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Surface Acquisition System

User's Manual

includes operation and maintenance procedures

and software instructions
for using the

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001



This SAS Surface Acquisition System user's manual explains the basic
procedures for using the 'SAS'.

It includes 4 parts:

- SAS description and specifications

- SAS programming
- SAS operation
- SAS maintenance

Using the SAS supposes a good knowledge of MetroWin software.

Warning If necessary, signs like this will be used to call the user's attention on an
important point.

Just in case... If this manual is unclear or if you have a problem with the SAS, contact:

5, Avenue Marcel Dassault Tel: +33 5 61 34 80 74
31500 Toulouse Fax: +33 5 61 34 80 66
France eMail:

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001



Description The SAS is a high accuracy pressure and temperature measurement

device that displays, records and transmits (for real time data
acquisition) well head pressure and temperature. It is meant to be used
for surface data acquisition (at well heads) on oil, gas or water wells.

It can thus be used alone as a recorder or connected to any PC for real-

time data acquisition.

Front panel The front panel has the following keys:

(Figure S1 - SAS front panel)

SAS keys switches the SAS On,

switches it Off if the switching-off has been

enabled by PC programming

turns the screen backlight On while pressed

increases screen contrast

decreases screen contrast

displays the available menu

accepts, confirms or validates the selected menu item

exits from the displayed menu

cancels the selected menu item or action

displays the available menu

highlight the previous menu item (goes to left)

displays the available menu

highlight the next menu item (goes to right)

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001



SAS display The four lines screen displays menu and warning messages. During data
recording or real-time data acquisition, it displays the date and time, the
value of the pressure and temperature being measured and the SAS

SAS connections The SAS has the following connections.

On the front:

- a well identifier reader,

on the side:
(Figure S2 - SAS side ports)

- a 1/4" NPT pressure port to connect the SAS to the well head for
measuring pressure,
- a temperature port to connect a PT100 temperature probe used to
measure the well head temperature or a temperature port plug,
- a ground connector to ground the SAS before any connection to the well
head (for safety reasons only),

and on the back panel:

(Figure S4 - SAS back panel)

- a PC connection (one RS232 connection cable is supplied with the

SAS) to connect to the computer for programming and reading the SAS o r
for real time data acquisition,
- an external DC power connection (9 to 14 V DC) for powering the SAS
when the internal battery is not used.

The SAS internal battery is only used if there is no external power


SAS accessories The SAS is supplied with:

- a PT100 temperature probe that contains its own calibration. It i s
thus possible to use any probe with any SAS,
- a temperature probe plug,
- a RS232 cable, to link the SAS to the computer,
- a power cable to supply the SAS with 9 to 14 V DC power,

Warning Either the PT100 temperature probe or the temperature port plug
MUST BE CONNECTED to the SAS for the data acquisition to work.

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001



Specifications The main specifications of the SAS are:

Pressure channel
Sensor type piezoresistive
Sensor range any
common ranges: 5000 or 10000 psi
Accuracy 0.05 % of F.R.O.
Resolution 0.02 psi

Temperature channel
Sensor type PT100
Sensor range 0-100 C
Accuracy 0.4 C
Resolution 0.01 C

SAS operating conditions IP 54

Operating temperature -20 to 70 C

Type Non volatile
Capacity 1 400 000 measurement points
Maximum number of jobs 64

Mechanical characteristics
Dimensions 220 * 120 * 240 mm
Weight 2.7 Kg (with batteries)

Power supply 9 to 14 V DC
or two 3.6 V Lithium batteries (D size)

Communications with PC RS232 or RS485

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001


Warning Programming the SAS erases the data already recorded in it. Before
programming it, be sure its last data have been read and saved.

SAS programming 1 Connect the PC to the SAS through its RS232 cable. If it is not On,
switch it On by pressing the SAS 'On/Off' key.

2 From Windows, start the 'MetroWin' software by double-

clicking on its icon:
the main window 'MetroWin' opens

Stop and test 3 Click on :

after a few seconds, the tool status appears on the screen:
its status (number, clock time and remaining memory),
its current programming and the current readings.

Check that the indications are correct.

