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Sidney Johnson, Yosan Berham and Ananda Ratliff

Course / Block
Engineering, 3rd block

Project Title
3.1.7 Cable Winding Mechanism

Task / Member Responsible / Due Date

November 13: Create Team norms and create a website
November 14: Develope a contract and Brainstorm
November 15: Create a design decision matrix and sketches
November 16: Start building and programming the machine
November 17: Start building and programming the machine
November 20: Test machine and fix any bugs and problems
November 21: Update website/buffer day

Group Constitution
Every person in the group must complete the work that they are assigned, and complete it in its entirety.
Each group member gets the same amount of work and should turn it in on time.

Article I: Absence Policy

All members of the group are still expected to complete all work that was assigned, even when absent,
by the due date. They must send it in a way all group members are able to see it.

Article II: Work Policy

All work must be completed to the best of the person ability and they should put forth all their effort.

Article III: Leadership

There is a group leader, however they arent a dictator. All ideas have are valuable and should be taken
into consideration.

Article IV: Work Ethic

Each group member completes the same amount of work and turn it in on time. All group member must
work on a bit of the project every night for at least 20 minutes.
Article V: Member Dismissal
If one member isn't pulling their weight then the group will have a meeting deciding how to fix this
problem. If after the meeting the said person is still not pulling their weight they will be kicked out of the

Article VI: Signatures

By signing this contract, the following group members abide to the articles above. If any member fails
to abide by the articles of this contract, they may be removed from the group.
Signature: ____Sidney Johnson____
Signature: Yosan Berhane
Signature: Ananda Ratliff

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