Section B (15 Marks) B (I) Look at The Picture Below.: Sulit

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Section B
[15 marks]
B(i) Look at the picture below.

List out three things what do you want and what you do not need.
No Wants need
[ 3 marks]

B (ii) Jane has learnt to be money smart from her three friends. She writes a
letter to her cousin to advise him on how to use his money wisely.
Complete her letter.

Write your answer between 50 to 80 words.



[12 marks]

Section B
[15 marks]
B (i) Read the note from Brandons uncle. Complete the thank-you note with
the phrases provided.

15 May 2015

Dear Brandon,

You are now 12 years old. This watch is your birthday present from me. You have
always wanted to wear a watch, because you did not have one. I thought you would like
this watch, so I bought it. I hope you like your birthday present. Have a happy birthday.

Your uncle


17 May 2015

Dear uncle,

Thank you for the beautiful watch. I was surprised when I opened the birthday present.
I __________________________________________________________. I will
_______________________________________________ every day. I will
_________________________________________ of this beautiful watch. Thank you
again for the present. I love you, uncle John.

Your nephew

[3 marks]

B (ii) You received an electronic dictionary from your grandmother.

Write a thank-you note to your grandmother. Tell her how you
are going to use the gift.
Write your answer between 50 to 80 words.



[12 marks]

Section B
[15 marks]

List out three sentences to describe what Joshuas family members like to do
during their free time.

a) ____________________________________________________________

b) ____________________________________________________________

c) ____________________________________________________________

[ 3 marks ]

B(ii) Write an email to your cousin, Jason about something interesting that
happened today.
Write your answer between 50 to 80 words.

To ________________________________

Subject ____________________________

Dear ______________________________


Your cousin,

[12 marks]

Section B
[15 marks]

List out three persons who can help you when you face problems in
your study.

a) ____________________________________________________________

b) ____________________________________________________________

c) ____________________________________________________________

[ 3 marks ]

B(ii) Your friend, who is studying in a boarding school, is facing problems

with school work and needs help. Write an email to your friend.
Write your answer between 50 to 80 words.

To ________________________________

Subject ____________________________

Dear ______________________________


All the best,


[12 marks]

Section B
[15 marks]
B(i) Read the poem given below. Then answer the questions below.

I am thankful for pets.

I am thankful for school.
I am thankful when I
can swim in a pool.
I am thankful for home,
and the food that I eat.
I am thankful for
all the new friends that I meet.
I am thankful for health,
and for my family.
I am especially thankful
That I am just ME !

List out three things that the poet is thankful for.

(i) ________________________________________________________________

(ii) ________________________________________________________________

(iii) ________________________________________________________________

[ 3 marks ]

B(ii) Make five sentences using the expression I am thankful for.

to make a short poem.
Write your answer between 50 to 80 words.


[12 marks]

Section B
[15 marks]
B(i) Read the story below and answer the questions.

Anjang lived with his wife and his son in the forest of Kapit. He was a skilful hunter.

Although Anjang was a fierce hunter, he was also a kind-hearted and wise man.

One morning, he went fishing with his son Balwud. They had a good catch! They

caught two big fish and many small fish. Balwud was happy. Anjang placed the two big

fish in a basket. However, he released all the small fish back into the river. His son was

shocked and asked, Father, why did you do that? We wont have enough for our meal.

Anjang decided to teach his son about the ways of the forest. It was a good time

to talk to him about making sure their resources were not used unwisely. They had to

make sure that three would still be food for them in the future.

There are only three of us eating, Son. Two fish is enough

List out characters in the story.

i) __________________________________________________________
ii) __________________________________________________________
iii) __________________________________________________________

[ 3marks ]

B(ii) Based on the story, write about one moral value that can be found in the story.
Provide evidence from the story to support your response.
Write your answer between 50 to 80 words.


[12 marks]

Section B
[15 marks]
B(i) List out three positive Peer Pressure.

(i) ____________________________________________________________

(ii) ____________________________________________________________

(iii) ___________________________________________________________

[3 marks]

B(ii) Write an email to you pen-pal. Tell him you have joined the basketball club
recently. Tell him your feelings towards the club.
Write your answer between 50 to 80 words.

To :

Subject : My school basketball club

Dear Yoko,

Recently, I have joined the school basketball club. ______________________________


[12 marks]

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