who heard and recognized the Council School and at Beaumont.
truthfulness of the gospel at once. He During my youth I spent my time in a
had been attending two or three dif club called the Central Lads where I
ferent churches until one day a brother was very happy. At eighteen I was
in law of Arthurs found the Book of called in the army and served from
Mormon in a telephone booth, gave it 1943 to 1946. I was wounded during
to him, saying, Here is something that the war and spent a little time in Ger
may interest you. Arthur states, I many, France and Belgium, Arthur
read the Joseph Smith story and knew recalls.
it was true as soon as I read it, and
also the Book of Mormon. It is true, He has served as president, counselor
and I know that Jesus lives, and I knew and teacher in the MIA, secretary in
the bible was true even before 1 be the branch presidency, first counselor
came a Mormon. in the bishopric, and first and second
Brother Leonard was born March 24, counselor in the branch. He claims that
1925, at Newcastle upon Tyne, Dur the five years he has been a member
ham. He has four brothers and twelve of the Church have been the happiest
sisters of whom thirteen are living and years of his life and he is certainly
four dead. Arthur credits his mother trying to serve the Lord to the best
with giving him his greatest faith. of his ability.


When we sing our beloved Mormon hymn The World Has on a labor mission he worked as a junior technical assistant
Need of Willing Men we are referring to such men as at the Dunlap Rubber Company.
local labor missionary, Robert James Mawl. At the time During the ten years Robert has been a member of the
of his birth, November 27, 1943, in Birmingham, England, Church he has held the positions of branch librarian, first
to James and Evelin Mawl, little did his parents realize counselor in the MIA, and Junior Sunday School coordina
the great contribution he would later make to his Church tor. He was ordained a priest in February, 1961, and called
and to his community. He is a fine example to his younger to be a labor missionary at the Leicester Stake Conference,
sister and brother, Linda and David. September 3, 1961. He was very please when called as he
Of his conversion he states, My mother and I were taught had always wanted to go on a mission, and here was the
by two lady missionaries and were baptized in December opportunity to help build the Kingdom of God. On October
1951, and my father joined a year later. 9, 1961, he arrived in Crawley, and after spending the first
He attended Handsworth Grammar School in Birmingham night at the home of the building supervisor, Elder Maurice
and after five happy years he left, obtaining a General G. Moore, he was introduced to the fine family with whom
Certificate of Education in five subjects. Then, until called he is now staying, Brother and Sister Lawther.

In the year 1946 John Charles and Minnie Kennington and transferred to Greatfield High School where he finished his
their two sons joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- schooling at the age of fifteen. He then found employment
day Saints. This brought great joy to the family and little with an architect and from this position he went to another
did they realize at that time that these two fine sons would firm and became an apprentice electrician. At this place he
grow up to serve their Church as labor missionaries. Trevor worked on trawler, fixing radars, lights, and dynamos.
and Alan his missionary brother, have also been blessed Trevor declares that this mission has added great strength
by having two little sisters. to his life and he wouldnt give it up for anything as he has
Trevor was born September 26, 1944, and at the age of the very best supervisor and wonderful work mates. His
five years attended the Beverly Road Infants and Junior testimony is that this Church is true, that there is a prophet
School. Six years later he was graduated to the Wilberforce on the earth today, and that Jesus Christ is indeed the son
High School, and after three years there he again was of God.

Scandinavian A rea Local Labor M issionary


On June 3, 1961 the Finnish Mission leave his work to serve one year in the
called as a local labor missionary Elder Finnish Army. He has been with the
Jouko Kalevi Kirsi. This call was only building of the Lappeenranta chapel
possible because of the determined from the beginning and he will be
efforts of Jouko and the missionaries greatly missed when he leaves but he
who taught him. From the beginning has done a great deal of good, not only
his father, a building contractor himself, for the church there but also for him
had tried in every possible way to refute self. He is an example of an in
the truth of the teachings that he saw dustrious and conscientious boy. He is
his son accepting, but as time passed a graduate of the Lahti Technical
by his heart was opened and he also School and has followed athletics in his
gained a strong testimony of the gospel. spare time.
This influenced very greatly his three As President John D. Warner and
brothers and three sisters as they saw Construction Supervisor Elmer Kohko-
Jouko take on not only his labor mission nen know, Jouko is a great help to the
but also a post in the Branch M.I.A. Church in Finland and he will certainly
Elder Kirsi is now approaching his 20th be missed for the year he is away
birthday which means he will have to serving his country.



