Individual Assignment: Technology Park Malaysia NP-LBEF004-3-2 Co-Curricular Activities

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HAND OUT DATE: 15 April 2017

HAND IN DATE: 6 June 2017

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This project report is prepared for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of
BSc.IT in accordance to the rules and regulations prescribed by Asia Pacific University (APU).
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our college Lord Buddha Education
Foundation (LBEF) and our university APU which provided this opportunity to learn several
things and where we got chance to explore our creativity through group work.

This project wouldnt be completed without the kind cooperation of this college.

Further, we are grateful to Mr. Avjit Thapa faculty member of CO-CURRICULAR

ACTIVITIES for his guidance and help to complete this project. We also would like to show
our appreciation to all who supported directly or indirectly to complete this project in limited


Mahesh Prajapati

Executive Summary

This project is about Scope of Tourism in Nepal. Different type of researches were performed
for collection of the relevant data. Tourism is the one of the most importance aspect of
development for developing countries like Nepal. In this project, the existing problems on
Nepalese tourism and their probable solution are to be highlighted. Similarly, different types
of data and charts are prepared to show the past and present condition of tourism. Importance
of tourism in economy of nation is described below.
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1

Scope of Tourism in Nepal .................................................................................................... 3

Impact of Tourism in the Nepalese economy ............................................................................ 4

Contribution in GDP .............................................................................................................. 4

Direct Contribution ............................................................................................................ 4

Total Contribution.............................................................................................................. 5

Contribution in Employment ................................................................................................. 6

Contribution in Investment .................................................................................................... 7

Problems in swift development of Tourism in Nepal ................................................................ 8

Recommendation/ Solution ........................................................................................................ 9

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 10

Journal of Experience .............................................................................................................. 11

Bibliography ............................................................................................................................ 12

Marking Grid ........................................................................................................................... 13

List of Figure

Figure 1: Tourists Arrival by Countries ..................................................................................... 2

Figure 2: Contribution in NPRbn............................................................................................... 4
Figure 3: Contribution in Whole Economy ............................................................................... 4
Figure 4: Total contribution in NPRbn ...................................................................................... 5
Figure 5: Total contribution in whole economy ........................................................................ 5
Figure 6: Jobs created by Tourism '000 ..................................................................................... 6
Figure 7: Jobs created by Tourism in whole economy .............................................................. 6
Figure 8: Investment in Tourism NPRbn ................................................................................... 7
Figure 9: Investment in Whole Economy .................................................................................. 7
The act of travelling different places for any purpose such as recreation, holidays or business
for short period of time can be considered as tourism. It includes either within the same country;
domestic tourism or in different countries; international tourism. As of today, tourism is one of
the fastest growing industries in the world. Modern tourism is closely related to development
and exploration of hidden treasures in landscapes, culture, adventure and other factors in the
world. (UNWTO, 2016)

Nepal is still one of the hidden tourism destinations for most of the people in the world. Being
a small landlocked country without much impact in world society, it needs a proper
identification from the world. However with such less area of the country, the lifestyle, climate,
vegetation and geography are very versatile. Except for desert and ocean, Nepal has every other
ecosystem available in the world.

Nepal Tourism Policy 2009 identifies tourism sector as an important carrier for socioeconomic
development. The policy effort has put some directions for quality and sustainable development
and expansion of tourism activities and services hence increasing revenue and growth of
employment opportunities to improve the living standard of Nepalese people.

There are two types of tourism prevailing listed as follows:

Domestic Tourism
The act of travelling within the country is domestic tourism. They are not usually considered
as much of the tourist by many people. This type of tourism is the source of human resources,
share thoughts and illustrations and cultures with others. Such activities help them to create
employment opportunities and acquire changes in their living standard.

International Tourism
The act of travelling to another country for relaxation or business purpose for short interval of
time is international tourism. The international tourists visit Nepal for various purposes such
as sightseeing, rafting, mountaineering etc.

Vision 2020 of tourism envisions increasing tourist arrival to two million and tourism related
employment to one million. Trend of tourist arrival was in increased order up to 2012 which
declined thereafter. Year 2015 seems most shocking having decrease by 32 per cent compared

to 2014. The 2015 earthquake seemed to be a giant stone in the Nepalese economy as a whole
including tourism.

