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How food

shaped the

T he political ideas that pushed

Americans to rebel were not
necessarily unique. The English,
French and Germans all embraced
some version of the republican
thought that inspired American
revolutionary fervor. Americans,
however, were the only people to
make it a mainstream ideology and
use it to fight a revolution.

Why? Because, unlike any other nation

in the world at the time, more Americans
owned their land, worked it and produced
their own food on it. This idea might
seem simple to us today, but in 1776 it was
profoundly important in shaping the iden-
tity of what it meant to be American. It
was no coincidence that, during the Revo-
lutionary years, such food as home-brewed
beer, Indian corn pancakes, buckwheat
bread and patriotic cake became forms of
political expression. The kitchen became a
crucible of revolutionary ferment.

Americans quickly realized that one way

they could distinguish themselves from the
Mother Country, and Europe as a whole,
was by emphasizing the fact that they never
had to import their own food. This was
worth fighting over. This made republican
ideology look pretty appealing to thousands
The Town of Secota, ca. 1585. Native Americans of colonists.
in the Chesapeake Bay area developed a balanced,
seasonal and seminomadic method of providing
food. Although highly idealized, this engraving by American food
Theodor de Bry (based on a drawing by John White) There is a distinctly American way of
depicts the important role that providing food played
eating. Unlike other national cuisines, Amer-
in Native American cultures. Courtesy Library of
Congress, Rare Book & Special Collections Division
ican food has little to do with the ingredients
used and everything to do with the way we

66 hillviews spring/summer 08
American Revolution by James McWilliams

think about our food as a cultural expres- Conditions in the South were such that associations of eating this savage food
sion and the values with which we imbue whites frequently followed the culinary lead fit for swine, but also the fact that is was
our food. of blacks, counterintuitive as that seems. Native American women who produced the
This is an excellent example of Americans corn. The English saw this as an abandon-
American food defines itself through tolerance for new ways of eating. It was a ment of what every man was supposed to
specific qualities such as its tolerance, tolerance often borne of necessity trying practice, husbandry. And when Indian men
openness, willingness to experiment, to make a life in a new world but it was a dove into the woods to hunt for weeks on
diversity, pragmatism and lack of preten- tolerance nonetheless. end, the English settlers mistakenly saw
sion. We have historical explanations for this as an abandonment of responsibility, as
all of these qualities. Developments such hunting was considered a sport. Real men,
as the interaction between white settlers Native Americans as the English saw it, domesticated their
and Native Americans, slavery, the pres- Native Americans were perhaps even more protein source.
ence of a vast frontier in colonial America, critical in shaping notions of American
an unprecedented emphasis on regional food. On the frontier of a new world, white Despite these problems, however, the
cultures, and the adoption of a political colonists had no choice but to adopt corn
ideology with uniquely democratic poten- into their diets, as well as hunting game
tial all played important roles in shaping Americans quickly realized when domesticated meat ran low. Rarely
American food, and its a shape that still were whites pleased with these develop-
that one way they could
holds today. ments many wanted to preserve English
distinguish themselves from standards but again, the historical condi-
the Mother Country, and Europe tions dictated adjustment, and the colonists,
Slavery and food for better or worse, rose to the challenge
We know that slaves were integral to the as a whole, was by emphasizing with a sense of flexibility unprecedented in
southern economy, but they were critical to the fact that they never had to culinary history.
northern urban economies as well. New York import their own food.
City, for example, had a population that was
25 percent slave in 1775. West Africans did Regional/national cuisine
not forget their cultures or culinary habits America was and still is a nation of regional
when they were forcibly removed from their settlers quickly found themselves depen- cuisines. Its a key component of what makes
homeland. dent on Native Americans for everything, American food American. Its unusu-
especially food. ally diverse. The South, Chesapeake, Mid-
Conditions in America, moreover, were Atlantic and New England demonstrated
such that slaves often had an unusual oppor- Corn is the most obvious example of different eating habits, and still do today.
tunity to replicate their diet in the new natives shaping American eating habits.
world. Planters often calculated that it was Everyone was soon eating corn, whether These habits are not random or coin-
cheaper to allow slaves to cultivate their own they wanted to or not. This was a spectac- cidental. They have everything to do with
diet rather than provide it themselves. This ular thing to do, in a way, because by the concrete factors, such as the extent and
simple but critical decision to give slaves 17th century, the English considered Indian nature of slavery, the extent and nature of
a plot of land proved to have a dramatic corn a crop you fed to pigs. Thus, the adjust- Native American trade, the cultural ties that
impact on American food, which readily ment to eating Indian corn was a huge one, an immigrating population maintained with
incorporated yams, okra, black-eyed peas, and one that speaks powerfully to the adap- England, ethnic diversity, and the avail-
sweetbreads, a variety of peppers, guinea tive nature of American food. ability of land.
corn, and, perhaps most important, a way of
cooking that relied heavily on stewing food A major problem that whites had to over- In 1700 a traveler who went from Georgia
for long periods of time. come, however, was not only the cultural to Massachusetts would have been hard hillviews 67
Native Americans preparing a feast. Carolina
traders often found themselves in the position of
having to eat foods entirely foreign to their palates.
The nature of economic life in early Carolina,
however, required settlers to have a relatively open
mind about the food that they were willing to eat.
Courtesy Library of Congress, Rare Book & Special
Collections Division