Recently Elder Thys Winkel, real estate representative for

the Scandinavian area, made a trip to the town of Dor
drecht, Holland, to search for a site for the Dordrecht
Branch chapel.
Because Dordrecht is an old, Dutch city, and the city area
is rather small, it is impossible to find a vacant piece of
property, but the city planning engineer came up with what
he thought would be the solution to the problem. He said:
There is an old Dutch Reformed church for sale cheap!
The city and the Dutch Reformed Church will pay 65 % of
the cost of the restoration of the building; however, in no
way should the beauty of the church be marred. (see
Even though this building is out of the question, it is in
teresting to note the concern the civic officials have toward
our building program. Not long after this talk with the
Dordrecht city officials, some possible sites were found in
a new building development.
Brother Winkel still smiles when he recalls the Old Dutch
Reformed Church. What will be next a cathedral?

******** LJouand yo * * * * * * *
(It is certainly hard to please everybody Carters. Those present were Ruth 17, decided to save the root beer and drink
and although this magazine does not Mary 14, Paul 11, and Molly Lassig 8. it New Years Eve on the boat going
have an Advice to the Lovelorn Also Kathy Bird, Yvonne Harless, back to Germany.
Column we have decided to let down Kathy Biesinger, Joan and Pat Brad
the barriers this once and try to help ley, Margaret and Janice Darley, and
straighten out a matter concerning the LeAnn and Marilyn Carter.
sons and daughters of American per Ruth is now serving as a labor Today, January 3, 1961, we are
sonnel connected with the building missionary in the Church Building planning a special trip to London with
program in Europe. Ed.) Department office in Epsom. The rest the missionaries. It all happened this
of the Lassig family are now in Derby way:.
where Elder Lassig is building super Shortly after Marilyn and LeAnn Car
MEMO FROM ENGLAND: intendent and the other children are ter and Margaret and Janice Darley
S.O.S. to Church Building Committee, attending school. arrived at Roseberry County Grammar
School, a home night was planned and
From this time forth send only labor Some of the girls at Roseberry County held. Twenty girls were present. Among
missionary supervisors having eligible, Grammar School have become interest them was Kathryn Brooke. She became
good-looking, teenage sons. ed in the gospel since Elder Holland very interested and after attending
(signed) and Elder Yaggy visited the religious another home night was taught by the
The Epsom Lonely Hearts Club. instruction class and explained the missionaries in the Wesley Carter home.
gospel to them (much to the distress She has studied very hard and is being
of the R. I. mistress). baptised by Elder Wilkey and Elder
WE HEAR FROM HOLLAND: The elders good looks and personality Proffer today in the Hyde Park Chapel.
An open letter to Elder George R. Bie- made some of the girls swoon. How
singer, ever, a lot of the girls were sincerely
interested in the gospel and the teachings
Here we are intelligent, well- of the Church. They asked the Ameri (Many thanks to the unknown author of
mannered, likeable, well-adjusted, and can girls many questions. We hope to these interesting news items from Eng
extremely good-looking boys all invite them to a home night soon. land. Keep up the good work (and sign
alone in this far away country, without your name). Ed.)
an American Mormon girl for miles,
Other events of interest in England
and England with an overabundance!
during November were: Guy Faux
Seriously, sir, dont you consider this We are happy that Sister Janie DeJel,
parties. Thanksgiving dinners, and the
rather unfair? Weve taken drastic mea who, after spending three weeks in the
Sadie Hawkins dance at Hyde Park
sures to rectify this situation, and have chapel. hospital, is home recuperating and we
even resorted to sending in a CBC in all pray for her good health.
an effort to even things out a bit, but
nothing has been done. We are trying On the twenty-first of December a
to be big about this, and we dont want Christmas party was held at the home
to complain, but with a little planning, of Joan and Pat Bradley.
dont you think you could straighten We had a wonderful time caroling to
things out? members and non-members in this area.
Sincerely, We then returned to the Bradley home
The Desolate Dutch. where chili, seven-up, ice cream and
cookies were served and fun games were
played. The evening was ended by the
P.S. We do have one girl in Holland,
exchanging of gifts. Special guest was
but shes eighteen and a sister.
Mary Jane Andrew from Germany, who
(We havent heard from Germany so lived previously in Epsom and had re
we are assuming that everything there turned with her parents and the Bie
is fine. Ed.) singer boys to spend the holidays.

More teenage girls joined us in England Both boys and girls were present at
when the Don C. Lassigs arrived from Steve Biesingers birthday party on the
Salt Lake City. The gang from Epsom night of December 30, 1961. Stephen
welcomed the Lassig kids into their received many gifts from the group, one
group with a rousing popcorn and pizza of which was fourteen cans of root beer
party held at LeAnn and Marilyn given to him by David Hemingway. He


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