Out of total tourist arrivals, excluding Indian citizens arrived through land transportations, five
countries occupy 48 per cent. The proportion of tourists from these countries are; India (14%),
China (12%), USA (10%), Sri Lanka (8%) and Thailand (6%). Higher number of arrival is
observed in March following general trend but sharply declined in May contradicting to the
past. By sex male (54%) and by age category 31-45 (29%) are following pas trend of higher
share. (Government of Nepal, 2016)

% of tourists visiting Nepal

Sri Lanka

Figure 1: Tourists Arrival by Countries

The chart above shows that tourism of Nepal is limited within a small number of countries, that
too are of neighbouring countries. It implies the recognition of Nepalese tourism is not

Scope of Tourism in Nepal
There are many aspects of possibilities of tourism in Nepal. Some of them are as follows:

1. Snow-capped mountains: The mighty white mountains standing tall at the north of
country are the main reason for tourist to come over to Nepal. 8 of the 10 tallest
mountains of the world lies in Nepal of which the highest one Mt. Everest commonly
known as Sagarmatha with 8848m altitude.
2. Adventurous Sports: Many people who love to risk their life in adventure have a
destination as Nepal. Rafting in Bhotekoshi and Trishuli, Paragliding and canoeing in
Pokhara are some of the wild and adventurous sports available in Nepal.
3. Trekking: The Annapurna route is considered as one of the best trail for hiking and
cycling. The view of mountains and the green forest rich with wildlife are dope for
people loving peace and spend some time away from noisy environment.
4. Elephant polo: The only international Elephant polo is played in Nepal at Sauraha
Chitwan. The game was introduced to create a cause to save rhinos but was popular
enough to be organized every year.
5. Religious sites: Nepal is a holy place for Hindus and Buddhist throughout the world.
Pashupatinath, kedarnath are some holy place for hindus while the birthplace of
Siddhartha Gautam, Lumbini, Swoyambhu and Bouddanath are holy places for

Impact of Tourism in the Nepalese economy
Tourism has a significant impact on the national economy of Nepal being one of the major
industries in the country and fastest growing sector at the same time. However the contribution
of the tourism to the economy can be divided in three categories:

1. Contribution in GDP
2. Contribution in Employment
3. Contribution in Investment

Contribution in GDP
The contribution in GDP by the tourism can be further categorized in two subheadings:

Direct Contribution
The direct contributions of Tourism to GDP are the direct or internal spending on Tourism.
In other words, the total spending within a particular place by tourists for business and leisure
purposes as well as government spending on Tourism services directly linked to visitors. Such
services may include cultural (eg. museums) or recreational (eg. national parks). The direct
contribution may include tourism-characteristic sectors such as hotels, transportations, airports,
accommodation and recreation services that deal directly with the tourists.

The direct contribution of Travel & Tourism to GDP was NPR83.7bn (4.3% of total GDP) in
2014, and is forecast to rise by 5.4% in 2015, and to rise by 4.4% pa, from 2015-2025, to
NPR135.7bn (4.8% of total GDP) in 2025. (World Travel & Tourism Council, 2015)

Figure 3: Contribution in Whole

Figure 2: Contribution in NPRbn

Total Contribution
The total contribution includes the direct contribution as well as additional and implying
contribution to GDP. The economic transactions triggered by tourism such as food services in
hotels, construction of hotel, purchase of airplanes and buses etc are included in this section.

The total contribution of Travel & Tourism to GDP was NPR171.6bn (8.9% of GDP) in 2014,
and is forecast to rise by 5.8% in 2015, and to rise by 4.5% pa to NPR281.5bn (10.0% of GDP)
in 2025. (World Travel & Tourism Council, 2015)

Figure 4: Total contribution in NPRbn Figure 5: Total contribution in whole economy

Contribution in Employment
Many people rely on tourism for their employment in Nepal. The residents of Himalayan region
or the Sherpas are naturally the guides and luggage carriers in mountain climbing. The rest
are facilitated by accommodation jobs and transportation. Still much of the destinations in
Himalayan region are yet to be discovered to outside, road and other infrastructure
constructions to those areas also provide employment to many people. People in urban areas
however are involved in travel agencies, airlines and other services.

Travel & Tourism generated 487,500 jobs directly in 2014 (3.5% of total employment) and this
is forecast to grow by 4.0% in 2015 to 506,500 (3.5% of total employment). This includes
employment by hotels, travel agents, airlines and other passenger transportation services
(excluding commuter services). It also includes, for example, the activities of the restaurant
and leisure industries directly supported by tourists. By 2025, Travel & Tourism will account
for 681,000 jobs directly, an increase of 3.0% pa over the next ten years.

Figure 6: Jobs created by Tourism '000 Figure 7: Jobs created by Tourism in

whole economy

Contribution in Investment
Nepal is still one of the developing countries. Though it is a beautiful country to visit, traveller
usually prefer to choose not to visit here just because of lack of infrastructure to destination
places. The roads are risky and bumpy, aviation problem are still a problem because of
geography, and water transport are not possible because of its high speed flow and steepness.
So there are still a much investment needed to develop tourism in Nepal. However at this date,
Nepal is slowly gaining foreign interest to invest on infrastructure development, which can
develop the whole economy of the country.