Clock programming If needed, click on to set the SAS internal clock:

the 'Set Tool Clock' window appears

If required, change the date and time or click on 'Set to PC time' button

and click on :
after a few seconds, the software informs that the clock reset
has been successful

Click on then on .

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001


Editing the recording parameters

5 Click on : the screen 'Tool Programming' appears.

6 Select the 'Conventional' programming mode.

7 Select the 'Startup mode'

- 'Manual', if the SAS is to be started later on at the well site,
- 'After tool programming', if the SAS is to be started immediately

The 'Manual' startup mode is selected by default

8 Edit the recording parameters:

- 'Delay' in hours, minutes and seconds. It is the time between the

SAS start and the actual recording start.

- 'Scanning rate' in hours minutes and seconds. It is the time

interval between two measurement records.

- 'Pressure Start'. This option can be:

- 'Off', the SAS starts recording after the programmed delay,
- 'Threshold', the SAS records only if the pressure is higher
than a programmed value or
- 'Trigger', the SAS starts recording when the pressure is
higher than a programmed value but does not stop if the
pressure decreases below that value.
The default selection is 'Off'.

- 'Sampling Type'. This option can be:

- 'MultiShot', the SAS records all sensors at the same time
- 'Single Shot', the SAS records one sensor at each scanning
rate. The recording ratio between the sensors can be selected
in the 'Sensors to record' zone.

9 If needed, untick the 'Stop Record Enabled' box. This will prevent
the operator to stop the recording mode.
If needed, untick the 'Enable Memory Erase' box. This will prevent
the operator to erase the SAS memory when he starts a new job.

By default, these two options are On and it is possible for the

operator to stop recording and to erase data.

10 If needed, select the sensors to record in the 'Sensors to record'

area by ticking or unticking the corresponding channel.

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001


Editing the SAS configuration

Warning The SAS configuration parameters only change the display of the
measurements taken, it does not change the recording parameters.

11 Edit the 'Display Sampling Rate" in seconds.

12 Select the required recording algorithm:

- 'None" if there is no recording required. The SAS will then only
display the measurements taken without recording them,
- 'Memory recording' to select the 'Recording' mode (default).

13 Change if needed the display units and languages. These parameters

can also be changed on the SAS with the SAS screen menus.

Programming Programming the SAS will erase its memory. Even if the programming
parameters have not been changed, programming is compulsory in order
to clear the memory for the next operations.

14 Click on then on
various messages appear on the screen;

If the SAS is programmed in 'Manual' programming mode (default)

after a few seconds, the SAS switches Off;
the message "Tool successfully programmed, Tool stopped"
appears in a window on the screen
Click on 'OK':
the SAS is stopped and ready to be used.

If the SAS is programmed in 'After tool programming' mode

after a few seconds, the SAS switches On and starts a job;
the message "Tool successfully programmed, Tool started"
appears in a window on the screen
Click on 'OK':
the SAS is started and ready to record data.

Warning In this case, do not forget to present the well identifier to its reader or to
press the 'C' key of the SAS front panel to start acquisition.

15 Disconnect it from the PC.

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001


Other functions of the 'Programming' menu

Many functions can be canceled by clicking on .

To exit the programming windows, click on as many times as


In addition, in given windows other functions are available.

'Tool Status' window After having tested the tool

clicking on reads the tool,

clicking on starts the tool as it has been previously programmed,

(without erasing its memory),

clicking on stops the tool immediately.

'Tool Programming' window

Clicking on reads again the tool programming.

Clicking on prints the tool statistics and programming.

The buttons 'New', 'Update' and 'Delete' allow to save and edit, in the
software, various programming parameters configuration for using
them for future programming operations.

When a programming parameters configuration has been saved under a

given name, just select this name in the 'Select:' field in order to call it
back: its programming parameters are displayed on the screen.

Well identifier programming

To enter a description in a well identifier, from the 'Tool status' window,

click on :
the 'Identifier Programming' window appears with the identifier

Enter a description for this identifier and click on :

after a few seconds, the software informs that the clock reset
has been successful

Click on then on .

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001


The following procedure describes how to perform a complete surface

data recording operation with a SAS.

