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AIR 1975- SC 1378

In this case the petitioner alleges that several false cases have been filed against him in
criminal courts by the police. According to him he was accuitted in all but two cases and on
this basis the police authorities have declared him an habitual criminal. The police makes
domiciliary visits to his place, secretively picketing his house and watching his movements.
According to the petitioner the actions of police are voilative of the fundamental right
guaranteed to him under Article 19 (1) (d) and 21 of the constitution.

To this, the court gave a judgement what is contained under article 21 is that no person shall
be deprived of his life or personal liberty exept by the procedure established by the law the
court gave a judgement to revise police regulations and the writ was thus dismissed.

AIR-1995-SC 264
B.P jeevan Reddy and Suhas c. Sen JJ.

AIR 1963- SC 1295

Khadak singh v. state of U.P and others.

The petitioner khadak singh was chalened in the case of dacoity and was released under sec
169 crpc. The petitioners files a suit against the police authorities regarding the survellence
he had been subjaected to. The police constables and chaukidar used to enter his house and
knock and shout at his door and thereby disturb his sleep. To this the court gave a judgement
that in accordance with the opinion of the majority the writ petition is partly allowed
andRegulation 236 (b) which authorises domiciliary visits is struck down as
unconstitutional. The petitioner was thus allowed to issue the writ of mandamus directing
the respondent not to continue domicialary visits.

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