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Web Mining

Course: CSE3024
Smart Kitchen

Team Members:

Registration Number Name

15BCE0105 Nikhil Deshantri
15BCE0751 Mayank Aggarwal
15BCE0877 Mehta Karan Hemendra

Abstract: smart Kitchen is to improve the efficiency of the user nd help it
extends the usbility of the kitchen. The purpose is to ese the process of
cooking in the kitchen with help from technology. Using modules from IoT, this
project proposes Smrt Kitchen which cn serch for recipes , disply nd
guide you through the process in every step. The project is to make an efficient
technology which will search for certain recipes from the web using data and
web mining and fetch their instructions in order. It will not only show the
recipe nd steps on the screen but they will lso be nrrted out for help while
cooking. LEDs will lso guide to notify the user of the loction of the
ingredients. Using MQTT, we lso send messge to the user if prticulr
ingredient is insufficient for the recipe selected. ll these processes together
mke n intelligent kitchen which mkes the process of cooking seamless and

I. Introduction

The project is based on the application of microprocessors in real life situations.

A Smart Kitchen that hs multiple functions to ssist in the tsks involved in
We would employ Rspberry Pie Microprocessors long with other essentil
electricl nd communiction components to crry out the functions in our
Smrt Kitchen. The communiction between the user nd the devices would be
crried out using fully functionl iOS Mobile ppliction.
This Mobile pp would be ble to fetch over 4 hundred thousnd recipes nd
would be ccessible by text serch or even speech recognition for fster serch.
module would lso be used to nrrte the recipe to the user reducing the
tedious tsk of referring to the text form of the recipe during cooking.

long with nrrtion, the recipe would be displyed/projected on smrt

screen in the kitchen. web bsed pp would be mde to ccess the sme
informtion with ese.
For the convenience of the user, LEDs instlled in the kitchen will light up if the
ingredients re present in the recipe. This mkes the tsk simpler nd more
With the help of sensors, our Smrt Kitchen would be ble to detect ny
chnge in the quntity of the ingredients nd cn inform the user vi n instnt
messge on the mobile device in cse its getting over. It would lso suggest
wys in which the item cn be ordered online.
This project would therefore mke the kitchen much more orgnized nd
hence would reduce the time spent on mintining record of quntity of
items nd ordering them. The ese of cooking with the smrt screen nd recipe
reder is n dditionl dvntge. Using multiple processors, electricl
components, communiction modules, Mobiles pp, web pplictions nd
sensors, this project becomes an essential microprocessors project for every
Smart Home.

Objective nd gol of the project:

o ssociting this product with the new strtups on home


o Collborting this product with individuls who tech cooking

In this project we hve bsiclly demonstrting the ide of SMRT KITCHEN in

which we hve first mde the outer structure of the kitchen on crdbord box
in which initilly ingredients in 4 drwers on which ech of 4 LEDs re plced on
them. LEDs re connected in mnner to esily got to know which ingredient
must be used for the recipe.

Mobile pp is designed for the cook to esily got to know bout the recipes
just by speking the nme of the dish. The recipe of tht dish is shown in the
pp s well s on n online webpge which cn be plced s smrt bord in
kitchen to see the recipe while cooking.

The recipe is online stored in the server from which Rspberry pi fetch the dt
nd lit up the corresponding LEDs of ingredient tht re there in the recipe.

If the ingredient got finish in the kitchen messge is sent to the mobile of the
user so tht he cn keep trck of ll the items in kitchen. For this we hve used
MQTT concept.

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