Job preparation It is assumed that the SAS has been programmed as per the above
procedure in "Manual" mode and that memory has thus been erased.

1 Connect the PT100 temperature probe or the temperature port

plug onto the temperature port.

Warning It is not possible to start the SAS if the temperature port

does not detect either a PT100 temperature probe or a
temperature port plug.
If the temperature port is idle, a warning message is
displayed, asking for the connection.

Starting the SAS To start the SAS:

2 Push the 'On/Off' key:

after a few seconds, the message: "Please connect the well
identifier to its reader" is displayed

3A If a well identifier is used, present it to its reader

the well identifier number and name is displayed shortly
the data acquisition starts

3B If a well identifier is NOT used, wait 10 s

a message ask for a well identifier

Press the key

the data acquisition starts

On the screen, the following information is displayed:

current data and time
measured pressure (in the unit selected)
measured temperature (in the unit selected)
time remaining until the next display refresh
'Record' if the SAS is recording
'Ext.power' if the SAS is powered by an external source

4 If the SAS is supposed to stay at the well head without supervision,

make sure that it is well protected against external occurrences
including weather conditions.

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001


Stopping the SAS to read the recorded data

Stopping the SAS 1 Press the 'On/Off' key.

the SAS asked for a confirmation

Press the key

the SAS stops acquiring data and shuts down

2 Connect the SAS to the PC with the RS232 cable.

Reading the SAS 3 Starts the MetroWin software and click on :

various messages are displayed;
after a few minutes, the screen displays a window with:
the type and serial number of the tool
the number of measurements transferred and
the number of jobs detected.
The data transfer from the recorder to the PC is completed.

SAS data saving 4 Click on :

a "Save As" window appears

Enter the name that you want to give to the newly created file in
order to save it on the PC's hard disk. There is no need to enter the
'.K1W' extension, the software does it automatically. Click on 'OK':
the software saves data in the new file on the PC's hard disk

5 Treat the file as any other MetroWin file. It is for example

possible to create Pseudo Tool using downhole data and surface data.
See the MetroWin help for details.

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001


SAS menu Some SAS parameters can be changed from the SAS front panel while the
SAS is acquiring data. It is possible to:
- switch between "Recording" mode to 'Display only' mode,
- change pressure and temperature units and
- change display language.

To enter into the SAS menu, press either the or key:

the last line of the SAS display becomes:

'Mode Units Language'
the first letter of 'Mode' is flashing

Note: Pressing the 'OK' or the 'On/Off' key will also enter into the
SAS menu, but it is more risky, since a too long pressure on these
keys may start unwanted actions.

To browse through the proposed options, press or .

To validate an option or confirm a choice, press .

To cancel an action or a choice, press .

To exit from the SAS menu, press :

the SAS displays its original information

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001


Switching from 'Recording' to 'Display only'

From the recording mode, to stop recording and display the measured
data only, if the SAS programming allows it:

1 Before entering the SAS menu, check that the information

displayed includes:
present date and time
measured pressure
measured temperature
'Record' and 'Ext. Power'
(if the SAS is powered by an external source)

2 Enter the SAS menu:

the last line becomes: 'Mode Units Language'
the first letter of 'Mode' is flashing,
if not, browse through the options to select 'Mode'.

3 Press 'OK':
the SAS displays:
'Do you want to stop recording?
OK : yes
C : no'

4 Press 'OK':
the SAS displays the original information and the menu line

5 Press 'C':
the SAS displays the original information
but the word 'Record' has disappeared,
confirming that the SAS is not recording data anymore.

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001


Switching from 'Display only' to 'Recording'

From the display mode, to start recording and display the measured data:

1 Before entering the SAS menu, check that the information

displayed includes:
present date and time
measured pressure
measured temperature
'Ext. Power' (if the SAS is powered by an external source)

2 Enter the SAS menu:

the last line becomes: 'Mode Units Language'
the first letter of 'Mode' is flashing,
if not, browse through the options to select 'Mode'.

