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Learner lists four different categories of diverse learners that will be found in

1. a science classroom and for each group indicates a difficulty they may face 8 6 4 0
due to their diversity

Learner lists and describes three educator/para-educator behaviors that

2. 3 2 1 0
promote inequality in science education between diverse learners.

Learner lists and describes five specific actions/behaviors an educator/para-

educator can do that will encourage students to achieve in science
3. 5 4 3 0
education. Learner also describes how the behavior/action promotes equality
related to gender, culture/language backgrounds, disability and/or giftedness.

4. Learner sites at least TWO sources used to complete this assessment.

Four different categories of diverse learners that will be found in a science classroom
would be students themselves internalize family stress and it damages their self-esteem and
therefore their ability to learn, students whose first language is not English or is a nonstandard
English dialect may have difficulty in understanding not only the words used but also the cultural
context of the material, Acceptable behavior differs among cultures: take the case of Native
American children who may never have been singled out for praise or censure and may have
been expected to be silent in the presence of powerful adults, these children may not be
comfortable responding to a teacher's individual attention and may consequently find learning in
school difficult and finally, females have been discouraged from pursuing careers in science and
mathematics because it is considered not as "feminine". In minority families, parents' negative or
outdated attitudes can suppress girls' ambitions for a career in technology. Most female students
lose their interest in mathematics and science because of social pressure and an earlier lack of
achievement in these areas.

Three educator/para-educator behaviors that promotes inequality in science education

between diverse learners would be first knowing every child because getting to know each
student as a unique and layered individual the more you can build trust and differentiate
instruction. The Second thing that can be done would be becoming a warm demander because it
helps to convince them of their own brilliance and help them to reach potential in a disciplined
and structured environment. The third and final thing that an educator/para-educator could do
would be to teach students that failure is just another form of data because when a child feels
shame about his or her learning gaps theyll hide behind quite compliance or bravado and acting
out. In an equitable classroom, there's no need to hide, because struggle and failure are
neutralized, normalized, and even celebrated.

Five specific actions/behaviors an educator/para-educator can do that will encourage

students to achieve in science education would first be giving students opportunities to think
and talk about biology Yet the structure of class time with students does not usually attend to
giving students time to think and talk about biology. As experts with thousands of hours of
thinking about biology, we as biologists no doubt think quite quickly about the topics we are
attempting to teach students. And we as instructors can be misled that all students have had
ample time to think by those few students in our courses who have more background in the
concepts under discussion and raise their hands to share almost immediately. However, those
students in our courses who are more biologically naive may need more time to think and
talk about the biological concepts under discussion. The second would be to encourage,
demand, and actively manage the participation of all students because if learning requires
that students construct ideas for themselves, then demanding the active participation of every
single student in a class is essential to learning. because being called upon to answer a
question or share an idea can be deeply uncomfortable to many students, and we as
instructors may not be doing enough to build students confidence to share. Thirdly would be
building an inclusive and fair classroom community for all students that can have relatively
subtle interventions and efforts in classrooms may be effective at blunting feelings of
exclusion and promoting student learning. The fourth would be monitoring behavior to
cultivate divergent biological thinking because it is important for instructors to cultivate
discussion of divergent ideas in classroom conversations about biology some of which may
not be supported by current scientific evidence as part of the process of moving students
toward thinking in more scientifically accurate ways. Finally Teaching all the students in
your biology classroom to promote student engagement and strive for classroom equity, it is
essential to constantly and iteratively attend to who exactly is in your classroom trying to
learn biology.


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