New York: Name: Michelle Torres Group: 14008 Date: 14/11/217

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Name: Michelle Torres

Group: 14008

Date: 14/11/217

New York

New York is located in the northeastern United States approximately between

Washintong D.C. and Boston. Its location at the mouth of the Hudson River, and
empties into the Atlantic Ocean. It is the most populated city of the State of New
York, of the United States of America, and the second urban agglomeration of
the world. It is the center of the metropolitan area of New York.

The city is made up of five districts such as: Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island,
Manhattan and Queens. With more than 8.4 million New Yorkers in an urban area
of 830 square kilometers.
The city has many neighborhoods and buildings recognized by the world, such
as the Statue of Liberty, Wall Street that has been one of the main global centers
of finance since World War II.

The city also has many of the tallest buildings in the world such as the Empire
States and the twin towers which were demolished in the September 11, 2001.

Alredy New York City produces more CO2 emissions tan all of
Many people lived in New York because of immigration
Eight weeks later Hurricane Sandy struck the New Jersey shore
and New York City
the city of new york is visited by many tourists in search of fun
Engineers owned by John Augustus Roebling design the bridge in
New York City.

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