3 Press 'OK':
the SAS displays:
'Do you want to start recording?
OK : yes
C : no'

4 Press 'OK':
if the SAS programming allows it, the SAS displays:
'Do you want to erase memory?
OK : yes
C : no'

5 Press 'OK':
the SAS restarts a complete job (see above), then
the SAS displays the original information
and the word 'Record' appears on the last line of the SAS screen,
confirming that the SAS is now recording data.

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001


Pressure and temperature units selection

Changing the SAS display units has no effect on the recorded data.
At data reading, the units of the recorded data will be displayed
according to the current MetroWin parameters.
From any mode, to select a pressure and temperature unit:

1 Enter the SAS menu:

the last line becomes: 'Mode Units Language'
the first letter of 'Mode' is flashing,

2 Browse through the options to select 'Units'.

Press 'OK':
the SAS displays:
'Select pressure unit
OK : select
C : cancel'
and some of the available pressure units:

4 Browse through all available units and select the required unit by
pressing 'OK':
the SAS displays:
'Select temp. unit
OK : select
C : cancel'
and the available temperature units:

5 Browse through the available units and select the required unit by
pressing 'OK'

5 Press 'C':
the SAS displays the original information
with the new units.

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001


Language selection

From any mode, to select the SAS display language:

1 Enter the SAS menu:

the last line becomes: 'Mode Units Language'
the first letter of 'Mode' is flashing,

2 Browse through the options to select 'Language'.

Press 'OK':
the SAS displays:
'Select language
OK : select
C : cancel'
and the available languages:

3 Browse through the available languages and select the required

language by pressing 'OK':
the SAS displays the original information and the menu line

4 Press 'C':
the SAS displays the original information in the new language

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001

SAS Maintenance

Spare parts The spare parts needed for the SAS are:

Screw and O-ring part numbers are given for a set of 10.
Lithium battery part number is given for a set of 2.

Red references on figures are for parts to be changed regularly.

Orange references on figures are for parts to be changed from time to

Description Quantity Part number


3.6 V Lithium battery, D size 2 S.50.B.LS3

PT100 temperature probe 1 S.50.A.TEMP

Temperature port plug 1 S.50.P.TPL

n 113 O-ring for pressure port 1 D.30.P.S113

Pressure buffer 1 S.50.P.BUF

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001

SAS Maintenance


Pressure port maintenance

From time to time it may be needed to change the pressure port buffer
oil. This operation must be done in the laboratory.
(Figure S3 - Pressure port maintenance)

1 Disconnect any line or connection from the SAS.

2 Remove the pressure port adapter by unscrewing it from the

pressure sensor holder.

result in a serious damage to the SAS structure.

3 If necessary, remove the buffer using a M3 screw to extract it

without damaging it.

4 Fill the buffer chamber with 1.5 cm3 of clean silicone oil.

5 Replace the buffer slowly by pushing it gently in its chamber.

6 Replace the O-ring (n 113) on the pressure port adapter and

screw the pressure port adapter in its place.

Warning There is NO NEED to over-tighten the pressure port adapter on the

pressure sensor holder. Just tighten it gently.

Metrolog Surface Acquisition System USER's MANUAL
July 2001

SAS Maintenance


Battery replacement

To replace the 2 Lithium batteries:

(Figure S4 - SAS back panel)

1 Disconnect any line or connection from the SAS.

2 Unscrew the battery cover from the back panel.

3 Remove the battery holder cap with a coin (1/4 turn to the left).

4 Remove the old batteries and dispose them as per local regulations.

5 Put the new batteries in the battery holder with the (+) positive
end facing out.

6 Put the battery holder cap back in place

7 Re-install the battery cover.

Surface Acquisition System

Well identifier Temperature port Temperature probe

Figure S1 - SAS front panel

+ On/Off

OK 33 C

Well identifier
Figure S2 - SAS side ports

Front Rear

Pressure port Temperature port Ground

Figure S3 - Pressure port maintenance

Pressure Pressure Pressure port

sensor holder sensor holder adapter


Pressure buffer n 113 O-ring

(S.50.P.BUF) (D.30.P.S113)
Figure S4 - SAS back panel

- + - +

Comm 9 to 14 VDC

Communication port External Battery container

power supply

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