pressed to identify an American cuisine. He spite of the many cookbooks they imported, thing thats more than part of a comfortable
would have seen pease porridge stew in New however, they failed to do so, having to settle lifestyle if were going to see how it shapes
England, scrapple in Pennsylvania, smoked for compromise after compromise, and our lives in fundamental ways we need to
ham in the Chesapeake, and okra fried in palm these compromises soon became standard- think about where it came from.
oil in Carolina. By 1800, however, regional ized. Tree stumps took the place of chairs,
differences while remaining quite powerful an array of serving dishes were replaced by Its amazing how intimately early Ameri-
had blended through the emergence of an a single mess of a stew, hands were used cans knew their food. With retail outlets few
active coastal trade. Regional foods intermin- in place of forks, napkins were replaced and far between before 1815, most Americans
gled and were incorporated into areas that by shirtsleeves. These conditions improved played a direct role in the production of their
previously did not know them. with time, of course, but the willingness to own food. They slaughtered meat, harvested
make changes due to the conditions in the grain, preserved fruit, maintained vegetable
This, in addition to the fact that colonists Colonies became a habit. gardens, and did whatever it took to keep
had, by 1750, made the kitchen a more prom- food available. While this intimacy dimin-
inent place in the house and stocked it with Food probably tasted quite good; it was ished over time, it was constantly revived
more advanced cooking equipment, helped almost always produced locally and almost as Americans moved west throughout the
universalize regional habits into a national always fresh. But the manner in which 19th century. Calls for slow food are not
one. But, in the end, like American politics, Americans ate took the ceremony out of nostalgic calls for a bygone ear, but rather a
food habits did both: They stayed local while eating to such an extent that Americans reasonable, historically justified response to
having a powerful national character. came to take pride in their simple, frugal a modern way of production that has spun
ways, especially after the American Revolu- beyond our control.
tion, when America wanted to define itself
Frontier influence as distinct from England, not just politically James McWilliams, assis-
The American frontier eating experience but culturally as well. tant professor of history,
was rough, very rough. Even wealthy elites, is spending the 2007-08
as much as they tried to outgrow the wild academic year as a fellow
and wooly associations of the frontier, found American food today in the Agrarian Studies
themselves eating food that had been hunted So much food writing today is overly celebra- Program at Yale Univer-
and foraged and stewed in a single pot. tory. Too often we focus on the end result sity. He is author of A
the delicious product without fully appre- Revolution in Eating:
Most settlers wanted to replicate the ciating the toil that went into its production. How the Quest for Food
established culinary habits of England. In If were going to understand food as some- Shaped America.

68 hillviews spring/summer 08

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