Travel & Tourism is expected to have attracted capital investment of NPR15.7bn in 2014. This
is expected to rise by 12.0% in 2015, and rise by 5.2% pa over the next ten years to NPR29.2bn
in 2025. Travel & Tourisms share of total national investment will rise from 3.9% in 2015 to
4.6% in 2025. (World Travel & Tourism Council, 2015)

Figure 8: Investment in Tourism NPRbn Figure 9: Investment in Whole Economy

Problems in swift development of Tourism in Nepal
Although there are a number of possibilities in development of tourism industry in Nepal. There
are many obstacles in the way of development of tourism in Nepal. Some of them are as

1. Political status of country: the unstable government and political environment is one of the
main reason of slow development of almost every aspect of development in country. The
different government gives different plans and strategies which ultimately have no effect
when new government rises.
2. Recognition: Many people in the world havent even heard of Nepal. Since Nepal is a low-
profile country with almost no impact on world society, people dont hear and eventually
look about the country. Hence the public recognition should be done advertisements and
other manners.
3. Low Infrastructure: there are still the lack of infrastructure in the travel destinations in the
country. Many beautiful destinations like Rara lake, Tilicho lake, Dolpa have almost no
infrastructure and hence hidden from the world. The road, accommodation and services
should be developed in terms of infrastructure.
4. No Effective vision: The lack of effective vision in leaders seem to be a problem since long
time. No proper plans for the development of tourism can be seem recently. All the
occurring are inherited from the earlier development.
5. Manpower: not much skilled manpower can be found in tourism sector. The academic
course on tourism is based on theory only that the graduates have to get another training to
get actual knowledge on tourism. The education system is to be blamed for this.
6. No actual work done: The tourism industry is not getting priority in the investment as
associated investors are not involved in actual investment rather than being involved more
on the promotional activities. The development of infrastructures arent getting much of
the attention.
7. No effective conservation: Not able to effectively run the task of conserving natural and
artificial heritages in the lack of sufficient resources, statistics and communication.
(Gaire, 2011)

Recommendation/ Solution
The measures to take on solving the problems seen in tourism industry are as follows:

1. Aviation services should be improved in both domestic and international flights.

2. Road transport should be made easy and available at any given time.
3. The proper ensure of security of tourist seem to be a major concern for international
4. Accommodation facility should be given priority in remote places as well rather than
centralizing in urban areas.
5. Recognition of the country should be done through advertisement and international
6. Ensure the tourist about security and safe tour in Nepal after revering from the
7. The conservation and reestablishment of historic sites should be done. The proper
decision on damaged sites from earthquake should be made.
8. Mountaineering courses should be encouraged for proper and safe climbing of

Nepal is the tourism destination hub for the future since it has everything it needs to be except
for the infrastructure and publicity in the world. Tourism can be the boost Nepal needs to
develop its economy and present itself as one of the developed countries in the world. Tourism
is one of the fastest growing industries in the world which can benefit Nepal as well. Trade and
economy can be encouraged by tourism along with establishing friendly relationships with
other countries as well.

Hence the development of tourism maybe all Nepal needs to develop its economy can upgrade
the living standard of the people at the same time.

Journal of Experience
This project was provided by our faculty teacher Mr. Avijit Thapa. It was individual project
which deal with Tourism in Nepal.

Working on this project was one of the fine experiences I had since I got to learn a lot about
tourism and its scope in our country Nepal. It was nice feeling to get myself expressing some
ideas and recommend on the problem seen in the tourism in our country. This project help us
get many lessons on communication and collaborating with each other.

Finally, the project was one of another milestone to journey of becoming a professional.


Mahesh Prajapati (NP000038)

B. Sc.IT A
Gaire, Y., 2011. /2011/01/problems-and-challenges-seen-in-tourism.html. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 14 June 2017].

Government of Nepal, 2016. NEPAL TOURISM STATISTICS 2015, Kathmandu: s.n.

UNWTO, 2016. Why tourism? | World Tourism Organization UNWTO. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 29 May 2017].

World Travel & Tourism Council, 2015. Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2015 Nepal,
s.l.: s.n.
Marking Grid


1. Layout & Formatting 10
2. Language & Grammar 5
3. Introduction 10
4. Literature Review & Charts & Graphs 15 (10+5)
5. Discussion 10
6. References 10




1. Ability to Keep 10
Audience Interest;
Clarity of Voice &
Flow of Ideas
2. Specific Discussion of 10
3. Dress Code 5
4. Active in Presentation 5
Process (Q&A)
5. Journal of Experience 10

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